Road To Redemptionā™„ (Avengers...

By OMGitsJustine

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S.H.I.E.L.D. has finally done what they never thought possible, what Fury never thought possible. Katherine... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

Chapter 11

1.3K 45 11
By OMGitsJustine

Katherine unhooked her IV's; standing up and leaving her room in the hospital ward to go to her and Clint's room. She snuck past SHIELD Agents, not wanting anyone to know where she had gone. She slipped past one of the monitoring rooms, getting all the information on the Avengers latest mission as well as the location to where Clint and the others went off to. 

After getting the information; Katherine snuck into her and Clint's room. She lightly closed the door behind her, turning and the first thing her eyes went to was a picture of her and Clint in a frame sitting on the nightstand. She went over, picking it up as her fingers dragged lightly across it. She smiled before setting it down and turning towards the closet. Katherine opened both of the closet doors, her eyes meeting with her SHIELD uniform in it's case. She quickly unhooked it and put it on, zipping it up. (I imagine her superhero uniform looking something like this.) 

Clint told her to stay and rest but like they promised each other; if the other one is fighting, the other is going to fight. Clint's fight was Katherine's fight and her fight was his. 

Katherine quickly grabbed the picture frame, smashing it against the dresser and took out the picture. She stared down at it, lightly dragging her fingers over it one last time before closing her eyes. It was like in that moment everything that has happened to her ever since she met Clint flashed before her eyes. When she reopened her eyes, she smiled down at Clint's smile in the picture before folding it up and stuffing it into her inside jacket pocket, keeping it close to her heart. 

and with that, she made her way to steal a quinnjet.


In a matter of two hours; Katherine found herself landing a quinnjet right outside the bounds of a Hydra facility, which was located in Germany near Berlin, that was already in it's own fight with the Avengers team. Katherine cloaked the jet before closing her eyes and trying to focus on finding Clint. Once she felt his presence, she knew what to do. 

She started making her way towards him and the facility, he was inside. She took out Hydra agents the whole entire way there and not caring when she heard fellow Team Mate, Steve Rogers calling after her. Katherine busted through the doors of the Hydra Facility and her heart stopped beating for a second once she saw something on the floor that broke her heart. 

Clint's bow and surrounding his bow was blood. 

Katherine ran over to it, picking it up and holding it close to her chest as her eyes traveled to the trail of blood leading down the hallways. She held Clint's bow tight before picking up two of the loose arrows on the floor, following the trail of blood. It was like with every step she ran, she felt her heart rate raising even more and more. Katherine took out Hydra agents left and right before finally bursting through the door and spotting Clint. 

He was bleeding from his shoulder blade as someone in a Hydra science coat held him up. Clint was fighting against him but he was bleeding pretty bad from his shoulder. Katherine, without thinking, took out Clint's bow and shot one arrow at the Hydra scientist. The Hydra agent yelled in pain as he turned to see Katherine standing there. 

"Katherine.." Clint sighed, looking at her with a worried expression on his face. 

"Don't move." He ordered Katherine as a bunch of Hydra Agents started filling the room, pointing their weapons at Katherine. Katherine couldn't help but smirk before her eyes glowed red and suddenly all the Hydra Agents weapons were ripped from their hands and they were being sent backwards, backs cracking as they hit the wall. 

"You were saying?" Katherine smirked as she readied Clint's bow again with the arrow she picked up. "Next one goes into your chest. Let him go." Katherine pointed Clint's bow at the Hydra agent who had Clint hostage. 

"You'll kill me because I dare go against your precious SHIELD?" He snapped.

"I'll kill you because you're hurting someone I care about." Katherine glared at him, not blinking or lowering the bow. 

"I heard you can do all sorts of things Ms. Thorne. You really going to use that bow? Do you even know how to use it?" He questioned her, laughing a bit as he seemed un-phased by her.

"I had an excellent teacher, he's the world's best sharpshooter." Katherine remarked, Clint smirking lightly. "Me using Clint's bow to kill you would be justice for hurting him, now I'm going to give you one last chance at a peaceful death..Let.Him.Go. what do you gain from hurting him anyway?" 

The Hydra scientist laughed, shaking his head slightly before looking back up at Katherine. "You see, Ms. Thorne, mere Mr. Barton here is only the bait." The Hydra agent explained. 

Katherine looked at him confused. "Bait for what?" 

"You." He answered quickly as he whistled and suddenly Katherine heard a whooshing noise behind her. She quickly turned around, catching the arrow in her hands and snapping it in half. She glared at the Hydra Agent before her eyes went red and suddenly the man started screaming in pain. She flicked her wrist and suddenly the Agent's neck broke. 

Katherine sighed while turning around to glare back at the Agent holding Clint hostage. "Unless you want your neck to be broken like a twig, I'd let him go now." 

"You need to come back home now, where you really belong Ms. Thorne." The Agent glared at Katherine, voice getting all groggy. 

"I already have a home and it sure as hell is not this. Now let him go now, if you've heard anything about me, you'll know that I don't usually ask more than once. But since I'm in such a good mood, I'll give you one last chance..Let him go or else." Katherine glared before her eyes traveled to Clint's. He looked scared and his eyes were pleading for her to leave him behind so she wouldn't get hurt. 

Well that sure as hell was not happening. 

"Even if you kill me, there's no stopping the army that's already been set loose. There's no stopping what's already been decreed as destiny..You will be back with Hydra, fight for them like the perfect weapon you were designed to be. You're not meant to save the world Ms. Thorne, you're meant to destroy it.." The Agent told Katherine before raising his arm. 

"No!" Katherine yelled, aiming Clint's bow before letting the arrow go. The arrow moved through the air fast, making a swish noise before it dug deep into the Hydra Agent's neck. The Agent let go of Clint, falling backwards as he held his throat, coughing up blood. 

Katherine quickly ran over to Clint, holding him close as the two of them stared at the Hydra Agent confused, wondering what the hell he was doing. He was laughing, staring at the two of them. "Yo-you''re going to fufill you're destiny..You're going to be the soldier Hydra designed you for..the both of you will bring the world into chaos.." 

Katherine just stared at him, slightly frightened before flicking her wrist, using her powers to snap his neck. She let out a loud sigh, turning to Clint and hugging him close. She closed her eyes, allowing a single tear to escape as she pulled back, crashing their lips together. The thought of losing Clint, even the possibility was too much for her to handle. Clint was her saving grace, if she lost him.. 

she'd lose everything. 

"I thought I told you to stay home.." Clint breathed out, still holding his shoulder.

Katherine quickly shook her head, feeling a bit dizzy but put her hands on Clint's wound before closing her eyes and focusing. She cried out in pain for a second before her hands glowed red and using her powers to heal Clint's wound. Katherine reopened her eyes, sighing before placing a hand on Clint's cheek. "..- and I thought you would have learned better by now that I am never going to leave you to fight alone again..You fight, I fight remember?" Katherine explained to Clint before holding out his bow, handing it to him. 

Clint smiled, taking it before grabbing her hand. "Come on, let's get back to the others. The Agent was saying how they sent out a false lead on the scepter to gather us all here.. They're going to blow the whole island." 

"Okay but first let me heal you.." Katherine said, putting her hands over Clint's wound. She closed her eyes tight, focusing on healing Clint's shoulder. She felt blood dripping from her nose, Clint yelling at her to stop but she kept going. She screamed in pain before opening her eyes, seeing that his shoulder was all healed. She let out a sharp sigh, almost falling over but Clint caught her. 

"Wh-what happened?" Clint asked her, wiping the blood from her face. 

"No-nothing..You're going to be okay. Now lets get the hell out of here.." Katherine quickly shook her head, following Clint's lead. "Guys, we have a huge problem." Clint and Katherine yelled into their ear pieces. 

"What? What is it?" They heard Steve say through the coms. 

"The island's going to blow..-" They were explaining before suddenly stopping and seeing something that shocked them.  Katherine and Clint started walking into the room, seeing that Hydra was planning on releasing an army of their super powered soldiers to destroy the nearest populated city. Which was Berlin, Germany. The plans Hydra had were to release an army, having them lay waste to the city of Berlin and release a nero-toxin. It looked like the toxin they were planning on releasing could change the DNA structure, changing them into another Hydra brainless zombie. 3.5 million people lived in Berlin, Germany. If Hydra were to release that toxin, if they were to get their hands on their army.. 

it was game over. 

"Guys, we've got a bigger problem.." I sighed into my ear piece, going over and trying to see where each missile was to be released. "Looks like Hydra is sending out an army of their buffed out soldiers to attack in Berlin, they're trying to release a nero-toxin.. They're trying to create their army." 

"Then we're going to stop them." Steve said into his ear piece. 

"They've just destroyed our aircraft out of here." Thor said over the intercoms. 

"Tony, you got a way for us of this island?" I could hear Natasha say. 

"Working on it." Tony said while you could hear him shooting things. 

I bit my bottom lip, knowing what I had to do. I quickly started typing on the computer, trying my best to change the location of the missiles and where they would release. If I could contain the destruction, then we'd have a fighting chance. If I could keep the toxin here, if I can contain the blast then that would give the others time to stop Hydra's army. 

Clint was behind me, asking what I was doing and how we needed to get out of here as I stopped typing on the computer, accepting the changes for the launch. "You're going to get out of here, you and the others are going to take the quinjet I rode here in..You're going to get yourself to safety and stop Hydra's army." 

"What? What about you? You're not going to stay here." Clint argued with me. 

I quickly nodded my head. "Yes I am because someone has to. If I can contain the blast then you and the others can stop Hydra's army. I'll contain it as long as I can but you need to leave now." 

"I'm not leaving you here so don't ask me to. I just got you back and I'm not ready to loose you again..either of you.." Clint looked me straight in the eyes. I nodded my head slightly, grabbing his hand as we started running towards the others.

As soon as we stepped outside, I quickly put up a force field to block the bullets being shot our way. I yelled for Clint to start running and how I was right behind him, still keeping the force field up to keep him from getting hit. We started running towards the quin jet, seeing the others get there. 

"Clint, watch out!" I yelled, quickly blasting a Hydra agent with one of my energy blast to keep him safe. I sighed in relief before being knocked back by one. I fell to the ground, coughing as I could hear Clint yelling my name. "No! Keep going, i'm right behind you!" I yelled, blasting the Hydra agent back before running after him again. 

Once we all were inside the quin jet, Natasha tried getting it to start but nothing was working. It wouldn't turn on, like something was blocking it. There was some sort of malfunction aboard which was preventing it from taking off. We could feel the island started to break apart from under us as the blast was getting close. The blast would take out anyone within a thousand mile radius but it wasn't going to be any of my friends, especially Clint. Tony and Natasha started working on it as I knew what had to be done. I knew it in my heart and I knew Clint would never forgive me. 

But as long as he was alive that's all that matters, as long as all of them got out of here that's all that matters. 

Clint went to the front of the jet, trying to get the engines started with Natasha as I pulled out the picture from my pocket. I started down at it, holding it close to my heart as I looked back at Clint one last time. I folded it back up, putting it in my pocket as I started walking to the back of the plane. Everyone was so caught up in trying to get the engines back online, they didn't notice me step out of the plane. 

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I lifted my hand to close the door to the jet. 

"What? What's going on?" Clint asked, panicking as the jet started powering back up. 

"The engines are coming back online, something's giving us power. Stark, what's going on?" Natasha asked while Tony looked at the screen. 


Everyone looked at the screen, seeing Katherine outside powering up the jet. Clint got up and started running to the doors before they were shut. Clint banged on the doors, yelling at Tony and Natasha to open them. 

"she's blocking it, she's keeping us in here." Natasha said, still trying to push the button for the doors to open. 

Clint yelled for Katherine but she just ignored him. She started lifting the jet into the air as all the engines were coming back online, starting as the jet was taking off. Katherine stared up at the jet, smiling before sending it further up into the air. 

"Katherine, don't do this." Clint begged into the coms. 

Katherine felt a tear in her eyes. "I have to..You need to stop those army of super freaks from destroying Berlin and the world..I'll be fine, just know I love you.." 

"Katherine, n-.." 

Katherine took out her ear piece, tossing it to the floor and stepping on it. She sent the quin jet further into the air as she kneeled to the ground, placing her hands on the ground. She felt the blast getting ready to blow as she quickly stood back up, levitating into the air just as the blast went off. 

She used all her power, using every single bit of strength in her body to keep the blast contained. She screamed in pain as the blood was dripping from her nose but she pushed through it, now above the island as she kept the blast contained. Katherine stared down at the blast she was holding, continuing to scream before slowly but surely lowering the force field. She sighed outloud, feeling relieved that she managed to keep the blast contained but now she needed to go and help her fellow Avengers keep Hydra's army from reeking havoc to the rest of the world. 

As soon as Katherine spotted all the destruction already happening in Berlin, she scanned the place for Clint. When Katherine spotted Clint fighting some of Hydra's super soldiers, she quickly made her way towards him. That's when Katherine noticed Clint get knocked back by one of the super soldiers. Katherine saw the solider making it's way towards Clint, taking out it's sword to finish him off. 

In that moment, Katherine knew. She knew exactly what she had to do and she knew just how much Clint would never forgive her for it. But she needed to keep him safe.. So without thinking, she did what she never thought she would ever do for someone. 

"No!" She yelled, stepping in front of him and putting up a force field to block the attack. She suddenly felt a sharp pain go straight through her chest, making her gasp for air. Katherine struggled for breath as Clint looked up at her, terrified. She slowly turned around, facing the Hydra solider as she slowly lifted her hand, blasting him back.

Katherine's vision was getting blurry and everything was getting disoriented. She heard Clint screaming for her as she fell backwards into his arms.  

"No!" Clint screamed, realizing what had just happened. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't even process anything that happened. Katherine fell back into his arms, struggling to breath as she tried keeping pressure on the wound. She was gasping for air as blood formed around her lips, staining them red. She knew what this meant, she knew what would happen if she did but she didn't care. 

"Katherine's down, someone help!" Clint yelled into his ear piece as he cradled her in his arms. 

Katherine kept her eyes focused on his face, trying to memorize every last detail as if it were going to be the last time. She heard Clint crying her name as she closed her eyes, remembering everything that's happened since he walked into her life. If this was the end for her, at least she was going to be with Clint. At least she got to love him, experience love and the closest thing to the life she's always wanted.. Loving Clint was enough and despite everything, she would choose him all over again.. No matter what, Katherine was always going to love Clint. In this life and the next, she would find him and love him again.. 

Katherine kept looking up at Clint, struggling to breathe as she heard Clint telling her how everything was going to be okay..

but was it..? 

author's note: 

yeah, i hate me as much as you all probably do right now lol 

i suck at updating but i've been inspired to continue this series after civil war. WHICH WAS AMAZING> SORRY IM TEAM IRONMAN ALL THE WAY SORRY NOT SORRY. Black Panther was also THE BEST PART OF THAT FREAKING MOVIE BESIDES SPIDERMAN. I just love it so much im going to go see it again. 

11/10 for sure. 

next chapter will be up soon :) 

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