We Might As Well Just Fuck

By Kaylor-Love

120K 4.3K 1.6K

"And I’m not trying to stop you, love. If we’re gonna do anything we might as well just fuck." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

9.2K 343 178
By Kaylor-Love

Taylor stared at the ceiling until she couldn't take it anymore, instead opting to look around the dark room; her eyes had adjusted to the darkness long ago. Soon her stare settled on the window to the side of the bed, the blinds were close, allowing only limited light to enter the room. She watched as the rare car passed by, its headlines momentarily illuminating the room as it did.

The girl besides her slept peacefully, half on top of Taylor. She had attempted falling asleep but failed miserably. She had felt comfortable at first but, now she couldn't ignore Karlie's presence no matter how hard she tried. She cursed herself for not getting up the second she was done. Taylor sighed, closing her eyes once more, though she knew it was all in vain.

Taylor wasn't sure how much time had passed, but at some point in the night Karlie started to move, ever so slightly, before shifting herself completely off of Taylor and onto the bed, still soundly asleep. Taylor waited a few seconds before getting up from the bed, being very careful when removing her arm from under the sleeping girl, not wanting to wake her. She wasted no time once free, and searched for her clothes, quickly getting dressed in the darkness. She glanced once more at Karlie's sleeping figure before exiting her bedroom. She looked so relaxed, Taylor almost wanted to laugh at how at odds Karlie's expression was to her own. She wondered if falling asleep with someone else was something she would ever be able to do again.


"Wakey, wakey!" Taylor groaned as she tried to sink herself deeper into the warmth of her bed, "Come on Taylor, we have a barbeque, and you said you would get the meat."

Taylor groaned again, her eyes still closed, "What time is it?"

"Ten, and the party is at two, so get on it, mate." Taylor listened as Ed's footsteps sounded further and further away, until the door was closed once more. It would be very easy to go back to sleep now that Ed was gone. The idea was too tempting not to take.

Taylor almost fell back into unconsciousness, when she heard her door open again.

"I have a bucked full of water and I have every intension of dumping it on you, if you don't get up right now, mate."

Taylor groaned loudly, finally untangling herself from her blanket, "You're a real pain in the ass, you know?"

"Oh, you love me and you know it," Ed said with a winning smile, "I'm gonna go get the drinks now, I'll see you in few."

Taylor sighed, watching her friend go, bucket in hand. After a minute, she got up in defeat.


The ginger browsed aisle after aisle of the liquor store, unsure of what to get. Would people even want to drink that early in the day? Beer seemed like the safe option, but he knew a few of the people invited didn't like beer. And what if they stayed later than planned, and they wanted to do shots.

Suddenly a voice interrupted his thoughts, "Need help looking for something?"

"Karlie," Ed exclaimed surprised, "You work here?"

"No but I visit often enough," the brunet said with a shrug.

Ed nodded, "Well maybe I can use your bartender-y advice. We're having a get together today, it's pretty early in the day so I don't know what I should get."

Karlie wasted no time dragging Ed around the store, pointing out different bottles as she went. He grabbed all her recommendations.

"You're a lifesaver," Ed commented as they stood in line, waiting for their turn. "You should come to the party."

Karlie contemplated Ed's offer for a minute. She knew Taylor would most likely be at this party. She wasn't sure where they stood, but given the blonde had left without as much as a goodbye, she guessed it wasn't at a very good place. She wished she could say she regretted last night, that she felt bad for cheating on her boyfriend of many years, but she didn't. They hadn't seen each other since Karlie moved to LA, at first she missed him but as the weeks passed, and their phone calls involved fighting more than anything else, she started to feel grateful for the distance between them. Recently she began to wonder if she ever truly loved him; It had all made it easier for her to sleep with Taylor with little remorse, and right now, her only concern was making things right with the blonde, the sooner the better.

"At what time should I be there?"



At the sound of her name, Taylor's eyes shot open. "Jaime, how are you?" She said weakly as she stood up to hug her friend. Taylor had been on the verge of sleep when Jaime approached her. She had been running around cleaning their apartment and helping set up chairs and tables in their building's rooftop and it was starting to hit her.

"Good. We haven't seen you in a while, your godson misses you," Jaime said as the two took a seat together.

Taylor smiled at the mention of the small boy. "How's my favorite godson, anyways?"

"You'd know if you visited," Jaime said with a raised eyebrow.

"Why didn't you bring him today?"

"I love them, but Kyle isn't working today and I'm taking full advantage of that," she said with a laugh.

"Fair enough. It's probably for the best anyways, Gigi is coming and you know how she gets after a few drinks." Both girls laughed, well aware of their friend's antics.

"So what's been going on with you, Tay? Still picking up college girls?" Jaime wondered with a knowing smile.

"They're not always college girls," Jaime simply rolled her eyes, she was about to say something else when someone else called Taylors' name.

Taylor automatically turned her attention at the mention of her name, and was surprised to see Karlie. She was approaching her, an easy smile decorating her features.

"Karlie," Taylor said once the younger girl was in front of her, unsure of what to do, "I didn't know you were coming."

"I ran into Ed earlier today and he invited me," Karlie said with a shrug, though she seemed to have become slightly nervous.

Jaime cleared her throat, catching Taylor's attention. "Oh, right. Jaime this is Karlie, and vice versa."

"It's nice to meet you," Jaime said, extending a hand for Karlie to take. She turned her attention to Taylor "I'm gonna go find Ed, I'll see you guys around."

As soon as Jaime left, Karlie took her seat in front of Taylor. "I didn't catch you this morning," Karlie noted, her eyes glued to the table in front of them.

Taylor grimaced internally, she had been hoping to avoid this conversation. She wasn't good at these kind of talks. "Had a party to plan," Taylor said jokingly. She knew it was a lie, but she didn't want to hurt Karlie's feelings.

Karlie lifted her eyes and smiled at the older girl, "I don't want things to get weird between us because of last night," she said honestly. "I'd hate to lose my only friend in this town."

"You won't," Taylor said reassuringly. She herself had come to considered Karlie as a friend and in her mind, last night was just sex. She was sure their friendship would survive.

It was past five when the group decided to take their party inside, after everyone had eaten and had consumed a fair amount of alcohol. They had settled in Taylor and Ed's living room talking, when Gigi, who was drunker than the rest, got up excitedly.

"We should play seven minutes in heaven!" She said, losing her balance as she tried to jump.

Taylor's laugh was accompanied by many of the people present.

"What are we, sixteen?" Selena, one of Taylor's oldest friends, said with an eye roll.

"And even if we were, it's too early for that," Nathan noted.

"Oh come on! Please?" Gigi said, losing her balance once more, causing her to fall on Taylor's lap. She turned towards Taylor and grabbed her face, shaking her slightly, "Please, please, please?!"

"Ugh, fine, just get off of me," Taylor said as she tried pushing Gigi away.

"I'm married with children, so I get to not play," Jaime reasoned happily. "I'll just keep time."

All the remaining nine of them begrudgingly got in a loose circle.

"How do you even play this game?" Ed wondered.

"You, you umm, you spin this bottle and then you go in like a closet or something with, um, the person that it lands on," Gigi said, with some difficulty.

"How fun," Taylor said dryly. "We don't have that many closets you know."

"We'll do two at a time," Gigi said as if it was obvious. "Your closet down the hall, and that other room with the machines."

"The laundry room?" Ed asked amused.

"Yes, that! Come on, I'll start."

After landing on Joe, Gigi handed the bottle to Karlie before grabbing him and leading him to the laundry room, a few 'woes' were yelled as they went despite their previous complaints.

Taylor smiled when Selena spun the bottle and it landed on Ed, his cheeks taking a color similar to his hair. Something about seeing her friend uncomfortable, pleased Taylor greatly.

The game took a momentary halt as they waited for the two couples to come back. After seven minutes, Jaime went and knocked on each door, respectively.

"You're up, Kloss," Ed said as he sat back down, his hair messier than before.

"Oh, boy," Karlie said nervously before taking the bottle. Taylor watched as she spun the bottle, feeling more uneasy with each spin. The idea of putting Karlie in the closet with someone else bothered her for some reason she couldn't explain.

Taylor watched as the bottled slowed down, until finally it came to a stop. Taylor let out a breath she didn't know she was holding; it landed on her. She looked up and saw Karlie looking back at her with a sheepish smile.

"Off you go, you two," Gigi said drunkenly. As soon as the two were on their feet, the cheering started from the rest of the room. Taylor noticed, Karlie blushed before she put her head down quickly making her way down the hall. Taylor followed a few feet behind. Karlie entered the closet, which was mostly empty aside from a few coats that were rarely used. Taylor closed the door as soon as she was inside, the only light in the small room came from under the door.

Taylor was taken aback when she felt Karlie's lips on her cheek before they made their way to her lips, their original destination. Taylor welcomed the kiss, allowing her hands to get lost in Karlie's hair. After a few seconds, Karlie pushed her back. Once she had Taylor securely against the closet's door she broke the kiss, slowly moving her lips to her ear.

"I've been meaning to return the favor," Karlie whispered as she hooked her fingers in Taylor's jeans, pulling at them slightly. Taylor only nodded in response, afraid her voice would give away how turned on she was.

Karlie wasted no time kneeling down in front of Taylor, lifting her shirt slightly before kissing her flat stomach. "Just let me know if I'm doing it right," she said with a small voice. Taylor ran her hand through Karlie's hair in reassurance.

Karlie undid Taylor's jeans before swiftly, pulling them down to her ankles along with her panties. She only had a few minutes after all, no time to waste. Taylor threw her head back against the wall in bliss as she felt Karlie's tongue against her skin. She bit her lower lip to suppress a moan, not wanting anyone to hear them. As her legs started to feel weak under her she leaned forward, placing a hand on each of Karlie's shoulders for support.

Taylor started panting as she felt herself get closer to release, "Karlie." As if taking the hint, Karlie brought her hands to Taylor's butt, pulling her closer before increasing her pace. After that, it didn't take long for Taylor to come undone, pleasure cursing through her body before it completely relaxed.

Karlie lifted Taylor's jeans back up, putting them back in place, before standing up. As soon as she did, Taylor spun her, pushing her against the wall. Kalie let out a surprised gasp, Taylor's lips were exploring her neck, and one of her hands slipped into Karlie's back pocket while the other slipped under her shirt. Taylor was about to take her shirt off, when someone knocked softly on the door.

Karlie let out a frustrated sigh as Taylor separated them and reached for the knob, thinking their time to do anything else was up. Taylor, however, had no intent of ending their fun just yet.

"Come on, my room is just down the hall."


Taylor lightly placed a blanket over Karlie's naked body, her breathing was slow and even, her eyelids close. Exhausted, she had fallen asleep soon after Taylor had finished her off. Karlie laying on her bed was an interesting sight for Taylor to witness, she had never brought a girl over to her place, she couldn't quite figure out how to kick them out nicely. Taylor shook her head to herself before leaving the room, softly closing the door.

Everyone was still in the living room when Taylor came out. They seemed to have since stopped playing and were now doing shots.

"That was more than seven minutes, you know?" Selena pointed out, laughing loud as the alcohol took over.

Taylor simply rolled her eyes, "I'll take a shot."

"Where's Karlie?" Ed asked with a mischievous smile as he handed Taylor a shot.

Taylor simply ignored him, throwing her drink back. She barely felt it as it went down her throat.

"If she starts spitting in our drinks I'm blaming you."


Once she woke up, it took Karlie a second to remember where she was. Much like this morning, the blonde was nowhere to be found. She quickly got out of bed and looked for her phone among the pile of clothes. She needed to get to leave soon or she would be late to work. She wasted no time in calling a Taxi, hurriedly getting dressed as she did.

When she was ready to go, she took a moment to look around Taylor's room. She hadn't really paid much attention to it when she first came in, but now that she looked at it, she realized how Taylor it was. The bed was against a wall, a projector hanging above it, a white screen hung from the opposite wall. On either side of the bed were piles upon piles of CDs, vinyls, and books, a few beanbags next to a guitar, and a keyboard leaning against the wall. Going all around the room was a string of white Christmas lights, giving the entire place a very cozy feeling. It was simple, yet perfect. She couldn't help but smile.

She left the room in search for the blonde, she didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.

"Where's Taylor?" Ed turned and gave Karlie a knowing smile.

"She went to the roof."

"Okay, I think I'm gonna get going now, but thanks for inviting me," Karlie said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No problem, I'm glad you could make it."

Karlie quickly waved everyone else goodbye, all too drunk to notice, before exiting the apartment and making her way to the roof.

Taylor was there, leaning against the railing, a cigarette in her hand.

"Hey you," Karlie said with an easy smile as she approached Taylor.

"Hi," the blonde smiled back.

"I just wanted to say goodbye, I have to go to work," she said slightly awkwardly.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you around I guess."

Hoping it wouldn't make things more awkward than they already were, Karlie leaned forward, and hugged Taylor. At first she was unresponsive, but eventually she returned the hug. Karlie gave Taylor a chaste kiss before pulling away. 

A/N: I didn't proof read, oops. Sorry it took so long,  it's slightly longer than my last chapter, I hope that makes up for it. There's a few parts I don't like, but tell me what you think? 

As always, thanks for any feedback, it is very much appreciated. Xx. 

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