Want (BoyxBoy)

By DrGigglez

176K 4.8K 1.1K

Want 1. To feel a need or a desire for; wish for I turned to Jared and gave him an ugly look. "You're friends... More

Want (BoyxBoy)
1-You're crazy!
3- I can't stop
4-hot sauce and noodles
6-Take a little time.
7-Great Minds Think Alike
8-Come and Go
9- Glad You Came
10- I Guess
11- Demands
13-ice ice baby
14-You Better Study
15-I'm ready
16- Not this time
17-Too much
18- Liar
19- Don't talk about it

5-Something new

8.7K 284 55
By DrGigglez

Hey you guys, i'm so sorry I took so long to update, but I finally got a computer!!! Like yay! so more updates I will have a whole schedule by next week or the week after, But I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you all so much for you patience!.




"You can't be mad that he left, you pushed him away .You could've  had something". Jared said looking at the board, I glared and looked at my history work. "I'm a child of God, I should be focused on my work, not boys". I said getting a pencil out my bag.

       "Yeah right, may I rmeind on what I saw when I walked in on you like two weeks ago". He whispered, I gave him a vicious look "What has been seen cannot be unseen". He sang.

         I felt my face heat up, and I shushed him.

  "Ugh can't I just become a stripper, I don't think I can handle another two years of this". I cried. I wrote down the answers to my questions and closed the textbook.

  "You have the body for it". Jared purred. I ignored him and watched the clock go by it was only 3rd period and we had twenty minutes left .   "American Horror is Netflix, you in?", Jared asked, I shook my head no, not today I wanted to go home and sleep. "No, I'm just gonna head to bed or something.". He frowned but nodded.

      "We should really get jobs". I said, I could help my mom out, and keep my mind off Larson.

"I'm so down, I could buy so many more shoes".  He chirped.

"You guys got the answers?". A deep voice asked, I looked up and saw the dude that threatened to shove a table between my teeth. Jared tensed and looked away.  "We do, but you can't have them". I said with an attitude, The bell rang cutting him off and Jared and I both darted out the room.

        "Why are you do scared of him?". I asked, Jared shrugged "Because he could beat my ass, do you not see how big he is?". He explained trying to get his locker open.  I rolled my eyes "So,like i'd let him do shit to you". I said, opening mine as well and grabbing the brownie out of my lunch box.

            "How can you eat so much junk, and still look good?". Jared asked.  I smiled "I detox, duh". I said, shoving a piece in my mouth, A had a guilty pleasure of watching Blogilates and doing some of her workouts too. 

    I shoved another piece into my mouth, while Jared walked me to class. "I'm gonna miss you, fifty minutes apart is going to kill me". Jared said, frowning "Should've joined physics A.P". I said, shrugging.

     Jared gave me a disgusted look "I barely passed algebra last year, get the fuck out". He said laughing, I gave him a hug and walked into my class.  Today I was going to sleep.


"I asked him for answers but he wouldn't give them to me" Branson said .  "That's what happenes when you're mean to someone". I said, he gave me a ugly look and pulled out his homework.    "The other one was terrfied, why do you like pudding so much, he has a bad attitude". 

           I shrugged "He's just him". I said.  "Yeah, hes your brothers ex". Branson said.  

"Shutup, doesn't mean anything, if it were the other way around he wouldn't care". I said, besides I did have Micah first, Adrian was a bitch.

       It was a makeup day, so I worked on extra credit, and the rest of the class period was chill, going by slow but it was chill. My thoughts were on Micah, thats where they always were. I can't believe he just blew me off after what happened. The fact that I let it really pissed me off, he wasn't easily influenced like I thought, another thing I liked about him. 

   "Yo, you going to that party this weekend?'. Branson asked , "I wasn't informed". I answered.

   "Well, i'm telling you now, Natalie made it known today".  Natalie was like one of the most popular people in school, sike the bitch was a slut like in all due respect being a slut is cool I mean you like sex be a hoe do your thing but she was a nasty one at that, and my ex sadly. She was a snake on sight.

   "You good?". Branson asked, as I had a dirty look on my face.  "Yeah, i'll be there". I said, I wonder if Micah would be there.

   "No, hes probably not, guys like him don't get invited to parties". Branson said.

"What do you mean guys like him?".

   "Resrved isolated ,not friends with people more out in the open, I dont mean it in a bad way". Branson said. I frowned, another reason why I liked him, he didn't care about popularity. 

       "I'll invite him". Branson said smiling.  

 I nodded, and looked at my phone, I scrolled through instagram and liked a few things just to pass the time.  The bell finally rung and I walked to 5th period a class I had with Micah, Branson and Jared. 

    I was stopped in the hall by Natalie who had a huge grin on her face. "Coming to my party?". I nodded, and she smiled walking off. I hurried to the vending machines and bought some chips and a granola bar.

   I casually walked to A.P english without being late, and eyes Micah who was in the back with Jared giggling about something.   I sat at a desk near them, and listened to their conversation about video games and getting jobs.   

       "I heard That Cafe near the mall is hiring". I said butting in, Jared and Micah both stopped talking  and stared at me "The one that has that amazing white chocolate granola and vanilla bean shakes..and the cookies?". Micah said, getting excited. I nodded, and he placed a hand on his heart,  "God is on my side, told you the benefits of chilling with God is amazing". Micah argued.

      Jared flicked him off, and laughed "Okay so we'll check it out, and if so i'll buy you not one, not two but three jars of granola from there". Jared said, Micah gasped and started breathing heavy.

            "I would love you even more, man That stuff is amazing it's like having multiple orgas-". He cut himself off when we made eye contact.   He struggled to look away but Jared tapped him. We were handed released 2012 prompts from the A.P exam and had to fo precis on them.

      "I just want food" Micah whined. 

"Lunch is in less than ten minutes Micah, stay strong". The teacher urged , but gave up when Micah cried out . I smiled, and started working on my stuff. Pretty soon the lunch bell rang, and Micah hurried out the class. "Fatass". Jared muttered walking after him.

   I chuckled , and Branson came up behind me. "Little boy,isn't so bad after all". Branson said, staring at Jared. "Don't even try it". I said. Branson smiled.  "I won't try anything, what do you mean? It's Tamale Thursday , I just want some food".  Branson said , brushing through the crowd, I followed behind him, into the cafeteria.

        Don't mean to brag but a bunch of eyes turned to us as soon as we walked in, I walked to the lines, and grabbed two tamales and a can of soda. I put my number in and walked to my table. 

         We let Micah and Jared have that table by the trashcan, but I watched him eat. He was chewing on a sandwich, and sticking his tongue out a Jared, How do they have so much fun when its just them two.  I dipped my Tamale in ranch and shoved it in my mouth. I scrolled through my phone on ig, and watched snapchat stories.  

       I wasn't feeling this anymore, I was now in my feelings and my ego was a little dented when Micah turned me down, It just hit me. I set my Tamale down and stared at their table.

  I wanted him.


 How was that? Please vote and comment if you love this story!! I love you all thank you so much for your support , I will update  again soon maybe tomorrow.

   -Gigglezs out!!

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