Ch 6: Way of the Guild

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The next morning, Pattie was awakened from a thunderous voice.


Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon all jumped and covered their ears.

'Ow! That's such a loud voice; it almost blasted away my eardrums!'

"Hey, why are you three still sleeping? WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!" the voice shouted.

"You're hurting my head with that loud voice of yours!" Elyon complained.

"I'm Exploud; I'm one of your fellow apprentices. And I am NOT loud! Now get out of bed!! You three will be sorry if you miss out on the morning briefing. Guildmaster has a big temper, even if it doesn't show. If you make him lose it..." He faced away from the team and shivered. "I don't even want to think about what would happen if he did. YEESH!!!!!"

He turned back to Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon. "So get it in GEAR!!!! I'm not about to get in trouble because you newbies got up late!!" Exploud stomped out of their room.

"My poor ears are still ringing," Blazie moaned. "He's gonna wind up making us deaf."

Pattie sat up, rubbing her head. "What was he saying? Something about getting ready?"

Elyon jolted to her feet and screamed, "We overslept!!! Come on, guys!"

The three quickly got out of their beds, ran out of their room, and down the corridor.

They soon came to the room that came before Wiggly's room. There stood Charap, a Sunflora, a Bidoof, a Chimecho, a Corphish, Exploud, a Loudred, a Diglett, a Dugtrio, and a Crogunk.

Exploud looked at Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon, clearly upset. "You're LATE!!!"

"Be quiet!" Charap scolded Exploud. "Your voice is ridiculously loud!"

"I am not loud," Exploud muttered, crossing his arms. The Loudred suppressed a giggle.

Charap looked around the room. "Well, everyone seems to be here," he said. "Let's do our morning address." He knocked on Wiggly's door.

"Guildmaster Wigglytuff! The guild's in full attendance!" Charap said in a singsong voice.

After a moment, the Guildmaster's door opened, and Wiggly stepped out. Charap gave him a brief bow of the head. "Good morning, Guildmaster," he said. The Music Note Pokémon was met with a loud snore from Wiggly.

Everyone in the room started to whisper.

"Wow, he's still asleep," murmured the Diglett.

"Guildmaster never ceases to amaze me, yup, yup," mumbled the Bidoof. "Eyes wide open!"

"Hey, hey, must be sleepwalking again!" the Corphish added.

Charap cleared his throat, and all of the Pokémon fell silent. "Let's hear those morning cheers! Ready? All together now!"

Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon watched as the other Pokémon shouted, "ONE! DON'T SHIRK WORK! TWO! RUN AWAY AND PAY! THREE! SMILES GO FOR MILES!!"

"Okay, Pokémon, let's get to work!" shouted Charap cheerfully.



The Dugtrio and Diglett burrowed into the ground; the Loudred, Exploud, and the Crogunk walked away, the Crogunk to a small black cauldron bubbling a purple liquid, Exploud and the Loudred going over to a small hole where a vine went down; The Bidoof, the Sunflora, and the Corphish climbed the ladder; the Chimecho floated over to the mess hall. Pattie, Blazie, and Elyon watched them go.

Dungeon Explorers: The Time Mystery (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora