Chapter 13

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Authors POV: (Vishakpatnam) place near Hyderabad

The chicken/rooster or whatever it was escaped from its pen and was running out in the open, when all of a sudden it stopped and then someone appeared from behind it attempting to catch, but of course failed. He continued to chase after it, until finally he caught it. "Ranga, you're super man, ek dum Jhakkass" "I already knew that, don't need to tell me again and again yaar" said Ranga and walked out.

(Okay guys play the song here, its basically just Ranga's intro song and it kinda helps describe his character, so basically I highly recommend it).

While they were singing the song Ranga stole several peoples wallets, gold jewelry (from the dancers) and went to jail for like less than a minute before getting let out LOL the fudge right?!. What he didn't notice was the ACP and Shankar staring at him from the distance.

ACP Ajay Rathore's POV:

I couldn't believe it, they look like twins, I need to meet him properly...

Ranga's POV (yes #bae):

We were at our hideout looking at all the things we had stolen today, I feel like killing the person who invented these stupid credit cards, I said "To hell with these ATM machines, may the people who use credit cards get diseases" my friend asked "what happened yaar?" "what happened a big fat ZERO, we've been pick pocketing since the morning, walking around here and there like idiots and we haven't even made 1000 rupees, and on top of that I need to share it with you too!" I said frustrated. My friend continued to say "It looks like carrying around credit cards has become a fashion now, lets forget about this and lets loot a bank" My eyes spotted a 'gold' necklace, and asked "who stole this necklace?" and the same friend responded saying me very proudly " You don't even know the difference between fake and real gold chains, and you want to steal from a bank" and I threw the chain at him while saying that.

"Bhai" I then saw Chintu and Alia, the two people who I care about the most in the world coming towards us, I quickly asked everyone to hide whatever they stole. "Hello Miss Doctor and Mr Engineer how are you today?" I asked and then they said quite madly "What doctor engineer, if you don't pay our fees before the quarterly exams the principle said he would expel us from the school" Before I could respond that idiot friend of mine said "Well pay it once we get our salaries", "What work do you do to get a salary?" asked Alia, that's my smart sister. "Were talking about the Salaries of the people not us" replied my other friend, I swear im surrounded by idiots, I don't want Chintu and Alia to know about what I do for a living. All of a sudden the third friend popped up out of nowhere and started speaking in Tamil saying "Ranga will make you an engineer dude" I quickly pushed him aside. I gave them whatever money I had with me right now and told them to take it and buy the books that they need. "By hook or crook, I'll pay the fees next week" The Tamil dude was casually counting the money when I grabbed some of it and gave it to Chintu and Alia saying "Here take this and have some Biryani ok?" They said okay bhai and left.

"You more worried about them than yourself" my friends said. "I'm just a lonely man yaar, But I'm everything for them, their mother, father, brother everything." I said in return. 'But don't you have any desires though?" "Nothing big yaar, I want to wear a suit, glares, There must be 4 men behind me, there need to be 40 men behind them, and a dozen cars behind them, a big bungalow, and a beautiful girlfriend" Just as I finished a police car came, looks like they came for their share.

But what surprised me was that my best friend Shankar got out of it. "Hey Ranga" he shouted with his arms spread wide, "Hey Shankar" I said in return and hugged him while checking his pockets, absolutely nothing "Did you go to Malaysia or some village", Why Shankar asked perplexed, "Cause you have absolutely nothing in your pockets", "Haha" he laughed since I was coming here I didn't bring my wallet" Grabbing his sunglasses I said "You've become wiser after going to Malaysia" and but on his sunglasses. I then looked towards the Police car and asked "haha did the Malaysian police arrest you and then hand you over to the Vizag Police?" "Nope hes a senior officer from Malaysia and he has come to see you and talk to you, so let's go" wow I didn't know that I was this famous that even people in Malaysia knew me. "Wait why did he send you here to get me?" "I'm his informer in Malaysia Ranga that's why" he replied. Before I could ask anymore questions, Shankar dragged me towards the Police jeep.

Unknown location - ACP Ajay Rathore's POV

I was staring out in to the city, when I heard Shankar's voice saying "Ranga is here sir" Ranga immediately said Namaste. I went straight in to the matter 'There are many cases against you, Ill have all of them withdrawn, but you have to help the police" "Definitely sir, but what do I need to do?" he asked. "You need to act like someone" I said, he looked confused and scratched his head (Meghana here just imagine how cute Varun would look while doing this) "Like who" he asked. I took out the photos and showed him the Photos of Billa...

Ranga's POV:

I looked at the photos ACP gave me, looks like this is a prank. "Are you making fun of me sir, this is me only nah, you put on a suit on me by using that... whats it called ha Photoshop" Turning towards Shankar I said"Anyway I look very dashing wearing this suit don't I?" Shankar quickly gave me a look and pretended to slap me "Shut up, who do you think he is?!, He doesn't look like you but you look like him, youre a pickpocket and he's a big don" I was shocked, Sir started to explain "This isn't you, its Billa, Bomb blasts, weapons dealing, drugs smuggling, murders, international terrorism..." "Hay Bappa are you going to send me to a place where such a notorious criminal is?!, what if they Kill me" I asked shocked. The ACP said "No, He is in my secret custody in Malaysia, nobody knows about that" "But since he is in jail, why are you asking me to act like this Billa?!"

ACP Ajay Rathore's POV:

I couldn't tell him the truth, he would most likely reveal it if I told him. After he asked me that question I said " You must take the place of Billa and supply me with all the information that I need, and help me catch his gang and boss" Ranga started to say "haha this sounds like a James Bond Film, how do I change to be like him?" I quickly assured him saying "Don't worry Ill take care of that", he still didn't look convinced. Then Shankar said "Instead of spending all of your life in jail, why don't you get settled in life by being a little intelligent." Ranga stared at me and said "I have two people who depend on me a lot, Chintu and Alia, Their parents died when their huts were burned down by the fire, I've taken up the responsibility to make them an engineer and doctor, what if something happens to me there..." I interrupted saying "nothing will happen to you, leave all of that to me, just act like Billa, We are leaving to Hyderabad" We then headed off to Hyderabad

Ranga's POV: (Hyderabad)

ACP sir stopped his car in front of a school, Oh crap does he want me to go back to school?! "Sir, I cant go back to school now and study, this isn't fair" I said but then Sir stopped me and pointed towards somewhere. When I looked over there I saw Chintu and Alia running out from the school. "Bhai" They called out and hugged me, obviously I hugged them back. They continued saying "Uncle got us admitted in to this school, this school is very good bhai." I was shocked, ACP sir continued saying "I got them admitted in the school where my daughter and son study, now its my responsibility to make them a doctor and engineer", He said patting their heads, "There's even a hostel here..." But before he could continue a lady came along with two kids (ACP sir's Wife and Kids maybe?), "Why do they need to live in a hospital?!, along with our kids they can stay with us, don't you agree?" She said to her daughter. Her daughter said "yes we are friends now". I was tearing up, these people don't even know me properly and they're already doing so much. "I though that you were big people and perhaps heartless, but along with being big people, you have a big heart, from now on wards whatever you say Boss" I said.

As promised an extra long chapter :)

Ooh so Ranga has finally entered the story, exciting isn't it ;) There's a pic of him in the media :)

So they're headed in Hyderabad, what do you think is going to happen there, and don't you think its totally sweet of Ranga to take care of those kids :) and even sweeter that the ACP is taking care of their education. Any guesses for what's going to happen in the next chapter??

K and I'm Out :)

Billa - Ranga (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now