Chapter 6

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Authors POV:

As soon as the song was finished, Billa and the girl had gone to a house outside of the city. While she was showering Billa was thinking, something is wrong here, she's definitely here for a reason...

His thoughts were interrupted as he soon heard the Police sirens outside "Billa, you are surrounded, surrender yourself" yelled ACP Ajay Rathore into the Megaphone. The girl came out of the bathroom smirking, "The police are welcoming you, maybe you should go outside", said the girl

"This is normal for me, but you are something different" (UGH that sounds so creepy in the movie and in this book; the feminist in me is choking).

"I am the one who called them" said the girl. "I knew you were here for a reason" said Billa "Do you know why" asked the girl.

"You have your own reasons, anyway tell me" said Billa clearly not interested. "You killed the man that I love, who I wanted to start a new life with, Lakshya" said Pari.

"Acha, so you're the girl who Lakshya fell in love with and wanted to escape from Malaysia" said Billa starting to get interested.

There was a pause before he spoke, "There isn't really a big difference between escaping from Billa and death, they're both the same thing, He was a nice guy, nothing personal, it's just business" said Billa as if it was the most casual thing in the world. Pari was disgusted and said "killing people is a business for you?!"

Pari's POV:

I was disgusted how can killing people be a business, my thoughts were interrupted by the police sirens again. Billa started to take out his gun from his pocket, and I quickly (Meghana here guys - might I add stupidly reveals the fact that she removed the bullets) said that "There are no bullets in the gun".

Billa stared at the gun and said "The gun with bullets weighs 1.95 kg, without them it weighs 1.1 kg" "You just reminded why I should stop trusting women, thanks for that"

"I trust bullets and guns more, you should have taken the gun away as well" he said while taking out a locket with a bullet in it. I was shocked; I did not see this coming. "Billa loaded then gun and said "lets Party baby".

Billas POV:

I definitely am changing my philosophy; I think trusting guns and bullets is better than trusting humans.

Anyway I walked outside and saw that the Police surrounded the place. I taped the girls mouth shut and walked outside with the gun pointed at her head.

"Hello Mr Ajay Rathore, this is the first time we've met, nice to meet you" I said. "Very funny, now you'll always be with us forever, you cannot escape" He said, this ACP clearly doesn't know me.

"Can, Can" I said. "Anyway good job ACP, this is the first time anyone has come so close to catching me, you are the best". "I have the experience don't I" said the ACP confidently.

Poor ACP he has no idea what's coming up next. "I heard someone say "The girls life is at risk sir, let him go". However the ACP was clearly confident that there were no bullets. "Don't worry Aditya, Pari called me after removing the bullets from the gun.

Haha I chuckled on the inside, and then I shot a bullet into the sky (the only one in it, but they didn't know). They were frightened, the girl started to shake her head telling them to not worry about her, but clearly Mr ACP is more interested in her safety then catching me "But the only thing you did wrong was that you sent a deer to hunt down a lion, that's just wrong ACP".

ACP Ajay Rathore's POV:

I was shocked that the gun still had bullets in them. Just as he was getting in to the car along with Pari I said "Don't move, otherwise I will shoot you". "Billa doesn't like it when you point a gun and don't shoot ACP, if you want to shoot go ahead" he said and sat in the car. We continued to point our guns at him, but we just couldn't risk him killing Pari. "Damn it Billa" I cursed.

Pari's POV

We soon were on the highway; I was petrified just thinking about Billa might do to me. All of a sudden he grabbed me by my hair and stared at me, who knows what's going on in that dirty mind of his. "Hasta La Vista... Baby" and then he pushed me out of the car.

I hurt my head really badly, but does this mean that I'm free, no this just doesn't seem right. Just as I sat up on the road and was about to get up, I saw a bright light from a Lorry and then BLACK...

Authors POV:

Billa ran over Pari with the Lorry and had a smirk on his face knowing that he was victorious.

Oh gosh too many people dying man, it's just wrong. Anyway that is most likely it for today. I might update before going to sleep. Also bad news guys I might not be able to update as much for the next two days, as one of my friends is leaving to Australia and were having a get together on Thursday so ill be busy getting ready for that.

Also I wanted to point out that I've changed a few things so it is not exactly the same as the movie, cause yeah its kinda hard to write the book following the movie.

Just asking guys what's your biggest Pet Peeve, I was curious since I was at the mall today and every single person was walking at 0.001 metres per second, so frustrating!!. Anyway just ignore that I needed to get that out of my system.

Oh yeah the pic is just of Varun/Billa, just cause Varun = Bae.

This one is dedicated to ParizaadeDvn cause shes super supportive and awesome :) .

Anyway hope you guys liked the chapter, and don't forget to vote and comment.

Billa - Ranga (under editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora