I thought I was alone book 2

By low_quality_english

85 16 1

Alex, Margaret and her family search for the remaining survivors that were left after the war. Encountering o... More

Learning to control
The ship
The return
Top of the hill
Lost freind
A nightmare dream
A nightmare dream: part 2
Return home
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 1)
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 2)
Family members and an arival


3 1 0
By low_quality_english

Little bubbles tickle my unconscious, drowning body, the slimy hand releases me. Arms wrap around my waist pulling up to the surface, the moonlight underwater touches my skin warming me slightly. We burst out of the water and soar through the night air. I jolt awake spitting out the water that filled my lungs, I gasp for air. I look around quickly then I look up, my brother holds me in place so I don't fall. He looks down at me and gives me a smile, I regain my sense of touch. I start to shake from the cold air that touches my wet skin, he flys down to the camp and sets me down against a tree handing me a blanket. I wrap the blanket around me, I instantly feel warm.
"Margaret, are you ok, are you hurt" my father says coming to me.
"I'm fine, just a bit wet though" I say with a sniffle, Jeremy walks over handing him a steaming bowl.
"Here, eat this" he says handing the bowl to me.
"Thank you, what is it" I ask stirring with a spoon.
"Chili" he says sitting down next to me, I scoop up a spoonful and put it in my mouth, the chili warms me. My father gets up and walks over to a log and sits down.
"Hi Margaret" Felix says sitting down next to me.
"Hi" I say putting another spoonful of chili in my mouth.
"Wanna go for a swim" he says nudging me.
"No" I reply staring down into the bowl.
"Ah come on, take a joke" he says making me smile a little, a tingling feeling in my wings making me stop half from putting another spoonful in my mouth. The tingling feel then turns to a pain like pins and needle, I drop the bowl next to me.
"What is it" Felix asks concerned.
"Jeremy" I say quietly at first.
"What" Felix says, my wings are now filled with searing pain, I start shaking.
"Jeremy" I yell, my brother looks over at me, his eyes widen at the site of my shaking body. He runs over to me, I feel sick.
"What" he says helping me up.
"My-wings-hurt" I say as it suddenly gets hard for me to breath, he throws the blanket off me and helps me walk into the forest.
"Where are we going" I say groaning in pain, we reach a cliff over looking a skull shaped rock. He lets go of me then backs up.
"You need to shake out your wings" he says, I slowly open my wings and flap them as hard as I can shaking all the water out of my white wings. When I'm done I look up at the sky to notice it's a full moon, reach for the necklace that's around my neck but it's not there. My body turns to a wolf and I lose control and the last thing I heard before that was Jeremy saying no.

Flash back
Screams fill the air as troops storm into our humble little town, I sit at the kitchen table working on homework about the history of humans unable to hear the screams outside. I glance out the window then I look back the witches are flying towards our town, I run to the bottom of the stairs.
"Mom, dad, the witches are coming" I say scared, my mother runs down the stairs and looks out the back window, movement out of the corner of my catches my attention. I pull back the dark purple curtain in the front to see humans in military uniforms marching down the cobble stone streets, my mother notices me looking in horror out the front window.
"Go get your brother, quickly" she says, I run outside to the back yard and grab my brothers hand digging him inside, I point out the front window watching his face go from confused to terrified. He pulls me up the stairs to our room, suddenly I hear the front door blast open.
"FBI" a man yells attempting to scare us and it worked, my brother shuts the door slowly trying make it seem like no one was home. We sit side by side leaning against the back wall. He plays with my side braid as we wait for them to leave, I hear their footsteps as they walk up the stairs. The door opens hitting the wall inside the room, turn and put my face on my brothers shoulder.
"Get up" the man with the gun says keeping his gun pointed at us, Jeremy wraps his arms around me lifting me up as he gets up. We follow the man out the bedroom door, down the stairs and out the front door. I look up to see a little girl who must've been four on her knees staring up at the guard in front of her, tears stream down her face as the man threatens to pull the trigger. I scan the rest of the kneeling town to find my mother, I can't find her. The man throws us down making us kneel, I land in a puddle soaking my new white dress that I got for my 16th birthday.
"Tell me where your leader is or IT dies" the guard in the front spits at us, no body answers. He pulls the trigger sending the bullet through the girls head, she falls to her side, lifeless.
"Nooo, my baby" a mother yells, we gasp at the sight of the little girl. Two more guards walk down the row stopping at my side, they drag me by the arms to the front, I spot my mother trying to blink away her tears. They throw me down in front of the guard ripping my dress on the stone street, he nods to the guard next to him who then takes out a whip, my hands are tied in the front preventing me from attacking. The whip smacks my back making me scream, it hits me again and again scaring my back. My black glasses fall off my face cracking the lens, the whip hits my back one last time.
"Don't hit her" an old lady's voice says behind me.
"Like we would listen to you, witch, this town is modern but living medieval and we can't have that so we are making you extinct" the guard says, the lady puts her hand on my shoulder healing my back but leaves the scares left by the whip.
"Well, I thought humans and what do you call us, wingers,  were together" my brother says behind me but when I turn around around the witch stands behind a boy that looks 17, he wears green and tall brown boots. My brother had a big scare across his face from when he fell asleep in a bears den, but this one that sounded like my brother didn't.
"Who might you be, Robin Hood, are you hear to steal from the rich and give to the poor" the guard says rudely.
"Ha, that's funny, I'm Peter, Peter Pan, the one that is super nice and friendly, but not nice and friendly more like dark and evil" the boy says.
"Oh, oh, then why don't you go run off with your Wendy and fight Captain Hook" the guard says.
"I'm not that one, think of me as your worst nightmare in human form" Peter says.
"Not scary h-" the guard get cut off cause the with used her magic to throw him back, I look at the guard then I look back behind me and Peter is gone. My brother runs to me cutting the rope.
"Are you ok" he says as my parents run up behind me, I nod and stand up. We start fighting back against the guards with sticks and rocks or anything we can find. My mother grabs me by the shoulders and brings back around a house.
"Be brave, run, and don't look back" my mother says giving me a slight nudge to the forest, in the background behind her I see my father slide across the street with a streak of blood, then my brother. My mother runs to check them but then she gets hit, I run as fast as I can into the birch forest. I stumble upon a little cottage at the edge of the woods, I knock on the door. A young girl about my age answers the door, she smiles and let's me in.
"Hi I'm Lily, what's your name" she asks pulling up a chair for me.
"I'm Margaret, Lily was my mothers name" I say, a gunshot rings out followed by my brothers deep scream. I look down at my hands and take a deep breath in.
"Who screamed, did you know him" she asks.
"He was my brother, now that I have no family left, can I stay here for a while" I ask.
"Yes, of course and I'm so sorry for your loss, let's get you cleaned up first before I show you where you'll be staying" she says walking me over to a bathroom handing me a long black dress.

I sit up putting my hand on my forehead, feeling a cold sweat. I put my hand down and open my eyes, Izzy sits next to me with Felix. They are both staring at me, in the trying to scare you creepy way.
"Why are you staring at me" I say looking at them.
"Well, Peter said to keep a close eye on you after you collapsed, I didn't know you were a where wolf" Izzy says.
"Well, I am" I say getting up, I fall back from dizziness.
"Hey, how do feel, we will be leaving soon" my father says sitting down next to me.
"I feel fine" I say leaning back against the tree.
"Alrighty, I found the necklace to" Izzy says handing it back to me, I wonder how she knows this. My brother walks over handing my father a backpack with equipment, I get up and grab a crossbow.
"Can I take this with me" I ask Jeremy.
"Sure go ahead" he says giving me a nod, I smile. I put it on my back and walk over to my father who is talking to Izzy, I pick up the backpack that's on the ground next to her and sling it over my shoulder. My brother walks over holding out his hand.
"What" I say.
"As much much as I hate to admit it, it's time to go" he says, I grab his hand, Izzy grabs his arm, my father grabs his other hand. We soar out of Neverland and land on a large island, we let go and look around.
"Equipment is in the backpacks, this is as close as I can get you to our home town, or what was our home town" he says.
"Ok, and um, what ever happened to your scar?" I ask.
"I healed it, I wanted to make myself unrecognizable, alright, I need to go, good luck" he says flying off. I look back into the forest covers with spider webs and vines, the place that was once my home is all the way on the other side of the island.
"I'll lead, Izzy stay behind me, Margaret, stay behind her" my father says walking into the forest, Izzy looks back at me then follows him, I walk in after her.
"So, what was your hometown like?" Izzy asks.
"It was forgiving, you could almost get away with anything really, except for murder of course, everybody knew each other and the witches would occasionally come out of their little huts in the forest to sell things they had been working on, but after the war, if there were any survivors I'm pretty sure they didn't forgive the humans" my father says cutting through vines and webs.
"So, are you guys human but with wings or a different species" Izzy asks.
"Different species, you see, your kind called us wingers, but we are really called gildors, we had created an agreement that if we didn't bother them, they didn't bother us, but something must've triggered them to cause a war, they gave us some of their weapons and supplies and we did the same, but you know some people are just crazy enough to start a war" my father says.
"Oh, I read somewhere that after the war, the remaining survivors were hunted and captured, then killed" Izzy says.
"That may be true, or the writers put that in there so you don't have to worry" my father replies, she takes this information and thinks about it. We reach a small cabin that looks familiar to me, I run ahead and push open the door. It was the same house that lily lived in, the young girl who helped me after I ran from the war. My father and Izzy walk in, and set their stuff down on the dust covered table. I wave my hand over the skeleton only to reveal for a few seconds who it was, it was her, she had been shot. Except she was a human, I sit down in a chair and stare at the body.
"Who was it" Izzy asks.
"A young girl named lily, she had helped me when my mother told me to run" I say sadly, she nods in return.
"We should keep moving, get as far as we can" my father says picking up the supplies, she grabs the other backpack and heads outside with my father. Bend over the skeleton and pick up the bullet that killed her, I walk outside still looking at the bullet.
"What's that" my father asks.
"The bullet that killed her and there's this layer of something over it I don't know what it is" I say, I hand it to him. He looks at it, shrugs then puts it in his pocket. We walk back into the forest in the direction of the town, Izzy mumbles to herself about stepping in poop. I look up and through the small gaps between leaves I see the sun going down, I look forward again and almost run into Izzy. I look to the right and spot a smaller house made from tree roots forced into the shape of a house, the area around looks so familiar, I think that was the house where Alex and I met.
"Wait, I want to check this area out" I say walking over to it, my heart soars of happiness that it is the house where we met. I walk around to the front to see every thing is in tact, I push the door open to find my bed and small couch still sit in the house.
"We can stay here for the night, it's small but we can manage" my father says setting his stuff down.
"I stayed here for five years until I met Alex and crazy stuff happened forcing us to leave" I say sitting down on the bed.
"Apparently you were also on the same island as your parents for five years, why didn't you look for us" my father asks.
"Because I thought you were dead" I say.
"We weren't" he says.
"How was I supposed to know, I came back here because I thought I could get away from the hunters that were trying to kill me for 2,000 years, I didn't recognize this place because there was this big mountain sticking out of the middle of it" I say raising my voice.
"Don't use that tone of voice at me" he says raising his voice.
"That is a bad example, you can raise your voice at me but I can't raise my voice at you" I say crossing my arms, I must've stumped him because he looks at me trying to figure out what to say next but instead storms out of the tiny room. Izzy sits down next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"It must me awful having a life span of 30,000 years" she says.
"It's is, you lose a lot of families to, villains can find out about your past and use that information to torture your mind" I say.
"It sometimes scares me to think about how much you've been through" she says taking her hand off my shoulder, I nod. She walks out of the room, I lay down on the bed closing my eyes. I fall asleep instantly.

Hello, sorry if haven't been updating for a while. I really hope you enjoyed this long chapter and don't forget to comment or vote. I also couldn't think of a good way to end the chapter, so I made the chapter long. I hope you have enjoyed reading this book so far and keep check for the next chapter!!!!

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