Something Great (Ziam AU)

By megz1985

1.1M 42.6K 13.5K

Zayn is your average 21 year old waiter. Liam is an above average 21 year old popstar. When Zayn enters a con... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter Ninety Eight

7.6K 278 80
By megz1985

Chapter Ninety Eight - Liam

Liam watches as Zayn chews on his thumb, staring out the window, they're waiting for the verdict, whether or not they have to live in constant vigilance or if Eleanor will be a thing from their past. The trial has lasted a week to get everyone's testimony, Liam's not worried, because Eleanor had helped them out in a big way by throwing a tantrum, that made her look a little crazy on the third day. A knock on the door makes Zayn jump and Liam chuckles as he spins to face the door, to see one of his lawyers coming through it, "I think they're ready, if you guys want to come with me" he says, voice somber. Liam nods and moves to stand in front of Zayn, "you ready to finish this?" he asks carefully, Zayn just nods, not saying anything and Liam knows his boyfriend is struggling with this whole ordeal. Liam wraps his hand in Zayn's starting to lead the slightly older man from the room, he's glad there has been a no paps rule in place the whole trial, but he also knows as soon as they step outside the courthouse,they're going to be swarmed. "Whatever happens today, Zayn. I've got you, it's you and me alright?" Liam asks quietly as they walk. Zayn tuns to him with a grin, "absolutely" he agrees before they follow the lawyer back into the courtroom.

The scream Eleanor let out at the verdict is still ringing in Liam's ears as he holds Zayn's hand tightly in his, on their way out the back entrance towards the car waiting for them. "I can't believe that's it" Zayn mumbles and Liam grins, "it is, it's over, she's out of our lives" he answers. "Congrats boys" Jim crows as he leads the way through the empty parking lot and towards the car. "Thanks" Liam grins. The verdict had come back guilty, but Eleanor's flair for dramatic nonsense, had made it so she needed to be locked up in a psychiatric ward, also anyone that would run over someone in the street, just because she lost her job is insane. Liam pulls Zayn into his side, once they're safely in the car, and presses a kiss to his head, "we don't have to worry about her ever again" he murmurs and Zayn turns to him a wide smile on his face, "I know, what are we going to do Li?" he asks. Liam chuckles "it doesn't matter, we can do whatever we want, but I know we're going to live how we want" he answers. Zayn seems to like that answer because he snuggles back in as Sebastien starts driving again.

Liam can't help it, he's watching Zayn sleep, and he knows it's probably creepy, but Zayn hasn't been sleeping well, and fell asleep almost as soon as they returned to Liam's apartment. Liam's invited Harry and Louis, along with Niall and Josh, and the rest of his band, over to the apartment, to celebrate. He's even invited Gemma, both to surprise Zayn, and Dan, the guitarist having a definite crush on Harry's older sister, Perrie and Jade are coming as well, Jesy and Leigh-Anne having a prior engagement they couldn't get out of. He knows he should wake Zayn up so he can shower and get changed before everyone arrives, but Liam also knows that Zayn needs the rest, so he leaves him on the couch, tidying up around him. Louis arrives first Harry trailing behind him, wrapping Liam in a hug as soon as the door is open, "are you excited, you and Zayn can just live now" he crows. Liam chuckles hugging his best and oldest friend back, "yea Lou, it's pretty amazing" he answers, stepping away from Louis as soon as he's released, Harry hugs him quickly before looking around, "where's Zayn?" he asks slowly, Liam laughs and gestures to the living room, "sleeping, he crashed as soon as we got back" he explains. Harry nods and Louis laughs lightly, "poor guy hasn't been sleeping has he?" he asks knowingly. Liam just shakes his head, leading the two men into the kitchen "I know he'll have to wake up soon, but I figure he can get some rest for now" he explains.

Liam hears Zayn waking up, with a loud thump as he rolls off the couch, it's followed by Gemma laughing, and Zayn whining. Liam heads away from the kitchen to see his boy, he's laying on the floor, with his arms crossed pouting, "Liii" he whines reaching out for him. Liam chuckles stepping forwards to pull him to his feet, "why didn't you wake me up?" Zayn asks quietly, Liam shrugs, "you were tired, I thought I'd let you sleep" he answers. Zayn pouts at him and Liam can't help but think he's adorable, the thought crosses his mind a few hundred times a day, before he wriggles free from Liam and throws himself at Gemma. He watches the pair reunite, he knows it's been awhile since Zayn has seen Harry's sister, and he knows the two are close. Liam watches as Zayn dives away from Gemma to hug Perrie, the blonde laughing as she wraps her arms around his waist. "You really know how to throw a congrats on locking up the psycho party, little brother" a voice says behind him making Liam spin around to face both his sisters, "I. What are you two doing here?" he stumbles. Nicola just laughs, pointing towards Louis who's smirking, but it's Ruth who answers, "Louis called us, said you'd like us here but wouldn't think to call yourself" she explains. Liam grins, before diving at his sisters and pulling them both into a hug, "I'm glad to see you guys, I missed you" he murmurs, "we missed you too Li" Nicola answers quietly.

Everyone's chatting in groups around the apartment, Zayn' sitting tucked under Liam's arm, talking to Harry, and if he's being honest that's exactly where he wants to keep his boy. Liam leans over to press a kiss to Zayn's neck, smirking when he shivers slightly. Liam does it a few more time before Zayn turns to glare at him, "can you please stop it" Zayn hisses, and Liam grins innocently, "don't wanna" he mumbles, pressing another kiss to Zayn's neck. Zayn groans, rolling his eyes, before leaning in closer, Liam can smell his aftershave and a scent that is entirely Zayn, "later" he whispers and Liam can't help but grin at the thought. Zayn goes back to talking to Harry and Niall after that, leaning back into Liam the whole time, it's not that the two can't be apart, just after everything they've been through they don't want to be. "So what's next for you guys?"Josh asks suddenly from Liam's other side, shrugging Liam turns to eye his drummer and friend, "um I don't really know, we have a few weeks off, and then I have to start recording my next album" he starts, "I vote Christmas album" Zayn interrupts. Liam chuckles shaking his head, and turning back to Josh, then I don't really know, but I do know, I plan to do whatever Zayn wants, really" he finishes. Josh grins at him before nodding, "I hear ya, you two have been through a lot and it hasn't even been that long" he murmurs. Liam nods his agreement, because it's very true.

It's later that night when everyone has headed back to their own homes, or hotel rooms, except for Louis and Harry, and Niall and Josh. The three couples are spread around the living room, Harry and Louis are sprawled across one couch, with Josh and Niall laying together on the floor, leaving the other couch for Liam and Zayn. They're watching a movie and just enjoying not having anything to do, or anyone to worry about, Liam knows they'll have to return to life and work soon, but for now he's content to just stay curled up with his boy and his friends and pretend life isn't actually happening around them still. "I love you" Zayn sleepily murmurs suddenly and Liam grins down at him, running his fingers through Zayn's thick hair, "I love you too" he answers, bending to press a kiss to Zayn's head. Not long later the movie ends and everyone else heads home leaving Zayn and Liam, finally alone. Zayn twists slightly in his grip, and Liam furrows his eyebrows at him, "are you glad it's all over, with you know who?" Zayn asks quietly, hazel eyes searching Liam's. Liam grins and hugs Zayn tighter, "of course, I'm glad that's all done and we can focus on us, and you can do your art, and I can record my album" he answers. Zayn smiles at him then, pressing up to capture his lips in a kiss, Liam doesn't hesitate just kisses back with as much passion and love as he has. The two getting lost in the kiss, it turning into more rather quickly on the couch.

When Liam wakes up, the sun is streaming through his curtains and there's a weight on his chest, looking down slightly he's met with a head of raven black hair. They'd fallen asleep on the couch after last night, they're both shirtless, with just the thin blanket off the back of the couch covering them. "Morning" Zayn yawns a moment later, "morning babe" Liam echos, "have a good sleep?" he asks, "not really" Zayn laughs and Liam smiles at him, running a hand through his thick hair. "So what are we doing today?" Zayn asks, pushing himself further into Liam's hand, "I was thinking nothing, why?" Liam asks. Zayn grins "sounds perfect to me, but I have to take some of my work to the gallery, then we can do nothing" he answers. Liam chuckles nodding, "if we get dressed we can grab breakfast on the way, and do it now" he suggests. Zayn smiles nodding, "but I don't really want to move" he answers and Liam rolls his eyes, shaking his head fondly at his boyfriend.

It takes an hour for them both to get up, dressed, and down to the car. Liam pulls expertly out of the parking garage and onto the road, heading straight towards London Arts. The make a quick stop at McDonalds to get breakfast, before heading towards the gallery. Once they've parked Zayn leans over to kiss Liam quickly, "you staying here?" he asks and Liam nods slowly, "you won't be too long will you?" he asks. Zayn shakes his head, pulling a folder from the backseat, "nah, I'm literally giving this to Astrid and then leaving again, I want to do nothing with my sexy boyfriend" he answers, waving the folder in his hands. Liam nods, pressing a kiss to Zayn's lips, "hurry back" he murmurs, before Zayn pulls away and jumps out of car. True to his word Zayn is back in the car within five minutes, and they're heading back towards Liam's apartment quickly, "now what?" Liam asks, reaching across the centre console to intertwine his fingers with Zayn's. Zayn shrugs, "whatever you want" he answers Liam grins, at that, nodding, "sounds good" he murmurs,

It's once they're back at Liam's apartment that he can't help it anymore, Liam pulls Zayn into his lap, "do you ever think about the future? About us?" he asks. Zayn bites his lip, nodding slowly, and Liam grins because he does too, all the time. "And what do you think about?" he presses. Zayn sighs, biting his lip again, shrugging, "I don't know" he mumbles. Liam knows he's lying, knows Zayn has thought it all out, but for some reason he's nervous to share. "Please tell me, Zee?" he asks quietly, and Zayn nods. "I think about what it would be like to marry you some day, and to also um have a family with you" he mumbles quickly. Liam grins, because he's thought the same things if he's being honest, "one day Zayn" he murmurs, surging forward to press a kiss to Zayn's lips. "One day" Zayn agrees happily, and Liam can't help but think that his life has become more perfect than anyone person's should be allowed to be, it really has become something great.

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long to update. I had really bad writer's block for this story, but I got through it (finally) and here we are.
So this is the last official chapter of Something Great, this just seems like a logical place to end it, I'm working on an epilogue for you guys, (there may be two of them) and I might do some more little pieces to this, I'm not sure yet. Let me know what you guys want.
I want to say a huge thank you to all of you, who have been reading and commenting and keeping me inspired along the way with this story. I seriously love all of you and am so happy that anybody actually enjoyed this.
As always let me know what you think and I promise I'll be back soon

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