
By Skypark7

513 8 2

She misses him, she wonders if he ever thinks of her too now that he's gone. She needs to get over him and fi... More

Thank You.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Warning!(; )
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

27 0 0
By Skypark7

Author's Note: Ya'll are gonna love this chapter!!

I woke up from the sound of what seemed to be the sound of a click of a picture. I opened one eye and saw my mom taking a picture of me sleeping on Derrick, he still wasn't awake. "Mom," I groaned and covered up my face. She giggled and didn't say a word, then she left the room. I looked up at Derrick, he was gorgeous when he slept. His hair was messy and even had some pieces of hair scattered over his eyes. I moved the hair away from his eyelids and kissed his soft pink lips while waiting for his beautiful blue eyes to open from his sleep. "What a great way to wake up," he smirked, I love his morning voice. I giggled slightly and smiled up at him. "Let's go visit Adam," I said with a smile. He smiled back and nodded. I went to my room and closed the door. I looked in my closet and put on a pair of skinny jeans, a white shirt with a peach colored scarf, and a pair of boots that matched. I threw my hair up in sock bun and put a peach colored bow in my hair to match my scarf. I put only a little bit of makeup on because being a girl takes a lot of work, let me tell you that. We have so much to do like making sure our hair looks good and our makeup, all guys have to do is wake up, brush their hair back with heir fingers and they're good. We also have the babies, the periods, and the terrible terrible cramps. Maybe that's too much information, but it's true information. I got done and walked out of my room meeting Derrick outside of the door. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes," I smiled at him. We hopped into his truck and went to Adam's house to see how he was doing. We knocked on Adam's door and after a moment he came to it, he was only a little stiff because his ribs were still a bit sore. He greeted us happily and let us in. There was a girl sitting on his couch, she seemed nice and she was well dressed. "Who's this?" Derrick asked him with a smirk. Adam blushed a bright red, "this is my girlfriend, Maria. Maria, these are my friends Derrick and Renae." He introduced us to her nicely. "Hello," she had a big smile and stood up, she shook both our hands and even gave me a hug. I then excused myself from the conversation so I could use the bathroom.

Derrick's Point Of View

"Alright Adam I need a game plan for Renae's birthday birthday tomorrow." I said this loud enlightenment so that she wouldn't hear me. "I got you, man." He patted my shoulder and all three of us had a quick discussion about her birthday, this made it a lot easier since we had a girl in the room to help us. She was much better than Kayla, I can tell you that. We stopped talking when she came out of the bathroom, I gave her a smirk. I told her I would be back so I could go get a few things.

I went to the mall and walked around in some of her favorite stores. Everything was gorgeous but nothing really popped out to me until I saw a gorgeous dress that was dark red and sparkly at the top and black at the bottom. I picked it up and checked the size, it should fit her for tomorrow. I grabbed a few extra things for her to wear with it. I happily went up to the cashier and she smiled at me as I paid for her things, she knew exactly that I was surprising someone. I'm excited, but nervous at the same time. After that I went and bought a variety of sticky notes and a marker, this should be fun.

I went back to Adam's house and stayed for a while then it starting getting late. We headed home and I allowed her to sleep with me in my bed in order for my plan to work.

I woke up at noon, I sleep in late but she sleeps in later, she usually wakes up around 1:00 p.m. Crazy right? I know. I wrote on the sticky notes and put them in their appropriate places. I then talked to her mom about what my plan was and left to my destination.

Renae's Point Of View

I woke up at my normal time, but something felt different. I realized why it felt so different, Derrick wasn't beside me anymore. I was actually hoping to wake up beside him on my sixteenth birthday, but it's okay. I looked beside me anyway and noticed a bright green colored sticky not on the pillow. I yawned, sat up, and took it. It read 'Good morning beautiful, you probably noticed by now that I'm not there beside you. Happy sixteenth birthday though! Now you can't leave the room until 5:00 p.m. I know it sounds terrible to sit in my...' there was another note because he ran out of room. 'room for hours and I'm sorry but I'm getting your birthday present ready. If you need anything your mom is home!' That's all he left me. I sighed loudly! I have to stay in this room for four hours and I'm already bored.




Can I get ready yet? I should text him and ask... no never mind. I was watching TV the whole time but there was barely anything on. I yawned, desperately wanting to take a nap. I'm spending half of my birthday in a bedroom... knock knock knock. "Come in," I mumbled. "Happy birthday," my mother exclaimed happily and kissed my cheek. I smiled big and thanked her. For a few moments I thought she had forgotten about me.

We talked and by now it was already 4:45 p.m. My mom looked at the clock and smiled, you can get out of the room now. Watch your step on your way out," she smirked and left. I was confused and opened the door after a couple minutes of her leaving. I looked down at the floor to watch my step and noticed a bright pink sticky note on the floor. I smiled and shook my head, I looked at it and noticed that there were more pink notes with arrows written on them, I picked them up as I followed them. They led to my bedroom door, and on my door there was another pink note but now had something written on it. 'Now we meet again, on your bed is part of your birthday present. Go ahead and open your door now.' I couldn't stop smiling and I couldn't help the blush that appeared on my cheeks. I opened my door and on my bed was a beautiful dress. I covered my mouth with my hands. One the dress was a bright yellow sticky note, 'stop staring at it and put it on, silly!' It's like he was reading my mind as I was doing these things. I put on the dress and it fit perfectly, I looked in my body mirror and admired it. On my mirror stuck a yellow sticky note, I picked it up. 'Go to your bathroom and get ready, beautiful.' I headed to my bathroom quickly and happily. My jaw dropped when I saw that my whole mirror was covered with sticky notes. They were written on and it read, 'you're already beautiful, you don't need a mirror.' I laughed at it and took them all down. I looked over at my straightener and curling iron. There was a sticky note on my curling iron, 'curly hair please!(:' I took off the note and plugged it in, while I was waiting for it to heat up I got out my makeup box and opened it. Another note, go figure, but this was so cute! 'How many times have I told you that you look gorgeous without makeup?' I giggled and did my makeup anyways. I did my makeup a bit different than usual but it turned out nice. After that I made loose curls in my hair and plopped in some black earrings that were shaped as bows. Then I put on shoes, something felt different in my new heels... a sticky note stuck to my toes. I slid my foot out of the red heels and read it, 'go see your mom now, she knows where to take you.' I came downstairs, "mom, I'm ready," I went up to her. "Oh dear, you look so pretty," I think she might've started to tear up a bit. "My little baby girl is growing up," she hugged me tight. "Mom," I groaned and laughed at her slightly but hugging her back.

We had a little moment and finally got into her car. On the passenger side, where I was sitting, there was a bright pink sticky note on the window. 'Sit tight for about fifteen minutes, beautiful.' "Will you please tell me where we're going?" I asked my mom with my irresistible puppy dog face. She laughed and told me no. I laughed because of the way she said it. After exactly fifteen minutes we arrived at our destination. "Have fun dear," she smiled at me, wanting me to get out of the car.

I got out and shut the door. Why did she want to leave so quickly? As soon as I shut the door she drove off. I turned around and bumped into someone, "oh sorry," I mumbled to the mysterious figure. My eyes slowly left the ground and made their way up to the face... Derrick. "Derrick," I whispered and admired how handsome he looked. He wore a purplish-pinkish colored button-up shirt with blackish-grayish khakis, and a black belt with black shoes. He was the most perfect figure ever. "My goodness, Renae, you look..." he paused for moment and looks at my figure once more, "gorgeous, so beautiful." Nobody had ever done this for me before. My breathing had become short, talk about breath taking. "Thank you. You look great," I complimented him as well. He took my hand and guided me inside the place I had never been in before. It was a restaurant, a very lovely restaurant. The place was so fancy, it must be expensive. We apparently had reserved seats so he took my hand and walked us to them. He pulled out the chair for me like a gentleman and as I sat down he pushed me back in. I thanked him while he walked over and sat in the seat across from me. "How was spending hours in that room all by yourself?" He laughed slightly at me because he already knew my answer. "Don't you ever leave me in a room alone like that for so long,' I laughed along with him. "But I did quite like what you did, you are very clever," I smiled at him. "Well, I can't take all the credit, Adam and Maria helped as well," he explained to me. "I'll be sure to thank them as well." This dinner was already perfect and it had just barely started. Soon, a young waiter came to our table, "Hello, may I ask what you would like to drink?" The waiter kept his eyes on me the whole time, it was a bit strange. Me and Derrick both ordered a water and then the waiter left smiling at me. "He was checking you out," Derrick assured me. "Derrick," I started my sentence. "I didn't like it," he interrupted me. He was clearly jealous and all I could think of was how adorable it was when he got jealous. "Derrick, chill," I laughed at him. He apologized for his actions and soon after we got our drinks, then later we had finally got our food.

The place was absolutely lovely and the food was amazing. He wouldn't let me see how much it had cost but I knew it was pricey. I asked him if he would let me pay at least some of it, but knowing him he refused over and over again. We now were in his truck going up a hill. "Derrick, what are we doing?" I was curious of why he was going up this big hill. He never answered me and parked his truck at the top of the hill. He got out without saying a word and pulled out some blankets from the back seat and set them inside the trunk. I got out of the truck and looked at him like he was crazy. "Lay with me, silly," he hopped in and laid down patting the spot next to him. I made my way next to him and laid down beside him. There was slow, soft music coming from inside his truck that he left playing from a cd before we got in. I laid my head on his chest while he played with strands of my hair. It was late and the stars were out, the sky was lit from the bright moon. Could my birthday get any better than this? After a long silence I came to speak, "thank you for all of this," I whispered in a quiet voice making my eyes trail to his. "It's no problem, anything for you, beautiful." His sentence came out of his mouth so beautifully. The way his lips moved while he talked reminded me of how they moved whenever we would kiss. "Can I ask you something?" He now started to stroke my cheek. I nodded my head yes. "W-Will you... be my g-girlfriend?" He stuttered on his words, he was nervous, this made me smile. For the first time I had forgotten who the mysterious boy, Lance, was. "Yes." I gave him a big smile, answering the lovely question. We've had a thing for a while now, I think it's time we try to work us out. Boyfriend and girlfriend, us, Renae Carter and Derrick Lewis. I started to like the sound of this. He couldn't contain himself and neither could I, this led him to kiss me passionately. For the first time in forever, I was truly happy. I kissed him back and moments later our tongues were moving in sync with each other's. I loved the feeling of how safe he made me feel. I'm so glad I met him. Knocking me out of my thoughts, he put his hands around my waist and pulled me on top of him. In between our kisses we would both constantly be smiling. The weather outside was warm, the friction between our bodies made the heat rise. I pulled away from him after I noticed that he wanted to take off the fancy shirt he'd been wearing all day. I helped him unbutton and take it off then I carefully set it in a corner of the trunk we were laying in so it wouldn't get dirty. Kissing me again, he moved himself so he was on top of me. I felt his chest, he was breathing so heavy but so was I. Maybe this wasn't so bad, I always enjoyed his company. He rubbed my thighs with his soft hands leaving me in goose bumps. I played with the belt of his khakis and managed to take the belt off. He sat up and brought me with him without breaking the kiss. He put his hands on the small of my back and slowly rose them to my upper back playing with the zipper of my dress. He pulled away slowly. "May I?" He questioned looking in my eyes. I bit my lip thinking of an answer but I soon nodded yes, I kissed him again, I felt him pull the zipper down slowly letting the dress fall on its own. Not long after he got my dress off we somehow managed to get his pants off leaving us both in our underwear and me in my bra. He would kiss my neck and stare at my body telling me how beautiful I was. I couldn't get enough of him.

"Derrick, we can't, I'm not ready." I whispered to him as he played with my panties. "It's okay, I understand," he smiled and kissed my cheek softy. We got up and lied together in the back seat. We talked, kissed, and said random things until we fell asleep with a blanket covering us. This was the best night of my life. I was dating the best guy I knew.

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