
By HBWriter

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What would you sacrifice for the one you love? --- Seventeen year old Selena Murphy is a gifted High school h... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ✔
Chapter 3 ✔
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8- (continuation of 7)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- Hospitalized
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17- The Party (Part 1)
Chapter 18- The Party (Part 2)
Chapter 19- Ambulance
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 13

329 164 5
By HBWriter

© Haley B 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this book are owned by Haley B. It's illegal to steal/copy and if breached will be punished by law.


Chapter- 13

~~~~James' POV~~~~

I woke up sometime past midnight I laid there on the couch looking up at the ceiling I got to thinking about Conner, it was still taking every ounce of my being not to storm out of Selena's house, then hop onto my bike and ride down to Conners house and beat the living daylights out of him. Maybe I would get lucky and he would walk out in front of me while I was driving my dads truck, then I would be extremely tempted to run his ass over. I wanted so badly, to make him pay for what he did to her. Selena, the girl who never hurt anybody, the girl who would forgive you no matter what you did. Hell she probably apologized to that prick for him hitting on her. That's just the way she is, she doesn't start drama heck I'd bet my own soul that she didn't even tell her own mother what really happened to her the other night. That prick Conner probably made up some outrageous excuse and her mother believed it. Not that I would blame her, I know for a fact he's a good liar, it's got him this far.

I looked over at her, she was sound asleep curling up to her pillow, her hands were under her head, she looked like an angel. I pulled my phone out to check the time on my phone which read 5:40 I decided to make something for Selena. I walked into the kitchen and dug some bacon bits out of the cabinet where the spices were, then I took some Kraft cheese and two eggs out of the the fridge and a pan out of the cabinet. I turned the eye of the stove to four and put the pan on it, then I took some butter out of the fridge and put a few slivers into the pan. I cracked the eggs into the pan and began making it like an omelet. A few minutes later I had made an bacon, egg, and cheese omelet. I took some milk and warmed it up in the microwave, I remember how much she loved Hot Chocolate when we were kids, it was the only way her mother got her to go to sleep after her father walked out on them, I added the hot chocolate powder and the marshmallows and stirred it up, then heated it back up in the microwave for a few seconds. After I had everything ready I put it onto the table in the living room in front of Selena and wrote a note for her when she woke up. I made sure she still had an alarm set on her phone, then I whispered bye into her ear and walked to the door, I gently opened it then was careful to close it without waking her up, she only had a few more minutes before her alarm went off anyway; at least she would get a warm meal before she headed off to school.

I walked down the street and started thinking of Conner, the subject I knew would hurt Selena the most if I brought up. I would ask Selena what she wanted me to do in a few days, I would give her a little bit of time to think about it if anything at all. I would get vengeance on him hurting her, one way or another, he will not get off easily for hurting her, I wont have it.

I walked into my garage and began throwing punches on my punching bag, in order to express my anger, without actually hurting anyone, yet.

~~~~Selena's POV~~~~

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm blaring in my ear, I hated getting up for school, it was torture to get up this early. It should be illegal to be up this early! maybe it was just me not being an early bird but damn I felt like I got hit by a train. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleepy out of them, I looked in front of me to see an omelet, I picked up the cup of liquid directly beside my mysterious and freshly made omelet, the smell rushing to my senses; I immediately recognized this familiar smell as my favorite drink in the world, Hot Chocolate. I took a bite of the omelet and I immediately felt like melting into a puddle of mush, it was so delicious I wanted to savor this moment forever. A moan of pleasure escaped my mouth, because of the delicacy I was currently devouring. This was by far the best omelet I have ever had. I took a sip of the hot chocolate to find there were still marshmallows in it, and it was just the right temperature, not too cold to where I would have to warm it up and not too hot to where I would scald my tongue by taking a drink every few seconds to see if it was cooled off yet. It took me a few minutes to regain my train of thought after I ate the most amazing breakfast I have ever tasted in my entire life. Then it dawned on me that, I still had to attend school.

I walked upstairs and took a shower, then threw a towel around me as I stepped out onto the towel I had laid in the floor earlier. I took my brush and began untangling my not so luscious at the moment long brunette hair, it took a few minutes as the brush got stuck in several tangles that seemed to appeared out of nowhere. After untangling and drying my hair I decided to change out of my pajamas, which basically only consisted of a black tank top and shorts. I changed into some faded bluejeans and a black shirt with a few sequels around the neck part of it. Normally I wouldn't even dream of wearing this, just because the sequels fall off or get caught in some random object and end up ripping my shirt when I do, but for the first time I actually semi cared about what I wore to school on a Friday, It was usually my lazy day, I would usually dress up in the usual care free look which consisted of my t-shirt and color matching sweatpants.

I rushed downstairs, grabbed my black and white converses and then laced them up. I grabbed my keys to the house from the key rack in the kitchen and a water bottle from the fridge, then headed outside. I glanced up at the flowers my mother and I has planted a while back, the crimson red rose in the center of our well decorated garden was at full bloom. My mother and I had planted that garden a few years back, it started as just a random project, my mom wanted to see if this kit she bought several years back still worked. It was a green clothe like substance with flower seeds imbedded inside of it, it was supposed to be laid on the ground after digging a small square hole and watered three times a week to ensure the growth of flowers. We had waited a little over a month and nothing grew from it so we just threw them in the trash along with the rest of the box and decided to make a real garden. We bought a few flowers from Walmart's green house to start our little garden, the first thing we bought was a red rose that hadn't even bloomed yet. We planted it where we previously tried to grow plants with that stupid kit thing, and put some rocks around it to set as a decor. A few weeks later we had a fully bloomed rose which was growing at a fast pace. Then a few weeks later my mother and I picked up some wood chips and started digging at the opposite side of the house, several feet away from the rose. We had picked up several more flowers of different types and placed some kind of cover which we cut holes in for the flowers we had just planted, then we put the wood chips over top of them and watered our newly made garden. Later we added little garden gnomes and hummingbird garden figures which were on a rod like piece which you inserted into the ground, it changed colors which I found mesmerizing at night time.

I continued walking down the road occasionally eyeing the tree leaves which were now beginning to turn colors. It would be October before I knew it and James would be attempting to scare me every chance he got. Our tradition before he got sent off was to scare each other and whoever got scared the most had to dress up in a costume of the winners choice. He once had me dress up in a fire-hydrant costume and walk his dog at the time which was a weenie dog which he dressed the pore dog in a hotdog costume for shits and giggles. That halloween I had dogs chasing me down the street trying to relieve theirselves on me. James went as a vampire, his fangs and red eye contacts he had bought from hot topic the fangs, which weren't the whole jaw like costume you usually use as fangs, they were like clip ons which you just slip onto your eye teeth. And his contacts actually creeped me out, it would occasionally slip making him look like a lazy eyed vampire which would freak me out even more.

"Hey Selena!" I heard my name being yelled across the neighborhood, turning around I seen it was none other than James, running my way.

"Did you have fun running?" I questioned him laughing a bit as he was out of breath.

"Yeah, I didn't want to walk up behind you and say hey like last time, cause I didn't want you to swing at me and punch a tree or something." He said with a massive grin plastered on his face.

"I would not punch a tree," I stated while shoving my water bottle at his chest.

"Sure you wouldn't," He laughed

"That omelet and hot chocolate you made for me was heavenly," I said smiling

"It's the least I could do, you were upset and I knew telling me that stuff yesterday night brought back some bad memories so I wanted to try and do something special,"

"Thanks," I said hugging him

He hugged me back and whispered "You're welcome Selena," in my ear.

A few steps later and we got onto the bus, I sat down in the back of the bus and he sat down right beside me after a few minutes of getting thrown into the air from the bumps in the road and James falling over laughing at me because he had to practically catch me every time we hit a bump so I wouldn't fall in the floor. I announced I was bored and he started tickling my sides, I threw a few punches to his chest and arm a result only hurting myself because he was so toned. I felt like Bella from Twilight; The part where she punched Jacob in the jaw with her fist, only to result in what she thought to be a broken hand.

Several bumps in the road and howling fits of laughter later we arrived at school and Conner as usual was nowhere to be found.

James and I apparently decided to pick at each other all day, at lunch he threw a french fry at me, therefore I threw one back. One french fry resulted in another one which ended up getting the whole cafeteria into a food fight after I ducked when James threw a burger bun at me and accidentally hit one of the preps, which she then walked over to our table and dumbed Coca Cola onto James' head after he repeatedly apologized stating he didn't mean to hit her, and he was aiming for me and I moved. Then he decided to retaliate by walking up to her and sticking a hamburger patty to her face which then slid off leaving a ketchup streak running down her jaw. Therefore that caused the whole cafeteria to erupt into fits of laughter, then she hit someone else with a pop bottle out of anger for being humiliated and several people threw stuff at her. James pulled me under the table and we were busy erupting into laughter like hyenas, ketchup and mayonnaise was going all over the place as a result of the bitchy prep officially starting the food fight. Needless to say she stomped out of the cafeteria with her pink high heels on and her blue and white too tight for her to wear outfit ruined with ketchup stains, serves her right.

After the food fight in the cafeteria, James and I decided to meet up later and hang out, he wouldn't tell me where we were going, just that I was to go to his house.

I changed into some black skinny-jeans and a blue shirt with a black skull on it before heading across the road to his house.

I stood at the front door and was going to knock before he opened it.

"Lets go," he said with a heartwarming grin

He went to the garage and pushed a silver button on a black remote and the garage doors swung up revealing his chromed out motorcycle with black on it. He jumped onto his bike and handed me the helmet, I stood there with my mouth gapped open in shock, he knew I was deathly afraid of riding death traps like this. He must have caught onto my facial expression because he made a face of defeat then coughed a bit to get my attention and said "You know I won't let anything happen to you," he reassured me.

I took a deep breath and began plotting out my funeral in my head.

"Come on live a little Selena," he said with a smirk knowing I wouldn't back down now.

I took the helmet and hopped onto his bike. He put the helmet onto my head and put the visor like piece down. I put my arms around his waist and held onto him for dear life. He started his bike, took the kickstand down and then backed out of his driveway. We started moving and I closed my eyes, burying my face into his shirt, scrunching my nose up a bit at the strong smell of his apparently new cologne. Or it might just be new to me.

"You can open your eyes you know." I could practically hear the smile make its way across his face and crease across his lips.

I did so, opening my eyes to the beautiful sights around me. The wind whipped my hair around behind me, occasionally smacking James in the shoulder which caused me to stiffen out a laugh. The trees were zooming past me in a rush of colors. It was already fall in this part of town, there were few colored leaves hanging on the branches but you could tell they were there. We arrived at the park James and I had practically grown up in. While we were in Elementary school we would sneak off and play at the park across the road from the school because the playground at school was too crowded, thankfully we never got caught either.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked holding onto the chain of the swing and playing with the seder chips below me with my foot.

"Want to play worst pick up lines?" He asked, out of nowhere.

"Hell yes!!" I half whispered and half yelled, as a result causing a few people walking the street to turn around and look at me as if I just stabbed someone.

Worst pick up lines is a game we use to play three years ago, we would look up or come up with the corniest pickup lines. It wasn't a challenge kind of thing, it was just for fun to see who knew the better ones. James made some terrible jokes as pickup lines so bad I wont even say them. But lets just say he might be going to hell for creating those jokes.

"Okay you start," he said with a smirk.

"Are you Wi-Fi because I feel a connection," I said causing James to laugh a bit.

"You know, you look a lot like my next girlfriend," James countered smiling a bit.

" I hope you know CPR because you take my breath away,"

We continued playing the game and bursting out laughing occasionally. Until James said "If your left leg was thanksgiving and your right leg was christmas would you let me visit in between the holidays!" I laughed my ass off and announced my defeat, which then caused James to bask in his glory.

A few hours later and it was dark and James and I were having random conversations about life. It was nice to have these moments with him, moments I haven't had in a very long time. He dropped me off at the house, and we sat on the porch steps. We laughed, We talked. And for some time I sat in silence without any worries.

~~~~Author's Note~~~~
Sorry for the several day late update. My internet kept going out.

Don't forget to vote if you liked it ✌🏻️

Till then my lovely readers 😁

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