My Online Diary

By Emmybepow

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This Is Real! This a track record of my own life. Everything that happens all the emotions and the drama that... More

My Online Diary
All my friends
it becomes rough
Hard Decisions
Life Is Boring
I Dont Have A Name For This Chapter
Year 12 Graduation!
To many fights
Don't know a name for dis chapter
Is love real?
Sunburns :(
twisted turn of events
Christmas and birthday coming up!
Don't know what to do
Merry Christmas!
Dramatic New Year!
Secrets, anger and catch ups
Facebook Fights
Gossip and Boys
Big news!
Boyfriend Troubles
Where To From Here
Feeling Used And Lied To
Blurred Line Between Lies And Truth
Eat, Sleep, Smile And Repeat.
Children, Stress and Pressure
Stressful Days Are Here To Stay
To Much To Tell
Happy anniversary? I Think?
Hospitality Is Hard!
Boyfriends Who Lie
Not What I Expected
Pain? Happiness? What is it?
To tired for problems
Christmas is coming!
New year New problems
Guys, Cows.... literally cows
Dress to impress
Track records of a rollercoaster
Seasons Change

Life happens sometimes

10 2 0
By Emmybepow

1st February 2016


I have graduated school and it is officially 2016. I have no job, I sit at home watching TV shows all day. Life is truly boring. Only time I go out is if it is church related. Which is actually around 4 times a week for a few hours. But still, I have no job and no money. No one around here is hiring. The only friend I talk to from school is Courtney and sometimes Amy. Other than them I have had no contact with anyone. It's crazy when you are in high school and think that you'll be friends forever but you slowly get more distant from everyone.

I honestly have had a CRAZY ride since the start of the new year. So at my church I have 3 guy friends. Let's call them the smith 1, smith 2 and Blondie. Smith 1 is 17 (same age as me) smith 2 is 16 and Blondie is 14. Now they are great guys but the whole world can see Blondie has a little crush on me. BUT HE'S LIKE THE SAME AGE AS MY BROTHER! That is weird but my problem is I like smith 1. He's like Flippin perfect in every way but not perfect. He is responsible doesn't act like a child, gets an education comes from a respectful family. He even offers his hand to help me up when I sit on the ground. You can't tell that isn't on your checklist for the perfect guy. Now smith 2 is a iffy, we always seem to clash and dislike eachother at some times but he's alright.

Do Blondie knows I really like smith 1. And guess what! Smith 1 likes me back! But he also like another chick. She is from a different church she's tan. There is another girl that likes him and i don't know if it's normal but every time they talk I get so jealous. Is that normal even when I'm not dating him? Smith 1 and 2 have an older sister who absolutely hates Courtney and I. We think it's because we hang with her little brothers. I am actually scared of her it's not even funny. I've had a nightmare that she actually kills me. Their parents are super sweet and nice but I think a but strict on the whole dating thing.

Wait listen to this. So smith 1 told me that he decided himself that he won't dating ANYONE until he has graduated school. Which means I can't date him for a whole year. But he admitted he liked me and oh my lord he is good looking and kind and sweet and funny.

I really need help. You need to tell me what you do when you like and guy and what you would do if you were in my situation. This is killing me.

Also feel free to give me job ideas, I just really need a easy job just to get me by for now since I've never had a job before.

Tell me in the comments about what your plans are for this year, I would love to know. Also I want to read some more books. I'm in a romantic and brokenhearted mood so feel free to tell me some good books. Love you all talk next time xox

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