I've been looking for you for...

By annaivorytusks

3.9K 35 2

Dougie Poynter and Anna Simmons were best friends. They were all each other had. They both went their separa... More

Everything is different now...(McFly AU)
1. Ink paper and TOMs
2. Fletch.
3. Oh the irony.
4. Hug.
5. Dreams
6. Four years
7. Games.
8. Mr. Perfection
9. Yellow, Red, Orange Paint
10. Chocolate cake.
11. The film geek and rockstar.
12. Advantages of a toned body
14. $0.99 Pizza
15. I haven't seen shortie!
16. Hearing but not really
17. tats and the past
18. the truth about alcohol

13. The past is the past.

151 1 0
By annaivorytusks

Anna POV:

"Anna!! Wake up!!!" I heard screaming through my headphones. I must have fallen asleep on the couch downstairs because that's where I was when I woke up.

"Anna!" I heard, faulty through my earbuds.

I pulled them out and looked around the room to find Dougie hovering over me. I looked up and smiled. He laid down on top of me and began kissing me. I let his tongue into my mouth and his tongue fought for dominance.

I wouldn't let him win that easily. I pushed onto his chest, trying to be the dominant one. I shut my eyes tightly and kissed him passionately. Of course, being me I pulled away.

I say up, pushing him off of me. He groaned in annoyance.

"You're such a cockblock." He shouted, in a funny tone. I gave him the death glare and laughed.

"Shut it. I'm not ready for that yet." I said, indicating exactly what he knew I was.

His expression quickly changed. "I'm fine with that. More than fine. I can wait. There's no one I would rather wait for than you." He said.

I sat next to him on the couch and kissed him quickly. I laid my head in the crook of his neck and smelled his cologne. Creepy, right?

"So I was thinking!" I started. I looked up at Dougie who just stared at my creepily. He raised his chin, letting me know he was listening.

"Since both of us aren't going anywhere, I think you should get some clothes for here." I suggested looking up at him.

He smiled then kissed my forehead. "Yeah. I mean sure. I don't really know what to say others than yeah."

I rolled my eyes. "My man of many words." I said sarcastically. "I'm inviting you to move in! NOTHING has changed."

"Actually, a lot has changed. The atmosphere and setting has changed. But we haven't really changed." He informed, sounding smart but not really convincing me. I loved making fun of him. Mainly because I could and he wouldn't do anything about it.

"That's true. I mean but it feels like we don't know each other but at the same time we know everything." I said trying to piece together my thoughts into words.

I laid my feet on the coffee table and got a little comfortable. I look out of the window and saw the beautiful sun shining down on the skyscrapers of NYC. I was wrapped up in dougies strong, loving arms which gave me a lot of comfort.

"I agree somewhat. I mean you don't always make sense when you talk but I love you anyway." He started. I turned around and gave him a dirty look. "Anyways, it feels weird because people might think that we rushed into this relationship, but we've known each other so long and know practically everything about each other."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I agree. We're basically meant for each other you know. Like when they say 'if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours, if it doesn't it never was.' You make that quote come to life. It's true. We both let go of each other, thanks to me, and we found each other again. That, to me is true love."

He sighed in relief. "I think we should get out of here?? Get some clothes...bond?"

I looked at him and pecked his lips. I nodded my head and sat up, pulling him with me. I got changed into a simple white tee shirt and blue skinny jeans.


"Ready to go babe?" Dougie asked forming his arm so I could interlock mine with his.

I obliged and interlocked my arm with his. He wore a peacoat and jeans. I grabbed my purse and we walked out the door.

We got into a taxi cab and drove on our way to the mall. The ride wasn't very exciting besides the fact that we just held hands the entire time.

"Here." The driver said. I smiled and the driver said no charge. I gave him a questioning look and he said "young love" I didn't buy his story. Dougie probably paid him. No taxi in New York was free.

Anyways, we got into the mall and Dougie was mesmerized by the size Of the mall. We had one back in Essex, but it was small. This one, being in New York City was huge.

"This is where you've been shopping??" He asked running around the main hallway of the mall. He honestly was a child at heart. It was adorable. On the outside he was this sexy 21 year old but on the inside he was his old cute 10 year old boy.

"Yep. Not immature." I mumbled wry quietly. I walked over to him running around and felt like I was a mother catching up to her little child. It was weird but it's what made me love him.

"Are we going to shop or eat first?" He asked finally walking up to me.

"Who said anything about eating?"I said in a higher tone than normal and with my hand on my hip.

"I said it. And what I said happens. Now lets go eat some food! I'm going to starve." He informed me, grabbing my hand and literally dragging me behind him.

It was a good thing the mall wasn't too crowed because I honestly would have been embarrassed.

"Hey!" I shouted out of the blue. Dougie turned around and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" He asked suddenly stopping in the middle of the walkway of the mall.

"I just thought of the perfect shirt for you!" I said, still in the high pitched tone. I could tell my voice was different. I really don't know why I was doing it.

"Oh. Really? I'm my even asking what it is because you're just gonna go 'its a surprise' then I'm gonna go 'alright I guess I will wait' then you will smile in win, seeing me in defeat. So no I'm not asking." He said knowing me better than I know myself. I guess when you truly love someone, you never let them go or the crazy things they do.

"Well well well. What if I was going to tell you what it was?" I asked sassily him.

He smirks and walks over to me. I got chills for a second because I remembered something that had happened a few years back.

"You weren't going to tell me anyways...." He stopped and noticed my posture and expression on my face. "Anna! Are you alright?" He asked putting his hands on either if my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

I snapped out of my trance and looked him in the eyes. "Yeah?" I asked completely forgetting and jumbling up his words.

"I said are you alright? You looked a little flustered there." He explained, his hands still placed firmly on my shoulders.

"Yeah! I'm fine. I just need to eat. Lien you said before. I'm dehydrated. You know how bad I have that." I explained trying to cover up the hidden truth. Eventually I needed to tell him, he's my boyfriend and I've known him longer than anyone else. I needed to get things out at the right time.

He kept one of his arms wrapped around my shoulder and we walked to the food court. "What do you want, love?" He asked.

I looked around at the restaurants.




SBARRO not in the mood

PANDA EXPRESS I could go for some Chinese food.

"Panda express" I stated. He smiled and led me over to where the restaurant was.

We both took some time to look at the menu. I got some chicken thing and I didn't really care about what Dougie got so I don't know what he got. It took a little while for us to get our food so Doug told me to find a table while he got the food.

I found a nice table for two and waited for Dougie. I pulled out my phone and went to my messages.

"Sarah: whatcha doin?"

I laughed she would never back down.

"Me: I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you."

My reply was funny, but I feared she would take it too seriously. I put my phone away when I saw Dougie walking around looking for me. He's so stupid. I put my elbow on the table and stared at him. He was so oblivious to the fact that I was 3 feet away from him.

"Doug." I said. He turned around and smiled.

He then sat down and handed me my food. I chuckled because he looked so funny sitting down.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked, acting hurt and damaged.

"You! You're adorable." I said weaseling my way out, with an obvious truth.

"You're cuter!" He said.

As much as it was cliche to go back and fourth, telling the other one they're cuter, it was nice to finally have him.

"Yeah yeah. So what did you get?" I asked, finally wondering about what he was eating.

"I don't even really know. It has some like chicken type shit." He explained holding up his food container to his face, examining it.

"Why you would get something- Nevermind." I said purely out of curiosity.

"So you looked a little frightened before. I'm worried. Is everything ok?" He asked forcing an insane amount of food into his mouth.

I finished chewing, then answered him. "Yeah. I mean the last time I was at a mall with a guy, my old boyfriend broke up with me." I explained.

Dougies facial expression quickly changed from anger, to jealousy. "You had a boyfriend before?"

"Yeah. Two years ago. It was only 6 months and he was a dooshe. You?" I asked.

"Well I met this girl but I wasn't really interested. We dated for month. I didn't know that's about you. I wish I had." He explained, worried.

"It's alright. I mean I should have told you a couple days ago." I informed.

"That's alright. I understand. The last few days have been awesome and I can't wait for the future ones. In my eyes, I think we should just forget about the past and focus on us, right now." He said trying effortlessly to use chopsticks.

I giggled at his disability to using chopsticks. I grabbed his hand and showed him how to 'properly' use them. "Haha. Here! Like this." I said. He looked at me and kissed my lips. I kissed back and opened my eyes, I got a forkful of rice and moved away and shoved it into his mouth.

The sight was honestly to die for! It was the funniest thing, especially because it brightened the mood. He sulked back in his chair in defeat and frowned.

"Stop being such a baby." I said showing the delicious food into my mouth.

I concentrated on my food, and only on my food. Of course I did it on purpose which made it all the more funnier. I looked up a and Dougie was staring at me coldly.

I couldn't hold my laugh in and I ended up snorting instead. Dougie started cracking up and I couldn't stop, I had food in my mouth. I tried profusely to not choke and I finally swallowed my food. I took a sip of my water and composed myself.

"I think we should just go shopping now." I suggested. He nodded his head in agreement and we threw our food away.

"So what tee shirt were you going to show me?" He asked gripping my hand with his.

The light bulb suddenly popped into my head and I walked to Hot Topic. I knew this mall like the back of my hand. Sarah drags me here enough and I also am a shopaholic. Sad, isn't it.

"You're gonna love it!!" I said sticking my tongue out while I smiled, walking to the store.

"I hope so!!" He said not convincing me very much.

I scoffed and walked into the store.

Dougies face looked disgusted and fascinated at the same time. I walked around a little and showed him the gauges. Since he's a little rebel/rocker/emo type of guy, I thought showing him the gauges would make him want some. I also greeted Jake the manager who is my friend.

"See any you like?" He asked me. Very strangely. I thought I would be asking him.

"I'm not getting them." I said, I didn't plan on getting gauges.

"I didn't mean it like that! Pick some out for me." He said standing on the other side of the tall glass case from me, with his hands in his pockets.

I sighed and looked at the cases. "What size are yours?"

He stopped to think for a moment and looked up to the ceiling in thought.

"Aren't you supposed to know what size your gauges are? They're your ears!" I squealed.

He smiled and said. "Zero."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at the ones I liked. The ones that would suit him the most were either these gold solid ones, silver ones that had a hole through the middle and these black ones, both with holes and without.

"These!" I shouted. Doug walked over and I showed them to him. He liked them and we had to get Jake to get them for us. Dougie got all 4 gauges I picked.

While Dougie wandered off I started talking to Jake.

"So who's he?" Jake asked.

"My boyfriend." I explained looking over at Dougie.

Jake did that thing where you make your lips purse and into an approving frown. He also did an approving nod.

"I didn't know you had one." Jake replied.

"It was until recently. I told you one time about that guy, but I never really told you much. Well that's him. It's a funny story actually. He's in McFly that band we saw the shirt for and they came to me for photos and yeah. The world isn't so small after all." I explained.

Jake just stood there, staring at Dougie who didn't seem to notice my short absence.

"He seems very nice. You should buy a McFly tee shirt!" Jake suggested.

I laughed. He figured out my plan. "That's my plan. I actually was going to buy it for him but I think it'd look better on me." I said laughing.

I found the shirt, in my size, and brought it over to Dougie. He turned from looking at even more gauges.

"Is that the tee shirt you were talking about?" He asked, only seeing the short folded over, hiding the logo.

I released it, allowing him to see the front and said "YEP!" His gaze met the shirts and he opened his mouth, mesmerized.

"How did you know it was here?" He asked, performing a high pitched tone.

"I was here the other day with Sarah and I didn't even know who McFly was let alone you were in it." I explained.

"That's ironic! That's the weirdest thing ever!" He said holding up the shirt.

"Hey! It's mine mister! I'm gonna wear it all the time. In fact I'm going to buy a couple!" I said going over to the rack and buying all the ones in my size and above.

"Well then! Crazy band girlfriend." He mumbled.

"Come on man! You have got to stop with the mumbling." I said shaking him by his shoulders.

He widened his eyes at me and I laughed and walked to the register. I bought the gauges and shirts. I snuck in a few more queen shirts and some queen guitar picks.

Throughout the entire rest of the day, we spent hours shopping for Dougie. It took him FOREVER just to pick a store. He probably spent about 3 hours in Zumiez. It didnt really surprise my in any way because Dougie is kind of that skater punky rocker who would shop in Zumiez.

I keep rambling on and on but Zumiez Would be the best place for him to shop. He also found some nice clothes at Abercrombie and Fitch, Against All Odds and Hollister. Typical places for him to shop.

We also looked for some stuff for me, but not much. I needed a new pair of Doc Martens and converse. So we took a lovely trip to journeys and I bought 2 pairs of converse, white and purple and a purple pair of martens.

After getting loads of clothes, we finally decided it was time to get back to the apartment. I was freaking out and thinking we were going to get jumped, but we didn't. Thank god. Now we just have to put all the clothes away and then go from there.

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