Dream On - The Dreams of a Cr...

By mickeyD240

4.9K 167 27

It all started with a crazy teenage girl. Everyone knew she was crazy, and they loved her for it. No one, h... More

Squirrel! Vampire! Werewolf?
Amusement Parks, Military Camp, and Gangbanger Alley
Me vs. the Possessed Guitar
Disappearing Bank Robber?
Proms, Second Grade Reunions, and Crazy Teenage Boys
They Screwed Up My Screws
Evil Never Wins, Eh?
"You're in prison, Chump"
He's Got a Gun Too? Not Cool...
Look, I was Tired, Ok?
From Falling off a Stage to Failing at Softball
So a Train's Crashing into our House...No Biggy
Give me Back the Ball, Kid
Moral of the Story, Kids: Don't Block the Water Slide

Not-So-Fashionably Late

250 7 0
By mickeyD240

“Dad, hurry up!  We’re going to be late!”  Only after I said that did I realize that I really had to idea what we were going to be late for.  My dad was running around the house looking for goodness knows what, and I was just standing by the door yelling at him to hurry so we weren’t late for…something.  Then I looked down at my hand and noticed I was holding a flyer.  I glanced over it; it was a flyer to a prom; a prom that was being held at my church, of all places.  So I guess that’s what I was rushing my dad to get to.

Finally he was ready, so we went and got into our car and started out for the church.  Now, in reality, my dad can get you just about anywhere in much less time then you would expect.  However, my dream-world dad does not always follow the lead of his real-life self.  So we pulled out of the driveway, and he immediately starts driving like a snail.

This is going to be a long day. I thought, leaning against the window of the car.

Somewhere in my dream I evidently dozed off, because then I “woke up” and we were at the church.  I looked at my watch and it said 12am.  Then I looked at the flyer, which said the prom started at 6.  Great, we were six hours late.  I think that’s a new record.

I don’t know why I still went in; I guess I just thought I’d give it a shot since this was a dream world.  Maybe the prom was more of a lock-in?  An all-nighter at the church?  Hey, anything’s possible in my brain.  So I went in and sat down.  By now the cleanup crew from the prom was done taking down all the decorations and they were, well, being boys.  Dancing around, being crazy, seeing who could jump the farthest off the stage, that sort of stuff.  So I just sat there and watched.  They performed some strange version of High School Musical 3 for me, and even offered to let me join in.  That’s what I realized that I had showed up to a prom in a t-shirt and shorts.  This didn’t really surprise me though; I don’t often dress up, so dream-world me probably forgot I needed to wear a dress to a prom.

Luckily, the boys couldn’t care less.  So I got up from my seat and helped them perform their musical.  I may not have attended the main prom, but the cleanup crew prom was pretty fun as well.  Plus, I had to stay anyway, because the second I got out of my dad’s car, he disappeared.  Funny how things work in this world of mine…

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