Ch 3: Blazie's Fragment and a Decision

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Pattie, Blazie, Elyon, and Evelyn finally got out of the cave.

"Thanks again for helping me out back there, you guys," said Blazie.

Pattie smiled. "You're welcome, Blazie," she said.

Elyon and Evelyn said, 'You're welcome,' as well.

Blazie set her stone down on the sand. "This is what those two crooks stole from me. I call it my Relic Fragment. It's my one and only treasure. You see, I've always been into legends and folklore." She faced away from Pattie, Elyon, and Evelyn, sat on the sand, and stared at the setting sun. "I always get so excited to hear about tales from the past. Hidden troves filled with treasure and strange relics..." Her eyes shined. "...uncharted territories veiled in darkness....and new areas just waiting to be discovered! Places like that must be filled with gold, treasures, and history. Wouldn't it be so dramatic to make discoveries like that?"

Blazie turned back to the others. "It's always been my dream to do that. It's all so exciting! Then one day, I stumbled across my Relic Fragment."

"If it's a relic, then why..."

"...does it look like junk?" Blazie finished for Pattie. "Yeah, I know. But take a look at this."

Pattie, Elyon, and Evelyn leaned forward to take a closer look. There was a strange inscription on the top of the stone.

"See that pattern inscribed on it?" asked Blazie.

"It looks weird," Evelyn said.

"Evelyn!" her sister scolded.

"She's right, though; it does look a little weird," Blazie said, smiling. "But if there's some meaning to its weirdness, maybe it could be the key to a legendary area. An area where precious treasure lies. My Relic Fragment has to fit into something...somewhere. I want to solve its mystery. It's because of my Relic Fragment that I wanted to sign up to an exploration team."

"Did you sign up for it?" Pattie asked.

"I tried to, but I completely chickened out." Blazie looked at her Relic Fragment sadly. Then her face brightened. "Wait, I have an idea!"

Pattie looked at Blazie curiously. "What is it?"

"Well, since you lost your memory, maybe you would like to... to um, join me to sign up for an exploration team?"

Pattie looked at Blazie, surprised.

"I think that together, we could make a great team," said Blazie quickly. "After all, you probably don't have anywhere to go. What do you say, Pattie? Will you do it with me? Please?"

Pattie looked towards the setting sun. 'I don't even know what an exploration team is or what it does! is true that I don't have anywhere to go to; I don't remember much of anything. I guess it couldn't hurt to stay with Blazie for now. Besides, I might even get my memory back if I hang around here for a while.'

Pattie turned away from the setting sun and smiled at Blazie. "Okay, I'll stay with you and do this exploration team thing with you, Blazie."

"Really?!" said Blazie, her eyes shining. She jumped up and down with delight, then ran up to Pattie and gave her a big hug. "Oh, thank you so much, Pattie! We'll make a great exploration team and make this work."

Pattie giggled a little as she tried to squirm away from Blazie and her hug. "Okay, okay. Calm down. Enough with the hug already!"

"I'll join you guys as well," said Elyon.

Pattie and Blazie turned to Elyon. "Really?" asked Blazie. "But why?'

"Well, since you two helped convince the Anorith and Lileep that Evelyn wasn't the one who stole their food, I want to help you in finding out about Pattie's past," Elyon explained. "Not to mention that I can be a great asset to an exploration team, what with my Psychic abilities and all. What do you say?"

"Of course," said Pattie.

"The more the merrier," Blazie said, grinning.

"I wanna join!" Evelyn jumped up.

"You're only six, silly Eevee," Elyon said gently. "One has to be at least thirteen before they can request to be an apprentice to Mr. Wigglytuff's Guild."

"Oh..." Evelyn said sadly. Then she perked up. "Could I join you when I get that old?"

"We'd be happy to," said Blazie.

Evelyn jumped up again and giggled. "Goody good good!"

"To Wigglytuff Guild!"

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