Evil Never Wins, Eh?

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“Welcome to this morning’s soccer practice, we have a game tonight, don’t be late.  Ok you can leave now.”

I glanced at my watch and realized for the first time since I had arrived at the soccer field that it was only five in the morning, and I was at soccer practice.  Weird thing is that people were playing basketball… on the soccer field.

This little world of mine just keeps getting stranger and stranger.  Perhaps it’s the ice cream right before bed.  Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.


“WOULD YOU GUYS JUST CUT IT OUT ALL READY?   I’M TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD HERE!” I said as a bunch of little kids began deflating my bike tires, again.

They all just laughed.  And then they laughed some more.

“Fine!  I’ll just walk!  I’d like to you see you freak shows deflate my feet!” I said angrily.  They seemed taken aback, giving me enough time to run for it.

Finally I made it to my destination; a giant door in the middle of freaking nowhere.  Why was I here, you ask?  Well, I think I was trying to save…something.  I’m not really sure what, but some little voice in my head just said, “Find the giant door; save the world.”

I don’t like to argue with the voices in my head.

I was just about to open the door when I saw a woman in a black jumpsuit standing about ten feet away from me.

“Oh dang,” I said.  “Please don’t… oh no… OH NO!!”

That’s when she threw the fireball at me.

Needless to say, it hurt, and I went soaring through the air, right into the wall of whatever room I was in.

“Ha!  I win!” the woman said smugly.

I had no clever comeback to her amazing wit and confidence; I was too busy checking my body for broken bones.


“Passport, please,” the attendant said in the most bored tone I had ever heard in my entire life.

“What?” I said.  I was getting very tired of the sudden changes of scenery that never seemed to come with an explanation.

“Give him your passport, kid,” said a man behind me.

“What passport?” I said.

That’s when I noticed the woman in the jumpsuit standing on the other side of the room, smirking at me.  Before I could be childish and stick my tongue out at her, I was thrown to the ground by the attendant.

“GIVE ME YOUR PASSPORT!” he said, “You can’t get to California without a passport!!”

The last thing I remember was the horrifying laugh of the jumpsuit lady as I ran from all the people who wanted the passport that I didn’t have.

I’m gonna guess that she was evil.  And sometimes, in a world such as this, good doesn’t always win.

Especially when little kids deflate the hero’s bike tires.

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