I don't know, I just...

By reezasparx

412 10 4

"when you are in pain,you either being taken care of or you take care of others" I paused a second and sa... More

1. Leaving the loved ones
2. Finding Friends
3.fault is mine
4. The Dinner
5. Change?
6. Reasons Behind
7. Almost perfect
8. You are my date
9. It is time we meet
10. The date
11. It is not right
12. The Proposal
13. The day she left
14. some colour

15. little home

21 1 0
By reezasparx

Finally the day I have been waiting came. Oh please don't think it's quick, I would have gone thrice around the world on foot waiting for this day. I have started packing since day 1.

Finally and finally I am going home. People always talk bout cloud nine and I thought how it would be, but right now I think I am in it. Walter and sky said they'd come later.

'uh, they are such a killjoy'

"you guys ready?" karthik asked the nth time. He came just an hour before to get us. Airport is near to us, and that, made him come and wait for us.

"if only I knew you guys will be this late, I'd never let you guys to come with me"

"dear brother, you are not letting us to come with you, we are taking you with us. So don't flatter yourself" i told him.

"yeah you are definitely taking me for the tomorrow's flight"

"oh don't be a baby we still have like four hours" reez said dragging her baggage into the hall.

"and I am sure you will perfectly know how to waste those hours and miss the flight"

"oh my god it is like you were never late, remember the time when we were late to school and had to spend a half day as punishment. All because of you" I said remembering.

"oh please, I was ten"

"and I was six, and was punished because of you"

"and when we missed the train because of you in tirupati. We were almost lost"

"almost, but not lost"

"and two years back we almost missed our sister's marriage because of you"

"again almost"

"oh, come on priya if it is not for your luck you wouldn't survive any of those" well he is right, I always find the opportunity to mix up the things and almost screw them.

I could give him a good retort but I know something that makes him very annoyed.

"weh we we we" I said imitating his voice.

"I don't sound like that" he said irritate. I smirked inward.

"I don't sound like that" I said again imitating.

"priya stop it"

"priya stop it"

"uh, that is not funny"

"uh, tha" I tried to talk but,

"oh, Hansel and Gretel! Stop it. I thought me and walt are the worst, but now you are proving me wrong. I am already confused whether we are taking everything we need or not and you guys are eating my concentration, another word from both of you, I will see you. Now, Fingers on the lips" she said so seriously almost scared me.

And fingers on the lips? Who is doing that now-a-days. I and karthik looked at each other.

"NOW" she shouted, this time we didn't waste time, before she fully completed that word we closed our transmitters with our fingers.

She silently told us not move and we did as she said.

'god save us'

Then the doorbell rang.

'I know god you sent wall to save us'

I thanked god for saving us but I didn't know it is not to save us. She left the room giving us warning looks. We stayed silently still our fingers on our lips until a very big laugh made us jump with fear, from right side.

"OH MY GOD, this is history. This should be recorded, this is so funny, I cant describe in words, today is the best day of my life after the day she said yes" sky said taking our photos in his phone. He is almost falling from laughing hard. His eyes are moisty.

"I always know you are tough but this is OWESOME" he said looking at reez. I came back to my senses and grabbed his phone to look at the picture.

It is indeed funny. If it is not me in the picture I'd hang it in the hall in a golden frame. It was me and karthik standing there with fingers on the lips.We almost looked like kids in kindergarten, with pouty expressions. I wanted to be angry but the picture is too funny and our expressions! So childish!

"hey show me" reez came from behind and grabbed the phone.

"oh my god! you guys are so cute, thank you sky if it is for me I would never thought about it" she said still looking at the picture.

"oh, come on we are made for each other" there you go! The cheesy boyfriend is back.

"okay love birds! now delete the photo" I said with a boring tone.

"NO WAY! At least not in this life. It is priceless and you are saying to delete it. I am keeping it" sky said hiding his phone behind his back.

"no give that. anyway, she'll make you do that every day. You can take pictures then. Now give me your phone" I stretched my hand out.

"no" he slowly started walking away.

"give it" I followed him.

"no" he started running.

"sky, give it or you'll regret it" I started running too. We are running all over the house. We almost run like 15 minutes.

"last warning for you GIVE ME THE PHONE" this idiot is testing my patience.

"come and get it, walt is right. You are so little" now he is mocking. I pulled up all my energy to run with all my speed.

I ran across the hall and when I am almost near the door. The door suddenly opened and someone came in. my mind is fast enough to process this all but not my mind before I can control my speed I've already bumped into that person and bounced back. I almost fell on the floor but someone stopped me from, by grabbing my hand. I closed my eyes tight, sure I will fall down.

I waited for the pain to kick in but it is not happening. I decided to open my eyes to know what happened. I opened my right eye, wall is looking at me like I am an alien.

'So I am safe.'

"what? It is his fault" I said opening my both eyes and standing straight.

"it is not my fault, you almost killed him" sky said coming to us. I glared at him and then looked at wall. He is rubbing his chest with his fist. Oh god! I forgot that I hit him. His face is normal but I am observant enough to see the pain.

"oh,wa.. wall ...I.. I am sorry I... didn't see I... uh" I was trying to apologised to him but I stopped as my vision blurred. Then I realised I was crying. To top it, tears came out and revealed their presence.

"hey priya, it is okay. I am not a weak. Look at me I am strong" he said trying to make me laugh posing like a body builder.

"please, don't cry I'll feel bad, if you cry, please" he said looking like a puppy. I try to stop my tears but it seems recently I tend to cry easily.

"hey I can beat sky if that makes you happy"

"hey hey hey. From where did I come in between the two of you"

"cause reez is my sister" wall said without even looking at him.

"so do I get beaten too" karthik asked innocently.

"why?" the rest of us asked him snapping our heads to him.

"cause I am your brother" he said with the same innocent expression. When we all got what he actually said, we laughed. So that is how I stopped crying.

"okay bye guys, I'll see you when I come there" walter said.

"WHAT ?you are not coming to airport?" I and reez asked at once.

"no, I had things to take care of. So bye" he just went out even waiting for our response.

Hmm, he is a bad boy. He could have told us before. And leaving like that, so rude of him. I wanted him to come to the airport.

'I hate you walter'

After an hour we left for airport in sky's car. I said bye to jane and I feel bad for not able to see val before we leave. I will be away from her almost a month and I want to see her once before I leave.

"hey why are you like that" reez asked me in the car. Yeah, my face went to a certain sad expression and I cant take it off.

"nothing" I answered. She looked at me for some time and like she understood something she didn't ask more.

We reached the airport. I still remember the day I came here. How excited I was and how I met wall, how I misunderstood things and how I find my friends here, all came back in a flash.

I cant clearly name the feeling that I am feeling right now. It is heavy that I can barely breathe and light enough that I can contain it in me without breaking. May be that feeling is life.

Our flight is announced we were about to leave and a familiar voice called my name. we all looked back.

It is val, in wall's arms. He is running while carrying her.

"huh, almost missed you guys, ugh, I need to catch my breathe" he said when reached us.

"Kathy" val jumped at me, hugging me in her little arms.

'oh, how I missed her already'

"val how are you here, you went to school" I said releasing her.

"walter came to my school and took me" she said. So that is why he left.

"rosy" val then went to reez.

"thanks" I muttered to wall. I cant understand, how can someone be this good, this perfect, this caring and this annoying.

"you never had to thank me for anything. If anyone has to thank anyone, that should be me to you. You have no idea how much you help others and how you make them live not just leading life"

"I cant get you ever, philosopher! Please talk in English" I said smiling for which he smiled back.

"good bye walter"

"be safe"

"bye sky don't worry about her, I will find her a good guy there"

"no, then I will never let her go with you" that stupid cant even get the sarcasm sometimes. My poor reez.

"don't worry I wont do that, bye idiot"

"take care of yourself" I heard wall saying to reez.

"I will, you take care too and BEHAVE you two guys"

"yes maam" both sky and wall said together.

"bye val" I said hugging her one last time. I will miss my little princess.

"bye Kathy" she said with a sad expression. I looked at wall and he understood, he took her in his arms and tried to comfort her.

"please guys lets go now, they announced for the third time, I need to attend to my marriage. my bride is waiting for me" We all laughed at karthik's worried expression.

We walked away from those three. I think val is crying and he is trying to make her feel better. It is not easy to take her out in the middle of the school. He needs lot of permissions for that. I know he did that for me. I can never understand, that what did to deserve that. He is a really nice person.

'god please be kind to him. You already took away the ones he love two times, but no more. Give him the one he needs. Please'

I looked at him. He is smiling at me and held a hand of val to wave a goodbye to us. He says something to her and she smiles. his eyes consist the glint of happiness. I want him to be happy like this, forever.

Here I am, on my way to home, but I am not as happy as I thought I'd be. Dont know where the cloud nine gone. I feel like I am leaving a part of me here. An important one that is.

I looked back one last time. Sky smiled big. And mouthed me 'bye'. I looked at val she said 'bye'. Last but not least I looked at wall he said 'take care and be safe'. Never once he told bye. May be then I'd feel free to leave.

May be I am too much attached to my little home I made here.

May be.


guys need to tell you something, next chapter was mistakenly become private. i tried to change it back to public but it is not changing so please kindly follow for that one chapter. thank you, have a great life.

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