I thought I was alone book 2

By low_quality_english

85 16 1

Alex, Margaret and her family search for the remaining survivors that were left after the war. Encountering o... More

Learning to control
The ship
The return
Top of the hill
Lost freind
A nightmare dream
A nightmare dream: part 2
Return home
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 1)
Ice caverns, angry villagers, and mirror mazes (part 2)
Family members and an arival


9 1 1
By low_quality_english

"So now that Alex is better should we start packing and getting ready for our search" I ask.
"Yes we should, someone needs to pack for Alex" Jess says.
"I can pack for him" my dad says.
"Alright, let's get started" my mom says walking to our room. We pack some of our clothes and weapons, my mom leaves and then a short while later she comes back with bread wrapped in a cloth.
"Let's go check on Jess and see how she is doing" I say putting on the heavy backpack. We find her sitting at the table talking to Alex.
"Hey, I thought you needed to pack?" I ask walking over to the table.
"I already did not that long ago" Jess says getting up. Alex is able to walk without the cane now but he can't run yet, he grabs his bag and throws it over his shoulder.
"Ok, is everyone ready" Jess asks.
"What are looking for?" Alex asks.
"Survivors of a war" my dad says.
"Ok" Alex says. We climb the steps leading to the entrance of the cave, we follow Jess because she knows her way around the island better than us. We walk through every inch of the small island and spot no one.
"Well, we now have to go to another island and the only way we can get there is by flying and 3 of the group can fly" Jess says.
"I can carry Jess, Lily and Margaret can carry Alex" my dad says, Lily is my moms name. I grab Alex's arm and Lily grabs the other.
"Hold on tight" my mom says to Alex as a look of worry crosses his face.
"Don't worry, we won't drop you, and one last thing if your arms start to hurt, just yell" I say shooting a smile at him. As we take off I look at Alex's face one last time, he looks really scared. After 3 hours of flying a outline of an island appears, I signal to my dad who is behind that there is an island ahead. He nods and starts heading down towards it. When we reach the island my wings are sore and the sun is starting to go down.
"We should find a place to set up camp" Alex says shaking his arms out.
"Yes, we should, Alex and I will find a place, Lily and Margaret, go find wood" my dad says. We head off into the woods, my arms start to pile up with logs. I follow Lily back to the beach to find Alex and my dad sitting on two large logs and tent set up near the shore. A circle of rocks sits in front of the logs. I set up the logs into a teepee form and light it.
"I was just telling Alex how much of a help he was for me today" my dad says staring out into the water.
"Oh, Margaret" Lily says remembering something.
"Wait, where's Jess" I ask.
"She is in the tent" my dad says gesturing towards the large green tent.
"Ok, yes mom what were you going to say to me?" I ask turning back around to face her.
"I have two things I need to tell you" she says taking a deep breath and looking at my father who gives her a reassuring nod.
"Ok, what is it"I ask.
"You have magical powers, that I will teach you how to use and..." She pauses and puts her hand on her four head.
"Awesome, what's the other thing"I say.
"You'reawherewolf" she says quickly.
"What" I ask.
"You're a where wolf" she says a look of relief washes over her face.
"What going on" Jess says running out of the tent.
"I just found out that I'm a where wolf"I say throwing my arms in the air.
"What, that's, I don't know" she says running a hand threw her hair.
"When will is start learning to use my magic?" I ask turning back to Lily.

Mwa ha ha ha ha, I added a twist in the story!!!! Please let me know if you like the second book so far in the comments or vote. Sorry I haven't been updating for a while, I have been very busy. Thanks!!!

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