Billa - Ranga (under editing)

By anveshi-

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An adaptation of the Telugu and Tamil films Billa but with Varun Dhawan. Cover Credits: @Krazy_Kiran More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10A:
Chapter 10B
Chapter 10C
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

164 30 26
By anveshi-

Author's POV:

Ranga and the rest of Billa's gang (by the way guys I forgot to say that Alina had escaped as Ranga had told her to leave the party before the police arrived) were handcuffed and brought to a police van where they were being transported to another place. When they were inside the van, Ranga being the awesome person he is starts to tease all of the gang members. He started whistling to random tunes and eventually while praying to God. Then Ravi said "Hey! Do you know the biggest mistake you have made in your life?" Ranga continued to whistle raising his head up asking what, "Impersonating Billa" Ranga being Ranga continued to whistle, Ravi continued saying "You fooled us all". Then Ranga said "Are you Albert Einstein if you aren't fools then, Are you dons just because you have a few boys in your gang, Bloody idiots" Ranga said taking of his sunglasses. He then started making fun of everyone starting of by saying "Whats up with your hair dude, you look like a dirty beggar and on top of that you have tattoos as well, trying to be cool" and continued saying "You know everything about Billa, but even I don't know what I will do" He then turned towards Mark and"Hey Mark, you're a big Cross mark, Bloody garbage seller." He turned to Ravi and said "Don't you ever smile, what's in your mouth? A nail? Always with a sullen face" he said imitating Ravi. "If we hurt you now, they will know that you aren't Billa, you'll escape, you impersonated Billa so die as Billa as well, but after reaching central jail." Said Ravi. Ranga then retorted saying "Nope, No man, you don't have a brain do you?, but that's not your fault, hey just a second" and with that He then turned to the Police officers and the officer laughed at what Ranga said, "he's laughing, you know what I told him, that you have too many daddies" that was enough for Ravi to get pissed off and what ensued was a fight between Ranga and the gang, the police van eventually lost control and crashed, letting Ranga escape.


"THEY'RE DANGEROUS CRIMINALS AND THEY ESCAPED SO EASILY!!!" Yelled Rajendra, "He's definitely Billa", Aditya told him to calm down saying "We've already issued shoot-at-sight orders..." Rajendra interrupted saying "No we can't kill him, we have to catch him arrange checkpoints everywhere, we need to find him"

Alina's POV:

Ravi and the rest of the gang are back and boy do they look mad, "That Ranga and ACP fooled us, God knows where they have hidden Billa, we need to find Ranga, hell have to die in my hands" Just then Ravis phone rang...

Ravi's POV (LOL SO MANY POV CHANGES sorry guys)

"Hey Idiot!, How the hell are you going to find out where Billa is if you don't find Ranga, catch him, we need to wind up the Bhai deal by tomorrow, I want that USB or else we will be at risk." I said ok and hung up, this Devil is really annoying, but how am I going to find Ranga?

Ok back to Alina's POV: outside a building

I wonder where Ranga is he told me to come meet him here, I was walking when I felt someone grab my hand, I was about to hit them when I saw that it was Ranga. I gave a tight hug, what I was scared and I did start to like him a lot, maybe even love. He returned the hug and I asked "What happened?" "They found out that I'm Ranga", I said "Yeah I know that, poor ACP Sir I don't know who killed him, but there are shoot-at -sight being issued against you, Ravi's Gang is looking for you as well" "I know" he said interrupting, he continued saying "Firstly I need to find the killer of ACP sir, the police want me as Billa and his gang wants me to find their boss, they didn't suspect you right?" he asked worriedly. "No they trust me" I said, I then thought of an idea and said "Why don't I go and inform the police that you're Ranga and not Billa?" he quickly said "No, I don't want you to face any problems because of me, theres a mole in the police, therefore you must be in that gang to keep me informed" He stood there for a while scratching his head, he then took the spare change of clothes that I brought and changed in to them. After that he went to the phone booth...

Ranga's POV:

I missed Alina a lot :( but I don't want anything to happen to her, I quickly went to the phone booth Alina asked who I was calling and I said "Interpol officer Rajendra, he's the only person I trust and kind of trusts me after ACP Sir", I then dialed his number. "Hello who is this" asked Rajendra sir, I said "Hello sir, it's me Ranga" "Yes tell me Billa" Offo he still doesn't believe me, maybe I shouldn't be calling him... anyway I continued saying "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not Billa" "If you aren't then surrender yourself immediately, Ill take care of the rest" He said I scoffed slightly and said "I'm not afraid of surrendering, but I don't trust anyone in this department apart from you sir, plus if I'm in jail then I can't prove that I'm not Billa." "Why did you call me then?" he asked. I came to the point and told him to meet me at the Aerobridge at noon tomorrow, alone and hung up the phone.

As Alina and I were leaving we saw the police, luckily Alina had parked her car somewhere else so we were able to escape. I told her to drop me of at Shankar's restaurant. As I got out of the car and started walking towards the restaurant she told me to stop and then gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me to take care and then left. It happened so fast, I looked calm on the inside but I was screaming like a little girl on the inside. Does this mean that she loves me? I'll ask after this Billa business is sorted out.

I walked inside Shankar's restaurant and saw that he was drunk, HAYE BAPPA, I asked him why he drank so much and he said "It's because I'm sad, sad that ACP sir died", He then went blabbering on and on until I heard the word Billa and body. I then asked "Hey do you know where Billa is?" he then took me towards the freezer in his restaurant and took me inside it and opened a bag, and there he was Billa, does this mean that he's dead!?! ACP sir never told me oh no, then I looked towards Shankar who looked all happy, "Wait a minute who the hell told ACP sir that about me" and then Shankar very proudly said "It was me, the credit goes to me I gave him all the information as I am his informer" He then started singing Informer HAYE Bappa he's completely drunk, I then slapped him and he stopped. We both went outside and sat there quietly I remembered what ACP sir once told me "I won't even be able to touch food, if I don't serve justice to this nation and its law as a dutiful officer." (in chapter 14), "Poor ACP sir, he even died while serving his country" Shankar then asked what my plan is and I told him that I can't trust the police anymore, "I'm going to meet Interpol officer Rajendra tomorrow, only he can help me"...

Phew, that was a long chapter, so unfortunately the book is coming to an end :(, but hopefully Ill start writing again around November - December (after my exams), speaking of which havent even touched my Physics book :P.

Hope you guys liked the chapter :)

K and I'm Out.

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