So a Train's Crashing into our House...No Biggy

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It all started with Cameron and me sitting in our living room.We were just sitting there waiting for Juliet to show up.She pulled up with a couple other people, and right then I got a text from her telling me she was there.It took her ages just to leave the car and come inside; I just waited by the door and played with my phone until she finally came in.

Before I knew it everything she had in her hands was gone, and she’d plopped onto the couch.I tossed her the TV remote and told her that she could pick something.We have a seriously messed up power button (in real life I mean), but in my dream all of the buttons were malfunctioning when she tried to change channels.So she just sighed and tossed the remote back to me.I think I put in a movie or something, and then I just started walking around the living room, like I was cleaning or something.

I went and sat back down right as the movie was over, and then Juliet said, “Well, I’m going to bed.”I looked down at my watch, which said it was 7 pm.

“You do realize it’s only seven o’clock, right?” I said, right as Cameron was saying “At seven???”

“Yep,” she said, and with that she…well…went to bed.

Cameron and I just stared at each other in pure shock for a while, and then I shrugged it off and went back to watching TV.

At some point Cameron and I ended up in a hallway of some sort.It looked like a cross between the hallways of my old and the stage I go to sometimes.I came to another door and looked through it.Inside was a huge soccer stadium, where Juliet was shooting PKs.

Suddenly I was back in my living room explaining to Cameron that Juliet hadn’t really gone to bed and was instead inside the soccer stadium.We talked about that for a while before I decided I was going to go in there and play soccer with her, whether she liked it or not.So I went back to Cameron’s room, which immediately flashed into a playground, my old school’s playground, to be exact.I was sitting there with two little blonde boys and another blonde girl who looked to be around 12 or 13.We were talking about some embarrassing point in the girl’s life, and the boys decided to educate me on the theme song to this embarrassing moment.

As they were singing the song, we all got up and started walking across the playground.People all over the playground started joining in with the song, and as we kept walking, more people started singing.Soon we had passed the basketball court and were about to reach the soccer field.We went over a little hill and made it to the field, where two varsity boy’s teams were now warming up for a game.That is, until they heard the singing and decided to join in.Now two entire soccer teams, not to mention all the people on the sidelines, were looking up at us and singing as we walked down the hill and onto the field.It was the most beautiful thing...

It started to die down as the girl and I walked up to one of the refs.She shook his hand… and I did to, after I tripped over myself and almost knocked him over trying to regain my balance.

Now the school field had been replaced with the same stadium I had seen Juliet at.Now, however, there were just two teams on the field warming up, and she was in the stands.The blonde girl had left I think, but I didn’t really care because I was determined to find Juliet.I walked up the stairs of the stands until I reached her.You were sitting up there talking to Marley.Right as I got up there, she took the words right out of my mouth,

“Didn’t you say you were going to bed?”

“Well…umm…” Juliet stammered.

Next thing I know that scene had flashed and now Juliet, me, my dad, and Marley were sitting in what appeared to be a boxed-in kitchen of a very small apartment.In other words, we were all crammed into it.There was snow in there, for some weird reason, and every once in a while one of us would chuck some at each other.Then I turn around and see what appeared to be a can of sugar sitting right next to a coffee mug.Suddenly smoke starts rising from them, and as I stare at them, puzzled, and then I hear Juliet go “Whoa!!” and quickly move the coffee away from the sugar.

The only thing I could think to say was “Oh… so that’s what was burning.I was trying to figure that out…”

She responded by chucking a snowball at my face.

Next thing I know we’re sitting in a restaurant.For a moment Juliet was still there, and then I guess she magically changed into Raven.I was sitting there beside someone (I didn’t take the time to figure out who it was), and across from Raven and Marissa.I think Marissa ended up changing into some 6th grader, but I’m really not positive.She and I got up to use the bathroom, and were met with an old man standing, seemingly confused, in the woman’s bathroom.

Marissa completely ignored him and went on in.I, on the other hand, could not do that.“Umm, excuse me sir,” I started, “You’re in the wrong bathroom…”

“Oh dear,” the man said, “I thought something was off about this place.”He looked around for a while, and I just stood there awkwardly watching him.

“Umm…you really need to leave.This isn’t the men’s bathroom.”

“Oh, ok,”he said, continuing to stand there.

Finally I just grabbed him by his arm and practically dragged him out of the restroom.“Go in that one,” I said, frustrated, as I pointed towards the men’s bathroom.After staring at me for a minute, he walked into the men’s bathroom, knocking some 30 year old man over on his way in.

I came back to the table and decided I was going to steal Marissa’s seat, so I told her I was taking her seat right as she told me she was taking mine.Now I was sitting by Raven.

That’s when I’m pretty sure Marissa turned into someone else, but by then I wasn’t really paying attention to her anymore so I’m not sure.

That was the high point of the dream, you see, because next thing I know I’m back at my house.Just chilling in the living room, sipping some coffee from a mug, when suddenly I see a train attempted to park in our garage.Long story short, our garage is not nearly big enough for a train.



“A train is about to crash into our house.”

“That’s nice.”

“No I’m serious, look.”

Cameron rushed to the window and looked out.


That’s when the whole house starts shaking and I hear a loud *CRASH*.I took another sip of my coffee before I calmly said, “Let’s go see how bad it is.”

We walked to where the garage had been and found a giant train parked inside our house.However, it magically disappeared, and our entire garage was now a bedroom.Evidently, it wasn’t just any bedroom; it was mine and Cameron’s bedroom.Peachy.Juliet was there for a split second, and I was watching her out of the corner of my eye as I explained to my mom all of the glitches in this supposedly great plan of turning out garage into our new bedroom.I happen to like my bedroom…

Luckily I didn’t have to do too much negotiating, because that’s when I woke up.

These dreams just keep getting weirder.

Dream On - The Dreams of a Crazy Teenagerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن