An Undiscovered World

By TheNyanCatHero

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Alyx and Nyra have been best friends since kindergarten, now they're high school graduates. The two girls lik... More

Chapter one: Sleepovers
Chapter three: He Can Stay
Chapter four: The Switch
Chapter five: Different Worlds and Emotions
Chapter six: Aliens and Deals
Chapter seven: Why so... Serious...?
Chapter eight: His Property
Chapter nine: The Prophecy
Chapter ten: Kiss the Girl...
Chapter eleven: Girls Day Out
Chapter twelve: Part of a Prophecy?
Chapter thirteen: A Lazy Day...
Chapter fourteen: Deadly Fates...
Chapter fifteen: The Passing...
Chapter sixteen: Laughing Stars
Chapter seventeen: Fear...
Chapter eighteen: Prophecy Revealed
Chapter nineteen: Torture...
Chapter twenty: Opening and Dunking it...
Chapter twenty-one: The Escape... Pt. 1
Chapter twenty-two: The Escape... Pt. 2
Chapter twenty-three: Aching...
Chapter twenty-four: Old Memories...
Chapter twenty-five: The Devistatonal Twist...
Chapter twenty-six: The Beginning

Chapter two: Babydoll...

458 20 12
By TheNyanCatHero

Nyra's POV:

I took the last bite of my pizza, chewing it slowly; enjoying the cheesy treat. Alyx placed her plate down, rubbing her stomach with a satisfied moan. Rolling my eyes, I placed my plate beside hers; we both watched the movie's credit scroll down the television.

"What do we do now?" I questioned lazily, feeling my eyelids grow heavy.

"We go to bed, I guess," Alyx yawned, picking up the two empty plates and leaving the room.

I guess I've got to pick up too, I thought with a sigh wile placing the empty candy wrappers in the pizza box; we managed to eat a whole box of a large pizza. Grabbing the box, I went outside to throw it away; closing the door behind me. Damn Raccoon... I growled in annoyance, seeing the trash can had been knocked over. Picking up the trash and fixing the bin, I threw the pizza box away; soon, freezing as I saw letters had been written on the green bin; in a red substance.

"Go to sleep..." I read it out loud, having a mini heart attack, "Damn kids!"

I shouted, walking in hurried steps to the house. Along the way, I continuously tried to convince myself that kids had written on the trash can. It had to be kids! Who else could have done that, Jeff the Killer?! Now, I was having a full-out heart attack. Nope, nope, nope, no! It was just the damn, fucking kids! I thought furiously, stepping up on the porch and freezing once more. The door was wide open.

"Alyx?!" I screeched, bolting inside the house, and closing the door before running around the house, "Alyx, where are you?!"

I stopped outside her room door upon hearing hushed voices. I covered my mouth with my hands as I heard demonic laughter come from the other side of the closed door. Where is Alyx? Where is my best friend? I kept repeating those questions in my head, tears pricking at my brown eyes.

"Nyra...?" I screamed, turning around as I felt a hand placed on my shoulder.

A worried raven haired girl stood in front of me, her brow rose in confusion; her green eyes flashed with worry and confusion. I quickly blinked my tears away, hugging my best friend tightly. Wait one god damn second! If Alyx isn't in her room... Then who is?

"A-Alyx... Who's i-in your r-room?" I stuttered horribly, letting her go and pointing towards the closed door.

"No one," Alyx replied, resting her hand on the door handle, turning to me with a worried expression, "Why?

"I heard voices in there," I flinched as she opened her door, quickly flipping the lights on.

I followed closely behind her as we explored her, completely normal and untouched, room. I swore I heard voices in here! My eyes darted to the window that sat next to her bed; it was slightly open, making my blood run icy cold. I could only watch as Alyx closed it, and then locked it; drawing her shades closed.

"Nyra," Alyx snapped an amused look towards me, "Dude, just because we watched a scary movie, doesn't mean I'm going to react scared to your... Pranks..."

"I-I didn't – I wasn't pranking you!" I shouted, glancing around her room nervously.

I inwardly strangled my best friend, muttering curses under my breath. How could she not believe me?! Okay, maybe I've pranked her too much, in the past... Recalling the funniest prank, I laughed softly. Tom and I had dressed up as grown men, wearing masks over our faces; my brother had rented a white van that day. As Alyx was gardening, we pulled in the van rather quickly, leaving a confused expression on Alyx's face. She never saw it coming, I thought with a grin, I kidnapped my own best friend.

"What are you smiling about?" Alyx questioned, slipping out of her jeans.

"Do you remember when I kidnapped you?" I smirked over at her while grabbing a black sheet and placing it over her desk.

"How could I forget?" She sneered mockingly, slipping her blue bra out of her shirt.

As best friends, and both of the same gender, we never felt uncomfortable getting undressed in front of each other; we both had the same junk in the trunk, so why be afraid? Thank goodness we're both straight... I sighed in relief, retrieving my sleeping bag from her closet; slipping out of my own, black, bra.

"I don't understand how you sleep under my desk..." Alyx shook her head, climbing into her bed.

"It's cozy. Besides, I feel like I have some privacy," I winked at her, crawling under the desk with my sleeping bag.

It was true; sleeping under her desk filled me with a sense of privacy. Getting comfortable, I faced the black sheet that was used as a sort of curtain; feeling my head spin with exhaustion. Maybe it was just my imagination... I thought while closing my eyes, it was just a prank with the trash can... Kids wrote on the green bin...

"Night, Nyra," Alyx said softly, followed by the lights being flipped off.

"Night, baby girl," I yawned, using my pet-name for her.


I opened my eyes, rubbing them with an irritated thought; why the hell is Alyx up so late? I pulled my phone out of my pillow, glancing at the bright screen; three O' clock in the morning. The fuck is she doing up so late? I poked my head out of the curtain I had created, freezing at what I saw. A dark figure towered over Alyx's sleeping form, muttering under his breath; running, what looked like to be, a kitchen knife over her side. Quietly and quickly, I slipped back into my small space while trying not to just scream. Okay, there is a man, possibly a rapist, standing over my best friend! You might have called be a fucking moron, but, I bolted out from the desk and slammed my hand onto the light switch; lights immediately filled the room.

"Alyx, wake the hell up!" I screamed, and turned to face her direction, "There's a man-"

There was no man standing over Alyx. Nobody was there. Nothing.

"Nyra, what the fuck?!" Alyx sat up with a growl, rubbing her eyes and tiredly glaring at me.

"Dude, I swear to any fucking God that's in the sky," I placed a hand over my heart, "There was a man standing over you!"

"Nyra, just go to-" I watched as she rubbed the side of her neck, freezing after a second, "Nyra... D-Did y-yo-you li-lick me?"

"I'm telling you, there was some one-" I instantly went quiet, seeing her window was open, "Didn't you close that?!"

"I did!" She shrieked while jumping off her bed and slamming her window shut.

"I told you!" I started trembling.

"Nyra, he might still be in the house!" Alyx hissed, "We need to call the police!"

I rushed over to her side, glancing out the window with her; we both froze hearing a male's voice.

"No use calling the police, Babydoll," We both turned to face... Him.

He's real... He's real... He wrote on the trash bin... He was going to kill my best friend... I stared at the smirking figure. He might have been taller than me, with jet black messy hair that stopped at his shoulders; he wore a grey hoodie that held bloodstains, along with black pants and black shoes. His skin was paler than mine, by far; it was as white as snow. The corners of his lips were sliced slightly, forming a psychotic smile. His eyes reminded me of a cat's pair of eyes, they were, very, slightly, ovaled; black singe surrounding his dark eyes.

Jeff the Killer is real...

Jeff's POV:

Knife gripped tightly in my hand, I watched a brunet walk out of her house with a pizza box; I hid in the bushes, waiting to see her reaction to my joke. I could practically smell the fear that rolled off her slender form as her eyes caught my present.

"Go to sleep..." Her voice held fear, bringing satisfaction to my chest.

Snapping my eyes over to the door, I ran for it as the woman shouted something about kids. Quietly opening the door, I walked in; leaving the door wide open. Now, now... Calm yourself Jeff... I smirked to myself, feeling my lust for blood boil. Walking around quietly, I narrowed my eyes at a snake-like thing disappearing into a room. Of course, he's here... I thought with a snarl, barging in the room and closing the door; my eyes quickly adjusting to the dark.

"I knew I smelt you here..." A familiar, deformed, voice hissed in my face, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for some girls to nail," I scoffed sarcastically, soon waving my knife around in his faceless face, "What do you think, fuckface?"

"You are a fool, Jeff," He sneered, wrapping one his tentacle around my waist, "You cannot show yourself any longer!"

"You can't tell me what to do!" I snarled, slicing at his tentacle, "I do what I want, when I want, and whom I want!"

He released me, allowing a demonic laugh to fill the room. What the fuck is he laughing at?! Fucking dickwad, bastard... I narrowed my eyes on the laughing demon, silently damning his very name; Slender Man.

"You are quite the amusing little one, aren't you?" Slender tilted his head, slowly dragging himself to a window, "Now, come along. Quickly now, someone's coming!"

Rolling my eyes, I jumped out of the window after him; cursing myself for even listening to him. Damn bastard! Who the fuck does he think he is?! My father?! I snarled again, tugging on my hoodie to cover my head.

"I'm not coming with you..." I hissed, leaning against the wall, "I'm going to have some fun..."

"Suit yourself," Slender turned his back on me, "Don't make a mess..."

In a blink of an eye, he was gone; he just vanished. The hell does he do that? I growled, twirling my small weapon between my fingers. Soon, I would be digging my knife into human flesh, enjoying the sickening sound of tearing flesh; enjoying the smell of blood in the air, enjoying the taste of blood as I clean my knife, and enjoying the pitiful whimpers, screams, or pleas of mercy. Just the thought of all of it, made me grin my trademark smile. I had always enjoyed making others feel my wrath, of course, no petty human understood my need for kills; I was just another lunatic that ran around murdering and slicing up innocent people. No human was innocent, not even the mere infant. All humans sinned; daily. I would be the one to end mankind, stopping the dreadful human race. They were disgusting, vile creatures. All humans were the same, no matter the gender. Soon Jeff... Soon...


Slipping in the dark room after picking the lock, I allowed my hungry gaze to take in the surrounding. It was a decent room with a television, dresser, desk, and bed; not to mention, that the bathroom connected with the room. Leaving the window opened, I stalked over to the bed which held a sleeping girl; she looked no older than twenty-one. Her back was facing me; her body was covered underneath comforters and sheets. Now, what are you hiding from me, Babydoll? I towered over her, running my fingers through her black hair; occasionally breathing in her vanilla scent. Taking my knife out with my free hand, I ran the blade down her back in a gentle manner; her comforters sliding of her form as my hand traveled lower. I watched in sick amusement as she sighed, arching her back with a soft moan.

"Do you like that...?" I purred in her ear, allowing my sharp blade to inch in the back of her shirt.

I wonder if she tastes as good as she smells... I licked my lips hungrily, hunching over the girl. Allowing my tongue to slip out of its barrier, I ran it along the side her neck; earning a pleasurable shiver from her. Delicious...

"Maybe nailing a girl isn't such a bad idea..." I smirked crazily; remember my own comment to Slendy.

I stood straight up, hearing the slightest whimper. Shit! Where's that other girl?! I thought with a growl, looking around the room. Before I could register what was happening, something dashed out from under the desk; turning the lights on. Before the brunet from earlier could see me, I bolted inside the bathroom; hiding inside the darkness. I waited, watching as they closed the window.

"Nyra, he might still be in the house!" The one I was interacting with shrieked, "We need to call the police!"

As they turned their backs on me, I stepped out of the bathroom and leaned against the door with a smirk plastered to my sliced lips. The sweet taste of the raven-haired girl still lingered on my tongue, making saliva bubble up in my mouth; I wanted more of her.

"No use calling the police, Babydoll," I smirked wider at the shocked and horrid expressions on their faces.

"W-Who ar-are y-you?" The brunet hissed, seeming to collect her cool after a moment of panic.

"Do I really need to say?" I laughed psychotically, twirling my knife in my hand.

"Jeff the Killer..." I snapped my eyes over to my little Babydoll, making sure to look her up and down, "You're Jeff... The Killer..."

"Bravo, bravo..." I smiled, feeling her take in my appearance, "Aren't I beautiful?"

I smirked as she flinched when my eyes roamed her body, hungrily. Damn, is this bitch trying to starve me of my sexual needs? In the blink of an eye, a tall figure stood in front of me. He wore a white mask with the outline of the mouth and eyes black; his hoodie was a yellowish-green color. He wore black pants and white sneakers. His brown shaggy hair was a mess.

"Slender told me you would be here," The man spoke with a calm voice as his head tilted, "If you harm these girls, I will be forced to attack you."

"Masky, my favorite proxy..." I sneered, standing with a straight posture and my blade in hand, casting a hungry glance at the raven-haired girl, "I was not harming them, was I, Babydoll?"

"Do not call her what she is not," Masky turned to face the girls, "I am sorry for the disturbance, I shall take my dear friend Jeff, and we will be on our way-"

Before he could finish the syllable, I tackled him to the floor; throwing punches and kicks. No way in hell am I leaving! The fun has just begun!

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