Girly Boys {boyxboy}

By Stories_with_Words

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Hadie Davids is the crossdresser of Daneville High. He wore the make-up, rocked the girl clothes, and fashion... More

Girly Boys {boyxboy}
Chap. 1
Chap. 2~ Greetings to Crazies
Chappie 3: Alex's POV
Chap. 4 Back to Hadie
Chap.5~ Guessing Games
Chapter 6: Threats and Reality
Chapter 7: Nightmares and Algebra Notes
Chapter 8: Questions with No Answers
Chapter 9: Unlikely Surprises
Chapter 10: Unlikely Surprises, Part 2
Chapter 12: Dreams of Truth
Chapter 13: Isabell
Chapter 14: Isabell Part 2
Chapter 15: Rescue
Chapter 16: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 17: Hospitals?
Chapter 18: After
Chapter 19: Returning
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: Blank
Chanted 22: Final ( for now)

Chapter 11: Kidnapped?

836 23 3
By Stories_with_Words

Well, since no one decided to be amazingly lovely people and comment~×~ I will dedicate this to my loving watty friend Breana. I love you lady*kisses her on the cheek* She is my amazingly awesome friend so of course she gets the shout out. Hmph! better luck next time, you meanies*pout*

Anyway, on with the story.


" Um, I hate to mess up such a lovely discussion but I am a girl." I raised my eyebrows up at them, daring them to contradict me. The mom did.

" Honey, a girl has a vaginal area, and sweetie, you don't." She had me there. I pouted, readying myself to fussily argue my case. However, like she could sense it, Hadie- the fake- pointed at my knee.

" Hayden, how'd you get that scar on your knee?" I looked at what she was indicating. A pale white scar marred the unsoiled skin of my left leg.

Huh, I don't remember getting that, I thought. But I felt the lie in my own words.

A fuzzy memory tickled the back of my mind. Something about a black car that seemed awfully similar to my Doll's Chevy Impala. I saw a tyke that looked like me felled and lying on the ground as the car loomed over her, its tire had skinned the adolescent's left leg at the knee.

I knew that kid had to be me. Who else could it be? It's not like I fantasized about little kids. I was not a pedophile, besides, I'm too cute to be that creepy. A creepy old person would be pedophiling about me, not the other way around.

" Batman ran me over with his Batmobile when I was a kid." I said in all seriousness.

" Hayden this isn't funny! I have a scar exactly like that on my right knee. I fell down the stairs of our old house," she explained, lifting her right pants leg to flash the exact replica of my scar on her right knee.

A shiver of apprehension tightened my facial expression, and suddenly it was hard to breathe. This evidence meant nothing. Absolutely nothing, it didn't matter that the scars matched perfectly down to the thinnest ridge. It totally didn't.

. . . I know I sound like I'm in denial. What can I say? When you begin to realize that for almost a decade your whole life has been a lie, you tend to want to dismiss all truths as downright dishonesty. I can't help it, I'm just original like that.

I glimpsed the parents nodding as a sideline image. I began to shake my head, back and forth as though I could toss the truth away like a frisbee and hope it didn't return as a boomerang.

" No... no, no, I d-don't believe you. I only have one mom. I'm a girl. My name's Hadie. My sister is Isabell. " I repeated the truths that I had always known as though they could shield me from something I was beginning to see as the cold truth. I felt it, deep inside where I had recognized her as my twin.

For once, I fully understood the phrase" The truth hurts more than a sweetened lie." I wasn't ready. Not ready at all for this. It was too much for me to comprehend. Honestly, my mind wasn't firing on all cylinders.

" Hayden, its alright. Everything's fine, just calm down." Her voice was a relaxer with her methodical way of speech. I'm sure she'd make a great psychologist.

However, she was being mendacious. Everything was NOT fine. It wasn't alright. And I wasn't calming down.

Why couldn't I breathe? Maybe I could breathe faster. This wasn't working. Was it the house? Did they not have the AC on? God, they really needed to turn the AC on. I should go outside.

I turned toward the entrance hallway, but I staggered. Why was the room spinning? I needed to get outside.

" Hayden, you need to calm down. You're having a panic attack." She stated but her voice seemed so far away. I needed to get outside.

I stumbled to the door and yanked at the doorknob. It wouldn't open. I hit at it and yanked and pulled and just made a real mess of it, but it would not open.

" Here, Hayden." She twisted the knob and it opened wide. Now, how did she do that?

I tumbled outside, the pain marking my adjustment to the sunlight. I sat on the stoop still feeling the world whirl and I couldn't breathe right.

" Do this, Hayden." She shoved my head between my thighs and said," Breathe through your nose slowly so you can calm down."

I did as she told me and within minutes, my brain sighed as oxygen, sweet necessary oxygen, filled my lungs and surrounded it. But that was when I started crying.

I whimpered, raising slightly to use my hands to cover my face. That same breathless feeling overcame me, but, this time, I knew why.

This was too much for me. Too much, too soon. I was mentally unprepared.

I whimpered again, the sound a pitiful mockery. The tears gushing from my eyes had me crying even harder. I felt so pathetic, but I couldn't stop them. I had never gone full out weeping before, and it was humiliating.

" Take me home." I mumbled too low for her to hear. She leaned closer.

" Huh?"

" Take me home! Please!" I begged, I just wanted this day to end.

" Okay," She seemed alarmed by my reaction. " I need to tell my parents, just stay here," she rose to stand and rushed into the house. She came back a few minutes later, a flustered look on her face.

" Where do you live?" I rattled off my address. I didn't bother to think about the implications of that action, I just didn't want to deal with this.

Alex was wrong. I wasn't a strong person. I was weak. I couldn't handle a mind- boggling situation like this.

I stayed silent in the car, except for the rare sniffling hiccup and whine. I felt her glances hitting my face periodically, but I couldn't look at her. Seeing that doubly familiar face, so similar to my own. It recalledthe conversation at her house to the forefront of my mind too fast for me to deny it.

When we arrived at my house, I slid from the front seat and headed to the door. Hadie called out to me,

" Hayden, let's talk tomorrow. I know you'll want to." I couldn't possibly conceive why I would want to. In fact, I knew I wouldn't, but I couldn't find the strength to argue the point.

" We'll see." I said simply and turned to leave as she peeled out of the driveway and drove around the corner.

Before I had even made it to the door, my mother had it open with a gentle smile curving her lip.

" Welcome back, sweetie, how was your day?" Her sweet, sugary voice was just the cure I needed. I relaxed, feeling for the first time that maybe the world hadn't ended.

" Just fine, Doll. Now that I am home." I added grinning tiredly up at her.

I headed up the stairs in dire need for a nap when she asked, still in that same sugary tone," Hadie, why did that girl call you Hayden?"

I shrugged continuing on without seeing the sour look on her face nor the fiery glint in her eyes.

I woke again the next morning to the rumble of my own stomach. I rubbed my stomach and groaned.

I hurried out of the bed after realizing how late I was for school. I took a five minute shower and rushed to my closet, pulling on a pair of cherry red skinnies, my favorite Converse hightops and a "Kiss Me" off shoulder tee shirt.

I dashed on a bit of cherry red lipstick and lined my eyes in a shadowy kohl. I headed downstairs at a run and jumped over the banister to the first level of our house.

" Sweetheart, why are you in such a rush? Slow down."

" Mom, I gotta go, I have seriously no time." Right on schedule, Jade's horn bleeped impatiently." Sorry, gotta go!" I kissed her on the cheek and sped out the door.

" Hadie," she said as I slid in the car. She immediately sped down the road." Where were you during last period? You missed Anderson's entire lecture on abstract art."

Her question dredged up all the memories of yesterday that I had blockaded from my mind during my sleep.

" That was-" I started, but before the words fully left my mouth, the unthinkable happened.

A loud screeching sound rent the air as Jade entered the intersection. We'd been driving for twenty minutes so we were practically down the street from the school. I shouted a warning as I saw the black Chevy Impala speed toward the passenger side of the car. Right where I was sitting.

When the car crushed against my side, a searing agony had black spots blocking my gaze. I huffed heavily, trying to breathe past the pain as my spine fired nerves signals telling me that something was wrong. Like I didn't know that.

I shifted and grimaced as pain shot through me like fire from my legs. I gritted my teeth and glanced at Jade.

I didn't know what I was seeing

Jade leaned toward me, her head laying on my shoulder. But the matted strings of her hair was dripping with a red liquid. And her eyes weren't open.

" Jade!" I screamed, shock running through me. " My left hand shook as I reached for her. I touched her face gently, giving her my full attention. So much of it, in fact, that I didn't notice the sound of the Impala backing away and stopping.

I noticed the crunch of gravel next to me and turned, struggling weakly as a cloth was placed over my nose and mouth. I looked up as the face I saw made me drag in another damning breathe from the sickly odorous clothe.


Jade's POV

I awoke to the sound of the piercing wail of an ambulance. As I stared around me, Alex's face rose in front of mine.

" How are you?"

I groaned, trying to think past the throbbing beat of my head.

" I feel like I just got into a fight with a boa constrictor." I mumbled, my own voice was too loud for me. He grinned down at me, his relief shining through. He should bestow that particular look on Hadie, I thought.

Thinking on that, where was Hadie? He had been right beside me when the accident happened.

" Well, you should. Your car was totaled. The whole passenger side was a mess. No one on that side could have survived." He was saying. " Good thing you were alone." He smiled again.

" But I wasn't alone, Alex." I said. His face twisted with befuddlement.

" What do you mean? No one else was there when the ambulance arrived. Just you, Jade."

" Hadie was in the passenger seat. I always drive her to school, Alex."


Well, did you guys expect that?? Well? Did you? Oh no! What's gonna happen to Hadie? Muwahaha!!! I am such a tease. Lol. XD Well you'll probably see in the next chappie. BBFN( byebye for now)

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