Disappearing Bank Robber?

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“Here’s the room we are supposed to be in,” I said.

“Cool, I’m so excited,” Mary replied.

We walked into what I thought was our churches auditorium, and were met with the questioning glances of about twenty five year olds.

This is our room?” Mary said.

“Umm, I guess so,” I said.  For once I thought that I understood my surroundings, and then this had to happen…

So we walked to the back of the room and sat in some little yellow chairs while some woman was talking to the five year olds about cookies.  However, the chair I was sitting in was far too small for me, and I ended up toppling backwards and hitting my head on the wall.

When I sat up, all of the kids were gathered around me, staring evilly at my confused face.  I looked over to see that Mary was gone.

“Where did Mary go?” I said, but the kids just kept on staring.

I got up and ran around the church, searching frantically for Mary.

The one time she actually comes to church with me… I thought, and then I saw her, in her dad’s car, driving away.

They are going to go rob a bank, a voice in my head told me.

“Well,” I said exhaustedly, “that was weird.”

Next thing I know, I am sitting in a car, being served donuts and milkshakes by some street DJ.  Normally I would consider this gross, but in a dream world as mixed up and crazy as this, you begin to not really care what goes into your non-existent dream body, especially sense you can’t taste it most of the time.  So I sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed my donuts and milkshakes, while Mary and her dad robbed the banks of dream world America.

*** Hey everyone!!  This one was kind of short so I'm adding this comment to this one :)  I just wanted to let you all know that these dreams are actually real dreams of mine.  So yeah, I'm the crazy teenage girl :)  Hope you all have enjoyed these so far!  There are plenty more :)

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