Dungeon Explorers: The Time M...

By PkmnandKHlover

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BASED ON THE VIDEO GAME: POKéMON MYSTERY DUNGEON EXPLORERS OF TIME. All credit goes to GameFreak and the crea... More

Prologue: The Huge Storm
Ch 1: A Strange Meeting
Ch 2: Getting back the Stone
Ch 3: Blazie's Fragment and a Decision
Ch 4: The Newest Guild Recruits
Ch 5: Weird Dream
Ch 6: Way of the Guild
Character Characteristics
Ch 7: The Scream
Ch 8: Mt. Bristle
Ch 9: Time Gears...and a Memory?
Ch 10: The Troubling News
Ch 11: Sentry Duty
Ch 12: Waterfalls' Secret
Ch 14: Meeting Team Skull
Ch 15: New...Allies?

Ch 13: Realizations and Exciting News

85 6 2
By PkmnandKHlover

After dinner, Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon all stared out their bedroom window. That night, there was a half-moon in their sky.

'Today sure was exhausting,' Pattie thought. 'I bet the others will want to get to sleep early tonight.'

Blazie sighed. "We sure went through a lot today, didn't we?" She turned to Pattie and Elyon and smiled. "Exploring that waterfall was really fun. Sure, it was a huge letdown to know that we didn't discover a new place like we thought... but it was our first exploration! I was ready to burst with anticipation and excitement the whole time. I made the right choice in becoming an exploration team member."

Blazie went over to her bed and pulled out her Relic Fragment from underneath. "One day, I'm sure I'll solve my fragment's secret. If my dream of it ever came true, I think I'd faint out of happiness!"

After a few minutes of silence, Elyon spoke up.

"You know, Pattie, I noticed something about your dizzy spells. They all seem to happen after you've touched something."

Pattie and Blazie glanced at Elyon.

Pattie thought about it for a moment. "Yeah...for instance, when I heard Azurill's scream, it was right after I picked up the apple that he had dropped. My first vision was after Drowzee bumped into me. Then, today at the waterfall when I tried to get close to it. And when I tried my hand at moving that gem."

"So, whenever you touch an object, you'll see or hear something connected to it?" Blazie looked up at the ceiling.

"And there's another thing," Elyon added. "When we rescued Azurill, you had a vision from the future. But today, you saw Wiggly going into the cave. So that means that you saw something that took place in the past instead. So if you touch something, you can see its past or future. You have that kind of special ability." Elyon smiled, amused. "I thought that an Espeon like me were one of the few Pokémon who could see something like that; and that's only with the future!"

Blazie jumped with excitement. "This could be something totally amazing!" She turned to Pattie. "You could use it lots of ways, Pattie. And not just for exploring either."

Pattie shrugged, and stared off, staring through the window. "Well, I guess that's true..." said Pattie. "...but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'll get a vision every time I touch something. It would be nice if I could have visions whenever I wanted, but..."

At that moment, their bedroom door opened and Charap hopped into their room. "Pattie, Blazie, Elyon, the Guildmaster wishes to see you right away."

Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon glanced at one another.

"Come on now!"

The three followed Charap out of their room.

The three of them followed Charap out of their room and soon came to Wiggly's. When they entered, Wiggly had a fire burning in his room, and he was faced away from them.

"Guildmaster, I've brought you Team Friendship," said Charap.

Wiggly didn't say anything.


"Hiya!" Wiggly said happily, as he turned around to face them. "Your team went through a lot today! Yes, a lot, a lot! But not to worry. I've been keeping watch on your activities. I should tell you why I asked for you to come in here. I'm planning to mount a full-scale exploration soon!"

"An expedition?" Pattie asked. "You mean, like the one that we did today?"

"Sort of like that, yes," said Wiggly. "The difference is that the guild will go and explore someplace very, very far away! It's much harder than exploring our nearby area. Charap and I carefully choose which guild members are allowed to go."

"Really?!" Blazie said excitedly, her eyes shining.

"We would usually never consider rookies to be expedition members," Wiggly continued. "But you three have been working exceptionally hard. That's why we're making an special exception this time. We've decided to include your team in the list of potential candidates for the expedition!"

Blazie squealed. "Oh, yay!"

"Now, now, you haven't been selected yet," said Charap. "There's still some time left before the guild sets of for the expedition. If you fail to do good work before then, you cannot be expected to be selected."

"So try really hard!" Wiggly said, smiling.

"Oh, we will!" said Elyon. She turned to Pattie and Blazie. "An expedition! Isn't this exciting news? Let's make sure that we do our best to make sure that we get picked for it!"

Pattie and Blazie nodded in agreement. The three friends exchanged high fives.

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