Thrown into the Dark

بواسطة Nishiki24601

2.5K 133 25

When Soramaru is abducted by Kabuto and brought into a different dimension by force, he is thrown into darkne... المزيد

In a Hydro Tank
Life Story
Escape Attempt
In the Hidden Leaf
In the Sunshine
In Need of a Plan


124 7 1
بواسطة Nishiki24601

    Soramaru slept for two days. When he finally woke up, he could hear voices, there was a girl's voice and the voice of the guy who got him out of the tank. "-fill out a report." Said the girl's voice. Soramaru kept his eyes shut. He needed to find out where he was. "Okay." The boy's voice said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Hair color?" The girl's voice.

"Black with red streaks." The boy's voice.

The sound of a pen on paper.

"Eye color?"

"Umm... he actually had kind of strange eyes."

"What do you mean? His eyes were rolled in when I did an assessment. I couldn't see his irises. What did they look like?" 'No! Not the eyes again!' Soramaru thought, remembering his first day of being experimented on.

"Well, I've never seen eyes like them before. The colored part was black and the middle part was white." The boy's voice remarked.

"Huh. I'll just put down 'iris: black, pupils: white.'"

They went over various things, such as height, weight, and estimated age. Soramaru stayed still the entire time. He was scared of what was going to happen. Were these people like Orochimaru and Kabuto? Would they experiment on him the second he opened his eyes? Paranoia crept into his mind, and he decide to stay put and pick up what he could from listening.

"Okay, that's taken care of." The girl said, relieved. Soramaru kept still, he was waiting for them to say more so he could understand a bit more of what was happening. "Hey, Sakura." The boy's voice said. "Is he going to be okay? I mean, he's been out for two days." The girl, Sakura, sighed, she sounded a little annoyed, like she had to repeat herself. "I've already told you, Naruto. I think he's going to be fine. I admit the gash on his stomach was hard to fix, but I know I did it right. Yes, he's been out for awhile, but not everyone has your superhuman healing abilities. In any case, he'll wake up when he wakes up."Soramaru's paranoia melted away a bit with that last line. They weren't going to rush him on waking.

Naruto sighed, "If you say so." A pause. "Wanna go get raman?"

"Sure," Sakura replied. "I have some stuff to take care of. Go on without me, I'll catch up." Soramaru could hear Naruto's footsteps leave the room. He was left with Sakura. Soramaru was still only relying on his hearing to tell what was going on, it was exhausting. He hadn't even opened his eyes and he felt like sinking back into the comforting void of sleep.

"Hey," Sakura said, her voice was a hushed whisper next to him. It took all of his self control not jump from surprise. "I know you're awake." 'How do these people do that?! It's kind of really scary!' He thought. "I understand if you don't trust us. Whatever you went through in that lab must have been hellish." Soramaru was grateful that she didn't try to encourage her point by stroking his hair or patting his shoulder or anything. Being touched would just give him anxiety right now. "They were our enemies. Kabuto is missing now and Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke." Her voice caught on that last word. "But, anyway," She continued gently,with regained composure. "We're not like them. I promise, you can trust us." With that, she left. A lock slid into place from the outside of the room. He was locked in, did that mean he was a prisoner again?

Soramaru laid there still. He felt drained and didn't feel like moving at all. Maybe, he could trust these people. When he thought about it, the lock on the door was to be expected, he was an outsider after all. In his opinion, a locked room was a million times better than a hydro tank or surgical table.

'Maybe, that girl, Sakura, was telling the truth.' He decided, he would trust them. Naruto had saved him from drowning, he remembered that well enough. These people were Kabuto and Orochimaru's enemies that could work in his favor. Above all, the gentle nature that they carried kind of reminded him of his brothers. With his home in his mind, he drifted off to sleep.

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