Ch 2: Getting back the Stone

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"It's a little dark in here," said Pattie, trying to adjust her eyes to the caves' darkness. With what little light there was left, Pattie searched the ground for some sticks. When she found some, Blazie took two and lit them on fire with an Ember attack. She handed one back to Pattie.

"Thanks for the light, Blazie. Now, let's get going," said Pattie walking ahead, with Blazie at her heels.

The duo searched the cave. They looked left and right, going down the cave's corridors and entering empty rooms. Suddenly, they came to a fork in the pathway.

"Which way should we go now?" Pattie asked.

Blazie stepped in front of Pattie. "I noticed before that the Koffing, Westley, had a horrible smell to him like rotten eggs. I have a pretty keen sense of smell, so maybe I can sniff out his trail." She put her beak to the left fork. Blazie straightened up, shook her head, and walked to the right fork, and sniffed again.

"BLECH!!!!" she gagged, immediately putting her wings to her beak. "They've definitely gone this way."

"Okay," said Pattie, "to the right it is."

Near the end of the tunnel was another room. Only this time, there happened to be an Anorith and a Lileep cornering a lilac cat-like Pokémon with purple eyes and a red jewel on its forehead and another cat-like Pokémon with brown and tan fur and brown eyes. The former was standing in front of the brown Pokémon. The lilac Pokémon looked as if it was trying to protect the smaller Pokémon, who looked at the Anorith and Lileep with fear.

"An Espeon and an Eevee," whispered Blazie. "I wonder what's going on over there."

"How dare you try to hurt Evelyn!" the Espeon was saying, glaring at the Anorith and Lileep. "She's just a little kid!"

"We don't care!" the Anorith shouted. "She didn't have any right to come here and take our Oran berries!"

"But I keep telling you, I don't know what you're talking about," the Eevee named Evelyn spoke up quietly. "The only ones here when I came in was a Koffing and Zubat. They ran off when they heard me."

Pattie and Blazie looked at each other with shock. It must have been Westley and Cece who had stolen the Anorith and Lileep's berries.

The Lileep snorted. "Ha! A likely story," it said. "Koffing and Zubat never come to Beach Cave. Nobody ever tells the truth anymore."

"So now she has to pay the price for stealing," said the Anorith.

The Espeon growled. "Not as long as I'm here, you're not!"

"Have it your way!" the Anorith and Lileep said in unison.

Before the Espeon could react, both Pokémon slammed into it, knocking the Espeon to the ground.

"Elyon!" shouted Evelyn frantically. "Sissy, are you okay?"

Pattie frowned, and she and Blazie ran to the Anorith and Lileep.

"Hey! Two against one isn't fair!" Pattie shouted.

All the other Pokémon turned around, and the Espeon named Elyon raised her head.

"Mind your own business, kid!" the Lileep said. "This is between us and that lying and thieving Eevee."

"Yeah, so butt out," agreed the Anorith.

"That Eevee's telling the truth," Blazie spoke up. "The Koffing and Zubat she's talking about probably did come in here and steal your berries. After all, they ran into Beach Cave right after they stole a treasure of mine. My friend and I are trying to find them so we can get my treasure back."

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