Jeweled dolls of Durin

By lunawolf8074

34.8K 1K 247

Bofur meets a young dwarf girl who will not only change his life but the line of Durin permanently ..for good... More

prelude or authors note
trouble with dwarflings [G]
aprentice / only time [ pg]
revelations and beginnings [pg]
the ring [pg]
love { pg-13}
Healing of the heart [ mature]
wedding [mature]
Broken promises (pg)
quest and discoveries [ pg ]
trolls and rivendell [pg ]
goblins [ pg-13]
beorn / spiders [pg-13]
elves/barrel [pg-13]
lake-town [pg-13]
dreams and pleas [mature]
Death comes this way
my love is strong (mature content/language)
Is there honor within you
of orcs and thieves
The battle within
To war!
Battle at Ravenhill
when bofur ran
the price of arrogance
Tears of goodbye
Back to the beginning
New Generation
Old & New Friends
Home is where the heart is

Coming home

478 19 0
By lunawolf8074

It was close to mid afternoon when the caravan of dwarves saw the gates of Erebor looming before them as a great cheer rose up from the ramparts where dwarves of different sizes could be seen leaning out to get a glimpse of the Princess Under the Mountain returning once more to her ancient family home. The doors began to open up and a small group people walked out ..smiling as they approached the weary travelers. Dis's eyes focused on the leader of this welcome home gathering....he stood proud and tall..his dark hair blew in the breeze behind him making him appear even more majestic and regal to the eyes. Thorin's blue eyes gazed with joyous delight at seeing his sister finally there as he finally came close to her where she to him was his beloved fiancee, Kechi, who was worrying her lip in nervousness upon seeing the princess there. She knew many months ago she and her sisters had up and ran off in the middle of the night without any warning...leaving their family behind and a very pregnant woman who the princess was counting on to help when it came time to give birth. Dis eyed the woman next to her brother with a narrowed gaze  for a moment then finally Dis smiled at her ..thinking maybe the woman suffered enough since no one had told her the fate of her cousin, Tia, or the children...Dis smiled even bigger at the surprise awaiting everyone when they saw the family. Thorin wrapped his arm around Kechi's waist in comfort at his sister's glare...raising an eyebrow at his sister in slight warning , relaxing when he saw her sweet smile appearing. 

"Dis...Welcome sister. Welcome home Princess Under the Mountain." throwing his arms out he gathered Dis tightly to him in a hug...hearing her whisper into his ear that brought a cringe inside.

"We are going to have a chat later brother of mine" then louder so others could hear. "Thank you brother. It is good to be back home and to see you safe and well...back where you belong." she then turned to look around and saw her son Kili standing a few steps behind Thorin along with his wife , Alysi,and she opened her arms in welcome...Kili practically flew into his mothers arms and buried his face into her shoulder to shield the tear that fell from an eye in the feeling of coming home.

"Momma..." he sniffed as he felt her tighten her arms around him. "...I ..I missed you momma."  she leaned back and gave him a watery smile in return as she cupped his beaded jaw in her hand...losing herself in his warm chocolate eyes.

"My sweet boy Kili...oh how I missed you too." they rested their heads together for a moment then she leaned away to peer around at the many faces around...looking for blond hair and not seeing it. "Where...Where's Fili? I don't see him." as she peered around she became a bit frantic..a feeling of desperation in seeing her oldest son overwhelmed her...she needed to see him with her own eyes to truly know he was safe...suddenly a smooth honeyed voice came from the shadows where she couldn't see into because of the sun shining so brightly.

"Right here ..mother." that's when she saw him and her eyes widen in shock at the sight of her golden haired son coming out of the shadows. He was leaner than when last she saw him but he was still beautiful ...her eyes traveled down his body and she gasped at his legs. She saw silvery bands wrapping around his legs that had runes and beautiful designs carved into the metal braces..his steps were a bit stilted but he walked upright towards his mother with a enormous smile upon his face as he leaned onto a metal cane with etchings of lions hunting along it. Next to him walked his lovely wife Ahmi who was looking very pregnant now..her corn silk blond hair catching in the breeze that blew through the area and making it fan out into a halo that framed her startling amethyst colored eyes that seemed very serene as she walked along by his side. Finally they both came to her side and stopped..both waiting for a reaction at the sight of him with his braces gleaming in the sunlight along his legs...her mouth tried to work and after a few moments it did.

" What..?" shaking her head quickly she instead grabbed him into her arms..nearly toppling him off his feet but between her arms and Ahmi's help he retained his footing as he embraced her back. Both grinning like maniacs ..not caring that tears poured down their eyes and they had an audience to their display... suddenly being joined by Kili and Thorin as laughter boiling out of them as they clung together ... eventually they all were able to gather themselves together. Fili began to tell his mother about working hard everyday to make these metal braces for his legs to help him to was one of his desires , to greet her and his child standing on his own two feet.  Suddenly a  squeal resonated out as Ahmi, Kechi, and Alysi saw Tia up on the wagon's bench and they raced over to her as she waved  to her cousins...Bofur had ducked into the back of the wagon to pull out Kennan who grinned at his father in delight that this ride had come to an end as Bofur hopped down off the wagon. He saw the women chattering around Tia about how good she looked ...he gazed at his lovely wife who glowed in happiness at seeing her family there.

"Tia! Bofur!" there was several roars that drowned out the womens own shrieks of joy....suddenly the cacophony drowned out all talk as Bombur and Bifur barreled through the crowd to grab up Bofur and Kennan into their embrace...Tia giggled at the sight. Bofur was enveloped in a bone crushing hug by both men and it wasn't till the boy in his arms squeaked that he could untangle himself from their grip...with a grin Bofur handed the boy over to his brother and jumped back up into the wagon as he went to gather something else from within. Bofur slowly emerged from the back with a tiny little girl with dark curls and soft blue eyes..there was a gasp from any who saw the precious little girl that giggled as her father tickled her under her chin before handing the sweet girl down to her mother's waiting arms. Everyone sighed with joy and delight at the vision of a precious female...then the sighs turned to surprise as Bofur reached back in and pulled out another little girl...the whispers started up with talk of the Ur family being blessed by the hand of Mahal to have twin girls. Bofur and Tia smiled at each other as she took their other daughter from him...when he leaned in one more time there was a loud gasp of ..

~ITS A MIRACLE! ~THEY'RE TOUCHED BY MAHAL!~ Bofur laughed as he picked up his son Griegur who hid his face into his dads neck in shyness at the sound of the crowd.

"Shhh.. It's alright lad. Yer da's got yeh." quickly he rubbed the boys back in soothing motions which made him relax...turning to look his brother in the eye he saw the wide eyed looks on his family and friends faces which made him laugh loudly. He motioned for Tia to follow him as he made his way towards the others...once close enough to his family he spoke loudly enough that even Thorin could hear him. "Let me introduce me family...." holding up the boy in his arms he began. "...This lad is me son, Griegur...and me twin daughters Tali and Ravi...and me other boy.." he pointed over to Bombur who held his other son..." Kennan." Thorin came forward and welcomed the newest additions to the family...cheers and slaps to the back abounded. After a few moments Tia heard her name being called from the crowd and looking over she saw her uncle Dahl pushing his way forward...seeing him approaching with a patch over his eye reminded her about her father and she wanted to quickly before they began to fall she felt both her daughters whisked from her arms by Alysi and Kechi then she was enveloped into his strong arms where they both cried together.

Short distance away in the crowd another group was gathering...a group of wives irritated at their husbands...Gloin, Oin, Bombur, and Dwalin...the men stood there sweating as they saw those eyes turn sharp and steely at them. It was Dwalin's wife , Amari who spoke first.

"So...You survived. That's good. You kept your promise to your family at least." there was a round of cheers from the others...then they all began to pick up on furiously nagging their husbands...they left them alone...what would they have done if the men had died....and so on. At one point Nori leaned over to Gloin and whispered into his ear..

"I hear if you strip naked then they stop nagging.They can't argue or fight when they see you naked." he saw Gloin's eyes thinking it over and he hid his smirk...then he had to turn away so he didn't laugh out loud as he watched the man beginning to strip his clothes off...he then bit his lip as he heard Kili leaning over to Fili to whisper.. ~ Do you think that's true..think it works?~ just when Gloin was down to his tunic and pants his wife  screamed out at him.

"You want to argue naked ...fine we can do that...lets argue naked" she growled which stopped Gloin in his was Dwalin who saved the day.

"Men! Follow my lead once more!" he stepped forward...grabbed Amari..then swiftly pulled her into a kiss that effectively silenced her...seeing the others doing the same as him out of the corner of his eye...once he felt her go soft in his arms he leaned away and whispered into the space between them. "Mahal I missed yeh men kurdel (my heart of hearts). I love you Amari and this time I promise I'll never part from yeh again." looking down into those stunning golden eyes of hers he felt that everything he had endured was worth he could provide her a home she truly deserved. Amari reached up and tenderly touched his face...her eyes peering deeply into his.

"My love...I missed you too..very much. Oh by the way...Dwalin...there's someone I want you to meet." her hand waved from behind her back...gesturing to Kita who stepped forward holding a bundle in her arms..being followed by Grawlin. "Dwalin ..I like you to meet ,Tahlin...your son." Dwalin went still in shock as he was handed a sleeping baby boy, that had silky dark hair and the beginning of a beard along the edges of his cheeks. Trembling her stroked the soft cheek with a finger ...seeing the tiny face stirring and opening his little eyes...eyes just like Amari's blinked up at him. 

"My son...Tahlin...welcome to Erebor me son..welcome home." A lone tear slipped down Dwalin's bearded cheek as he gazed down at his eight month old son.

                 ****************************** WEEK LATER*****************************

The torches flickered along the walls, casting wavering shadows down the walls of the Tombs of  Kings as the family of Kahrn walked along the passages towards a special tomb that depicted a beautiful carving of the late Kahrn , son of Kurhn, son of Fror , laid in his eternal rest. The group was somber as they stood at his place of burial to pay their respects to a great warrior...Tia stepped forward and the weight of her grief brought her to her knees as she sobbed at his stone casket. The sounds echoed around the chamber as she wept..barely noticing Bofur kneeling down next to her until his arms wrapped around his love's shoulders..periodically he would whisper into her hair and placing a kiss there in comfort... finally Tia calmed enough to speak to her father's grave.

"Father...I miss you very much.I wish we had more time to be together, but know I'll cherish the time we did have. I know you are now watching down on us from Mahal's side along with momma where you both can guide and protect us from now on. I heard you sacrificed yourself for Kili ...thank you for being there for him Adad (father)...He is making Alysi happy as he promised you." Tia sniffled then continued. "Momma..I'm glad you're there with him...he missed you so much, now he's happy that he's with you once more. I wish I knew you, but everything I learned about you was from him. Momma keep him safe by your side and help him watch over your grandbabies , if they are anything like me then they'll need it." there was soft chuckling coming from her side and behind her...turning her head slightly into Bofur's neck she felt his whisper across her temples as he spoke.

"Aye...we will need the help if they are anything like their momma." he smiled as he felt her nuzzle her face into his beard with a slight growl at her husband...he laughed. "I hope they are...oh I so hope they are like yeh ghiveshaluh (treasure of treasures)..just as pretty and just as sweet as their momma."

                              ************************ 2 MONTHS LATER***********************

(The wedding )

The Erebor Mountain was adorned in all it's glory as it had been prepared for the celebration that was about to take place within its stony walls this very day. Inside a gathering of the whole mountain , along with the nobles of Dale and Mirkwood was in attendance for the joining of the King Under the Mountain to his One love, Kechi. Today's celebration was starting off with a royal renewal of vows between the Erebor Princes ,Fili and Kili, to their wives, Ahmi and Alysi....all four wanting a formal ceremony before the whole mountain. After their reaffirmation of their vows then King Thorin's own wedding to Kechi would occur finally after several years of both of them pining for each other from across town...which in everyone's mind was about time they got their heads on straight. 

The princes and their loves went first as they stood before Balin who was officiating the vows today...both women stood up an the dais next to their loves dressed in lovely gowns that had sapphire jewels adorning them to symbolize the joining into the line of Durin. They all four repeated after Balin as he spoke the ritual words of joining...all their eyes sparkled in joy as they spoke the words from their heart to one another. Then a great cheer erupted as the couple kissed...sealing their union seamlessly before the mountain of witnesses....hearing the sounds of well wishers that  ranged  from the sedated clapping of the elves ..the joyous cheering of the humans the hearty howls of the dwarves gathered. Then came time for Thorin's own wedding..his nephews vows being the warm up for this joyous day.

The whole mountain went silent as music began to play...heralding the arrival of the bride who looked like the queen she was about to become shortly. Her head held high as she regally walked down an aisle on the arm of her father, Dahl, that was  lined with rich blue runner cloth embroidered with silver which made her gown look like it glowed pearly white...her jewels were made of various hues of blue sapphires, topaz, and aquamarine gracing her hair and body, accentuating her red hair and green eyes. To Thorin the vision of her stole his breath as he watched her drawing closer to where he stood...his knees trembled in nervousness that he tried to hide from the observers since after all he was the King and it would not do for them to see him showing any kind of weakness. Finally Kechi and Dahl drew up before him and Balin's voice reverberated through the massive chamber..reaching all the way to the back of the vast hall.

"Our fellow Khazad, our noble nieghbors from Dale, and our elvish allies of Mirkwood...we are gathered on this momentous day to celebrate the union of this great King of Erebor, Thorin, and his noble intended Kechi in holy matrimony before our great father Mahal. It has been a long road for these two in coming to this point in their lives hailing all the way back in Ered Luin where their lives had started on a fateful day of eyes meeting. So today they humbly come before you to witness the joining of hearts into one forever. Never shall you look for another as your life becomes entwined together for eternity. So ...who brings this woman ,Kechi of the house of Durin, today to offer into this eternal union today?" Dahl spoke loudly and with pride reflecting in his deep voice.

"I, Dahl, son of Kuhrn, son of Fror of the line of Durin do." Balin inclined his head as he handed Kechi's hand over into Thorins keeping then with a deep bow he backed away to sit with the rest of his family. Balin turned to the couple and began the ceremony...speaking first to Kechi.

"Kechi, please face Thorin and hold his hands, palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you.These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and vibrant with love, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as he promises to love you all the days of his life.These are the hands that will work along side yours, as together you build your future, as you laugh and cry, as you share your innermost secrets and dreams.These are the hands you will place with expectant joy against your stomach, until he too, feels his child stir within you.These are the hands that look so large and strong, yet will be so gentle as he holds your baby for the first time.These are the hands that will work long hours for you and your new family.These are that hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy.These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, and hold you when fear or grief wrack your mind.These are the hands that will tenderly lift your chin and brush your cheek as they raise your face to look into his eyes: eyes that are filled completely with his overwhelming love and desire for you." Balin then turned and peered into Thorins blue eyes as he spoke to him now.

"Thorin, please hold Kechi's hands, palms up, where you may see the gift that they are to you. These are the hands of your best friend, smooth, young and carefree, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as she pledges her love and commitment to you all the days of her life.These are the hands that will hold each child in tender love, soothing them through illness and hurt, supporting and encouraging them along the way, and knowing when it is time to let go.These are the hands that will massage tension from you neck and back in the evenings after you've both had a long hard day.These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times.These are the hands that will comfort you when you are sick, or console you when you are grieving.They are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.These are the hands that will hold you in joy and excitement and hope, each time she tells you that you are to have another child, that together you have created a new life.These are the hands that will give you support as she encourages you to chase down your dreams. Together as a team, everything you wish for can be realized." Balin then faced the crowd and lifted his face to the heavens along with his hands.

"Aule, bless these hands that you see before you this day. May they always be held by one another. Give them the strength to hold on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. Keep them tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their wondrous love. Help these hands to continue building a relationship founded in your grace, rich in caring, and devoted in reaching for your perfection. May Thorin and Kechi see their four hands as healer, protector, shelter and guide.We ask this in your name, Amen." looking back at the couple he smiled. "You may kiss your bride and seal her to you as your wife." Without any hesitation Thorin pulled Kechi to him and sealed his mouth to hers...his lips were firm against hers, stealing the gasp that fell from her soft lips with his own. After a few moments they pulled away and resting heads against the others as they smiled lovingly into each others eyes...Balin smiled at the pair. "Erebor! I present to you your King and Queen of Erebor...Thorin and Kechi Durin Oakenshield!" a loud roaring cheer rose up and escorted the new couple down the aisle towards where the wedding feast was going to be at in the Hall of Kings where laid a golden slabbed giant dance floor.


The ale flowed in a never ending river into awaiting cups...tables laden down with a multitude of different dishes filled the air with their rich aromas as music softly played in the background of this lavish feast celebrating the union of the Royals of Erebor. Sitting up on a dais sat the three couples that were receiving numerous congratulations upon the sealing of their nuptials ...eyes gazing longingly into one anothers as they fed tidbits to loving lips...occasionally leaning in to kiss tenderly those same lips...blushes fanning across cheeks at this random display between lovers. Suddenly there was the sound of metal on metal and eyes turned to look at the cause...seeing Dahl standing up tapping on his metal mug to gain attention for all to quiet.  Once he knew eyes were focused on him he cleared his throat and looked at the two young couples there.

"Fili and Kili. I want to tell you a story, and like all good stories it starts like this.

"Once upon a time , there was a father and in case you cant figure it out..thats me. This father had a wonderful little girl. He was very happy then one day he found out his wife was going to have another baby.So I prayed.." Mahal if its your will, make it another girl." And he did twice. I was the first person to hold them in my arms. And I looked at them and said "Mahal make them like thier mother." And he did. They were loving, giving, so good,and so kind. But then I realized I was getting left out. So I said "Mahal make them like me" and he did.They could fight like a man and shoe a horse perfectly. They could brew fine ale and strip pipe weed." Dahl looked at both men pointedly ." Do you realize yet,what you two have gotten?" Both men looked at each other with knowing grins on thier faces as the crowd laughed and Dahl continued.

"But at the same time they are opinionated, emotional and hard - headed. So I said .." Mahal thats enough of that!" Make them like you..and he did.He gave them the desire to serve and help people..they love people. They have given their life to be a healer" he gestured to Ahmi then turned to Alysi ." a teacher. They've brought people back from the dead and held the hand of people who have breathed their last breath. He's given them a heart full of resolve and courage...Flying through the skies on eagles..laying on the ground as arrows whizzed around them as they've trekked far. " there was murmurs of approval and respect for the two women before them.

"But something was still missing. So I said.." Mahal make them happy." and they met you two." looking at his two daughters he saw a loving smile upon thier faces that made them glow as they gazed at the two men they had just married. Dahl felt his heart grow as he knew he didn't loose his two little girls but had gained two sons..who were the epitome of good dwarven men. "You see that look on their faces? I never saw that until they met you both. And i'm grateful for that. Today I'm giving you the best thing I have to give. And I just wanted you both know before I do that..How hard me and Mahal have worked to get them ready. So Fili and Kili, as I give them to you.. I don't think you'll mind if I give you both one more word of advice." he stared both men deeply into their eyes as he became more serious. "Me and Mahal worked hard...Don't screw it up." the crowd laughed hard as Fili and Kili bowed their heads with a..Yes sir... taking the women's hands into their own chuckling. Dahl then turned his eyes onto Thorin and Kechi...his smile grew as he gazed at the love between glad he lived to see this day...then cleared his throat.

"Thorin..Kechi. I am honored to be here today and see you both bound to each other at long bear with me in giving of one last advice to you before you cease being my son in law and daughter and become my King and Queen." Thorin smiled and shook his head as he mouthed ~always your son in law~... "Remember this always Thorin and Kechi...

Live everyday with your love as a guide;always give more than your groom or bride.

Find in each other the funniest things, and share with each other when your heart sings.

And no truer words have ever been penned, then the crux of your love is just being best friends.

From this day on you are never alone;wherever you are, it is your spouse thats your home.

And when time has passed and the two of you age,and your lives are about to turn the last page.

Youll see not the wrinkles, nor the old, nor the grey- instead youll see yourselves as you are on this day.

I hope that youll give life to my reprise, and that youll say to each other from tired old eyes:

"Theres no Gror nor Fain that ever was, is or will be, that could ever compare to what is you and me. I said it before and Ill say it times ten: given the chance I would do it again. If some wonderous force took us back, way back when, and the lives that we've lived started over again. Id again find you and court you as husband or wife; you're the fabric, the purpose and my reason for life." as Dahl finished he looked at Thorin and Kechi seeing smiles and tears in their eyes as Thorin held her tightly to him...his heart grew beyond bounds as he gazed upon the love flowing within his children for these three Durins.

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