I thought I was alone book 2

By low_quality_english

85 16 1

Alex, Margaret and her family search for the remaining survivors that were left after the war. Encountering o... More

The ship
The return
Top of the hill
Lost freind
A nightmare dream
A nightmare dream: part 2
Return home
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 1)
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 2)
Family members and an arival

Learning to control

6 0 0
By low_quality_english

"The first step to learning how to control you magic is by starting small, I want you to lift this rock with your mind" she says setting a red rock on a log.
"Concentrate imagine the rock lifting into the air" she says walking up right behind me. I hold out my hand and imagine the rock floating into the air, after a few seconds it finally soars into the air.
"Wow, that was amazing, what's next" I ask excitedly.
"Learning to control your inner where wolf and lucky for you it's going to be a full moon tonight" she says looking up at the dimming sky.
"Here, if you where this the first two times you turn, it will enable you to see and control what your doing" she says handing me a gold chain with a light blue gem on it.
"Thanks, it's beautiful" I say marveling over it.
"Hurry put it on the moon is almost in the sky" she says pointing up. I feel the hairs on my body grow longer and my arms and legs turn into furry legs with claws. I run into the jungle mapping every tree, stream and water fall in my head. I stop at a small puddle and look at my reflection, my fur is white and I have small dark spots down my back. I hear a rustle in the grass behind me, it smells like someone had been rolling in flowers their whole life without even bothering to wash it off, not that it was a bad thing. I slowly turn around to see a man with a cross bow, he wears a green shirt, grey pants and brown boots, his hair is a golden brown.
"Finally, I have you where I want you" he says with a British accent. I look up at the sky and see no moon, my long legs turn back to human. I keep my gaze on the man and watch as he tries to figure out what he just saw.
"Who are you" I demand.
"I'm Peter, Peter Pan" he says lowing his weapon. I spread my wings and prepare to take off.
"There's no need for that, you see, I'm just like you, and I want to help you with this, quest" Peter says with a smirk.
"How can I trust you and how can I know that your actually Peter Pan" I ask with a stern look.
"Il prove it to you" he says. He walks forward a bit and I take a step back. He spreads his wings which are brown and fade to red at the tips.
"Ok, you've proven to me that you're like me now show me that you are Peter Pan" I say.
"Alright, love" he says. He pulls a dagger out of the hilt of his belt, he cuts with no effort up his arm. He waves his hand over it and it disappears.
"Oh, there is one thing I forgot to mention" he says grabbing my arm, nut shake loose.
"What might that be" I say.
"I'm known here as Jeremy whisper" he says. My last name is whisper and my brother name was Jeremy and in an instant I run up and give him a hug, he hugs me back.
"My parents told me you died" I say tears of joy rolling down my pale face.
"Well they were wrong" he says happily. I grab his arm and drag him back to camp.
"Mom, dad, guess who I just found" I says bouncing on my toes.
"Jeremy" they say looking behind me, with a small smile they engulf him in a hug. Jess gives me a pat on the back and a smile before returning to the tent, they let go and and walk over to me.
"How did you find him" my dad asks.
"When I turned back to human, I asked him who he was and he said that his name was, Peter, Peter Pan and then he said that here he was known as Jeremy whisper and I just now it was him" I say. They give me a smile in return.
"We should search the island" I say.
"Agreed" Jeremy says.
"I can go with Margaret to search the island, meanwhile you guys can pack up" Jeremy says walking over to stand next to me, they nod and go to the tent.
"Alright, shall we go, dear" he says smiling at me.
"Ya, let's go" I say giving him a smile in return. We walk through the trees, I spot a camp a few feet I front of me. I hold my arm out to stop him, he looks at me then looks back at the camp ahead.
"It's ok, I stay at this camp whenever I come here" he says.
"Wait, but I thought you lived here" I say confused.
"I do, but my main home is in a place called Neverland with the lost boys" he says walking into the camp.
"Oh, do you know if there are others like us there" I ask.
"I don't know, how about when we are done, we go to Neverland and find out" he says.
"Ok" I say flying above the trees and flying around to see if there is any one else on the island.

Hey guys, I added a dramatic twist. Your probably mad at me for adding Peter Pan, I just wanted to make it interesting. In the next chapter I will add more action and make more twists. I will also try to add riddles so if you have any ideas of a riddle please post it in the comments so I can read it and possibly add it.

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