An Undiscovered World

Autorstwa TheNyanCatHero

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Alyx and Nyra have been best friends since kindergarten, now they're high school graduates. The two girls lik... Więcej

Chapter one: Sleepovers
Chapter two: Babydoll...
Chapter three: He Can Stay
Chapter five: Different Worlds and Emotions
Chapter six: Aliens and Deals
Chapter seven: Why so... Serious...?
Chapter eight: His Property
Chapter nine: The Prophecy
Chapter ten: Kiss the Girl...
Chapter eleven: Girls Day Out
Chapter twelve: Part of a Prophecy?
Chapter thirteen: A Lazy Day...
Chapter fourteen: Deadly Fates...
Chapter fifteen: The Passing...
Chapter sixteen: Laughing Stars
Chapter seventeen: Fear...
Chapter eighteen: Prophecy Revealed
Chapter nineteen: Torture...
Chapter twenty: Opening and Dunking it...
Chapter twenty-one: The Escape... Pt. 1
Chapter twenty-two: The Escape... Pt. 2
Chapter twenty-three: Aching...
Chapter twenty-four: Old Memories...
Chapter twenty-five: The Devistatonal Twist...
Chapter twenty-six: The Beginning

Chapter four: The Switch

411 18 1
Autorstwa TheNyanCatHero

Nyra's POV:

I put the car in park, gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles were white. How could she let that... That... Monster... Stay with her?! Placing a, fake, cheery smile on my face, I turned to face a bored looking Leon who sat in the back seat.

"Why didn't Alyx pick me up?" Leon looked over at me with a hurt expression playing across his peachy face.

Leon was the cutest seven year old I had ever seen in my life; taking after his sister with the jet black hair and green eyes. They were identical twins; age and gender was the only thing that separated them from being identical twins. The bond between the two siblings was unbreakable; despite the age difference, Alyx and Leon were extremely close.

"Sweetie, your sister has a... Friend... Over," I managed not to growl the lie out as I climbed out of the car.

"Oh, new people!" Leon laughed, climbing out of my car and dashing inside.

Shit! That thing could snap and kill them both! I slammed my car door shut, quickly rushing towards the door and swinging it open. My heart stopped as my brain registered what my eyes were seeing; Alyx and Jeff were sitting on the same couch, next to each other. They had a blue blanket over them, seeming to share it; their shoulders were brushing against each other as they watched the television. I watched with narrowed eyes as Jeff shifted his gaze over to a startled Leon.

"Hey there, kiddo," Alyx said weakly, her voice holding exhaustion, "How was the sleepover?"

"It was fun, we stayed up really late," Leon didn't take his green gaze off of Jeff, "Who are you?"

I walked over and sat on the opposite couch, putting Leon on my lap. How can she bare to sit next to him...? I snapped a glare at him as he smirked at me.

"That's... Jeffery..." I pointed to Jeff, rubbing the little boy's back, "He's going to be staying with you guys for a couple of days..."

"You can call me Jeff," The psychopath held out a hand towards Leon, "Who might you be?"

"I'm Leon," The little boy shook Jeff's hand, to my dismay, "What's wrong with your face...?"

"I had an accident when I was your age," Jeff replied, leaning back into the soft couch, "I played with a knife."

I could only glare at Jeff coldly, as Leon kept asking questions about his appearance. Alyx stayed quiet the entire time, taking slight interest in the conversation that her brother had sparked up with Jeff. It still bothered me to see how physically close the two were, I mean, did she not care who he was? Was she too tired to care? Or did his very existence just shock her into trying to act casual? I felt the questions circle my brain, until another one popped up; an important question. How did they even exist? Weren't they meant to be for entertainment only? I didn't know. It killed me not to know.

"Right, Nyra?" I blinked, coming back to reality and looking back at Alyx.

"What? Sorry, I wasn't... Listening..." I admitted slowly, scratching the back of my neck.

"Leon wants to know if you're watching the television," She replied tiredly.

"Nope, television is all yours," I grabbed the control from the armrest and handed it to the excited little boy.

"You'll love SpongeBob, Jeff," Leon giggled like any other seven year old would, "It's my favorite cartoon."

I mentally winced as Leon climbed off my lap and crawled over to Jeff, practically leaning on the mass murderer. How can they even exist...? I couldn't rid of that question that kept floating around in my brain. I watched from the corner of my eye as Jeff shifted uncomfortably; Leon was slowly falling asleep on his other shoulder.

"What's wrong, Jeff?" I sneered, glaring at him, "Don't like live kids?"

"Would you rather he be dead?" Jeff snapped with a low growl, careful not to wake Leon.

"Enough!" Alyx whisper yelled at the both of us, looking at Jeff weirdly, "If you're going to stay, you are not to harm my brother."

"Listen Babydoll..." Jeff smirked over at my best friend, "I don't tend to listen to orders... I tend to break rules..."

"That's the only rule that you will listen too," Alyx rolled her eyes with a hiss, "Or I'll simply just cut your balls off."

I couldn't help but snicker at her last comment. She was very protective over her little brother; her inner alarms must have been on extremely high alert with Jeff around her brother. Hell, I would be too.

"Oh-la-la!" Jeff purred, leaning in towards her, making me cautious, "You're already thinking of me in that way?!"

"In your dreams, psycho!" I replied for her, seeing her tense up.

"Mm..." Jeff backed off, licking his lips with a hungry glint in his eye, "I'll be sure to dream tonight then..."

I rolled my eyes, pulling my phone out and reading the text I had just received; it was my brother's number. Alright... I hate this, but I have to go home... I inwardly snarled as Jeff purred something else; it was too low for me to catch.

"Family wants me home..." I got to my feet, looking over at the trio on the opposite couch, "Do you want to come over at my house?"

"I'll be fine..." Alyx replied, glancing at a grinning Jeff, "I hope..."


Walking up the staircase to my porch, I opened the door, only to have a mouthwatering aroma to hit my nose; chicken soup. I tossed my laptop bag on the couch, before trotting to the kitchen. I don't understand how Alyx could be so calm around a sociopath, psychotic, mass murderer... I mentally listed off what Jeff was. On the stove was a boiling pot, luring me towards the wonderful smell of the soup; grabbing a spoon from a drawer, I uncovered the pot and dipped the spoon in the hot liquid.

"Nyra, will you ever stop eating?!" A deep male's voice caused me to stop in my tracks, "See? I did make the soup today."

I slowly turned around to face a man. He had brown hair that was slightly greying; his brown eyes glowed with pride and love. He seemed to be in his late thirties, wearing a striped black and yellow shirt; black pants to match, with white flip-flops. This was my father.

"D-Dad...?" I felt tears pricking at my eyes.

How the fuck is he here?! A couple of years ago, my father had been killed in a brutal car accident; he died at the scene, before ambulances or the police could arrive. It had been snowing that day; the roads were slick with black ice.

"What's wrong, Nyra?" Before I knew it, I was embraced by a tight hug from him, "Shh... I miss your mother too..."

What?! What's he talking about?! My mind screeched in fear. This man smelled exactly like how my father used to smell like; it was really him. I had to think fast; hugging him back tightly, I sniffled and looked up to him.

"I miss her a lot..." I pulled away, wiping my tears away, "The soup smells awesome."

"Well, I'd hope so," My father seemed glad to have the subject changed, "I've been slaving away, over this stove."

I laughed, hugging my dad once more before leaving him to continue cooking.

How the hell did they switch places...? What's going on...?

Jeff's POV:

I stared at the sleeping seven year old who, had somehow, ended up lying across my lap. The nerve of this little kid! I could kill him right now! Does he not give a damn?! I shoved my hands in my hoodie pocket, gripping my knife with a tight hold on its helm. Feeling my pupils slit, I continued to struggle to keep my knife hidden in its rightful place. I don't understand! Why don't I just kill them now?!

"What do you want for dinner?" I shifted my gaze over to Alyx, loosening the grip on my knife.

"I don't know..." I shrugged, returning my attention back to Leon, "Does this little boy always sleep on someone?"

"No," She shook her head, running her fingers through his short hair, "He's taken a liking to you..."

"Ha!" I laughed madly, slightly stirring Leon, "If you haven't noticed, Babydoll, I'm not one to be liked... I'm a coldblooded killer."

"Will you stop calling me that?" Alyx glared at me, "I'm not your, how you say, 'Babydoll'..."

I only smiled sweetly at her, tilting my head slightly. This girl amused me; she didn't scream horrible names at my face, she attempted to tell me what to do, and she expected me to follow some house rules. Maybe recovery isn't so bad, I thought with amusement filling my body, making me want to laugh psychotically.

"Awe... But it's true," I purred, "You are my Babydoll."

"I'm not your anything," She rolled her eyes, getting up from the couch; shakily.

I watched as she attempted to pick up the seven year old up, almost falling with the little boy. Damn it, Babydoll, let your man do it for you, I thought with amusement, snatching the boy from her arms.

"What are you-" I interrupted her, stumbling past her with Leon in my arms.

"Where's his room?" I questioned, shakily walking around the living room.

"Follow me," Alyx just shook her head with a sigh, leading me down a few hallways.

I followed her into a small, dark room; wincing slightly as she flicked the lights on. The room's walls were painted a calm blue color, holding posters of cartoons and other things that didn't capture my attention. Leon's bed was a fair sized one, holding black comforters and sheets; the bed was backed against the corner of the room. Nice hangout, kid, I watched as Alyx opened up the bed for him, waiting for me to place him down; which I did.

"Go to sleep..." I whispered, placing him down gently.

That was the first time I had said my, very popular, catchphrase without making a kill. Am I becoming sane again? No! I won't go back to that life! I won't be normal! I won't be weak! I've got the best reputation, I'm not about to lose it!

"You... Okay?" I snapped a glare at Alyx, causing her to flinch.

"What do you care?" I snarled, stumbling out of the room.

Retreating back to her living room, I practically fell onto the couch; feeling my legs give out on me. Who does she think she is?! My friend?! I don't have friends, I don't need friends! I don't need anyone! I was shaking brutally; aching for a kill. I needed to kill something, or I'd end up harming Vic and Leon. Who cares about them?! I certainly don't! I rolled onto my stomach, burying my face into the pillows

"Jeff!" A familiar voice barked happily, attacking the side of my face in slobbery licks.

"Shut the fuck up!" I exclaimed lowly, swatting the large Husky away, "There's a little boy who's trying to sleep..."

"Whoa... And you care... Why?" Smiles tilted his head at me, tongue lolling out.

"I don't. If I wake him up, he's going to make me watch that horrid show..." I shuddered at just the thought of the cheery and happy cartoon, "SpongeBob..."

I glared at Smile Dog as he just fell to the floor, rolling around and howling in laughter. Damn you! Damn your fucking name! I inwardly screeched at the dog, feeling one of my eyes twitch in annoyance. Snapping my gaze to an entering Alyx, I noticed that she held to bowls in her hands; stopping at the doorway as she registered the scene.

"Hey, Smile Dog," She smiled, and continued approaching with the steaming bowls.

"Hiya!" The large Husky wagged his tail and hopped onto the couch beside me, "You can call me Smiles, or Smiley."

I took one of the offered bowls, looking into the brown substance; Ramen Noodles. I recognized the smell and look, from situations where I had to make my own bowl; after rummaging through my victim's food pantry. Well, they're dead... It's not like they are going to need it... I thought with amusement.


"Go to sleep..." I patted Smile's head gently, seeing him out-cold beside me.

Glancing over at Alyx, I raise a brow in confusion; she was smiling at her laptop screen like a complete buffoon. Why is she so happy? I frowned, leaning over and looking at her computer; she seemed to be chatting with a boy her age, by the picture of it. Christopher Jackens. Who's he? Why's she talking to him?! I'm right here! I could be talking to her!

"Who's Christopher?" I spat the name out like it was poison in my mouth, glaring at his picture.

"My boyfriend..." She replied with a dreamy tone, "He just asked me out..."

I narrowed my eyes on Christopher's picture, that's not even romantic! You don't ask a girl out like that! Before the incident with my sanity, my father had the talk with me; basically, how to treat a girl. I'm better looking than him... I grumbled, pulling away from her. Why do I care?! I don't care! I don't need her attention! I don't need anyone's attention!

"I'm bored..." I growled, rolling onto to floor and just lying there.

"Jeff... The floor is dirty..." Alyx's voice dripped with amusement.

"I don't give a fucking damn..." I rolled onto my back, "What time is it?"

"One in the morning..." She replied, patting the spot beside her, "Come here, I want to show your Creepypasta to you."

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" I questioned, crawling back next to her, "Babydoll..."

I laughed madly as she shot me an annoyed glare, before returning back to her laptop. I watched as she typed away, hitting the 'Enter' button afterwards. I raised a brow, seeing the words 'No founded results' pop up; practically smelling the confusion roll off of Vic's form.

"Creepypasta doesn't..." She started, looking at me with wide green eyes, "Exist..."

I could only stare at her, seeing different emotions play across her face; shock, confusion, and fear. I didn't know what to say to calm her as she went into a silent state of shock.

Why should I care to calm her? I'm not her friend! I'll never be friends with anyone! I don't need friends! It's a sign of weakness! I'm not weak! I'll never be weak again! I'm a monster! I'm a freak! I'm alone...

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