Unexpected fate [DISCONTINUED]

By moonmuuse

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{Dipper x Reader x Bill} Gravity Falls was a part of your childhood. You would visit the strange town every s... More

Chapter 1: Reunion
Chapter 2: Sleepover
Chapter 3: Deal or no deal?
Chapter 4: Mindscape?
Chapter 5: The journal
Chapter 8: One chance
Improtant A/N!
Chapter 9: Friends?
Chapter 10: Make up plus one chance

Chapter 6: Bill...?

547 14 16
By moonmuuse

"RISE AND SHINE!" Someone screamed in my ear, pulling off the blanket that was covering me. I shot open my eyes and quickly sat up, holding Dipper's book over my head, ready to attack any intruder. I relax as I recognize the person infront of me.

"Mabel...why?" I sigh and drop the journal in my lap and rub my eyes.

"Because yes! And because you need to get up 'cuz everyone is already about to leave." Mabel says.

"Leave? What time is it?" I ask with a yawn, stretching lightly.

"Only 2PM."

"2 pm?!" I exclaim, jumping right up and stumbling out of the tent. I trip and on my own legs and land face first in the grass. "Ouch.." I lift myself up and take in my surroundings.

Candy and Grenda were struggling to get their tent down. Currently Candy was wrapped around in the tent while Grenda was trying to untangle her.

"Candy! Stay still!"

"I cannot do that, dear Grenda. Or the tent will eat me alive! And I'll never get out!"

I stood up and my eyes wandered on Dipper who was packing stuff in his backpack. He glanced over at me and zipped up his backpack, slunging it on his sholder.

I picked up the journal and began walking towards him. "Thanks for letting me take a peek inside it!" I smiled, extending my right hand which held the journal towards him.

He took it and shoved it inside his jacket. "No problem! Did you find that creature in it?"

"Sadly, no.." I sigh and quickly turn around as I hear Mabel let out a cry for help. She got tangled inside the tent. How? I have no idea.

"Help! Help! The tent has gotten me!"

Me and Dipper chuckled as we both went to help out Mabel.

~~A long periodically time skip~~

~3rd persons P.O.V.~

It was 9 PM. After everyone said their good-byes, you went your seperate ways. You didn't do much through-out today, only went to the store to buy candles for tonight. No, not for a romantic dinner, but for summoning the dream demon himself. You were worried about this summoning thing. Never in your life you've done anything like this.

Your grandad was out of town, saying he needed to visit some old friend that lives outside Gravity Falls. You didn't question him and just carried on lazily spending the day.

Today, during your nap on the couch, Bill visited you. He didn't say much, just that he needed you to summon him when the sun has set. He also said to take a picture of whatever you wanted him to possess and cross out the eyes. You didn't get to ask him why, because he already was gone.

Now, you were up in your room, sitting by the window in deep thought. Something inside your gut was telling you to get out of Gravity Falls and never come back. But on the other side, you really wanted to stay here and have the best summer ever.

You pulled up your sweater's sleeve and inspected the words, repeating them in your mind. You see, last night you didn't have anythingto write on, so you used your hand.

'It's too late to regret anything, (Y/n)...' you kept repeating to yourself. With a loud sigh, you stood up. You grabbed a bag and put the 7 white candles you bought for the ritual in it. Then you grabbed a picture of your teddy bear and crossed its eyes out with a red sharpie. Putting the picture in the bag, you headed downstairs to the living room.

~~A short periodically time skip.~~

11:56 PM.

You were outside, in your back yard. It was dark enough to start the ritual and get over with it.

You set the candles in a circle and put the picture of the teddy bear in the middle of it. You lit the candles without hesitation. Once that was done, you sat down and pulled out a note from your pocket which had the spell on it. (Yes you re-writed it on a note).

"Okay, Cipher, let's see if this will work." I whispered and cleared my throat.

You began reading from the note. "Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!"

Suddenly, you got a huge headache. You grabbed your stomach, as it somewhat twisted painfully.

As the pain faded away, you put both of your hands up, your eyes glowing a shade of light blue."egassem sdrawkcaB! egassem sdrawkcaB! egassem sdrawkcaB!...." you kept repeating it seven times, each time you said it louder untill you basically screamed it out.

Everything slowly turned gray. Time slowed down, untill nothing was moving but you. You tilted your head upwards and watched as a colorful circle of light appeared. In the middle, you saw a triangle shape getting bigger each second. Eventually you covered your eyes, because the light was too bright.

When you felt the light fading away, you looked up to see a black triangle. Flames appeared on its edges, as well as one eye. Hearing the evil laughter, you immediately knew who it was.

"Oh, Gravity Falls! How I've missed this place!" The now yellow triangle looked around, then down at you. You couldn't help but stare at him with fear in your eyes. Even though you knew he wouldn't hurt you, you still felt uneasy around him.

"Ah, (Y/n)! I didn't think you had it in you to actually summon me! Hahaha! Of course I knew, that's why I possessed your mind." He floated down to my eye level.

"Y-You said you're gonna possess the stuffed animal..so do it, Cipher!" I stood up, taking a quick glance around the grey world, then shifting my gaze back at him.

"How about we create a vessel for me right now?" Bill asked. "Your grandfather is out of town, so we have plenty of time!"

"How did you-...nevermind." You sighed. "Alright. I haven't got all night so let's make this quick."

"As you wish~" Bill cooed and you rolled your eyes.

"How do we even start?" You asked.

~~Time skip~~

After following Bill's instructions, you managed to gather all the ingredients you needed to create a vessel for the demon. It wasn't easy, but you managed to do whatever.

The final touch was human blood. Sounds weird, but you should have guessed it. Since you were the closest human, Bill oh so nicely asked for a drop of your blood. After protesting about it, you finally gave in and cut your finger. You dropped one drop of blood into the mixture and it started to boil.

Yellow-ish smoke appeared as you mixed it all up.

"Alright, kid, now I need you to chant this spell and that's it!" Bill wrote down words onto a piece of paper and gave you it. You only nodded and sat down.

Bill created a star on the ground by snapping his fingers. He poured the mixture arount the star and floated in the middle of it.

"All set."

After clearing your throat, you said the spell out loud. You didn't understand the words, but it rhymed in some parts.

As you finished chanting the spell, the star started to glow a bright yellow. Suddenly a blue flame like wildfire spread around Bill, surrounding him in a closed circle of flames. He only laughed as he disappeared into the wall of flames.

A colorful burst of light shot into the sky. It wasn't long before the flame disappeared.

And you couldn't believe your eyes...

Before you stood a male with a fancy looking yellow suit with two tails at the end of it. His sleeves, shoes and pants were black. He even had black gloves, he was wearing an eye patch on his right eye, which didn't look bad at all, plus he had a black bow tie and a top hat on. His hair was styled sideways, one part of it was yellow, the other was black.

'Damn...' You bit your lip without you noticing.

Bill appeared to be leaning his front half on a cane while smirking.

You didn't speak, nor did he. It was awkward believe me. (omg that rhymed).

The world seemed to have color again and everything seemed normal. Bill straightened himself and stretched, examining his new vessel.

"Oooh, you did a good job, (Y/n)! Never thought I'd have such a nice vessel!" He floated a few inches off the ground.

"You still can fly?" You asked, standing up from your sitting position.

"I still have my powers, so duh." He made his cane disappear.

You shook your head and turned to head inside your house. "Well..uh..bye?" You waved.

"Wait, wait, wait.." He floated up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder from behind. A light shiver went down your spine as you got a light image of two girls playing in your house at (Home town) flash in your mind.

Bill seemed to pause and think. He hummed a quiet 'Hm..' and let go, glancing down at his hand then back at you.

"This is interesting...maybe you are the one.." He mumbled.

"W-What was that..?" You shook the image away, thinking it was nothing important. You didn't quite hear what Bill said.

He put on his best smile and chuckled. "Oh, nothing! I think we might have to spend a little time together some more~!"

He wrapped a hand around your shoulders in a side hug. You couldn't help but blush a little.

"What." You breathed out.


I am so sorry for not updating. I am a bad person, I know. Sorry.

I was just being lazy and school was a little witch.

I hope I'll get a new chapter up at every Monday.

Until next time, reader-chan!


.kcab srettel eerhT


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