Thrown into the Dark

By Nishiki24601

2.5K 133 25

When Soramaru is abducted by Kabuto and brought into a different dimension by force, he is thrown into darkne... More

In a Hydro Tank
Life Story
Escape Attempt
In the Hidden Leaf
In the Sunshine
In Need of a Plan


128 7 0
By Nishiki24601

Sakura, Sai, and Kakashi rushed in when they heard Naruto's shouts. They found him sitting on the floor, holding a raven haired boy. Sakura was the first to respond, "Sai, Sensei, go find a blanket or towel." They were out of the room, following her orders in moments. "Let me see."She said kneeling next to Naruto. She did a primary assessment of the boy. She didn't want to start any kind of treatment until she could analyze his condition completely.

"Was he like this when you found him?" She asked, prodding at a large cut on the boy's stomach area. Looking at it, she could tell that was a surgical wound, Kabuto obviously didn't put much work into healing it."Well, not really. He was drowning." Sakura brushed the boy's bangs to the side to see if he had any head wounds. "I assume you used Rasengan to get him out." She said turning to look at the shattered remains of the tank.

Kakashi and Sai returned soon with armfuls of dusty blankets. She did her best to beat the dust out before spreading a few out on the floor. "Okay, Naruto, lay him down here." She said, gesturing to a gray blanket on the ground. With difficulty, Naruto shifted the boy onto the blanket.

"How did you find this room, Naruto?" Sai asked.

"What do you mean? I just walked into it." Sai shook his head.

"This chamber was by far the most secluded and hardest to find.It doesn't really make sense that you found it." Naruto hadn't considered this area secluded at all, he had found it easily. Then he noticed Sai's stress on the word "you". "Wait, what do you mean it doesn't make sense how I found it?"

Sai looked away. "Nothing."

"He has a point, it took me a while to find this room. Maybe it was just luck that you found this room." Sakura said pressing a stethoscope to the boy's chest. Naruto ignored the stress on "you". "Will he be okay?" Naruto asked. Sakura pursed her lips as she examined the boy's cuts. "He's probably in a coma now. He has some serious cuts, and there's a large gash on his stomach that was not properly treated. He needs intense treatment, soon." Naruto nodded, he wanted this guy to live, he knew that he had sensed something when he had walked into this lab.

"Okay, so can you treat him now?" Kakashi asked. Sakura shook her head, frowning. She sighed, "I don't want to treat him here. This place is crawling with dust mites and germs. He could get infected if I helped him here." Naruto nodded. "We need to get him to the Leaf if we want to treat him." Sakura said.

Sakura bandaged the boy's torso and his arms. She slipped her arms under the blanket and picked the boy up. Kakashi had volunteered to carry him. They had to tie his hands, just because of protocol. "Is that really necessary?" Naruto had asked. Kakashi sighed,"Yes, we have to do this. This boy was found in an enemy compound; we don't know who he is."

"Wait," Sai said, "We need some information on this place. I doubt the Hokage would be very pleased if all we had to show for this mission was an injured boy." Sakura agreed, she pulled a few small vials out of her pouch. She dipped them into the shallow remains of water in the tank. It was tinted red because of the boy's blood. "This wasn't just water." She said holding it up. "I can tell by his condition that this liquid is special, it help preserve him for so long. This could be an advancement in the medical field."

They began to depart. "Oh yeah," Sakura said remembering something. "Orochimaru may have kept files on this boy. I found a room full of files when we came in. Some records would help a lot." She found a number on the tank that they found the young man in. She memorized the number and brought Sai to the file room. They found the file with the number on it first. It was in a drawer next to a bag with traditional looking clothes in it and two swords in decorated sheaths. They took everything along with several documents.

Soramaru didn't wake up enough to open his eyes, at first. He could feel that he was being carried. His hands were tied again, that's what he assumed at least, his whole body felt like what it was when tranquilizer was in his blood. When he did manage to open his eyes a tiny bit, everything was blazingly bright. He squinted, but eventually closed his eyes when he couldn't focus them enough to see much of anything. He could see gray hair. 'Kabuto!' He thought, but he quickly dismissed it. He could tell that he was on someone's back. The way he was being carried was not how Kabuto would ever carry him. This way kind of reminded him of Tenka, more or less. With the thought of Tenka, he lost conscience again.

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