Do you really love me Alpha K...

By Theycallme7

100K 3.3K 286

Irisa Charing. Nothing interesting, nothing exciting, nothing familiar about the name. A good girl. Apart fro... More

The family
Henderson's Next Top Model
First date drama
Tears, tears, and more tears.
Pack up
An uninvited guest
2 Months Later
Back so soon
Trust Issues
The big reveal
Merry Christmas
Meet and Greet
Welcome to your new home
Welcome back
The great escape
Love is like a battlefield
Bang, bang
Keep it real


2.2K 86 7
By Theycallme7

OK. I realise that I have not updated in a month but I'm sorry. I left my instrument on the bus (which is compulsory to play at my school) and then I was not allowed to go on any technology for a couple of weeks. That is why I haven't updated. So yeah, well this is it (as Michael Jackson said),




Jordy xx


Irisa's POV

I was very confused. Tristan was taking me somewhere for my birthday but I just kept on wondering why. What is the big occasion? I'm only turning 18 it isn't too huge. Oh well. I had finished packing and had rang up my Gran. I had happy birthday sung to me by Jae and Gran. It was very sweet.

I was mildly sweating about this trip. First of all, bikini. The most skin I would have ever showed him. I didn't want to wear a one piece because it made me look frumpy and I wanted to look decent.

Second, sleeping arrangements. Was I going to have to sleep in the same bed as him? It didn't make me uncomfortable or anything but I was definitely not a beauty in the morning. That term beauty sleep, yeah did not make you beautiful as soon as you wake up.

Third, proximity. I was going to be spending a lot of time with him and our relationship was more than likely going to get stronger. That meant telling him about Jaelyn. I think that was probably the thing I was dreading the most. People like him do not stick around with teenage skanks like me. I was fearing rejection. Not wanting him to leave me because I was already in this deep.

Fourth, time. Since we were going to be living with each other for five days, I didn't want him to find out that he actually couldn't stand me for that long and that he was going to never be able to stand a full on relationship.

So yeah, I had my doubts. That's normal right, to get nervous around the person you love. I looked over my list again to make sure that I hadn't forgotten anything. I checked everything off and then placed my bag next to the door and began on my handbag. Making sure that everything was completely legal.

The knock on my door was what brought me out of me going full OCD.  I opened it to see a very dashing Tristan holding a massive bouquet of roses. 

"Happy Birthday." He said grinning at me and coming over and giving me a kiss. I couldn't help but smile. So perfect.

"Thank you. Are these for me?" I asked looking down at the roses.

"Of course they are. Do you like them?" He asked and I nodded taking them.

"They are beautiful." I said leaning down and smelling them. He picked one out and softly tucked it behind my ear.

"Not as beautiful as you." I blushed deeply as he said that. Man he was going to kill me with his smooth talk one day. 

I went over to one of the benches and grabbed are large bowl to put them in. They were truly stunning. 

"I have another present for you." I heard Tristan say behind me. I turned around and furrowed my eye brows.

"You don't need to buy me all of these things Tristan." I said scolding him. He just let out a sigh.

"Why won't you let me ravish you with gifts?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Because I don't believe that you need to."

"Well I want to, now come with me." He held out a hand and I let out a sigh before taking it. He led me out of the building before stopping in front of it. "Now close your eyes, you will have to trust me to lead you." He said and I nodded before closing my eyes. I felt him take hold of both of my arms as he began to guide me. This was very nerve wracking. I felt so vulnerable. 

"OK once I have finished counting to three I want you to open your eyes." He said and I nodded. "One, two three, open." He finished and when I opened my eyes I instantly squealed in delight.

"Oh my gosh, you bought me a car!" I yelled and instantly jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and planting a massive kiss on his lips.

"Well you were telling me how you were saving up for it, so here it is." He said laughing and I kissed him again.

"Have I ever told you that you are the best boyfriend ever?" I asked staring down at him.

"No, I don't believe you have to from that reaction." He chuckled. I jumped out of his arms and went over to my new car. It was a black jeep with a massive bow on the front. I turned around to look at him just as he chucked me the keys. 

"Are we driving to the airport in this?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Of course." I ran up to him and gave him another kiss.

"I better go and get my stuff, we don't want to be late for our flight." I said hurrying back to the dorm block with Tristan trailing behind me.

"Don't worry, they won't leave without us." He said.

"Do have ins with the pilot or something?" I asked and I heard him laugh.

"Yeah something like that."


"Take a left turn here, then up ahead make a right." Tristan directed me. I was really confused.

"Um, Tristan, are you sure this is the right way?" I asked and he nodded.

"Truly positive." I still wasn't so sure. We came to an airfield that was heavily barricaded. When I drove up to the main gate, Tristan showed some sort of card to the guards and they let us through. As soon as we got in I was in utter awe. There were private planes everywhere.

"You own a private jet?" I asked Tristan astonished as I pulled into the parking lot.

"Well, my family does." He answered bringing a trolley towards us.

"Oh my actual gosh. That is so cool." I mumbled as he packed our bags on to the trolley. We sat in the customs area for about 30 minutes before heading out onto the air strip. I instantly took hold of Tristan's hand and trailed behind him as he showed me the path to the plane. 

When we got there I was absolutely stunned. The plane was amazing. An air hostess was standing next to the stairs waiting for us. 

"Welcome Mr Henderson and Ms Charring." She said to us and I gave her a smile before following Tristan on board. I don't think that I have ever been in more luxury in my life.


Tristan would not tell me where we were going, only that the flight was ten hours. I even went into the cot pit to ask the pilot who would not tell me. Tristan had also closed all the shutters after a certain amount of time. I hate the feeling of the unknown. 

I spent the whole flight reading, until I finished so then I went to bug Tristan. I ended up sitting on his lap while we watched a movie. I asked if we could watch the new Magic Mike movie which was earned with a glare. We ended up watching The Transporter. I liked that movie and I so wanted to watch it.

I must have fallen asleep as I woke later, still in Tristan's arms. He was on Facebook so I just put my head back on his chest and watched him scroll through everything. I saw him like a photo and I looked at it more closely. It was a picture of him and Elizabeth.

"Cute." I said but it was slightly muffled by his chest.

"It was a couple of years ago." He said and I snuggled deeper into his chest. I didn't see it as he took a picture of us until I heard the click sound. I looked up at him just in time to see him post it.

"Did you really have to do that, I probably have very bad bed hair." I said trying to delete it.

"No you don't, you look as beautiful as ever." He said showing me the photo. It was a cute photo I have to admit. I was all cuddled up to him as he looked down at me. Yeah, it was pretty cute. "That is going to be my background." Sure enough he made it the screen saver on his computer.

"We have an hour until landing." The pilot's voice came over the speaker. Tristan went back onto Facebook and made the picture of us as his profile as well. I looked at his profile and it said that he was in a relationship, with moi. That was good now all of those girls know he is mine.

"I want to take one for my phone as well." He said leaning down and kissing me. I couldn't help closing my eyes as always to enjoy the feeling. He then looked at it and then posted it on Instagram. Then made it his profile picture, lock and home screen.

"Really?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes really. I want to show everyone that you are mine and get as many photos with you as I can." He said. Again with the words. He was trying to kill me with kindness. 

"You are so cute and sentimental." I laughed looking up at him. He just leaned down and kissed me on the head.

"Well you seem to bring that out in me." Aww. He is so cute.

"I want to use a photo for mine as well." I said. He took my phone and took the photo. 

"There you go. Now whoever follows you knows that you are mine." I just scoffed.

"There won't be many people knowing, I'm not very popular." I laughed. I had like 100 followers.

"Please get ready for descent." The hostess' voice said as she came over to us. I nodded and positioned myself in my seat, putting on my seat belt and sitting up straighter. I was so excited. I had been on planes before but never international. I haven't been out of the country before. We weren't very rich like the Henderson's so we hardly ever went away. 

The descent wasn't as bumpy as I thought it was going to be. As soon as the seat belt sign went off I stood up and stretched my legs. I was rather stiff. I tried to make a quick dive to look out the window but Tristan grabbed me around the waist and pulled me towards him.

"No peeking. Grab your bag and close your eyes. It has to be a surprise." I rolled my eyes at him and packed all my stuff into my bag. I walked towards Tristan and closed my eyes, knowing that I was safe for him to lead me. As soon as I stepped out, I felt the full force of the heat hit me. I already knew it was somewhere hot but I didn't think it would be this hot.

"Ok are you ready to open your eyes." He asked and I nodded. I was so excited. "Alright then open your eyes." He said and as I opened them I looked out on a tropical paradise. It was so beautiful.

"Oh my gosh this is amazing. How did you manage to afford this?" I asked turning to look at him.

"My family may own the island." He said as I gaped at him. That is ridiculous. How does his family own an island? I've never heard of anyone, apart from Tom Hanks, that owns their own island. I didn't realise they were that rich.

He continued leading me until we got to a house right on the beach. Everything was so beautiful. The water was pristine and everything was so clean. That was the life.


I sat down at dinner with Tristan and looked at the amazing food put in front of me. We were sitting on the beach with a nicely set table.

"Was this a good birthday present?" Tristan asked me as he took a sip of wine.

"The best birthday ever." I said to him and took a bite of the fruit in front of me.

"Well, I'm happy that you enjoyed it. I tried as hard as I could to make this memorable so that-" He stuck his head in the air before letting out a sort of growl. "Irisa, get in the house now!" He hissed at me.

"Why?" I asked looking around for what ever made him angry.

"Just go, lock the doors and close the blinds." He said pushing me towards the house. I ran towards it, not questioning him. When I got inside I did what he said, panicking slightly. 

I looked out the window just in time to see three figures walking slowly towards Tristan. They walked with such grace. But something I noticed was the way they looked. They had sickly pale skin, yet dark hair colouring. They seemed to smirk when they got to Tristan, who stood tall and strong on the beach.

"Well isn't it good to see you Alpha." One of them said which confused me. Alpha?

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