The Watcher's Freak Child.

By whogirl12

357 3 0


The Watcher's Freak Child.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

23 0 0
By whogirl12

I wake up late on Monday. Really late. " Oh, shit!" I mutter, scrambling out of bed. After pulling on clothes messily, grabbing  my messenger bag, pulling on my finger-less sleeves and hat, I ran out of the house. I skidded into History 15 minutes later. Damn! I tried to sneak into my usual seat in the back. The teacher catches me. " Miss Giles, would you like to take a seat?" He gestures to a seat in the front. 

I shouldn't have done this. It was stupid. I was angry. I turned to face the teacher and let him have it. " NO! I WOULD NOT LIKE TO SIT IN THAT SEAT! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO BE IN YOUR CLASS, YOU PERVERTED A** HOLE! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, I'VE SEEN YOU LOOK AT ALL THE GIRLS IN HERE!!! YOU SHOULD BE IN PRISON, YOU UGLY B*****D!!!!!!"

His face grew white. " Go to the office. Get out of my classroom. Now!" 

I turn in my heel and march out of the room. Halfway down the deserted hallway, quick footsteps catch up with me. I keep walking. 

" Hey, wait up." The brown haired girl from my History class said. I turn to look up to look in her brown eyes. " What do you want?" 

She takes a step back, " First off, I want to tell you how much I love your ink, secondly, thanks for chewing out  Miller. You're not actually going to the office"

" No, looking for a place to smoke."

" Well, there's the basement." 

I smile. " Lead the way."


When we're in the basement, we get to talking about music, movies, how much we hate Snyder. This girl is awesome! We skive off all morning classes, talking. Soon it's time for lunch. I'm about to begin my search for an empty table, when Faith invites me to eat with her. 

When Buffy and her people pass by the table, they glare at Faith. What is their problem? I like this girl. She could be my sister! 

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