New Boy

By himynamesgracee

5.1K 69 7

The one thing that life has taught me, is to forgive and forget. Why stay mad at someone when you could both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 18

120 2 0
By himynamesgracee

“There’s one thing I haven’t told you about myself before…” What? I thought me and Conor had shared everything with each other. What was this one thing he hadn’t told me? It must be pretty big that he decided to keep it from me after all this time. “Conor…What is it?” He started to pace the floor and he was getting nervous. “Just tell me!” I was getting annoyed now, he had got me all worked up and worried and he could tell. “Okay, before I moved to Brighton, I lived in London. And the reason I turned on you just then was because… I have anger problems.” “Well that’s not that bad why didn’t you just tell m-…” Conor cut me off. “That’s not the full story. I haven’t always had anger problems but it started from a young age since…” he paused. “Since what Conor?” “Since my Uncle abused me as a child. He made me into the person I am. He made me do the stuff I have done.” “Wait, you’ve done other things like this?” I waved my wrist in front of him. “Yes…that’s why I moved to Brighton…I had to get away from my past.” I could tell Conor hated talking about this. I couldn’t believe what Conor had just told me; his uncle used to abuse him as a child. A sweet innocent child. “Oh Conor…” I went and hugged him and I had already forgiven him for what he did earlier, it’s not his fault he’s like this. “Why didn’t you tell anyone what your Uncle did?” He shrugged his shoulders. “He told me I deserved it, that I had been bad and ‘needed to be punished’,” “Conor, I am so sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” “But you said you were getting away from your past…What did you do in London?” I could tell by his face he didn’t want to tell me. “The past is the past, can we just leave it there where it belongs?” I nodded my head but a part of me is always going to want to know what Conor did in London and hopefully, I was going to find out.

The month I had left with Conor flew by; I spent as much time with him as possible knowing it could be a whole until I saw him again. My bruising on my wrist was gone along with the memories of that night, we both just wanted to forget about it so we did. Today was the day Conor was leaving to LA. Alone. “Conor I’m going to miss you so much.” We were at the airport and I was crying my eyes out, not knowing how long it would be until I saw him again. “I’m going to miss you too baby.” Conor looked like he was going to cry too but he managed not to. “I don’t want you to go.” I was at the airport with Alex and he was letting me and Conor have our goodbyes. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He gave me a smile but that didn’t change how much I was going to miss him. “Look, I’ve got to go now but I’ll see you soon,” he pulled me in and hugged me then gave me a long kiss, “I love you.” “I love you too,” and before I knew it, Conor turned his back on me and walked away. I cried even harder and Alex wrapped his arms around me. “Hey, don’t worry, I’m still here.” He gave me a wink and I couldn’t help but laugh. Now Conor was gone at least I could spend more time with my friends. Ever since I've been with Conor I feel I've forgotten about them in a way so maybe Conor leaving for a while would be a good thing..."Yeah Alex, what would I do without you," "To be honest with you (Y/N) I really don't know," he gave me another wink and then we decided it would be best to leave. "Do you want to come round mine for a bit?" I haven't spent much time with Alex recently so I decided to go. "Sure," he gave me a smile then drove me to his. "Hey there Ronald, you remember (Y/N) don't you!" Ronald wagged his tail excitedly at me and I stroked his little head. Alex led me to his room and we went in and sat on his bed.

"It feels like forever since me and you spent time together," Alex was right, it had. "Well we're spending time together now aren't we!" He smiled to himself. "Yeah, so what do you want to do?" I didn't actually know so I just shrugged my shoulders, "I guess we could just talk? What's going on between you and Amanda eh?" His face changed, it went sad, emotionless. "Well I thought everything was going well, we were seeing each other, secretly, we didn't want anyone to know as it wasn't really serious but then, I caught her cheating on me with some boy from another college."   "What! How could she do that to you Alex, you’re such a kind, funny, attractive boy! She's obviously stupid and blind-" I was cut off by Alex’s soft and gentle lips pressing on mine. I automatically pulled away. "Alex! What are you doing!" I can't believe what he just did. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that..." I got up off the bed, "To right you shouldn't have! Alex I'm with Conor, you know I love him, I almost had his fricken baby! That was NOT cool!" I walked out of the room and he ran after me. He grabbed my wrist and I screamed, "GET OFF OF ME!" He automatically backed away. "(Y/N)...I'm sorry..." I couldn't believe I just shouted at Alex that, I guess it was just because of what happened between me and Conor a month ago. "Alex I'm sorry, but I've got to go, I'll...text you later or something..." I opened his front door and walked to mine. What had Alex just done to our friendship...It was all ruined.

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