Chapter 2

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Authors POV:

"Underworld Don Billa, the most wanted criminal in the world, the police from over 10 countries are searching for him, many countries have failed to catch him, he always escapes" "Even God would have appeared if we had chanted his name, but Billa is just uncatchable" ACP Ajay Rathore said "and now the case is in our hands and we will catch him" ACP Ajay said with a hint of determination in his voice.

"He deals with drugs, weapons export, bomb blasts basically every other illegal activities" "We have to catch all of the members of Billas Gang".

"I and my informers have left our country, family and everything behind and have been working hard to find evidence and catch Billa, but Billa was smarter than we though" "He's stronger than light, cleverer than a Fox, more poisonous than a snake".

"However we need to catch him before the Interpol gets involved".finished Ajay Rathore.

"Don't worry Sir, you have the Malaysian Polices full support" said Officer Aditya looking thoughtfully at the ACP.

Officer Aditya's POV:

Oh God, why does Billa have to be so hard to catch? But it's my duty to help the world and get rid of crime in the world. I looked towards Ajay sir, and damn does he look tensed and frustrated as hell.

ACP Ajay Rathore's POV

As soon as I finished the presentation my phone rang, it was my wife calling from India. "Yes Sunita what is it" I asked "Suniye ji, I just finshed my Pooja, as you listen to the bell chant "Shree Rama" and Pray"

"Oh God, is this necessary all the way from Malaysia" I said perplexed. "oh gosh not "oh God" say Shree Rama" said Sunitha.

After Chanting she asked, no scratch that warned me that if I don't eat a proper Indian meal then she will not talk to me. So naturally I gave in, I miss my wife and my two kids a lot, but helping the world is also my Job.

I finally reached the Indian restaurant, and Shankar got me a nice Indian meal to eat. Shankar is also my informer but however he has not found out any information about Billa.

Billa's POV:

I was back home at last, as I landed I saw my girlfriend Sasha and my right hands Ravi and Lakshya. As soon as I saw my girlfriend, a tiny smile appeared on my face. As soon as I reached her, she hugged me tightly and I reciprocated the hug. There are only two things that I trust in the world, the first being Bullets and the second women. Otherwise I trust nobody.

I nodded at my right hands. I looked towards Lakshya he looked tensed as if he was hiding something from me, anyway it won't be hidden for long. "Lakshya why don't you take the day off for today you look tired" I said. "Thanks Boss" Lakshya said looking relived. I have to check on what Lakshya is up to later.

Lakshya's POV

Phew finally I was able to escape from that hell hole that Billa calls paradise, I hope he didn't notice how nervous and tense I was... My thought were interrupted by my phone ringing "Hello" I answered without looking at the caller ID,

"Hey dumbo, hope you haven't forgotten that we are meeting today right" The voice instantly brought a smile on my face. "Of course not... baby" I said smirking " Wipe that stupid smirk of your face, you know I don't like being called that, anyway see you soon" "See you soon" I said and ended the call, I can't wait to meet her.

Oooh my attempt at a cliff hanger. Billa is pretty heartless to some extent isn't he, and ACP Ajay Rathore is super determined to catch him. Also who do you guys think Lakshya is meeting. The people in this chapter are in the media however you might not be able to see the charachter at the end if your own a computer and not a smart phone but the charachter is  Officer Aditya aka Sidharth Malhotra . Anyway next update will be up tomorrow (NZ standard time though so yeah).

This ones dedicated to Crazylane and MrsVDhawan , thanks for the support guys :).

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment :)

P.S. also attached a teaser of an upcoming movie called "10 Endrathukulla" meaning before you count to ten. Not really relevant but absolutely loved it. Swipe right for the image cause Wattpad decides to be awesome and publish the video before the image. #genius, and tell me what you think about the teaser.

KK and I'm out

Billa - Ranga (under editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt