They Screwed Up My Screws

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        Pacing.  I was just pacing; back and forth and back and forth through the hallways of my orthodontist’s office.  I’d walk down the hallway, peek my head through a curtain to see my grandma sitting in a chair reading a magazine in the waiting room, then I’d turn around and saunter the opposite way, passing the dark office rooms.

I was waiting for them to call me back to the only lit room in the entire building so that I could have two screws put in my jaw.  I wasn’t really sure how, but they were supposed to fix most of my jaw problems.  I had been waiting for about 30 minutes and they still hadn’t called me back yet.

Suddenly I was zapped into a tiny little room, and after examining it for a while, I realized that half of me was in the “operation” room, and then other half of me was on the other side of the wall in… well I wasn’t really sure what room they were in.  I looked up to see my orthodontist leaning over me, then all of a sudden he said, “Done,” and told me I could leave.

After standing outside the room for a while, I began attempting to try and make sense of what had just happened.  The screws were in my jaw now, but the orthodontist hadn’t gone anywhere near my jaw so… how could that be?  I looked down and noticed that I had a hole in each of my hands.  Somehow I ended up coming to the conclusion that my orthodontist had shot the screws through my hand and they had magically ended up in my jaw, as if that makes any sense at all.

So I walked outside the building and towards the only car in the parking lot, which I assumed was the one I was supposed to get in.  I got in the car and was met with a loud, “What took you so long?” by Adrian. 

I looked around the car and noticed that I was right in the middle of Adrian, Juliet, and the rest of their family. 

I explained to them what had happened, and all I got was a loud laugh from their dad as he pulled out of the parking lot and started driving back to my house. 

Confused as I was, I was just glad to be out of that office.  Some things are just better in reality.

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