Puzzle Pieces

By casey_gutwein

179K 3.8K 327

"There it is. Her favorite coffee mug. It's still half-full from this morning. This morning. Before everythin... More

Puzzle Pieces
1. Another Day - Harry
2. Sleepless Nights - Rose
3. Sharing Stories - Harry
4. No Surprise - Rose
5. Hooked - Harry
6. Take Me Home - Rose
7. A Friend Like Louis - Harry
8. Moving Up and Out - Rose
9. Rising Up - Harry
10. Filling A Gap - Rose
11. Connection - Harry
12. Free Falling - Rose
13. The Great Escape - Harry
14. Counting Stars - Rose
16. Lost and Found - Rose
17. Chances - Harry
18. Just Keep Swimming - Rose
19. Stuck - Harry
20. Meaningless - Rose
21. The Chase - Harry
22. Complete - Rose
Epilogue: Perfect Fit - Harry
Epilogue: Courage - Rose

15. Surfs Up - Harry

5.1K 127 9
By casey_gutwein

Surfs Up - Harry

When I sneak back into my hotel room at 6:30 in the morning, Rick is already there waiting for me. He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me. I become a little nervous on the inside, but I make sure I don't look like it on the outside.

"Have a fun night?" he finally asks with his arms crossed.

"I did, actually. Thanks for your consideration." I say as I set my keys down.

"Where were you? A Club? Bar maybe?"

"None of the above."

"Then where?"

"You don't have to know that."

With that, Rick grabs the collar of my shirt and brings me close to his face. I stare right into his dark eyes when he talks.

"Now you listen to me. If you were with that girl again, you will have serious consequences. You need to be available. It's better for marketing and you know that."

"You can't tell me how to live my life. I'll do whatever I want."

"I'm not kidding, Harry. You're becoming detached and the fans aren't liking it."

After saying this, Rick pushes me away and slams the door as he storms out of my hotel room. I don't care what he says. His judgements about me don't phase me at all. Neither do the fan's thoughts. If I do end up with Rose, they should be happy for me. She's what I want and nothing's going to change that. Not Rick, not the paparazzi, not the gossip articles, nobody. I'm going to be with Rose no matter what. Speaking of, I need to see what's next in her book.

I flip to the fifth page and I immediately know how to make this certain thing happen. It will only take one phone call to the one and only, Ed Sheeran. I take my phone out to dial his number when there's a knock at my door. I don't say anything, but Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn barge in anyway.

"Hey guys, I'm a little busy right now."

"You're not too busy for what we're about to tell you," Louis says.

"Sit down," Liam instructs.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed, and the rest of the boys find spots all around the room. The looks on their faces are making me worried.

"We're going to tell you this as gently and calmly as we can," Zayn tells me.

"Rick said he'll kick you out of the band if you don't stop hanging out with Rose!" Niall blurts out.

"Niall, that wasn't the way we planned it!"

"Sorry, I couldn't just let him sit there and not know what was going on!"

"Wait," I say, "are you all being serious? He can't do that."

"Unfortunately, he kind of can. You can still come to concerts and other public things, but he can take your voice out of our songs and turn your microphone off at shows. There would be nothing you could do about it either."

"Harry, you need to get your head in the game. You know you missed a meeting yesterday right? You're not being focused," Louis explains.

"But that's not Rose's fault! I just forgot. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"You better watch it."

Then, the boys exit and I return to making that phone call to Ed. They don't know what they're talking about. I missed one little meeting. It was a mistake and I'll learn from it. Everything about being famous makes me feel so pressured. Like I have to be a certain way to keep my job. I am who I am and I can't change. I won't. Rose likes the way I am. That's one of the reasons why I love her.

The phone rings several times before Ed picks up.

"Hey, Harry."

"Hey, I was wondering if you could do something for me."


"You have a concert at the O2 tonight, right?"


"You see, I met this girl, and I promised something to her."

"Go on."

"You think you could let her on stage and have her crowd surf?"

"I'd have to work things out with my manager, but I'm sure I could make that happen. It will be so sick!"

"Thanks, mate. I knew I could count on you."


Now, I just need to figure out how to surprise Rose. I suppose I could just take her backstage at the concert and push her out onto the stage with Ed when it's time. She'll probably freak out though. Oh well.


It's almost time for Ed to give me the signal. Rose is standing in front of me, swaying side to side to the rhythm of Lego House. She had flipped out when I told her that I was taking her to this concert. I smile to myself, satisfied that I could make Rose so happy. If she only knew how happy she made me.

As the last notes of Lego House are played, Ed fixes his hair, the signal that we agreed on. I give Rose a push and she stumbles out onto the stage. She turns around and glares at me, confused as to what's going on. Rose faces Ed and she takes his outstretched hand.

"I'd like to welcome a very special lady to the stage. Say hi to Rose everyone!"

Everyone screams and Rose stands there, frozen. Ed pulls her in close and gives her a reassuring squeeze before he continues talking.

"You see, Rose is completing things from her bucket list, and it has come to my attention that one of these things is to crowd surf. Is that right, Rose?"

"Yes, you're right."

"Well, how about it then?" he asks the audience, "who wants Rose to crowd surf?"

The shouts from the fans are almost deafening. Ed nods at Rose, and to my surprise, she walks to the edge of the stage and turns around. With outstretched arms and a smile on her face, Rose lets herself fall. The girls and boys in the front catch her and pass her along to others. She squeals with excitement which makes me laugh. Rose looks so carefree. I love it.


I wanna say a big thank you to @pointeshoesandtutus because crowd surfing was her idea! How did you like this chapter? Comment, vote, and follow!





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