Unstable [Harry Styles AU]

By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa

27.7K 1.4K 187

Everyone has an angelic and demonic side to them, but what defines us is our choices which makes one more pro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 31

267 14 4
By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa


Harry's grip tightens around my hand so hard it starts to hurt, making my hand pound from the tightness of his grip.

All of our boys were in the room also, but they were all silent. No one moved, and no one said anything. They didn't know what to do.

Sam had caught us off guard, which was hard to do to Harry. He was usually the one catching other people off guard, constantly being one step ahead of everyone else.

That's what made him so smart, he was cunning and knew what people were going to do before you even thought about it.

That's what also made him so dangerous- and also sometimes scary.

"In the flesh." He smugly remarks.

"H-how did you find us? How do you know where we live?" My voice shakes as I speak to the sinister man in front of me.

"Are you honestly that stupid, Julianne?" My heart aches as the venomous words flow out of his mouth, and Harry begins stomping towards him.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that." He spits out, his nostrils flaring as he gets closer.

But Sam wasn't alone, he was with Alec, of course, and about ten other men scattered around. Some were still outside, but most were in here, so we were horribly outnumbered. Not that it would be a problem, of course. I mean, Harry's gang can definitely take care of themselves.

Two men darted out at Harry, making me scream as soon as they grabbed him.

"Ah, Harry Styles. I've heard a lot about you." He rolls up his sleeves while he speaks, walking up towards Harry who was pushed down on to the ground and forced to kneel on his knees. As they throw him to the ground they hold onto his shoulders, forcing him to look at Sam.

At the same time, they're holding his arms behind his back, and you can immediately tell he's in pain from his wincing facial expressions.

Sam punches Harry across the face, causing my heart to stop beating for a few seconds.

"Stop!" I scream as I hear the boys yelling also, and I immediately jump towards Sam, but someone's holding me back.

I turn around to be greeted with Alec's familiar face.

I really do not like him.

"Don't touch her." Harry growls at Alec, causing him to laugh hysterically.

He wraps one of his hands around my neck, and his other hand is resting against my breast.

I felt disgusting, why am I always put into these situations?

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it."

Harry stares at his hand placement, beginning to thrash at the men holding him, trying to get free. "Get the fuck off of me."

His jaw was clenched as he stares at Alec, and pure hatred doesn't even cover half of the look he was giving him.

"When I get out, I'm going to kill you." He seethes, meaning every single word of it.

My breathing increases as I stare at him struggling, and he's worried about me. My heart flutters, but I quickly shake away the thought. This was not a time to think about my feelings towards him.

As Sam looks over at me, the sliver of humanity he has left was shown.

"That's enough." He commands, Alec immediately moving his disgusting hands away from my body and just holding onto my arm.

I silently thank Harry for saying something, and focus my attention back to Sam.

"As I was saying before," Sam finally speaks to me, "did you really think I just wanted to have dinner with you, Jules?"

He expectantly looks to me, all heads turning to hear my answer.

"Well I-I thought maybe," I start off nervous, causing Sam and his men to erupt into laughter, "I mean I was confused but yes, I thought maybe you did."

"Oh, Julianne." He sympathetically says, which was sarcastic, an evil grin still written on his face. "You've seriously underestimated me."

I roll my eyes, growing impatient the more I hear his voice. "Get on with it, how did you find us?"

"You're easily distracted, we both know this. It was extremely easy to slip something into your pocket that would allow me to track where you go."

My heart stops as I think back as to when he could of done that, and then it hits me- he slipped something in my purse when he pulled me in for a hug.

I stay there with my eyes wide open as he smirks at Harry, moving in closer to him.

"Please don't hurt him!" I practically beg, leaning towards Harry but being restrained by Alec.

"Alec, you and the other men take all of them into a separate room. Harry and I have some business to attend to, and I have a feeling she's not going to shut up." All the men in the room snicker, and I stand there appalled at the man standing in front of me, how is he talking to me like this?

My father was always a loving man, extremely strict and he had a temper, but he loved me and my mother and would probably do anything for us. What changed him? Why is he acting this way?

My heart clenched as I am tugged away further from Harry, but he gives me a reassuring smile.

For some reason I can't bring myself to return it, my mind is racing a million miles a second and I'm honestly scared. Sam is completely crazy, he could do anything at any second.


We're all crowded into a room, all of us sitting down on chairs with either our head in our hands or a blank expression on our faces, but none of us spoke.

Everything was strangely silent, no birds chirping, no murmurs or whispers- nothing. A chill ran down my spine from the thoughts swarming inside my head.

The only people standing were Sam's men, which included Alec, and they were huddled by the door.

Maybe it was so quiet because everyone was trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between Harry and Sam. I found myself doing just that, but sighed when still the only thing audible was nothing.

I was on the verge of tears, my father can be intense and I was scared for Harry. Of course he can handle himself, but I don't like seeing him hurt.

I guess all we can do is wait.


I feel like I'm going to go crazy myself if I have to be in this room any longer.

I don't know how long we've been held in here, but it hasn't been a short amount of time.

The silence was still painfully loud, and I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Right as I was about to stand up, the door opened and a man nodded towards the room, signaling we were allowed to go in.

I shot up from my seat and walked past everyone who followed closely and quickly behind, and I was relieved to see Harry untouched.

He seemed to be okay, he wasn't trying to kill anyone which I was especially thankful for. He was strangely calm, and I hate it when he's mad and calm, it means he's past the point of anger- I guess the right word would be infuriation.

He gave me a sad look, and I stared at him in confusion, but as they threw Harry to the ground, my hand flew up to my mouth to cover it and I tried to help him, but Alec grabbed my arm.

He literally threw me back, hurting me. I was still on my feet, but he pushed me into the wall.

"Do not move from that spot or this is going to go a lot worse than it needs to." He sternly instructs me, and I nod deciding I don't want anyone to get hurt.

I look at Harry and is eyes still never leave mine. "Niall, please hold her back."

My breathing picks up as I wonder why I need to be held back, but nonetheless, Niall comes from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, holding me.

"This is what happens, Julianne, when you take the wrong path in your life. It may seem like the way you want to go, but now I'm just going to give you a push in the right direction." Sam boastfully talks, his voice being projected loudly and carrying out throughout the house.

I was about to respond, say something, anything, but Alec started to move and the words just couldn't make its way out of my mouth.

Alec walks up to Sam proudly, taking something out of his hand and facing Harry.

My heart beats through my chest as I feel like I may throw up right here on the spot.

It was a small metal pistol.

I sucked in a sharp breath, holding my hand out, as if to make them stop, the tears beginning to brim at my eyes.

"Oh god, stop this, Sam. You don't know what you're doing." I plead with them, but Alec continues to stride up to Harry, standing behind him, and he cups his hand around the side of his neck, slightly putting pressure on it and causing Harry to struggle with his breathing.

The gun is pressed hard to his back, and he winces from the pain immediately hitting him when the air begins to escape his lungs from Alec's actions.

"Sam, what are you doing? Do you think this is really the answer?" Zayn tries to reason with him, getting absolutely no where.

"Shut up." He spits, making Zayns nostrils flare as he heavily breathes out of them, and he takes a step towards Sam, but Liam holds up his hand against his chest to stop him.

"Look, we don't want anyone to get hurt. Let's just stop this here and pretend it never happened."

"Ah but you see," he points to Liam, "that's exactly what I want."

I try to gain control of my unsteady breathing as the tears begin to fall down my cheeks and off of my chin.

"Sam, I'll do anything. Don't do this. I'll come home, just please let him go."

"Oh, Julianne." He taunts, "I told you you had your last chance last night to leave, and you chose to stay. Now, someone's going to get hurt."

He faces back to Harry.

"I swear to Christ we're going to fucking kill you, are you hearing me?" Liam growls, and I'm caught by surprise. I'm not used to seeing or hearing him like this, or anyone but Harry.

But as I look around the room everyone is fuming, except for Harry, which is ironic.

He won't stop staring at me, and that just makes me cry harder.

I wasn't out of control, but my tears were endlessly falling from my puffy eyes. They were silent, but as soon as one would fall another one would take its place.

"Harry, I-I don't know what to do." I stutter, finding it hard for me to find the words to say at the moment.

My throat was hoarse, it hurt to speak.

"It's okay, love. You need to listen to me."

I shake my head as he takes in large breaths while talking.

"You need to get away- far, far away. Niall will bring you somewhere safe, and then you need to get away from all of this. Take care of the baby, and yourself. Don't ever come back. You need to disappear."

My hands are slightly trembling, this is all happening way too fast.

Someone please wake me up, make me wake up in my warm bed next to Harry, his arm comfortingly around me as he tells me it's alright and it was just a nightmare.

This was much more than a dream, sadly it was reality.

"No, Harry. You're going to be okay, everything's fine alright?"

He takes one last deep breath, closing his eyes.

"This isn't the last time, I promise, princess." He sadly smiles, and I stare at him in bewilderment, how is he still trying to smile and be positive? Where's the Harry that used to fight, that wouldn't just give up?

"No!" I yell, trying to get by the men blocking me from getting to Harry. "How can you just say this?! Get up! Don't just stay there!" I yell at him, earning a pained look from his eyes.

My voice got softer and softer the more I talked, until I didn't know what to say.

"Now," Sam speaks up, Harry glaring right at him as Alec pulls Harry's hair back, forcing him to look up at Sam.

"Does anyone have anything to say to the famous and relentless Harry Styles?" He mocks, all of his men deeply chuckling.

"Sam, you're going to regret this." Louis strains his voice to speak up, his wound still taking a toll on him.

Sam rolls his eyes, turning around and nodding to Alec.

I continue to cry, trying to get out of Niall's grip around me by prying his arms away from me, trying to save the man I love like he has saved me many times.

"Harry I love you so much, please fight back!" I yell to him one last time before again he gives me a half-hearted grin, and the trigger is pulled into his back, making him fall to his right side and on the ground.

"NO!" I scream as he drops making a thud on the floor, and I escape Niall's hands for a split second, but he grabs me and pulls me back, picking me up and carrying me away.

"Harry!" My voice cracks as I scream his name, but he doesn't move. He just lays motionless on the floor. "Niall let me go!" I cry out, the tears streaming down my face as it heats up.

I'm now doing everything in my power to get to his lifeless body, I'm not throwing a tantrum, but I'm trying to squeeze out of his grip, and it's not working.

"Harry, oh my god, let me go!" I try to hit Niall, I can't believe he won't let me see him!

Maybe because all of Sam's men are still here, it could still be dangerous.

"Get her out of here!" Liam angrily yells at Niall as they all try to get out of the house, and somehow Zayn now has a gun.

A few more shots go off, and I wince from the noise, but I still don't stop trying to get back to Harry.

"Niall please," I beg him, the water rushing down my face, "let me go back! I need to help him!"

He pulls me outside, finally dropping me, but not letting go of my shoulders.

He won't let me go as I try to push him away from me, but get no where. I must be seriously weak, I should probably work on that.

"Damn it, Jules! He's gone!"

I immediately freeze, my heart stopping with my body for a split second.

"H-He can't be gone, the baby-"

"He's gone." He runs his hands soothingly down my arms, but at the moment it was anything but soothing.

I didn't know what to say, or think. Is he really...gone? The man that Ive learned to love over the past year, dead?

I cried into my hands, my fingers and legs trembling as I tried to keep myself from falling to the ground.

Another gun shot sounded in the house, and I whimpered from the noise.

He's gone, I can't believe he's gone.

"Jules I am so so sorry, but we really have to go." He pulls my hands away from my face, and I could tell he was hurting almost as much as I was.


I'm hoping that Harry wakes me up from this devastating nightmare, I don't know why I'm not waking myself up.

There's no way this could be real. Harry was not just shot and killed inside our house.

I refuse to believe it.


I haven't stopped crying. It's only been about an hour since the incident, but it still hurts like it happened a few seconds ago.

I can still hear the gunshot, watch my father command Alec to pull the trigger, and also see Harry's beautiful lopsided smile for the last time. Ever.

I'm never going to be able to hear his sweet, raspy voice, or see that cute dimpled grin again.

My stomach dropped at the thought. I can't believe he's gone. Harry is dead, just like that.

I was informed by Niall that I would be moving away, so I needed to go back to my original apartment and grab my things from there. We had just arrived, and I used the elevator to go up to my used-to-be apartment.

As I opened the door it was dark and empty, Kat and Bria were no where to be seen. They did say they were leaving, I didn't know where they went though.

I wonder how they're doing? I haven't spoken to them in what feels like ages. They've obviously left England, but I wonder where to?

I close the door to the gloomy flat and quickly pack up my clothes, trying to tell myself I'm going to be okay.

I finish up in my room and make my way to the bathroom.

After I finish up here we're going to go back to the lake house and grab my belongings, Louis is there right now taking care of everything.

He's such a trooper, he was shot and now his best friend is gone, and he still is able to help out the group.

At this point I was in the state of denial. I was thinking as soon as I get back to the lake house, he would be up and walking around, saying he's fine.

Am I really never going to be able to see him walking around again? Never be able to kiss his soft, pink, lips. Never tell him I love him, or fall asleep in his tattooed arms.

I sob at the horrible thoughts, trying to not think about it, but it's hard when Harry's the only thing usually on my mind.

I can't even begin to describe the complete agony I'm feeling, besides that it seems like when he died I went with him, and this is just my body roaming around, like there's no soul or spirit inside of me now.

I don't want to do anything- I don't want to move, I don't want to talk, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this.

I dry my tears, looking at myself in the mirror.

God, please tell me this is just some inhuman nightmare.

As I stare at my reflection, I sigh.

My makeup was completely washed away, and my eyes were red and puffy. I threw my hair into a bun considering the fact it was a mess, and let out a shaky breath before sobbing once more.

I look into the mirror at myself, wondering where the strong and brave girl had gone, all I see is an empty ghost.

I straighten up a bit and take in a deep breath, holding all my stuff in my arms as I walk out of the door and down the hallway, pressing the lobby button on the elevator, and meeting Niall at his car.

We take off to go back to the lake house in silence.

I look over at Niall who had been very quiet, and I see a single tear drop from his eye as he quickly wipes it away, tightening his grip on the steering wheel and not looking away from the road.

I rest my head against the window, trying to chase all my demons away.


Such a sad chapter. It's hard for me to write this stuff because not only is it sad, but it's difficult to write.

So even though it was hard I hope you like it, and tell me what you think!

I literally was so sad writing this its just ugh what am I doing guys this is horrible.


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