polarize ~ tyler joseph fanfi...

By dystinct

237K 7K 5.2K

Olivia has been Josh's best friend since they were kids. They were always there for each other, even through... More

Prologue / One
Twenty One (Pilots)
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four


7.4K 246 210
By dystinct

"How's your day been?" Tyler asks, breaking the thick layer of silence. Without Josh it seemed impossible for me and Tyler to talk.
I recall all of my day, but I'd rather him not know of the painful events, so I shrug.

"Yours?" I ask, barely lifting my eyes.

"Good..." He replies, still watching me. I look up at him and furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" I ask him.

"What?" He questions back.

"You're looking at me weird..." I say, trailing off.

"Sorry..." He mutters. "Um, want to go bowling?"

"Wrist." I reply with a dry laugh. "Thought you'd know about that." I reply, raising an eyebrow.

He leans across the table in the hotel room, crossing his arms and lying his head on them.

"Swimming?" He asks, voice muffled.

"Wrist." I repeat, poking his right wrist.

I hear him mutter something along the lines of "avoiding this" then ask, "Want to go see a movie?"

"Has to be a comedy." I counter, once again raising my eyebrow.

He lifts his head, smiling. God, I love that toothy smile.

"Deal." He stands up, walking towards the restroom.

"I'll meet you outside." I tell him, standing and walking to the door.

This was going to be interesting.
Apparently what we thought was early to the movies was late, considering the line for tickets was incredibly long. I groan loudly as we step on the wet cement.

"I'll be surprised if we get in before the end of the movie."

Tyler laughs loudly at my stupid joke, causing the man in front of us to turn around. He looks at Tyler and me before smiling and turning around.  I giggle quietly, leaning up and whispering in his ear.

"I think he thought we're a couple."

As I part from him, I notice a growing redness in his cheeks. So cute! Oh god, did I really just think that?

Suddenly, a large force pushes me forward and I nearly fall on my face. Luckily, this time I didn't have to break my fall and Tyler caught me. I felt my cheeks warm up as his olive hands held tightly to my arms.  Once I was back on my feet, I turned around to the man who pushed me.

"I'm so sorry! I was texting my friend and wasn't paying attention." He said solemnly.
I smiled at him. He smiled back, and I just stared at his face for a minute. His features really complimented him, his jaw curving sharply and his eyes blue like the Caribbean.

"I'm Mason." He tells me. I feel a light blush spreading across my cheeks.

"I'm Olivia." I reply, holding out my hand. He grabs ahold of my hand and I nearly melt at the force of his strength.

I had forgotten Tyler was near up until he cleared his throat. "Can we move up?" He asks, gesturing to the line a few feet ahead of us.

"Oh, yeah." I say with a smile. I give a small wave to Mason as he walks into the mini burger shack we'd been standing in front of. Tyler rocks back and forth on his feet, suddenly quiet.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Hm? Oh, yeah." I nod my head at him, turning slightly but keeping my sight on him.
We slowly moved along with the line, silence thickening with each and every second.

"How are you holding up with the tour?" He questions, turning his head to look at me.

"Okay... other than the wrist incident it's been fun." I reply, smiling at him. I needed to keep the conversation going, I couldn't let it go down so awkward. "And you?"

He pulls his hand to his face, rubbing his forehead down to his cheek. "Fun and stressful. The shows are great, but I hate that when I meet fans I'm so put out I can't deliver what they deserve." He said in a gloomy tone.

"I see what you mean. You want to give them the best, but you're just a person." I say, lending a dry laugh. He grins, laughing along.

"Next!" The ticket lady calls. I prance over, placing two teens for Hotel Transylvania 2.
Tyler pinched the back of my arm a second, whispering a quiet chastise. The lady looked at me for a second, then at Tyler who stood slightly beside and behind me.

"You two on a date?"

My eyes widen for a second, taking in what she said. If I was going to play it off I was a teen, I'd have to say yes. Most teenagers only go to movies on dates, so I'd have to sell my lie and go for it.

I cover up my shock by a broad smile, turning my head slightly around and pinching my cheeks. I needed a little color to the apples of my cheek to really play my roll.

Once I turned back around, I giggled quietly, looking at the ground. "Y-yes."

"And you sure you're teens?" She inquires.

"Mhm." I say, bouncing on my heels. She raised an oddly shaped eyebrow, grinning unpleasantly.

"Let me see your ID's." From my knowledge of Tyler, I knew he'd go and pull out his driver's license. I crept my hand back, unnoticed by the lady, holding onto his wrist.

"Don't have them yet. I'm not a very good driver, and he- yeah, I dunno about him." I tell her, lending a small cackle.

I slap my hand over my mouth, acting like I was astonished that sound came from me. She handed back our tickets, change and receipt slowly, looking at us curiously.

"Enjoy your movie."

Once we were in the theater, Tyler gave me a dramatic grimace. "I am disgusted."

"Why? That I got us cheap tickets?" I consult.

"Olivia, I am 27! You are-" He stops, waiting for my answer.

"25." I mumble, a bit embarrassed by how old I'd gotten. You'd think I couldn't know Josh, taking into mind he is two years older than me, but I skipped a grade ahead and he just happened to be the oldest in his class. "Look, it worked and we didn't get in trouble so there's no biggie." I clarify.

"I still don't know how she bought it. Sure, you played a great role, but can't she just see it? Can she not see this facial hair?" He questions, scratching the stubble on his cheeks and chin.

"You have a baby face."

"How does that explain anything? What about the guns?" He asked, flexing his muscles. I nearly swoon at the sight of all the brawn he'd built up. People say it's brain or brawn, but Tyler defies that saying. I quickly gather my bizarre thoughts, chuckling at him.

"What about this?" I ask, using my hands to frame my face.

"It's perfect." He says quietly, beaming.

"What?" I consult, acting like I didn't hear what he said.

"Nothing. Move up." He tells me, pointing to the line that has once again moved ahead of us.

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