All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 7

224 2 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 7: -

May fifth

Greg’s POV

Last night was torture. They pulled Elianna and me apart, which meant we were separated. I don’t know what’s going on with her or what they’re doing to her and it scared the crap out of me. I was still in the room next to her but there was no way I’d ever be able to help her. I don’t know if they’ve drugged her or what, seeing Elianna hurt, hurts me. We were drugged as well, so it makes everything just that little bit more awful. The drug they gave me put me to sleep after feeling all these effects at the one time. Like one minute I was high, the next I wanted to run a marathon and then I was tired and deflated. It was a weird kind of drug.

    I was wallowing in self-pity here. I was bored and alone. It was like being in a horror film, where you don’t know what’s gonna happen next or who to turn too. Well, in my case right now, I had no one to turn to. Elianna was gone and I was left alone. I don’t even know if Elianna’s still breathing or what. I know that’s quite sadistic to think about but it’s true, I haven’t heard one peep out of her today.

“Eli?” I asked through the wall adjacent to hers.

“Greg?” She croaked.

“You alright?”

“Nope, I’m sore and tired and out of it” She croaked back.

“I’m sorry. I truly am. When we get out of here, I think you should forget about me,” I said teary eyed. I meant every word I said though; I was putting her in too much danger somehow.

“I just can’t forget everything though. I can’t forget about the way I feel for you and how I feel in general. I understand that I’m a prissy bitch at times and that I put myself forward in a sarcastic tone but I need you Greg,” She said with her voice wavering.

“Elianna, dating me isn’t simple. Heck, I wish my life was simple”

“Greg, I don’t freaking care how complicated your life is. I freaking like-like you and there’s no freaking way to get rid of it. Declan, my ex, was just a convoy to make you freaking jealous”

“Wait a second…You tried to make me jealous?”

“YES! Gosh! Do I have to repeat myself?”

“I heard you crystal clear but I think you should just say it again,” I smugly said.

“Not a chance Gregory”

“Awe, so not fair Elianna”

“All’s fair in love and war”

“Now you’re just proving you really are smart, especially for a blonde”

“Pot calling the kettle black, Greg. You’re blonde too, ya dumbo”

“I obviously know I’m blonde but honey, blondes are meant to be dumb. Especially the girl ones”

“Now, that’s definitely stereotyping”

“You know me, babe. You still tied up Elianna?”

“Yep, the rope’s still digging into my wrists and I’m pretty sure my wrists are cut open”

“I’m sorry I opened my big fat mouth. I’m also sorry I didn’t help you. Elianna, you don’t feel any different do you? Like in the downstairs department?”

“Not that I know of. Greg, why you asking these questions?”

“I’m scared in case they’ve raped you Elianna. Look, this might be hard for you to hear since you’ll probably kill me when we get out of here but I heard of their plan and it’s not a pretty one”

“Greg, what do you mean it’s not a pretty one?”

“Elianna, they wanna kill me and then shelter you in a house they’ve just had built so you can mother their children that they want you to pop out”


“Elianna, calm down but yep, that’s exactly what their plan is”

“Those sadistic, egotistical, narcissistic, worthless human beings. I swear when I get my hands on them, they won’t freaking like living anymore” Elianna raged.

“What the heck was that all about? Seriously, where did that outburst come from and what the heck do those words mean?”

“Oh little Gregory, wouldn’t you love to know” She laughed.

“I would indeed but if you don’t wanna tell me, I understand”

“Sure ya do babe but you won’t ever know”

Elianna’s POV

When Greg told me of their plan, a switch inside of me just flipped. I just lost my cool and ended up shouting all these big words and just generally threatening them. Probably not a good decision on my behalf because, let’s face it; they can do much worse damage. I’m tied up and unable to move so obviously, they’d do more damage.

“Greg, will we ever get out of here?” I asked sporadically.

“I don’t know Elianna but if we do. I’m going out in a body bag while you leave pregnant probably”

“Ugh, this world is so messed up. I swear, like, who seriously kidnaps two people and plans to kill one?”

“Sick people, that’s who, Elianna, I can’t promise you anything but I’ll try and keep you safe for as long as I can”

“Greg, I don’t need the protection. You do. I’m not the one who’s threatened with murder”

“Elianna, I’m the guy, I’m meant to be protecting you”

“Greg, just shut up and let me protect you for once”

“Elianna, that’s virtually impossible since well, you’re tied. I’m not”

“I know, I know, I’m freaking useless”

“I never said that”

“You were implying it”

“I never said nor implied anything. Stop perceiving something which isn’t true”

“Wow, Greg West knows long words?”

“I’m not all thick you know”

“I never implied you were”

“Dang, using my own words against me now?”

“Very much so, Gregory”

“You’re something else Eli”

“And what does that mean because when I last checked, I was a girl. This means I was also human”

“I never meant it in that way! I meant that you…Argh! I hate you”

“No, you love me. Don’t worry, I hate you too, Mr”

“I don’t know if its love yet, babe but I sure do like you”

“Hmm, that’ll do for now. Greg, what happens if their plan succeeds?”

“I haven’t thought that far ahead Elianna, I’m just worried about the now rather than the latter end. I’m just trying to protect you while trying to save myself as well”

“Greg, protect yourself. I’ll be fine”

“Elianna, you’re smaller than them so it’s not easy. They can easily throw you over their shoulder and run away from you. I’m just trying to be the polite gentleman here”

“Greg, you’ll never be the polite gentleman. You’ll always be my sarcastic, egotistical, ignoramus”

“I’ve no idea what those words mean apart from sarcastic but it’s nice to know you love me Elianna”

“Not love, just like”

“Ever so gracious babe”

“You’re lucky I can’t hit you otherwise you’d be beat up for calling me pet names”

“So I can’t call my own girlfriend pet names?” When he used the word girlfriend, my heart melted. I don’t know what he’s done to me but he’s made me seem weak. Dang, that’s not how it’s meant to go. I’m meant to be strong and have my walls all around and locked but he’s managed to break through them .

“Sorry but nope. And who said I was your girlfriend?”

“Oops but will you Elianna Borthwick be my fantabulous, wonderful, sexy, beautiful girlfriend?”

Micky’s POV

I was still losing my mind. Katie and I were on our way to the police station to report the disappearance of Elianna and Greg. It’s been two days now so they were bound to take the case. Katie still hadn’t slept and it was beginning to get weird because she was becoming more zombie like and dependant on energy juice and coffee to get her through the day. Katie doesn’t even like coffee. Ella was remaining at home because she was complaining of tiredness and pain. It’s probably just false contractions because it’s too early for the baby to come. I just hope we can find them, because this is horrible. We need Greg and Elianna back, the quietness without them is horrid. Seeing that Greg’s bed hasn’t been slept in is horrid. Normally he contacts us but he hasn’t. It’s just scary.

“Hi, welcome to London’s police station, how may I help?” The receptionist said.

“Um, I’d like to report two missing people”

“How long have they been missing?”

“Two days”

“I’ll go get an officer to take an official statement,” She said before running off. Katie and I sat down on a chair because neither of us could comprehend that we even had to step foot in here. I think it was the initial shock of them actually being missing. It was so out of character and no one had seen them since that night. Elianna went out clubbing with her friends from college and who knows what happened with Greg.

“I’m looking for the people who’re reporting the two people missing?” A detective asked. Katie and I stood up and walked over to him.

“That’s us,” I said solemnly.

“Follow Me,” He then said before walking off. I looked at Katie and shrugged before following him.

    We were led to an interrogation room. It freaked me out because it felt like I was being arrested but I knew we weren’t. Katie seemed to be on the same boat as me but her face had gone paler than what it already was. Aside from worrying about my wife, my best friend and neighbour, I had to worry about Katie as well. It was as if she wasn’t eating either. She’s gonna end up making herself sick with worry.

“So what are the names of the two people gone missing?”

“Greg West and Elianna Borthwick” I answered.

“And when did they go missing?”

“Two days ago. Elianna went out with two friends from college and Greg; no one knows where he went”

“What were they wearing when they were last seen?”

“Greg had a white t-shirt on with a red checked shirt on top, blue jeans and white converse”

“Elianna had a blue sparkly top, black leggings and blue high heels,” Katie whispered. I knew she was feeling this as much as I was but she was in a worst state.

“Ok, and what age are they?”

“Elianna’s 18 and Greg’s 19. But their ages are due to change” I answered.

“Ok, do you have any idea where they’d be?”

“Unfortunately not. Elianna left at three in the afternoon to go out while Greg left about 4-ish. All we really know from their personal lives is the fact that they like each other. You know in a lover way. And Greg wouldn’t go home to Essex because he’s needed here and Elianna can’t travel to California because her parents have her passport” I rambled. I think my nerves and feelings were getting the better of me. I don’t even know.

“So why does Greg live in London if he’s from Essex? And Elianna?”

“Greg’s in the band District3, with me. Elianna moved to London when she was four with her parents”

“Does either of their parents know they’re missing?”

“Nope, haven’t got round to telling either of them. My own wife’s pregnant and I’ve got to look after her while trying to piece together what’s happening,” I said frustrated. Police officers ask the stupidest questions sometimes.

“Would there be any reason as to why someone would want either of them? Or both?”

“Not that I know of. It’s quite unusual for either of them to go missing, especially Elianna. She doesn’t know the area well and neither does Greg for that fact but the only places Elianna ever goes is to Tesco’s and college. For Greg, we always get picked up by a driver,” I said.

“Miss, do you know where Elianna went to last night?” The detective asked Katie.

“Nope, all I know is she went out with her friends from college. To where I’ve no idea” She said in a quiet voice.

“Thanks Miss. Do you all live in the same house or are you neighbours?”

“We’re neighbours. We - Greg, Dan and I - only moved in 2 and a half months ago, after moving down from Windsor. My wife and Dan’s girlfriend have just moved in with us while Katie and Elianna were already there when we moved there”

“You say you’re looking after your wife, what’s wrong with her?”

“She’s expecting our first - second - child and she’s far along, also she’s just beat cancer so she’s in panic mode of it all” I shrugged.

“Oh, I wish you well and we’ll do our best to find your friends. If we need any more information we’ll contact you”

“Thanks detective” I said as Katie and I stood up.

“Wait, there’s one more thing,” He said as we were almost out the door.

“What college does Elianna go to?”

“She goes to Maden College where she studies HNC Administration and IT,” I said.

“Thanks, I’ll be in contact,” The detective said. Well, at least it’s reported. All we can do is hope now.

Greg’s POV

I was still waiting on Elianna’s answer; it was as if she was torturing me with it. It was either that or they’ve gotten to her already and gagged her. I just hope they haven’t because I need that freaking answer. I know that’s so egotistical of me but I need that answer now. It’s as if my life depends on it.

“Eli?” I asked concerned.

“I’m still here, just” She said whimpering.

“What did they do?” I asked frantically.

“The…They…Did…it” She whimpered.

“Eli, what do you mean?” I probed further.

“They hurt me”

“Eli? Did they assualt you?” She made a small sound that sounded like she was trying to say yeah, “Elianna, when?”

“When you asked me. They…Gagged…me and then…did it,” She whimpered. Oh my god. This isn’t good. Oh dear lord, this isn’t good.

“Did they use protection?” I asked further.

“I don’t know. I don’t know. It burned, Greg. It freaking burned”

“They didn’t use it. Crap, um. Elianna, when was your last period? Sorry to intrude in the personal information but I need to know because I need to calculate something”

“Last week. Why do you need to know?”

“Sperm lasts up to three or four days in the uterus and ovulation can happen between ten to sixteen days before your periods due so I’m trying to calculate whether you’ll become pregnant or not”

“How do you know all this?”

“Sex education at school”


“If I can calculate correctly then you won’t be. However, I’m not entirely sure Elianna”

“Will I hurt because of this?”

“You will. Because it was your first time as well and because they assaulted you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you”

“You can’t be everywhere Greg. Also, you’re locked in the other room adjacent to mine so it’s impossible for you to protect me”

“I’m sorry for opening my gob in the first place”

“Gob? I might’ve lived in England for the last 14 years but what the fuck does gob mean?”

“Mouth. Sorry, excuse my slang”

“It’s alright but sometimes you have to learn to hold back instead of just jumping straight in there. You never know the consequences of your actions”

“I know that now,” I said saddened.

Elianna’s POV

When they assaulted me, they gagged me stupid so I wouldn’t scream. I couldn’t scream in the first place, I was too far out of it. I was stricken with fear and with astonishment. I wasn’t astonished at what they were doing; I was astonished at the fact that they thought this was normal. It’s not freaking normal. It’s far from it. It’s sick to say the least. They stole someone’s virginity and scared them into thinking that all rude activity was like that. It’s disgusting and vile. I wish I could turn back time and not have gone out but I can’t and it’s all done for now. I’m no longer a virgin and I know I won’t be able to look at a man’s area without thinking back on the unfaithfulness that happened.

“Greg, have you been fed?”

“Nope, I’m freaking starving and dehydrated. I actually feel like drinking my own pee,” Greg stated.

“Ditto, except, I can’t drink my own wee” I laughed.

“It feels like I’ve been in here a month and I’m pretty sure a month hasn’t gone by”

“I know what you mean. Although, if a month’s gone by then we’d be frail and decapitated by now”

“True that but answer my questions please,” He begged. I knew what question he was referring too but I was scared in all honesty. I was scared in case he just broke me down as if everyone else has done. I know I shouldn’t judge new relationships on old ones but it’s hard not to. It’s hard not judging everything on past experiences and you do have to overcome them and be yourself but it’s hard. I’ve tried so many times to overcome things but it’s just not been the same and it’s hard.

“Sorry, what was the question?” I asked slyly. I just wanted him to ask me it again. I just wanted to hear those words, words I’d never thought I’d hear coming out of Greg West’s mouth.

“Will you, Elianna Natalie Borthwick, be my wonderful, beautiful, stunning, sarcastic, fantabulous girlfriend?”

“Mm, I don’t know. Tell me why I should?” I teased.

“I’m lovable, we have amazing chemistry, we’re both blonde and we’d create amazing babies” I winced when he said babies because it brought the raping back. I knew I had to get over the memory but it was hard, since it’s just happened. I hope in time that I’ll get over it and finally be able to be happy.

“Hmm, still not convinced” I lied. I had my answer already and I knew what I was gonna say, I just didn’t know how to say it or when. I just also wanted him to work for it. I know we’re in the awful predicament but I just wanted him to work for my answer.

“Let’s see… I can take on fabulous holidays, we can be the amazing couple of the world, and we can be the flying elephants of the world. Gosh, I’ve ran outta things to say”

“Greg, don’t try too hard. I’m playing with you. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend…if we get out of here alive”

“Hopefully someone’s went and reported us missing otherwise, I think we’re stuck but hello to my lovely girlfriend” He chuckled.

“Let’s hope” I said, cutting the conversation short.

Unknown’s POV

I didn’t actually wanna do this job. I despised hurting people but I was dragged into this by my own dad. He was the one who wanted the girl but because the boy wouldn’t leave her alone, we had to drug and bring him too. I didn’t wanna be the one responsible for it but I knew my dad would blame me for it all. He’d told me of him meeting this beautiful girl, and I thought he meant that he had a girlfriend but then he went on and told me that she already had a boyfriend and his plan for her. He obviously then went round stalking her. Posing as the old, homeless man, he perceived to be. He literally stalked her day in and day out, it was seriously freaking when he always came back to me and told me all about her day. I have a wife and child of my own and I did want out of it because there’s no way I want to leave them in the lurch but now that I’m here, I feel the exhilaration of it and I enjoy. That makes me sound awkward and a pervert but locking people up, gives me the thrill. It gives me that enjoyment. Hearing them scream and plead makes me so much hungrier for more action and more thrills.

“Jackson, stop fantasizing over the girl and get your ass here,” My dad sternly said.

“No problem pops,” I responded. You knew not to mess with my dad otherwise, you’d end up in the clinker too, “So what’s up?” I asked as I edged closer.

“The house is finished so I think it’s time to move them,” He stated.

“Aren’t we meant to kill the boy first?”

“We will, after we’ve shifted them. After we’ve shifted them, you need to come back here and clean everything so no one knows that we were here because if that boy is as famous as he says he is, then people will be looking everywhere for him”

“And the girl too. If she’s been reported missing then the police will be looking everywhere”

“Just do as I say Jackson and we’ll be fine”

“Whatever dad” I sighed. This wasn’t a good partnership. We’re gonna get caught out. 

A/n: - 

So I posted this before but it got put up as rated R :( sad times so I took it down and took all the bad words out of it LOL - go me :L Anyway, I hope you enjoy :) 

Also there's 6.3k reads on TA now yay xD also thank you to the readers/followers who read my non-fanfic story goodbye and thank you for the 2 votes on it so far xD 

Anyway, I hope this doesn't come up as rated R this time or I'll scream lol 

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