'The Eternal Flame' Damon Sal...

By ElleMiglioranza

215K 3.9K 1.2K

The Third Book in the 'Epic Love Sage' Siena and Damon Salvatore have gotten married from the day of there w... More

Things Aren't As They Seem.....
Take Down.....
An Eye Opener.....
Everything Is At Stake.....
I Can't Do This Anymore.....
It All Come To The Surface.....
Sire Bond.....
Mystery Of Dimidium Sanguinis.....
How Far Are You Willing To Go.....
Choices To Be Made.....
Tempers Running High.....
Race To The Cure.....
Stand By Me.....
Trying To Get Back In Control.....
This Is A Lesson Learnt.....
Too Late To Apologies.....
If The Truth Be told.....
Is It A Little Too Late.....
The Uprising Of Ones Shadow Self.....
Three Months Later......

Coming To Terms.....

43.7K 266 71
By ElleMiglioranza

I do not own any rights to TVD characters these belong to L.J Smith T.V show. The only charters who belong to me is Siena Russo, Tony Russo, Chrizina Russo, Blair Richy, Julian Gracia, Tia Dalma, Nico Gracia/Salvatore, Margherita Gracia Happy reading :D

Damon P.O.V

Within the last 72 hours I had married the woman of my dreams Siena Russo now a Salvatore. Who would of thought that would ever happen. The day we got married was the greatest day of my existence everything was perfect. To see my princess walking down that aisle towards me took my breath way. No other woman that I have ever been with had done that. Even Katherine who I had claimed to love for the last 145 years. No with Katherine it wasn't love I had for her it was lust possibly infatuation. You know what I came to realise that everyone throws round the word 'love'. No one will actually know true love until literally it hit you. That's what happened to me Siena came into my life and literally knocked me off my feet sending me flying. She had turned me from being the monster that I once was into the better man I'm today.

But then my world came crashing down. From it being this perfect day spending with my friends and my new family and not forgetting my wife. The day turned into a nightmare when Esther had taken Siena and Elena and kept every single vampire blinded to the boarding house. All so she could create indestructible vampire hunter to kill her children. Esther had used my good friend Ric as part of her creation he was losing it due to the Gilbert ring he wore. It was making him bring out his dark alter ego vampire hating side of him. Esther used this to her advantage. She needed Siena and Elena to complete the spell. With Siena by her side it gave her enough power to complete a dark spell like creating an original hunter. Then with Elena blood the blood of a doppelganger to seal the spell she turned my friend into something he never wanted to be a vampire.

With all that happening within the first few hours of being married and then having to deal with the fact that Ric had chosen not to go ahead with the transition. We all came to terms with the fact that our friend was going to leave us all. Well that what we all thought. Somehow Bonnie Bennett had fed Ric her blood. Apparently she was in some kind of trance the witches from the other side told her and guided her to him.

Then things went from bad to worse with Ric being the ultimate hunter wanting to kill every original. If he did that the whole bloodline would die along with them. Ric had taken Siena and Elena well I say 'taken' that the wrong word. The sister decided to play hero. With dealing with the fact that they were the school with Ric. We also had to deal with a demanding Klaus who wanted to take Siena and Elena away with him. So we had explained to him what had happened and somehow we ended up teaming up with him. Stefan, Klaus and I had gone down the school to save all three girls that Ric had hostage. Well that didn't turn out well either because Klaus screwed us over he had found out that Elena life was linked with Ric. So the only way for him to get rid of Ric the indestructible vampire hunter was to kill Elena. Of course he did it in the usual Klaus way by draining every drop of blood from Elena so he still could create his Hybrid army.

Well as you would expect the Scooby gang and I saved the day. The desiccating spell Bonnie had said she was going to perform on Ric was a lie it was actually meant for Klaus. While he became all desiccated I saved both sister they looked terrible. Siena heart was faint and I gave her my blood while Stefan dealt with Elena. They both seemed fine as we left to go and deal with Klaus body I couldn't believe we had finally won. He was gone and couldn't hurt any of us anymore. Life would finally go back on track and I could finally enjoy my life with my new wife.

Then I received a phone call from Liz telling me that Siena had been in a car crash. I fled back to Mystic Falls and luckily she was ok as she had vampire blood in her system. So any injuries she did have they had heal. Then I found out Elena had been admitted to but Meredith had assured us that she would be ok. So after a lot of the puppy dog eyes from Siena we went to meet Stefan to let him be with Elena.

So the plan was that Siena and I brought Klaus body to a storage unit. We were going to leave him there for a resting period till we decided what to do with his body. I know sounds simple don't it! No nothing ever that simple. Elena had agreed with Elijah to give Klaus body back which I was not happy about at all may I add. Rebekah was going to retrieve Klaus body and then everything would be great apparently. Nope that not the way it went down. Somehow Ric had found us and drove the indestructible white oak stake through Klaus heart.

That was it Klaus had died and possibly with the rest of us along with him. Siena had taking it all really badly. I mean full on hysterical. I tried to comfort her but I knew in my heart that any moment I could be gone. Then Ric came back wanting more we battle with each other he was literally beating the crap out of me. If it wasn't for Siena taking him off me I would of been dead. I couldn't defend myself anymore as Ric was far too strong even for a newbie vampire. Then it all happened Ric began to get weak and collapsed to the ground. I watch him die right in front of my eyes. This meant one thing that Elena was dead. I couldn't deal with the fact that my best friend had died and a girl who I admired so much had left this world too. Then the worst thing possible happened Siena began to scream in pain. She had passed out bleeding I had tried everything possible to save her but everything I tried didn't work. I did the only thing I knew I could do and that bring her to the ER. I couldn't deal with the fact already that I had lost Ric and Elena. Now possibly the woman who had my heart. If she died too my heart would die with her.

Stefan had called me to tell me that Elena had vampire blood in her system when she drowned. Which meant one thing she will wake up being in transition. I didn't want to hear about any of that there was only one person who I was worried about and that was my princess. I didn't even want to hear why Elena had drown. I knew for sure I'll find out soon enough. What mattered now was that I need to speak to a doctor and find out if my wife is dead or alive.

That all had happened in the last 72 hour pretty crazy isn't it! Well that wasn't the end of it the doctor had informed me that Siena had finally responded to CPR. They had to give her a blood transfusion and they felt she will make a speedy recovery. Which made me thank my lucky stars that I didn't lose her. I couldn't lose her because if I did I wouldn't be able to live without her. Then he began to talk about the 'placenta being detached' I really didn't get what the doctor was talking about. Then he dropped the biggest bomb shell on me that Siena was 3 months pregnant with our baby. I'm tell you that really knocked me for six I was literally in shock. What he was telling was impossible I'm a vampire I can't have children. It really wasn't adding up in my mind but Siena weren't really human she was a dimidium sanguinis maybe that how it happened. The doctor had told me there was a slim chance of the baby surviving. I didn't even know this little person that was growing inside Siena. As soon as he told me that I felt my heart sink a lump built up in my throat. After all of this time thinking I could never have a kid and now it may be taken away from me.

I had been waiting to go and see Siena they had told me that will see her soon. I had 'told' them to transfer her over to Mystic Falls hospital. Which they said they would as long as she was stable enough to travel. I looked down at my phone and I had 5 missed calls from Stefan. I got up and walked outside I pressed the call button and it began to ring and he answered.

"Damon, I've been ringing you please don't' tell me...." Stefan spoke with worry in his voice. My brother really did care for Siena a lot.

"No...She ok...Ermm she lost a lot of blood and they are giving her blood transfusion" I felt confused and overwhelmed trying to take everything in that I had been told.

"Oh right. Why don't you give her your blood she will heal and you both can come home" I couldn't do that not with Siena being in the condition she in. What if giving her my blood dose something to the baby I couldn't risk that.

"No" I half shouted. I didn't mean to react like that but my emotions were at a all time high with everything that had gone on.

"Damon are you ok? Why won't you give Siena your blood? Isn't what you would normally do. So what the problem" I couldn't tell anyone what was going on. I didn't even know myself what was going on. All I knew is that my wife barely recovering from a massive blood loss and our child is hanging for dear life.

"Listen I just don't want to. I'm going to be back in Mystic Falls soon they are going to transfer Siena over later today" I was trying to keep my voice steady as I spoke to him "And Stefan when I do come. I want to know why Elena had drowned" I hung up the phone on him, I walked into the hospital and a nurse approached me.

"Mr Salvatore you can see your wife" She told me with a smile. I followed her and she brought me into a private room. I walked in and Siena was all wired up and she had a tube in her hand where the blood was going into her system. I walked over to the bed and she had her eyes closed. I leaned over and kissed her gentle on her forehead and moved away. Then she opened her eyes I notice that sparkle was back there she gave me a smile.

"Damon..." She spoke weakly. I went closer and began to stroke her cheek "What happened?" She asked frowning. How do I explain this all to her? I know Siena will freak out. We never spoken about children I guess that was because we knew it couldn't happen.

"Princess you need to rest. I'll explain everything to you. For now you need to get some sleep you been through a lot" Her eye began to close I gave her a soft kiss on the lips. I placed my had her stomach "Hey little guy. You try and hang in there for me" I moved my hand away I just hope somehow the baby survives all of this. I made my way out of the room I needed to find that doctor. I couldn't leave here not knowing if Siena was coming back to Mystic Falls. I found the doctor from last night I compelled him to get Siena transferred back to Mystic Falls straight away. They worked pretty quickly within the hour Siena was in the ambulance on her way back home. Now I need to get back and see what mess I'm going to walk into.

Elena P.O.V

My head was hurting. I tried to open my eyes but there was a bright white light stopping me. I could hear sounds of church bells ringing, sirens, and yard work going it was all too much it made my head feel worse. I suddenly sat up gasps for air. I saw Stefan was sitting on the end of my bed watching me. I looked at him confused what was going on? I looked round my room and everything was still the same. How did I even get here?

"Stefan?" I spoke with confusion. He came closer to me and gave me a small smile.

"Hey. I'm right here you've been in and out for hours" I don't understand what going on and why is Stefan looking at me like that?

"Wh-what happened?" He touched my hand I looked down as he held it tightly. I looked back up at him confused now I didn't get what was going on.

"You were in an accident" He spoke me calmly. Then it all came flooding back the accident Matt and I were stuck in his truck.

"Oh my God. Matt is he...?" I began to stumble out. Please don't tell me he dead. I don't think I could handle fact of that I'm barely keeping it together about Ric.

"Alive?" Damon interrupts me. I looked over at him he was sitting on the window seat next to my bed "Ask Stefan the hero" he spoke bitterly and looked back at Stefan with the fear of hearing Matt was dead.

"He's fine" I sighed in relief. If he got Matt out then how did he have enough time to save me?

"Thank you. I thought that I - how did you...?"I began to say and Damon cut in again.

"Save you? He didn't" He told me flatly. What? What did he mean he didn't save me? How could I be even here?

"When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all this happened, your injuries were worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice, she used Damon's blood to heal you" Stefan told me calmly all of this wasn't sinking in.

"And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system, Elena" Damon said still in a pissed tone. I got up no this can't be happening I can't be....

"Oh my God does - does that mean that I - am I dead?" I let the words stumble out of my mouth. I looked at the both of them Stefan and Damon said nothing "No, no, no, no! That wasn't supposed to happen!" I began to cry. I didn't want to be a vampire I didn't want this life. This wasn't meant to happen I never wanted to be a vampire. Stefan came over to me and put his hands on either side of my face.

"Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie, and she says she's stronger than ever, there might be something that she can do to help you" So there was a little hope that this could be fixed. Damon cut in.

"No, the only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition" Damon got up and Stefan let go of my face and looked at him. I didn't need this right now.

"We have all day before she has to feed, Damon, that's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this" Stefan half shouted at him. I can't deal with the both of them arguing right now.

"There is no way out of it, we all know the drill you feed or you die there is no door number three" Then reality set in and I couldn't help it I began to cry.

"I was ready to die.... I was supposed to die.... I don't - I don't want to be - I can't be a vampire! If there's something that Bonnie can do we have to try" I said between my sobs. Stefan hugged me tightly.

"We will, we'll try everything" he assured me. I pulled away from him and looked at Damon and he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Your choice, Elena, as always" Damon gets up and leaves. Stefan looks at me I couldn't stop crying I can't do this. I can't becoming a vampire there had to be a way out of it.

Damon P.O.V

I had enough to deal with what happened with Siena nearly losing her. Then finding out that she was carrying our child and with the possibility of losing it. To come home and find out that Stefan had the opportunity to save Elena but he saved the freaking quarterback instead. What the hell was my brother thinking? He was meant to love Elena how could he let her drown to save Matt. Seriously I felt like killing someone right now I really can't deal with everything that going on.

I had to leave Elena room I couldn't stand there listening to Stefan telling Elena he will find another way. THERE IS'NT ANOTHER WAY who was he kidding giving Elena false hope. It was all too much to deal with on top of what I was dealing with already. All Elena need to do was feed and we will deal with everything else after. I walked down the stairs and walked in to the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of alcohol from a cupboard. I pours myself a drink, I really needed this more than ever to calm me down. I looked up and Stefan enters the kitchen.

"Way to get her hopes up for something that's never happened in the history of vampirism" He looked at me with a stern look. Seriously what was he thinking telling her that.

"You know what, you weren't there the day Elena looked me in the eye and told me she absolutely never wanted this" Like I care about that right now. I picked up the glass and drank the whole drink in a single gulp.

"Then you shouldn't have let her die" One thing came to my mind is how Siena going to deal with the fact that her only sister is now a vampire.

"I never meant for her to die, she asked me to help Matt first and I did" Why the hell did he even listen to her? I don't understand him at all.

"And now the world has one more quarterback. Bravo, brother" I told him with sarcasm as I poured myself another drink. I can feel my stress levels increasing.

"I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life. Now let me try to fix it" Stefan leaves the kitchen. I finished my second drink and I heard my phone ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered.

"Damon, it's Meredith. I'm ringing to let you know Siena has just arrived. She is settled in her own room" I felt a relief hearing that she was back home. I just need her and the baby to pull through this.

"Thanks Meredith I'll be there soon. Have you checked...." I couldn't get the words out I felt a lump building up in my throat again.

"I have checked on the baby Damon, nothing changed so far. I'm looking into a procedure that might help but I can't promise anything" she told me with a little sorrow in her voice.

"Right I better go" I hung up on her. How do I break this to everyone. Elena don't even know what had happened with Siena and when she does. How is she going to deal with it?

Elena P.O.V

I couldn't processes everything that had happened I wasn't meant to be here. I made my choice I was ready to die. I never wanted this life I never wanted to be one of them. I wanted a family to grown old you know like a normal person. But that will never happen I know Stefan said Bonnie going to look to find a way to get me back to human again. Is that really going to happen? I walked over to my mirror and I looked at myself I didn't look any different. I felt my breathing getting heavy I began to rub my face I need to snap out of this. I touched my teeth to check if they have sprouted fangs yet. I kept hearing a loud buzzing noise I looked at the lamp. I could hear the electricity running through a light bulb and looks down at it. Suddenly I saw Jeremy in the doorway. I felt so good to see him I walked over to him.

"Jer!" I said as approached him. We both hugged each other tightly.

"Are you okay? I watched Vicki go through this. She was a mess her emotions were all over the place all these old memories came flooding back" The buzzing kept continuing. I glanced over at the light bulb again I needed to snap out of this. I turns back to face Jeremy.

"I'm fine, I'm not Vicki" I smiled. I wanted to him know I was fine and I won't flip out like way Vicky did.

"No, you're not, you're you, you act like everything's okay so no one worries about you but you need help" I couldn't help but glance over at the light bulb the buzzing was irritating me.

"I said I'm fine, okay?" I snapped at him, Jeremy looked at me stunned "I - I'm sorry, I.... Have you talked to Bonnie?" I told him calmly, he was frowning I think I freaked him out a little.

"Yeah, she said when I was shot; she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back and they listened" he told me, yeah but that didn't turn out well my brother sees dead people.

"Yeah, but the consequences were horrible" referring to him seeing ghost and all of the problem it has caused.

"And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire? I need my sister, not another one of them" I couldn't let Jeremy down and Siena all three of us needed each other and where is Siena? Damon or Stefan hadn't mentioned her.

"We're gonna find a way out of this everything's gonna be okay" I reassure him, he smiled.

"I hope so" he told me with sorrow in his voice Jeremy left and I turned around and looks at the light bulb in the lamp I stride towards it, pulls off the lampshade and crushes the light bulb in my hand and the buzzing stopped that better.

Bonnie P.O.V

I knew what I had to do when I was left alone with Klaus body something told me that he wasn't lying about all the people who mattered to me being sired to his bloodline, so I had to do something to protect them all and that was to let Klaus jump into Tyler body until it was safe for him to jump into another's body. Now on top of me trying to return Klaus back into his own body I needed to find a way to stop Elena from becoming a vampire, I couldn't believe it when I found out what had happened to her. Elena never wanted that life she never wanted to be a vampire I know she stuck in a world filled with them but I will try my hardest to find a way not matter what it takes I find a way to save her.

I went to the Lockwood old cell where we had put Klaus casket, I walked down the stairs and walked in going over to the casket where Klaus' desiccated body is lying in I was staring at it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I heard Tyler voice from behind me I turned around and saw Klaus in Tyler's body entering the cellar, why was he even here.

"What is that doing here, Klaus? The deal we made with Tyler was that you'd leave his body and jump into someone else's the first chance you got" he stood there smirking.

"Yes, when I assumed I'd be a pile of ash, But apparently, fate and oxygen intervened and there I am" Tyler/Klaus walks towards the coffin "Put me back" he said me looking back at me, he had to be kidding I had enough to deal with already.

"I can't right now" I told him, Elena was more important than letting Klaus get his own way.

"Your history teacher outed Tyler and Caroline to the Council, they're on a war path and this body's vulnerable" I'm not having Klaus order me what to do.

"I have to help Elena before she has to feed" I told him, he arched his brow unamused.

"Elena's dead and no longer my concern" He spoke to me bitterly. Really how did Siena even date this guy he just heartless.

"You're forgetting who just saved your life" I told him firmly then suddenly Tyler/Klaus grabs me by the throat.

"And you're forgetting that I could rip your tongue out. Now put me back" He spoke me dangerously, I could feel my heart accelerating.

"If I can keep Elena human, you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids. Isn't that what you really want?" Tyler/Klaus releases me, I knew that would convince him I started to leave, but Tyler/Klaus super speeds in front of me and blocks my way out

"Same rules apply, no one knows, no one, do you understand me, Bonnie?" He warned me, if anyone knew what I did I don't think they would be happy with me.

Siena P.O.V

I opened my eyes and I could hear beeping noise I looked around and I was in a hospital room. I sat up and I had loads of wires attached to me, I looked round the room again. I felt really confused what the hell had happened? I began to take off the wires that were attached to me and the machines began to make high pitch noise. I climb out of the bed and went over to it to find the off switch, where the hell it freaking off switch?

"Mrs Salvatore you need to be resting" I heard a voice from behind me, I turned around and there was a nurse looking at me not impressed.

"I'm fine... where my husband? And why I'm even here?" she walked over to me and put her arm around my waist, taking me back to the bed.

"Mrs Salvatore, your husband will be here soon" I climb back in and tucked me back in I looked at her "I don't think we need to monitor you for now, but I'll let Dr Fell know your awake" she told me calmly I nodded my head and she left the room.

I felt fine and I'm not going to lay here in a hospital bed when I don't know what the hell going on. Damon obviously weren't dead so that would mean he wasn't part of Nic bloodline. I got out of the bed and began to look for my clothes. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find them where the freaking hell are they!

"Mrs Salvatore" I heard a male voice say from behind me, I turned around and it was pastor Young the man who married me and Damon he was with an officer. What were they doing here?

"Pastor Young?" I said with confusion, then the officer came over to me and grabbed me "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shouted, the I felt a prick on my arm I looked down and he was in injecting me with something. My eyes felt heavy and I tried to keep them open but I couldn't I just blacked out.

Caroline P.O.V

Everything was going terribly wrong Alaric had outed me and Tyler to the council and now our mom's wanted us to leave tow. I couldn't though not with everything that happened. Matt and Elena were in a crash due to Rebekah that original bitch. I had to make sure they were both ok before I left town. I went over to Elena but Stefan told me she was still out of it. I remembered when I got turned by that bitch Katherine when I woke up I was confused I didn't know what was going on. Elena had Stefan there with her and I knew he would be there for her. Elena had Siena and Damon who will support her too. I knew if I was leaving my best friend she was in safe hands.

I went down to the hospital to check on Matt I had to be careful not to be seen by anyone. I used my vamp speed to find Matt and I was so happy to see he was ok. We were in his hospital room Matt had been discharged from the hospital and was getting ready to leave.

"Elena doesn't want to be a vampire" I don't think any of us wanted to, but we never had the choice it was either die or live this life.

"She doesn't want to be dead and now she's not, this isn't your fault, Matt" I tried to reassure him, I didn't want Matt feeling even worse about this all.

"It's all my fault, I was driving, I was saved, she's a vampire because of me!" he told me with frustration, Matt really going to beat himself up about this all, I went over to him and placed my hands on shoulder he looked at me.

"Shh! Cool it on the V word, I'm a fugitive, remember? I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida by now" If anyone herd I was still here they do... I don't even want to think what they will do.

"If the Council is after you, then why are you here?" The fatal question that I didn't want anyone to ask me.

"Because I don't know where to go" I couldn't hold my tears in any longer "Tyler's dead and everything's different now and I..." Matt hugs I pulled away from him I could hear an officer coming towards the room and I used my vamp speed to get the hell away from there.

I left the hospital and made my way home I need to pack some stuff I needed to get away from Mystic Falls, they were going to find me if I stayed. I went into my room and threw a load of clothes into a holdall I zipped it up and made my way to the front door, my phone began to ring I got it out and saw it was my mom calling I answered.

"Mom, hey!" I said trying to be perky; I didn't want her to worry about me she had enough to deal with.

"Caroline, where are you? And tell me it's far away" she said worried, my mom would flip if she knew I was still here.

"Where am I? Uh...Good question. Uh... there's just a whole lot of boring highways, why, is everything okay?" I asked her as I left the house I went to lock the front door when I felt a stabbing pain in my neck my legs gave way and I fell and blacked out.

Elena P.O.V

I trying to look at all of this like it all a bad dream and soon I'm going to wake up and everything will be back to normal, you know Klaus wanting to take my blood and Siena too. Not be dead and in transition in turning into a vampire, I would really prefer having Klaus torment me than going through this and I really never thought I would ever say that. I left my room and made my way downstairs I walked into the kitchen and Stefan was in there he smiled at me. I went over to the fridge, I began to pull out a few things to make myself something to eat. While I stood there at the counter making it I could see Stefan watching me, I finished making it and took a bite of a sandwich and chewed it and it was vial.

"It's disgusting" Stefan asked me, I looked at him my mouth was full with the bite I took. I fiscally wanted to puke but I couldn't tell him that.

"No it's, um..." I told him with my mouth full and he cut me off.

"It's disgusting" He asked me with a small smile, I could keep it in my mouth any longer.

"Yeah, I'm gonna puke" I spat out the sandwich into a napkin "I never thought I'd be saying this, but I can't stop thinking about blood" I told him with all honest all I could heard was Jeremy blood pumping round in his body earlier.

"I should have saved you first, you shouldn't be going through this right now" He was looking down at the ground, no that what I loved about Stefan he respected my wishes.

"No, if you had saved me, then Matt would be dead, what do you think I'd be going through then?" If I lost Matt I honestly don't know what I would of done. I watched as Stefan pours himself a drink and takes a sip I got up and walks over to him "Stefan, listen to me, you did the right thing, you did what you always do; you respected my choice" He looked at me and shook his head, he really couldn't beat himself up about all of this.

"And what am I supposed to do if Bonnie can't figure out a way to help you, huh? Because then you have another choice to make, either let yourself die or be a vampire" He spoke me half shouting, I need him to be calm not flip out.

"Well then, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Then I stopped talking and began to laugh "Oh my God, did - did I just say 'cross that bridge'?" I told him between laugh I couldn't stop laughing at the fact I die driving off a bridge. Then using 'we'll cross that bridge' I don't know why I'm finding all amusing.

"You're laughing, I'm pretty sure you don't actually think that's funny" He told me in a serious tone, I continued laughing I couldn't stop.

"I - I can't stop though" He came closer to me with a concerned look.

"Your emotions are a bit heightened today, a lot heightened" I continues to laugh, but then it hit me reality finally hit me. I'm in transition then I felt the tears escape from my eyes, Stefan hugs me tightly.

"Hey. Shh, shhh. It's okay. It's okay" he told while I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I..." I told began to say then Stefan pulls away and caresses my face.

"Listen to me, no matter what happens, I'm here for you. I can help you" I looked out the window and began to squints my eyes due to the brightness of the sunlight "Why don't you go back upstairs where it's dark? I'll clean-up" I started to walk away and shields her eyes from the sun. I walked up the stairs and towards my room and I see Damon sitting on the window seat.

"I thought you left?" I told him, he had a strop on from earlier.

"Cute PJ's" he said I looked down at my clothes, and then heard myself speaking from the bathroom, I looked over at myself.

"I'm tired, Damon" what the hell going on? Damon gets up and walks over to the memory version of me and holds up my old necklace.

"I brought you this" he said holding out the necklace.

"I thought that was gone, thank you" I continued to watch the memory unfold, the memory version of me attempts to take the necklace from Damon but he pulls it back. Suddenly, Damon and memory me disappear.

I gasp and look around the room, confused I turned my head and the memory continues on

"I just have to say something" he said, why don't I remember any of this?

"Why do you have to say it with my necklace?" I demanded to him, what was all of this about?

"Because what I'm about to say is probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life" he said sincerely what did he do?

"Damon, don't go there"

"No, I just have to say it once you just need to hear it, I love you, Elena. And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you. Why you can't know this? I don't deserve you, but my brother does" then Damon kisses the memory of me on the forehead "God, I wish you didn't have to forget this. But you do" then Damon compels me to forget. Damon told me he loved me and made me forget? I knew he had feeling for me but he actually loved me.

Damon P.O.V

Right now I needed to keep myself busy because if I stop and start to think about everything that happened, I will go around killing innocent people. So what I'm going to do to let out this penetrated anger? Well I had one great idea and I'm going to go there right now. I got in my car and drove to Klaus mansion I parked up and got out. I think kicking the crap out of the original sister will make all this rage fizzle out. I opened the door and walked in and began to look for her I found her in a room filled with art work. Rebekah was looking at pictures she picks one up and begins to choke up, and then she throws the picture down and knocks the rest of them off the table in a fit of rage.

"You should know better than to sneak up on a lady" She told me, yeah and she is not freaking lady.

"Good advice, Have you seen one?" I told her with sarcasm Rebekah turns to face me.

"Tragic about Elena, not to make a grey cloud greyer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?" She said smugly then Rebekah turns back around. I rushed at her with the indestructible white oak stake she grabs my wrist and preventing me from killing her. Suddenly she pushes me against a dresser and I dropped the stake. Then all of a suddenly, someone starts firing wooden bullets through the window. I manages to escape I used my vamp speed to get me as far as possible, I stopped in the middle of the woods what the hell was that all about? I heard my phone ringing I pulled it out of my jacket pocket and answered.

"Damon...." I heard Meredith say in a worried tone, please don't let her tell me that something happened to Siena or the baby "Siena missing" she told me panicking.

"How the hell did she go missing Meredith? She wouldn't be able to walk after what she been through" I shouted down the phone. Where the hell had Siena go?

"Damon one of the nurse walked in her getting out of bed and they told her that she need to rest" Typical Siena never freaking listens "But Damon I need to tell you Pastor Young came here he took all my bloods. I think he may have Siena if they know you and Stefan are vampires they might think she is too" This wasn't happening what the hell I'm meant to do!

Elena P.O.V

I couldn't believe Damon had made me forget that he told me he loved me. It not like I could do anything about it now things have changed since then. Damon was married to my sister and she loved him to death and he loved her too. I can't keep having these feeling for him anymore it not right. I picked up a photo of Siena and I we were both smiling. My big sister who I couldn't live without I really couldn't picture here not being in my life anymore. Suddenly, I could hear a commotion downstairs; I walked out of my room and walks down the stairs.

"Stefan?" I called out as I walked down.

"Elena, don't move" Stefan warned me I stopped on the staircase and Stefan was surrounding by officers and the Pastor. The officers all have their guns pointed towards him I looked at the Pastor and back at Stefan what the hell going on?

Tyler/Klaus P.O.V

Well the Bennett witch better get a move on because I can't stand being in hiding like this any longer, it was driving me crazy. I was stuck in this god for saken cellar waiting on her return, really what was taking that witch so long! I went over and sat on the coffin containing my body then Tyler phone starts to ring I looked at it and sees it is Carol calling this women didn't get the hint

"You incessant woman!" I said out loud and answered the phone "Hey, mom. What's up?" I said trying to sound like Tyler.

"Tyler, thank God. Are - are you okay?" she said panicking, what had happened for Carol to be in this state?

"Why? What's going on?" I asked her concerned, something had clearly happened for her to get in this state.

"Pastor Young had me arrested this morning; the council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler, don't tell me where you are, the less I know the better"Oh dear this isn't good, Bonnie better get me back in my body as soon as possible. I couldn't walk around in this body even more so now.

"Mom, I'm okay Relax" they won't find me I'm suck down here I'm safe as houses.

"You didn't answer your phone, honey I was so scared that you were with Caroline" She told me with worry. Hold on what had happened to Caroline?

"Why? What happened to Caroline?" I said jumping off the coffin now; I couldn't have anything happen to her.

"The council took her" I didn't understand what she meant by that.

"What do you mean they took her?" I was trying to keep my temper under control; I couldn't let anything happen to Caroline.

She had told me that the council were rounding up all the vampires and are planning on killing them all. I put the phone down I couldn't let anything happened to Caroline I had to stop this somehow. I began to use my vampire speed to search all around the town to find Caroline. I was going through the woods when I sense her nearby. I could see a van coming from a distance, as it approached I step out into the middle of the road. Suddenly, the wheels of the van start to screech the van flips over it lands on its side. One of the police cars had been completely destroyed and another silver SUV had the front end smashed in. The other police car that was escorting the van that was further up the road. I saw it whipped around and starts to drive back towards the van. I didn't have enough time I rushed over to the van and broke off the back door of the van and got in to rescue Caroline.

"Tyler?" Caroline said in shock. I tend to forget I'm in his body but the important thing is for me to get her out of here.

"I'm harder to kill than you think" I told her I ripped off the vervain ropes tying her down, she looked at me stunned.

"You're alive? How are you alive?" She spoke through her tears as I finished ripping off the ropes. I helped her up, I didn't have time to explain. I don't think Caroline will be too pleased to hear the truth.

"No time, Come on, we've got to go" We had to get out of here before they came back.

"Wait, what about me?" I heard Rebekah voice, how stupid of her to even get caught. She is really useless without me I looked down at her while Caroline jumped out of the van.

"Keep them busy, little sister" I told her with a smirk I got up Rebekah is shocked by this revelation

"No, that's not possible!" I heard her say as I left. Well little sister I'm really not that easy to kill.....

Damon P.O.V

After I spoke to Meredith I need to find out what the hell happened. Maybe Siena just went home you know she stubborn she wouldn't want to stay in a hospital. Also she didn't know the fact that she was pregnant and there was a high risk of her losing the baby. I drove the boarding house and I got out of the car and rushed in. I went into every room and she wasn't there. Maybe she went to Elena house yeah that probably where she gone. I rushed out of the house and got back into my car and I drove to Elena house like a manic. When I finally got there and I jumped out of the car and ran in.

As soon as I walked in there was stuff knocked over everywhere. I crouched down and I began to pick up stuff that was knocked over in the commotion. This couldn't be happening Meredith was right they had taken Siena and looks like they taken Elena and Stefan too. I saw some walk through the front door and it was Liz.

"They're gone, whoever nailed Rebekah, took them too and Siena has been taken from the hospital please tell me you have something, anything" I pleaded to her then I saw Meredith walks out of the kitchen. She comes into the living room. Where the hell did she come from?

"I can't! The council locked Carol and me out of our offices, Files, computers, everything" Liz had to be kidding me right now.

"So, the Mayor and the Sheriff never contemplated a backup plan, Liz?" I told her really annoyed now, my whole family is been taken and I don't even know where the hell they are.

"Damon, relax when Caroline called to say she got away; did she know where they were planning to take her?" Meredith asked, hold on Caroline was taken and she escaped how the hell did vampire Barbie do that?

"No! Just that she was in some van in the middle of nowhere and she managed to escape" Liz responded, freaking great!

"Perfect, we've narrowed it down to nowhere, they taken Elena and Stefan and my freaking pregnant wife and no one has a clue where they are" I shouted then Someone knocks on the front door Matt enters the house.

"Hey, is Elena here?" I turned around and rushes towards Matt, I grabbed him by the throat and pins him up against the wall; choking him.

"In what world are you the one that gets to live?!" I shouted at him, Meredith tries to pull me off of Matt.

"Damon, stop! It wasn't his fault!" Meredith shouted at me. Why did he get to live and walk around while my whole family been taken from me. I don't even know if I'll see them again.

"Let him go, Damon! You need to be focus think of Siena and the baby" Liz shouted to me, the urge I had I wanted to rip Matt head off went as soon as she said that. But Liz was right I had to think of Siena and the baby. I released him Matt held on to his throat and began to breathe heavily.

Elena P.O.V

I had been taken by Pastor Young the officer that was with him vervained Stefan I tried to protest and they cuffed me and threw me in the back of the car. I had been taken to the outskirts of Mystic Falls to pastor Young ranch. Who would have thought the man I knew for so many years would do this. I used to babysit his daughter April and now he keeping me hostage in his home. I felt really nervous being here all of could think of was blood and with pastor young being so close I could hear the blood pumping right though him. I started to chew on her fingernails to calm my nerves I watch as the Pastor turns the fire on the stove on.

"You still want to be a writer? I remember how you'd read your short stories to my daughter when you'd babysit, She still loves writing because of you" He said looking over at me; I don't think he brought me here for a trip down memory lane.

"Why did you bring me here?" He walked over and pulled out a chair and sat down.

"My deputies can watch out for us here no vampires have been invited in Look, Elena, I know it sounds crazy, but years ago it was your parents who were advocating having an emergency plan like this, I never thought we'd actually have to use it" All I can hear the ticking noise of a clock and panics slightly as my sense were heighten. What if he figures out I'm in transition "Elena? Elena, you okay?" I looked at him trying to gain my composure.

"Where's Stefan?" I demanded he looked at me sternly.

"Where he can't hurt you" He told me firmly, Stefan would never hurt me.

"He would never hurt me, you have no idea what you're talking about" Not all vampire were all the same like these narrow minded people in the council thought.

"Well, I know that wherever you and your beloved sister go, Salvatore vampires seem to follow, you hungry?" he told me, hold on he had Siena?

"No. Where my sister?" I demand Pastor Young pulls out a tray from the fridge. I hadn't seen Siena since the night when we defeated Klaus.

"Safe where she should be. With the others" what the hell he thought Siena a vampire?

"My sister is not a vampire" I told him firmly, he looked at me curiously.

"Really then why was she affected by the vervain" he spoke smugly. Siena was affected by vervain? How! "So, we'll hold Stefan and Siena until Damon comes searching for all three of you. We'll use Rebekah to lure her siblings back into town, you'll give us the white oak stake and then we will exterminate the entire vampire race for good" Pastor Young places a giant steak in front of me, I looks at it and started to breathe heavily "Is something wrong? Elena, are you okay?" He asked concerned I looked at Pastor Young's neck I could hear his blood pumping.

"Yeah" All of the sounds around me began intensified I started to panic "No, I've got to get out of here" I got up and ran out of the house I ran across the yard, shielding my eyes from the sunlight.

"Get her!" I heard Pastor Young call out. I continue to run but I was blinded by the sunlight then all of a sudden I got hit in the face and I blacked out.

Tyler/Klaus P.O.V

I had freed Caroline from being tortured by those pesky council members, I know you may think I'm a terrible brother for leaving Rebekah behind but it wasn't like they could actually kill her. Myself and Caroline were speeding through the woods when all of a sudden Caroline charges towards me into a tree and we began to kiss, I never thought I would ever have Caroline soft lips touch mine. It sent an electric charge through my body she pulled away.

"I never thought I'd see you again! I don't get it, how are you alive?" She spoke in a stunned tone, I think I need to explain myself to her.

"This is going to sound incredible, but I.." Suddenly Caroline silences me with a kiss "But..." I stopped trying to talk and super speeds Caroline into a tree. This moment right now was too perfect having Caroline in my arms. We continued to kiss as Caroline helps off my jacket and shirt. I couldn't do this to her she thinks I'm Tyler I can't do that to her I pulled away "Easy, love! Wrong time, wrong place, wrong equipment" She looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"But you're miraculously alive, we're fugitives on the run, all signs point to hot hybrid vampire sex" Oh god I would love to do all of those but I can't do this to her. I respected Caroline and if I was ever going to do any of that I would want to do as myself. Caroline removes her jacket and continues to kiss me she super speeds him into another tree. Then she pulls away for a minute to take her shirt off, she starts kissing me again, but suddenly stops "Did you just call me love?" She asked a little stunned, I couldn't help but smirk at her.

"I don't know, love. Did I?" I told her smugly, Caroline had finally caught on.

"What the hell did you do to Tyler?!" She demanded Caroline removes her hands from my neck and pushes them against my chest in anger.

"That's what I enjoy about you, so much more than a pretty face" I watched as the penny dropped with her.

"Oh my God, you're Klaus. You're disgusting!" Caroline takes her hands off me completely and backs away.

"And you're a glorious kisser" I said stepping closer to her then Caroline slaps me "Listen, I didn't have to risk exposure to come save you" I told her bitterly. How dare she slap me after what I did, she should be showing me gratitude. Caroline turns around and starts to put her shirt back on.

"Oh, you do one semi-decent thing and now you're my hero? Oh, I need to go sanitize my mouth!" she was clearly annoyed I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Your mouth was all over me, I was an innocent victim" I told her in a teasing tone, Caroline faces me.

"Put Tyler back!" she demanded. Well I would love that but the witch is far too busy trying to fix Elena.

"Gladly then maybe I'll take you up on your offer of hot hybrid sex" I told her looking at her smirking then I walked away.

Bonnie P.O.V

Jeremy and I were at the abandon witches house for me to ask them for help to stop Elena transition; I needed to find a way to stop her going through it. I couldn't have my best friend life ruined since we were kids Elena wanted three things in life and that was getting married, having kids and growing old. I had to somehow make that happen for her I kept reciting a spell and Jeremy kept pacing back and forth in front of me, I stopped chanting.

"The spirits aren't listening" He looked stunned at me. Everyone was really putting a lot of pressure on me to do this. Then I had Klaus wanting me to put him back his body too I couldn't think straight.

"Was that it? Is that all we can do?" He asked me with disbelief, I had another option.

"There's something else I could try" I told him, I wasn't sure if it would work though.

"What? Do it" Jeremy pleaded, I knew he didn't want Elena to become a vampire as much as she didn't so I hoped this works; I got up with the spell book.

"If the witches won't help me save Elena, then maybe I can go to the Other Side and bring her back myself" Jeremy began to frown at me, I hope he on board with this.

"The Other Side? The Other Side is for dead people" He spoke to me sternly. Yeah I knew that but the only way I think I can help Elena.

"She's still in transition, not fully dead, not fully alive, What if her spirit still exists on both sides?" He began to shake his head.

"Even if it does, how can you get there? You're not dead" I said nothing then I notice Jeremy realizes what was going to do and walks towards me "No! No, Bonnie!" he shouted at me, I could let him stop me doing this.

"I was able to stop your heart to stop Klaus'; I'll do the same thing to myself, Witches have free reign on the Other Side, I will find Elena and I will bring her back with me" I told him Jeremy jaw began to clench.

"Assuming you wake up!" He still thinks of me as the girl when I first got my magic. I've grown a lot stronger since then.

"I'm stronger now, I found a new source of power" I told him firmly he had to have faith in me.

"A new source of power?! What kind of power is going to let you kill yourself and bring someone back with you from the dead?" He questioned, I looked at him I didn't want to talk about that.

"Do you want Elena back or not?" He looked at me stunned it didn't matter how I got her back as long as she was back human that the main thing.

Damon P.O.V

I had Liz and Meredith on my case stopping me from killing that quarterback; seriously they used Siena and the baby to stop me that was a low blow. They clearly didn't understand why I had so much anger in me what has happened within the last 3 days. I should be on my honeymoon with my new wife soaking up the sun. No I'm here trying to save my brother and Elena and not forgetting possibly my wife from unstable council members. Who want rid of vampires. I swear if they had laid a finger on Siena I will kill each and every one of them with a slowly till they plead for me to kill them.

"With your vervain and Alaric's weapons; they could be anywhere" Liz told me, she was right but they needed to contain them all in something sturdy.

"Come on, guys, think It takes a lot to hold a vampire, Reinforced steel, iron doors" I told her try to be my sarcastic self, I can't let this people know I'm actually worried and terrified about it all.

"The Pastor has a cattle ranch" I heard Matt say from behind me I turned around "Those pens could easily be modified" The quarterback not that dumb after all. "It's remote, it's secluded" he added, I looked at Matt.

"Well, guess what? Looks like you get a chance to prove how sorry you really are. Let's go" I told him and we both left the house. I really hope Matt was right Siena needed to be hospital under the care of doctors not in some dirty pen.

Elena P.O.V

I woke up and looked around I was in a barn I began to look around me and I could hear people coughing. I sat up holding my head it was thumping. I don't know what happened I was running one minute the next I blacked out.

"I thought I killed you" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and I saw Rebekah sitting in a pen opposite me. What going on?

"Where am I?" I said confused, looking at her I don't get why we are all here.

"They thought you were a vampire, so they stuck you in here with us" Rebekah said smugly, the way she looked at me was like she wanted to murder me again.

"Where's Stefan?" I asked in a panic if they had Rebekah here they must have Stefan too.

"Elena, I'm right here. Are you okay?" I heard him speaking from the left of me.

"Stefan" I called out as I tried to pull herself up but I was too weak "I didn't feed" He didn't reply I was so stupid I should of listen to Damon and fed this morning.

"Elena..." I looked around I could hear Siena voice "Elena is that you?" she called out again.

"Siena... "Stefan spoke stunned. I couldn't see neither of them, all I could see is Rebekah who was in front of me glaring. This was her fault that bitch that killed me.

"Stefan I'm not feeling too good. I think I need to be back at the hospital" I notice that her voice was weak. Hold on Siena had been in hospital?

"Siena.... Siena.....Wake up come on you need to stay awake" Stefan shouted. What the hell was going on with Siena? Rebekah now was standing right at her cage bars looking at me.

"Ahh, I see what's going on here you died with vampire blood in your system and you didn't feed and now you're locked up in here without a drop of human blood in sight, that is a problem" Rebekah taunted me, she was really enjoying this all.

"Just ignore her. Rebekah we need to get help for Siena she don't look good in there" Stefan shouted, what was wrong with Siena.

"Has anyone done the math or shall I? I'd say you've got less than three hours to feed before I get to watch you die all over again" she said proudly I tried to breaks through the bars, I wanted to kill her "My day just got a whole lot better" Rebekah said looking smug at me, I stopped trying and I felt myself getting weaker now.

Bonnie P.O.V

I had finally convinced Jeremy that I could do this I need his help as a connection. We were sitting on the floor, Jeremy had his hands in mine. I reciting a spell the spirits are whispering to us and I could feel liquid trickling from my nose.

"Oh my God" I heard Jeremy say I couldn't stop I had to do this I continued to chant the spell as the spirits get louder. "Bonnie. Bonnie, open your eyes. Bonnie, I can't let you do this! Bonnie, you're dying!" I could heard Jeremy shouting at me but I refuse to give up. I felt a strange sensation run through me but I began to chant louder "What the hell is that?!" Jeremy said worried, I couldn't breathe I was grasping for air and I couldn't get any. Then I was in the cage and in front of me was Elena, sitting on the floor with her eyes closed. I walked over towards her.

"Elena" I said as I knelt down next to Elena and took her arms in my hands "Come back, Come back" I told her then Elena opens her eyes I pulled her up.

"Stefan. Stefan, something's happening" Elena said panicking she couldn't see me.

"We're going home" I told her then all of a suddenly, Grams appears behind the bars of Elena's cage.

"No!" She shout at me I dropped Elena's arms. I watched as Elena falls back down on the floor. As she was too weak to stand on her own.

"Grams? What are you doing?" I couldn't believe she was here right in front of me. Why was she trying to stop me?

"You can't be in here, you stay away from this sort of darkness" She warned me. I had to bring Elena back though.

"Elena needs me" Grams was suddenly standing right in front of me instead of behind the bars of the cage.

"She is not your problem to solve, now, go! Before they try to keep you here" She warned me once again, she had to understand I couldn't do that.

"Grams, please" I pleaded to her, but my Grams face harden now.

"This magic is dark, Bonnie It is not nature's plan, touch it again and the spirits will unleash their anger in ways that will make you suffer stay away. GO!" I felt myself been pulled back and then I opened my eyes and saw Jeremy hovering over me.

"You're awake!" He spoke with joy Jeremy pulls me up into a sitting position and holds me "You're alive" he said with such joy, how do I tell him that I failed.

"I couldn't do it, it didn't work" I told him, he pulled away and we both looked at each other with sadness I couldn't save Elena.

Siena P.O.V

I woke up on the hard floor I looked around and I was in some kind of pen where they kept animals. I notice that there was hay everywhere nI looked down and I was still in my hospital gown. I tried to remember what happened. I remember being at the hospital then seeing pastor Young. Then a sharp pain in my arm. Then I waking up and I was here. I could hear someone talking I listen more clearly and I knew that voice.

"Elena..." I called out trying to get up from the floor but my legs felt weak "Elena is that you?" stumbling towards the bars of the cage.

"Siena... "I heard Stefan voice as I looked up and I saw him in a pen across from me thank god.

"Stefan I'm not feeling too good. I think I need to be back at the hospital" I could barely speak because of the same pain I was getting last night. I felt that tearing pain again inside me my eyes felt heavy and I tried to keep them opened.

"Siena.... Siena.....Wake up come on you need to stay awake" Stefan shouted, but I couldn't I just wanted to close my eyes, and I did and I fell into the darkness. I could hear my name being called it was two different voices. I tried to open my eyes and when I did my vision was blurry.

"Siena you need to stay awake, look at me Siena stay focus" I heard Stefan voice I looked straight in front of me and I could see him clearly now.

"Stefan..." I called out weakly "The pain keeps coming and going" I told him trying to sit up "Where Elena? Why are we here?" I asked him confused, he had a worried expression.

"Siena everything going to be fine. Damon going to come, ok, just stay with us conserve your energy" He told me calmly, I nodded my head I could do anything else.

"Stefan" I heard Elena call out. God she sounded bad what was wrong with her?

"What happened?" Stefan said with his voice filled with concern. I looked at him and he looked frighten. I seriously didn't understand why is everyone here?

"I'm out of time, I need blood, I'm dying" I heard Elena speak weakly. I looked at Stefan again what did Elena mean she needs blood? Stefan looked back at me with a worried expression I began to shake my head. I had an idea of what had happened and right now I didn't know what to think or feel about it.

"No tell me that not happening Stefan" Stefan looked at me with tears in his eyes which confirmed my fear. Stefan pulls himself up off the ground.

"Hey! Anyone, hey!" he calls out. I sat there stunned with the news. Elena was in transition I couldn't wrap it all in my mind right now. What had happened. How did she have vampire blood in her system?

"Will you shut up?!" I heard Rebekah voice. You got to be kidding me Rebekah was here to?

"You think we're afraid of you?" Stefan called out again. What the hell he is doing an officer opens the barn door and walks up to Stefan's cage.

"You want more vervain? Keep it down" He threaten him. God did they put me in here because they thought I was a vampire too? Why would they think I was a vampire?

"Listen to me, Elena's gonna die if you don't let her out of here" Stefan pleaded to him the officer. I watched as he glances at Elena cage then he looks back at Stefan.

"Sorry, not my problem" No this isn't happening I'm not having my sister die, even if she going to be a vampire. I'm not ready to not have Elena not be in my life.

"She's innocent, let her out" I screamed at him. He looked at me for a long moment then officer begins to walk away. I saw Stefan rushes towards the other side of the cage.

"Let her out!" Stefan shouts at him. What could Stefan really do? What could any of us do? Suddenly the officer shoots Stefan in the stomach and he falls to the ground. I let out a scream as I didn't expect him to do that.

"Stop!" I heard Elena shout weakly, Stefan gets back up and rushes back to the bars.

"I said, let her out!" Stefan shouted once again, the officer shoots him again. This time in the leg then he leaves the barn. I watched Stefan falls to the ground again. If Damon is coming he better hurry up because I don't know how much longer Elena going to hang on for. I don't know if I can deal with this pain I'm going through much longer either.

Tyler/Klaus P.O.V

Caroline quite amusing when she annoyed she really didn't like I was using Tyler body. I really didn't know what she actually see in him, his a total waste of space. Caroline deserves to be wooed and treated like a queen. Be offered opportunity to see this amazing world we live in but she chooses to be with a deadbeat. One day I will make her see sense but for now I'll leave her with her small town boyfriend she will get rather bored soon. A women like Caroline like adventure they like danger and poor Tyler will never give her that.

We had arrived at the abandon witches house as the Bennett witch was here and sweet Caroline would like me back in my own body. All so she can have kinky hybrid sex with Tyler. Well the Bennett witch is throbbing me off by tell me now she can't do the spell. I'm not staying in this body a moment longer.

"She said she's not strong enough" The young Gilbert said firmly, I glared at Bonnie who looked a little frighten.

"You were strong enough to put me in here, surely, you're strong enough to get me out" I told her rather annoyed, there was defiant fear in her eyes.

"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again, It's too dangerous" I'm not having this she will do the spell. I will make her do it I'm not staying in this body no longer.

"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" I told her walking towards her; I'm not staying in this body any longer.

"She said she can't okay?" I heard Caroline say I turned around and looks at Caroline "We'll just wait a few days until you're strong enough to do it with traditional magic, right Bonnie?" Maybe I wasn't making myself clear I ripped open my shirt. I took in a deep breath, and extended my claws on my right hand. I punctured my chest with my claws and grabbed Tyler's heart and began to rip it out "What are you doing?" Caroline said panicking.

"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else" then I turned to Jeremy "Maybe you" I continued to tear out Tyler's heart; I'm hoping this will get the witch motivated.

"Oh my God" Bonnie said in fear, looks like it working.

"You're hurting him! Stop! Stop!" Caroline pleaded; I didn't like to hear her upset but I had to think of my own interest.

"He's bluffing, He needs a witch to do that" Jeremy said I looked at him, little Gilbert was brighter than I thought.

"What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler!" I demanded I have almost successfully torn open Tyler chest.

"Stop, please! You're killing him!" Caroline cried I kept my focus on Bonnie I couldn't look at Caroline.

"Fine, I'll do it! Just stop" Bonnie told me I took my hand out from my chest.

"Good. Let's begin" I told her with a smile, I knew I would have to go to those lengths to get her to finally do it.

Stefan P.O.V

I didn't know what to do anymore I had Elena in a cell beside me dying because she hadn't fed to complete the transition. Then all I could see in front of me was Siena fading away. I don't know why they had brought her here how could they mistake her for a vampire. I needed for Damon to get here. He wouldn't of been stupid enough to get caught. I know my brother he finding a way to get us all out of here. I looked over at Siena and she had her eyes closed her breathing was shallow and I could smell blood coming from her cell.

"Siena..." I called out she raised her head slightly "Have you hurt yourself?" I asked she looked away for a moment and then back at me and shook her head and gave me a small smile. She could hardly keep her eyes opened. I dragged myself over to the wall dividing me from Elena. I pulled the wooden bullet out of his leg it really did hurt like hell.

"Elena? You still with me?" I called out to her I could hear her breathing heavily, she was fading away too.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm here. I'm okay" She spoke to me weakly, this was all my fault if I let her feed like Damon said.

"No, you're not, I can hear you breathing. Damon was right, you should have fed this morning, I'm so sorry" She was going to die because of my foolish hope to save her. Why didn't I just let her feed. I should of let her make her choice from when she woke up. Maybe right now I wouldn't be losing the woman I love for my stupidity.

"Don't be, you had hope, that's all I ever wanted you to have and you had it" It was hope got her in his mess.

"I love you so much" Any moment I'm going to lose her and I don't know how I'm going to deal with it.

"Do you know why I was even on that bridge? I was coming back for you, Stefan. I had to choose and I picked you" I felt a lump build up in my throat and I felt the tears roll down my cheeks after everything I had done to her. Her feeling towards Damon she picked me "Because I love you. No matter what happens, it's the best choice I ever made" I couldn't stop the tears "God. It sucks that I can't see you right now" I wanted to see her beautiful face too.

"I'm smiling" I told her keeping my voice steady.

"Me too" I felt my heart break into two, the two women I cared about are both fading away and I can't do anything about it.

Damon P.O.V

Matt and I had left Elena house Matt was giving me directions to this ranch that he told me about. I felt every part of me getting more tense the closer we got to it. I'll admit I was scared to find out that something had happened to Siena. She was in such a bad way last night. She couldn't of recovered from all that and with the placenta detaching. I had this horrible feeling run through my body that that little guy isn't going to be hold on. This miracle baby will be taken from us. I don't even think Siena knew that she was pregnant Meredith never mention to me that she had told her. I really don't know how she will react if she loses it.

"So how is it possible that you and Siena are having a baby?" Matt said breaking the silence; I really didn't want to respond to him.

"I don't know quarterback, it just something that happened, I'm as clueless as you" I told him firmly keeping my eyes on the road. I really didn't want to be having this discussion with him.

"Yeah I bet after 170 years walking the earth you would be freaking out to be a dad" I turned and glared at him. Who was he to tell me how I'm feeling about all of this?

"I'm not having this talk with you. We not friends. You don't like me. I don't like you. So don't act like you actually give a dam how I'm feeling about this all" He shook his head and looked out of his window. We finally arrived and we both got out of car and walked towards the house that pastor better had them all over or there will be a lot of blood spilled.

"So, what, we just storm the place with zero weapons?" Matt asked me, I looked at him and smiled.

"Nah, we don't need weapons, just bait" I rushed towards Matt and bit his neck. Matt falls to the ground, groaning in pain. "Yoo-hoo! Anybody home? Big, bad vampire out here" Then I saw that dick Pastor Young opens the front door. Would you believe this douche married Siena and I and now he got my family locked up. I watched as he sees Matt on the ground, bleeding.

"Let him go. The boy's innocent" He demanded looking at Matt. Really he wants to talk about innocent people what about my wife!

"Well, my wife is innocent but you felt the need to take her. Give me my wife, Stefan and Elena, he's all yours" I grabbed Matt by the scruff of his shirt and picks him up "Come on, Pastor you know I'll kill him, I actually want to kill him" I taunted him he looked at me with his beady eyes.

"Your wife an innocent? Really well why did the vervain affect her then? She just like you a low life vampire, now go away! You are not invited in and I'm not coming out!" What the hell did he say about Siena? I felt my blood boiling now I let go of Matt and I went towards the house. Suddenly I felt a pain in my chest and fell to the ground.

Bonnie P.O.V

Klaus gave me no choice I had to do the spell to put him back into his own body. I couldn't stand there and watch him rip out Tyler heart and let Caroline watch. Maybe my Grams was being over the top before telling me that I shouldn't be mixing dark magic. This is harmless spell nothing to do with dark magic. I began to perform the spell to get Klaus out of Tyler's body and back into his. I had my hands on the side of Tyler's head.

"This is black magic, she shouldn't be doing this" I heard Jeremy say with concern, then Tyler opens his eyes and looks up.

"Tyler?" Caroline said, and then Tyler smiled at her.

"Caroline, Hey" Tyler tries to get up, but falls down to the ground.

"Tyler?" Caroline said worried and rushes to his side, while I was still chanting.

"Bonnie, what are you doing?" Jeremy said concerned I stopped chanting, and my Grams appears in front of me.

"I warned you, child, I warned you to stay away" she told me with a worried look in her eyes.

"Bonnie, it worked, Stop" I heard Jeremy but I couldn't I was focus on my Grams then I looked down we were both holding hands now.

"What's happening? Let me go!" I told her, she looked at me frighten.

"I can't" she said firmly, I don't want to go with her why won't she let me go.

"Let me go!" I demanded to my Grams.

"Bonnie, what's happening?" Caroline asked worried. I saw Dark veins start creeping down my arm towards my Grams' and then suddenly appear on her arms as well.

"Okay, let her go!" I told her, she looked at me with disappointment.

"You made your choice, now they're taking it out on me!" The veins creep up Grams' face and she begins to scream in pain, oh my god what have I done!

"I'm sorry, Grams! They can't do this to you! Please, don't do this to her!" I began to shout watching her scream in pain.

"Bonnie, stop!" I heard Caroline shouting at me but I couldn't take my eyes off my Grams.

"No! No! Oh my God!" Grams disappears in front of me and I fell down on to my knees, crying. Jeremy gets down next to me and tries to comfort me "What have I done?! What did I do?!" I put my Grams through all that pain I hurt her.

"Hey, we're right here" Caroline said putting her arm around me.

"What did I do? What did I do?" I told her with my head crying on her chest.

Stefan P.O.V

The officers come back in the barn carrying more vervain with them, me and Rebekah look at each other and Rebekah nods her head.

"I got this, Bring the other one in"One of the officers says, and then the other officer leaves the barn.

"Excuse me? Hello, sir?" Rebekah called out she starts pretending to cough, the officer loads his gun and walks over to her cage.

"I thought I told you to shut up" I watched Rebekah she gave him a small smile.

"Here's the thing, my family we - we have money, castles, apartments, jewellery; just name your price and let me out" she pleaded to him the officer gets closer to the cage.

"I'd much rather watch you die" Rebekah gets up and rushes towards the bars the officer is startled and pulls out his gun but he falls back towards the bars of my cage. I grabbed him and slam the officer's head repeatedly against the bars until he starts to bleed. I dropped the now dead officer on the floor towards Elena's cage.

"Elena. Elena!" I called out hoping that she is able to reach and feed from the man that I just killed, please let her still be alive and be able to do this.

Damon P.O.V

Well my plan is working out pretty well I'm laying here playing dead. Two officers come around the corner with their guns out I heard them approaching me. One of the officers gently nudges me with his foot I made sure I didn't move. They thought they were safe I suddenly got up and grabs the guns out of the officer's hands. I killed both of them by snapping the neck of one of them and stabbing the other one with his own gun. I looked and I saw Matt is still on the ground nearby I walked over to him and kicks him hard this was all his fault.

"Go ahead and kill me, you can't possibly hate me more than I hate myself" He spoke through the pain, I hated him a lot right now. How could he be able to live and Elena get that all taken from her.

"Oh, yes I can" I threaten him and I placed my foot on Matt's throat and begins to push down "It should have been you" I told him then out of nowhere, someone rushes towards me and knocks me off of Matt. I looked and It's Elena and she is vamped out.

"Leave him alone!" she shouted at me. I was stunned to see her like that Elena had made the choice to become a vampire.

Stefan P.O.V

Elena had broken us out she actually did feed in the end. Which I was happy about I didn't want her to die but I also didn't want her to become the one thing she never wanted to be. She had gone off to check the grounds while I told her I'll see to Siena who still was barely with us. I got up from the ground and my legs felt weak I still had quite a bit of vervain in my system. I saw Matt stumbles into the barn and falls to the ground. I runs over to him and fed him his blood but Matt pushes my arm away and sits up.

"Just stop! Stop saving me" I had left Siena laying in there to help him and that how he thanks me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I shouted at him, he got up and looked at me.

"What do you want me to say? Thank you? Cause honestly, I wish you'd have just let me drown" he told me with sorrow in his voice. Look at him pitting himself after everything Elena did to give up her life for his.

"What, you think you were my first choice?" I told him firmly, his face soften I think he needed a reality check.

"Elena's a vampire, because of me, I have to live with that every day for the rest of my life" he told me trying to keep his voice steady.

"No, no, no, you don't have to live with that; you get to live with that, because Elena put your life before her own. So every morning you get out of bed, you sure as hell better earn it" I told him firmly and walked away from him and went over to Siena, I broke the cage door and gently opened it Siena looked really bad I crouched down beside her.

"Siena...." she opened her eyes slowly; she looked terrible. I didn't know what to do I wanted to give her my blood but Damon was dead against it earlier.

"Stefan...."she spoke as a whisper. I touched her cheek and she seemed cold and she was fading away pretty fast.

"You're safe, you're going to be ok" I picked her up gentle into bridal style, her arms and legs flopped. I need to do something Damon had to be around here somewhere I held her tightly and left the barn.

Damon P.O.V

Who would of thought Elena Gilbert actual done it she became one of us. I don't know how this is all going to work out but as much as I want her to be human we had to deal with the fact she not anymore. She was pretty pissed with me for wanted to kill Matt but I needed to take my anger out on someone. We were walking towards the barn Elena had told me Stefan had Siena.

"You were gonna kill him" she asked me, of course I was going to freaking kill him.

"Yep, Guy just won't die" I told with sarcasm, Elena stopped walking I turned to her.

"It was my choice to save him. Why aren't you seeing that?"I shook my head she didn't think about how this would of affected anyone her brother and sister for a start.

"It's a little hard to keep track of all your choices lately, Elena" I told her and began to walk towards the barn. I had more important things to worry about than Elena having a tantrum.

"I remember everything" She called out to me I stopped "One of the highlights of my transition: remembering everything that you compelled me to forget" I walk back over to her "Like how you and I met first. You were a stranger that told me you wanted me to get everything I wanted from life. Damon, why didn't you tell me?" What did all of this matter to me now or even her we both moved on.

"Would it have made a difference?" Elena says nothing "I didn't think so. Look everything worked out good in the end, you chose Stefan your epic love and I met Siena who is my epic love" I told her face sadden why would she even be upset by it all anyway.

"Damon...." I heard Stefan call out I turned around and Stefan had Siena in his arms looking lifeless approaching us "Damon Siena fading fast you need to give her your blood" I looked at her and she looked how she did last night. I could hear Elena being to panic now.

"Damon why aren't you doing anything" Elena screamed at me. I shook my head I couldn't feed her my blood I don't know what it will do to our baby.

"I'll take her to the hospital" They looked at me like I was out of my mind. I couldn't risk giving her my blood I didn't know what to do right now. All I know was that I'm losing my only chance of becoming a father.

"Damon if you're not going to give her your blood to save my sister I will" Elena screamed at me and then bit into her wrist. She was about to put it to her mouth and I stopped her "What the hell are you doing?" she said glaring at me, I couldn't bring myself round to tell them. I couldn't say it out loud that Siena was in the process of losing our baby.

"Damon do you want your wife to die?" Stefan shouts at me. I felt every part of me tense up now I didn't want her to die I just didn't know what to do.

"I don't want her having vampire blood because she pregnant with our child. She shouldn't be here she should be in the hospital" They both looked at me with identical stunned expressions. "They told me last night that the placenta detaching and after what she been through she will probably lost the baby now" I shouted to the both of them I had so much anger build up inside me. Stefan and Elena stood there frozen "Stefan put Siena in the car I'm taking her to the hospital" He didn't say and word and he went off, I was about to leave and Elena caught my arm.

"Damon...." she began to speak I didn't want hear anything from her right now my priority was Siena.

"Elena right now not about you" I walked away from her and made my way to the car. Stefan had put Siena in the back seat he stood there waiting for me.

"Damon I'll come with you..." he began to say but I cut him off.

"No be with Elena, you need to keep on a tight leash you never know she might be the next ripper" I teased him, he shook his head and I got in the car I looked in the back and I touch Siena face.

"Damon..." she whispered as she breathed shallowly. I need to get her to the hospital she looking a lot more worse than she did last night.

"Shhhh, you're going to be ok princess" I reassured her then I looked away and started the car and began to drive to the hospital. I got there and parked up I got Siena from the back seat and went into the hospital.

Luckily Meredith was on a late shift she got things moving pretty quick. They had put Siena in a room and told me to wait outside while they checked her over. I watched as they stuck needles into her and wired her up to machinery while she laid there helpless. My phone kept on ringing every time I looked it was either Elena or Stefan. Now I was getting calls from Bonnie and Caroline, I didn't want to speak to any of them. I didn't want to talk to anyone I wanted to make sure that Siena was ok that all that mattered to me right now. Meredith came out of Siena room and she approached me. Please don't let her tell me any bad news.

"Damon, Siena settle right now, we going to be taking her in for surgery soon" I felt my jaw drop, surgery! Had her condition got worsen? "Damon it's a minor procedure. I've explained it all to Siena we are just going to add a stitch. It should prevent Siena from miscarrying but there no guarantee after what she been through today. The placenta has detached slightly more" I looked in the room and couldn't take my eyes off Siena. I don't know how she dealing with this all right now "Damon..." I looked at Meredith "I'm going to do anything in my power to help her. I promise" I nodded and looked back in the room "Why don't you go in and see her. She has been asking for you" I gave her a small smile and walked away from her. I opened the door to Siena room. I walked in and she turned her head and looked at me. She looked so pale like all the life had been drained out of her. I walked over to the bed and she began to smile her beautiful smiled loved. I leant down and kissed her gentle on the lips they felt so cold and pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"Meredith said you're going to be having minor surgery, you should be going in soon" I told her while stroking her cheek, I notice her eyes began to glisten.

"Yeah she told me about being pregnant...." She was trying keeping her voice steady "I'm so sorry Damon" then tears began to roll down her cheeks. Why was she apologising to me she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Princess why are you telling me your sorry. You've haven't done a thing wrong" I told her softly while wiping away her tears.

"I'm sorry because after 170 years Damon I was going to make you a father. Now I might lose it and it my fault..." and she broke down in tears even more now. How could she say that? I didn't blame her for any of this none of it was her fault.

"Please princess don't talk like that, everything going to be ok" She Looked at me with such sorrow "I promise you whatever happens we are going to get through it" I assure her she nodded her head and I leant down and kissed her forehead "Princess I'm going to go home and get you a few things. You probably be in surgery by the time I come back, but when you wake up I'll be right here with you" I told her while stroking her cheek.

"I love you Damon" I felt a flutter in my heart when she said those words. No matter how many times she had said it to me I got that same feeling.

"I love you too princess" I gave her another kiss on the lips and I left her in the room. That killed me seeing her blaming herself for possibly losing our child no it wasn't Siena fault she was in hospital. That pastor Young took her and did this, I felt rage penetrating inside me now. I rushed out of the hospital and got into my car and began to drive. Pastor Young he will wish he never took Siena with what I'm going to do to him he going to have a slow and painful death and when he begging for mercy I will tear his heart out.

I press hard on the accelerator I wanted to get down that ranch and torture that bastard. He meant to be a man of the cloth and he let an innocent woman go through all that. If anyone gets in my way and will kill them no one going to stop me from getting my revenge on him. I finally reached the ranched and I parked up the car and began to walk to the house. Then there was a huge explosion it threw me back into the ground. I could hear people screaming from in the house I looked and the house was burning down, then the scream died down. What the hell had just happened?

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