I thought I was alone book 2

By low_quality_english

85 16 1

Alex, Margaret and her family search for the remaining survivors that were left after the war. Encountering o... More

Learning to control
The ship
The return
Top of the hill
Lost freind
A nightmare dream
A nightmare dream: part 2
Return home
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 1)
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 2)
Family members and an arival


4 1 0
By low_quality_english

He stops the arrows right before they hit her, she stands still a look of fear is plastered on her face. One arrow is close enough to be digging into her skin.
"Your lucky there's no dreamshade on this" he says walk closer with a smirk on his face.
"I hate you" she replies.
"I have a lot of enemy's and your not even the slightest bit terrifying" he says raising his eyebrows.
"Where is he" I worried voice says.
"What, who said that" he says letting the arrows fall.
"Where's my brother" a girl says walking into the clearing, her hair is black and her sweater is covered with loose twigs and leaves.
"Who are you" Jeremy says.
"I'm Elizabeth, now tell me where my brother is" she demands stomping her foot.
"Who is this brother of yours" he says facing her.
"Alex" she replies more calmly.
"We knew him didn't we boys" he says waving his as the boys yell, Jeremy creates a dreamshade wall around the camp so she can't leave.
"Who are you and what do you mean by you knew him" she says.
"Oh, did I forget introduce myself, I'm Peter, Peter Pan and your brother died" Jeremy says with a smirk.
"You killed him, I know you did" she screams.
"I did kill him, because I needed his heart to save magic" he replies.
"We both know that's not the real reason why killed him" she demands.
"Ok, I did need his heart to keep my youth, because I don't want to grow up" he says.
"That's a very stupid reason" she replies crossing her arms.
"I can read your thoughts and your thinking you want to kill me so, go ahead kill me, it won't bring him back" Jeremy says handing her a crossbow, he walks back over to the edge of the camp. She aims and fires but he catches leaving her with a look of shock.
"I never told you how" he says throwing the arrow to the side.
"Well, you gave me a weapon that apparently can't kill you" she says throwing it at him.
"That, is what I love about foolish people" he says.
"I'm not foolish, what about my brother" she says.
"I know that he's dead, can you take me to his body" she says quietly.
"That's not possible, I think the mermaids got him and hid him somewhere" he says signaling something and a dark figure with glowing eyes swoops down and grabs her flying into the night sky.
"Idiots" Jeremy says taking down the wall, run over to the furious Izzy who is sitting on a log.
"Hey, how did you get mad at him" I ask sitting down next to her.
"He said: do you remember that one boy, that snuck into your house one night and drew on your face with a sharpie, but you didn't know who did it, that was me" she says mocking him.
"Not to be rude or anything, that's kinda funny and I didn't know he did that" I say.
"Not funny at all, I just wanna be alone for a bit" she says.
"Ok" I say getting up, I then walk deeper into the jungles and sit down on a mossy rock looking out at a lagoon.
"Are you new here" a girl says startling me.
"Who are you and why do you have a tail" I ask.
"I'm a mermaid and my name is Ruby" she replies with a smile.
"Oh, I'm Margaret, Peter Pan's sister" I say.
"I didn't know he had a sister" she replies slowly inching her way up to me, I jump up.
"What are you doing" I say.
"I'm trying to get to you" she says her eyes turn a deep shade of red, something lifts me up off the ground. I look up to see Jeremy.
"What were you doing, why did you tell the worst mermaid that lives here, that you are my sister" he demands throwing me on to the ground.
"I was talking to her and I thought I could trust her but her eyes turned red she went after me" I say getting to me feet.
"I know I saw the whole thing, I know I have done a lot of fights since you got here but, how about we do another one, just you and me" he says.
"Aren't you going to give me a weapon to shoot you with" I ask.
"We both know how to use magic, why don't we use that skill" he says, everyone goes quiet waiting for something to happen.
"Alright, but I can't fight in a dress" I say pulling at my dress, take it off revealing my black leather tank top and black pants.
"Are you ready now" he says impatiently.
"Yeah" I say wiping my hand up throwing him against the tree, he smirks and jerks his hand at me causing me fly back. I hit the tree behind me cracking my back and probably giving me a bruise.
"I that all you you can do" I say with an evil smile, I look down at my hand and throw a ball of fire at him, he blocks and I lower my hand I then throw my hand at him making the tree roots come out of the ground hurling towards him. He stops it and sends them back. I stomp my foot on the ground making it shake, he stumbles back. He makes a ball of shadows and throws it at me, I block it. I hold out my hand and watch as I create small beams of light that slowly make their way over to him. The light forms a circle around him and he try's to force them away from him, it slowly closes in on him. I hold up my other hand and send out black beams of light that speed over to him wrapping around him, he struggles against it at first but then throws his arms out breaking the circle.
"You almost got me, I gotta admit, that's a first" he says throwing red magic at me, it comes to fast for me to react. I fall back letting out a grunt, I hop back up onto my feet and flick my wrist making a small tornado around him sucking all the leaves and twigs in.
"That's enough" my father says cutting between us.
"No it's not, move before you become part of the fight" I say, he backs up and sits back down a log. Jeremy try's to force his way out, I twist my wrist choking him.
"STOP, don't you see your hurting him" Izzy blurts, I look over at her and stop.
"That's the point, unless you want to join" I say through clenched teeth, she looks down and I resume my fight, we must've had the same idea because at the same time we both send a beam of light at each other, the points where it hits flashes and spits out bolts of lighting. The middle slowly makes its way towards me and I grow weak, it touches my hand throwing me hands against a tree knocking me out.

Sorry if I have not been updating for a wile, I hope you are enjoying the book so far. Don't forget to comment or vote and I came up with a riddle.

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