Forever Always.. | BTS Taehyu...

By jah1708

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He promised me Forever Always. (26/08/2019)A/N: *WARNING* , THIS IS REALLY CRINGE AND CLICHE BC IT'S MY FIRST... More

Chapter 1 :Moving To Seoul
Chapter 2: My First Day
Chapter 3: Swings
Chapter 5: Soomin
Chapter 6: Kittens and Family Reunions
Chapter 7: Suspicion
Chapter 8: Worried
Chapter 9: Confessions
Chapter 10: Back to School
Chapter 11: Hold Me Tight
Chapter 12: Reunions & Abs
Chapter 13: Dreams Coming True
Chapter 14: Shattered
Chapter 15: Memories&Conclusions
Chapter 16: Weddings & Moving On
Chapter 17: Proposals&Familiar Faces
Chapter 18: Step One
Chapter 19: Step Two and Reunions
Chapter 20: Mistakes & Realisation
Chapter 21: Regrets
Chapter 22: Drunk
Chapter 23: Can't stop smiling
Chapter 24: Feelings&Best Friends
Chapter 25: Dates
Chapter 26: Engagement Parties
Chapter 27:Apologies&Fan Meetings
Chapter 28: Tantrums&New Faces
Chapter 29: Torn&Decisions

Chapter 4: Overcoming Fears

4.5K 108 47
By jah1708

-Taehyung's P.O.V

"Well then.. I'm waiting" she said tapping her foot.
"Urm well I just wanted to say mianhe for being an idiot." What? You thought I was going to tell her that I liked her no way.
"Oh it's okay, I'm sorry I ran away like that it's that just you annoyed me so much that I had to."
"I know" I said reassuringly
I started to help her out with some of the cooking. Turns out she's pretty good at it too. "I didn't expect that you could cook Tae."
Did she just call me Tae?! Oh my god it sounded so good when she called me that. "Well it's one of my hidden talents" I winked. She started to chuckle, I loved it whenever she'd laugh. I dunno it just makes me smile.
"Can you start putting the food out onto the table if you don't mind?" She smiled then I smiled back and nodded.

------A few minutes later-----

"Oooh this tastes absolutely fabulous. Jenny you have to give me the recipe for this" Mum said while enjoying the food.
"Oh don't worry Ma'am I'll definitely give you the recipe" she replied
"Are you kids in any of the same classes?" Jenny's dad asked.
I gulped down my food and said "Yeah I'm in most of her classes" Jenny agreed with me.
"Oh that's really good, you guys could become the best of friends!" Exclaimed mum. I started to flush with the colour red all over my face. I saw Jenny snigger and mumble to herself.

------A few hours later--------

-Jenny's P.O.V

Taehyung and his mum left an hour ago. It was fun having them here they should come more often. Bless Taehyung he apologised to me for being an idiot. I started to head upstairs to my bedroom to get changed and get into bed.
*buzz buzz buzz* It was my phone.
Hey Jenny,
You wanna go out tomorrow just the two of us?
It's not a date or anything, I just wanted to hang with you without the hyungs.

Hmm.. Why would he wanna hang with me? Alone as well? I know it's not a date but still it's just weird.
I replied:
Hey Kookie,
I would love to come!
We'll go about 5ish?
Btw I live opposite Taehyung (:

*buzz buzz buzz*

Yeah that's cool
And okay I'll pick you up at 5ish ;)

I'm guessing I've got plans tomorrow. Wonder where we're going.. Hmm.. Well I need to go to sleep now.

------The Next Day------

*Yawns* oh I'm so tired what time is it? Crap it's already 1pm. Why didn't my alarm wake me up?! Oh wait I forgot to put it on haha. I'm so weird. Ooh I got a text.

Good Morning Jen
Just wanted to know if you got any plans today
Cause I wanted you to come over to my house and hang out.
Lemme know if you're gonna come cause my room is a tip LOL

Oh no. What is it with these boys? They all want me to hang out with them. I know if I hang out at Taehyung's I'm gonna be there all day so I can't hang with him. I feel bad now but Jungkook did ask me first so I'm gonna have to go with him.

Sorry Tae,
Today I'm kinda busy, I'm hanging out with Jungkook today.
I'll hang out with you tomorrow x

He replied with:

Oh really?
Okay that's cool see you tomorrow beautiful xx

Aww damn now I feel bad. He's so sweet but I guess we're just not meant to hang out today.

---3 hours later---

Woah it's 4:31 already?! What did I do? I didn't even do a thing! Damn I've got to get ready. I quickly put my cream skater skirt and my maroon crop top on. I put my hair into a fish tail plait, leaving my side fringe out and I put some light make up on.Finally I put my maroon converse on and I was done yay! The doorbell rang. It was Jungkook.

"Hey you ready to- woah you look amazing." He gasped with amazement
" Ermmm thanks hehe. And yeah I'm ready. Let's go!" I replied
"We should go to the fair which is nearby. You like rides?"he asked
"Yeah we should.. Urmm I get a bit scared on rollercoasters" I muttered
"Aww don't worry I'm here you can hold on to me if you're scared." He winked and I started to blush.

-Jungkook's P.O.V

Jenny looked so beautiful today. The only reason I asked her out was so I could just be there with her by myself for once. We were proceeding to a really fast rollercoaster and there I saw Jenny with her eyes full of fear. She looked adorable when she's afraid. We went on the ride, it started to go fast and even more fast. Jenny was screaming for her life and then she squeezed her hand into mine. I stared at her, smiling while she was screaming with her eyes closed. How did I ever get to meet a girl like her? A few rides later we decided to sit down on a bench and enjoy the view.
"Do you mind if I go to the loo?" She shook her head and I went.

Jenny's P.O.V

I was waiting on the bench licking my ice cream waiting for Jungkook to come back.
A few minutes passed by and a man approached me "Hey there you're pretty cute aren't ya? Why don't you come have fun with me?"
"Please leave me alone." I said blankly
"I guess I'm gonna have to force you to come with me" he grabbed my arm and I struggled to get out of his grip but he was too strong. Tears started to run down my face.What if this man took me? What would he do to me? Oh no Jungkook please come back!

"Leave her alone." A stern voice spoke. It was Taehyung. Oh boy how glad was I to see him.
"No why should I?" Said the man who was still holding my arm firmly.
"Because I said so" I have never seen Taehyung so angry before.
Before I knew it the man was on the floor with a punch from Taehyung. I ran towards Taehyung and embraced him. He was my hero and his embrace was so warm. My heart started to beat rapidly.
"Stop crying now it's over. I'm here now." He said softly while wiping my tears.
"Th-th-thank y-you." I whispered.
"Oh no you're shivering here take my jacket." I smiled at him and looked towards the ground.
"What happened?! I was only gone for five minutes. Hyung what are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned worryingly.
"It's nothing but Jungkook you should know never to leave a pretty lady like Jenny on her own."
"But hyung I was only in the toilet for five minutes." Replied Jungkook.
"Jungkook just go home. I'll take over from here, I'll drop Jenny off" he said. Jungkook nodded and started to walk off while waving goodbye to me.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked curiously.
"Well I went for a walk through the fair and I heard your voice that's how I ended up here." He explained with a smile.
"Well if it wasn't for you I don't know where I would've been right now." I replied.
Taehyung stopped walking and started to come closer to my face. What was he trying to do?
He stopped a centimetre away from my face and then he kissed me passionately. It felt so good to be with him, he makes me feel so happy.He slowly broke off with a smile which I did too. I slid my hand into his and walked home. Could this be true? Am I in love? If that with Taehyung?


OMG awww they're together now.💟How did you guys like that chapter ay? There'll be way more tension in the upcoming chapters! Ooh now I'm really excited 😁😁😁😁

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