Her Little Brother (Twilight)...

By JayJayCheshire

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Four years. Four years since I was kidnapped. Four years since I've seen my older sister or parents. Four yea... More

Chapter One - Escaping
Chapter Two - Danny?!
Chapter Three - Don't you cry
*Updated* Note (You may be confused if you skip this)
Chapter Four - It's not your fault
Chapter Five - Danny's Terrifying Dream
Chapter Six - We didn't turn him!
Chapter Seven - Paulie!
Chapter Eight - Meeting the pack
Chapter Nine - You imprinted on my brother?!
Chapter Ten - MINE!
Chapter Eleven - Blood lust
Chapter Twelve - What just happened?
Chapter Thirteen - Lost in the forest...help
Chapter Fourteen - Billy!
Chapter Fifteen - Calling Charlie
Chapter Sixteen - Danny, thank god
Chapter Seventeen - Dreams, Showers and Breakfast
Chapter Eighteen - Explanations begin
Chapter Nineteen - Meeting Dominic and Derek
Chapter Twenty-One - Paul's thoughts

Chapter Twenty - Soulmate?

11.5K 418 111
By JayJayCheshire


When Danny said he had two other minds in his head...I was pretty shocked, but unlike Bella I didn't freak out about it. It was odd and sounded a bit crazy, yes, but it did seem kind of plausible since he is the first vampire/human/shifter I've ever heard of. And by the looks of it, that anyone else had ever heard of too. 

I was also shocked by the fact that apparently the other two minds could take control of their shared body. But then I remembered a few times yesterday and one earlier that he didn't really seem to be himself. First off when he had gotten his food from Esme and his eyes turned a reddish brown and his voice got a bit deeper. At the time I didn't think anything of it as I was paying more attention to what he said and not what he sounded like when he said it. Also before he ran off yesterday his eyes turned deep red and his skin got paler. Plus earlier when he asked if we knew what the b@st@rd who kidnapped his was, when he had said 'b@st@rd' it wasn't his voice. Well it was only it was gruffer. Not by much, but it was different from his normal soft and sweet voice. 

When he told us that it was his vampire side who came out yesterday before he ran off, it answered my unspoken question about if that had been Danny or not. And yet that wasn't the strangest bit of the next hour or so. 

The stranger bit of the hour started when Danny's vampire side, Dominic, took control. 

And I'm not talking about the fact that Dominic exists and can take control over their body when either allowed to or he forces control. What I'm talking about is when I met his eyes after he turned took control, I imprinted on him. Although that wasn't too weird seeing as him and Danny are kind of the same person just with different personalities. I found it weird since I had looked into his eyes yesterday before he ran off, but maybe the reason it didn't happen before was because he wasn't looking back at me and instead at Embry's blood, as he had told us. It was also surprising that he didn't know about the window exploding. I wonder if he had done it subconsciously and that's why he didn't know about it. 

Then the strangeness just continued, well after he told us how Danny was turned into both since he was human before hand, which pissed me off and I only didn't shift because Dominic managed to calm me down by holding my hand. Anyway the strangeness continued when we discovered that even though Dominic is the vampire side, he can shift into a wolf just like Danny and Derek. Although he was the first one to show us his form. 

And I have to say his wolf form is very cute. It's not too big, compared to my wolf form, and he is only a six month old puppy in looks. He is almost completely dark brown, but has a silver underbelly, a silver tipped tail almost as though he dipped it into silver paint or something and a silver marking on his right flank. Which I couldn't really see from the angle I was looking at him from. 

I think the strangest thing that happened was when Derek took control and shifted. His wolf form was only about a foot shorter than mine and he looked the oldest of the three. Well I'm guessing since we weren't able to see Danny's wolf from yet, but Dominic did say that he was the smallest and youngest if I remember correctly. Well the strange bit wasn't exactly him shifting...it's what he did after he shifted back.


I looked away from Carlisle, who had a thoughtful expression on his face...something having to do with the silver crown marking on Derek's right flank while in wolf form...anyway I looked over at Derek and saw he was staring back at me. And I swear he smirked about five seconds before he quickly shifted out of wolf form. And then jumped onto my lap so he was straddling me with his legs on either side of mine and his hands on my shoulders before slamming his lips onto mine. 

His kiss was very demanding and hot, but before I could respond he was suddenly thrown off of my lap. Since I hadn't had the time to close my eyes, I watched as he flew back and hit the wall opposite the couch I was sitting on and fell to the ground. Everyone was silent for a few seconds and I was about to jump to my feet and rush over to him when he spoke. "Totally worth it!" He said laughing as he threw his arms up into the air before slamming them back down onto the ground, but this time so they were above his head. 

I watched as his skin grew a bit paler and his eyes turned from their bright yellow to the chocolate brown color that were Danny's. "Danny, are you alright?" I asked as I walked over crouching down next to him. 

"I'm fine." He said looking up at me and blushed, probably because of Derek kissing me. "Sorry about Derek...he's...he's...he's just Derek." 

"It's fine, Danny." I said smiling down at him sort of cheekily. I may not have been able to kiss Danny, but since there are three different people in his head, and all of them seem to be my imprints, I was still pretty happy. Now all I need to do is kiss the other two and I'll be VERY happy. "Here let me help you." I said standing up and offering him my hand, which he quickly grabbed and I pulled him up. Honestly a bit too hard and fast so he stumbled into my chest. And when I looked down at him he was blushing, but made no attempt to move away. 

"Danny, would you mind showing us your wolf form? Since both Dominic and Derek showed us their's." Carlisle said and Danny looked over at him, still not moving out of my embrace, and nodded. He then moved out of my embrace, seeming a bit reluctant, and headed over to where both Dominic and Derek had been when they shifted. And of course as soon as he left my embrace, I noticed Bella glaring at me, but she was probably doing that the whole time. Which I don't see why, I didn't see her going to check to see if he was alright. Or more of if Derek was alright since he was in control when he was thrown and hit the wall...Anyway he closed his eyes and a few seconds later he shifted into his wolf form. 

He was had the same exact coloring that Dominic and Derek did in wolf form, only he was much smaller than them. He was barely larger than a normal wolf and looked around three months old in age. Is he ever not adorable? I asked myself as I stared at him as he shook out his fur before sitting down and looking around the room. I'm not saying that Derek or Dominic aren't, but Danny is just a bit more adorable. But that might have to do with his shy personality while they are both more blunt or in Derek's case...well there really isn't a word I can think of that would describe him. 

Unlike Dominic or Derek, Danny seemed to be unnerved by all the staring and I could see him constantly looking back at both me and his little stuffed wolf. I walked back over to the couch, since I had gotten up from it when Derek was thrown into the wall, which reminds me I need to ask Danny how that happened, and picked up Danny's stuffed wolf. I then walked over to where Danny was sitting and put in down on the floor in between his front legs before sitting down on the floor next to him. Smiling down at him when he scooted over a bit so we were touching and I started stroking his fur from the top of his head down to the middle of his back and back again. Which seemed to cause him to softly purr/growl. 

I heard Bella clear her throat and looked over at her and what would you know, she was glaring at me. "Yes?" I asked, not stopping my stroking because why the hell should I? He is my imprint. Plus Charlie doesn't look like he minds at all and he was really the only one, besides Danny and his mother, that's option about the whole situation mattered to me. Which reminds me I also should tell Danny about me imprinting on him. And Dominic and Derek. 

Instead of answering, she just glared at me hatefully and I rolled my eyes looking back down at Danny. Who had his eyes closed as I strolled his fur so I'm guessing he didn't see her glaring at me. "Danny, sweetie, why don't you change back?" Bella said nicely, although I'm just surprised she can go from being rude to me, even if it was silently, to being so nice in only a few seconds. He reopened his eyes and looked at her for a few seconds before nodding slightly and started shifting back. I moved away so he could have enough room and watched as he shifted back. 

Once he was back in his human form, he picked his stuffed wolf off the floor and stood up. I stood up soon after and we both walked back to the couch we had been sitting on a little while earlier. When I sat down, I smiled softly down at him as he scooted over next to me so his side was pressed up against mine. Want to know what Bella did? Go on guess...I'm sure you'll get it right. 


As I sat down beside Paul on the couch, with Paulie on my lap of course, I scooted over so my side my pressed against his and had to stop myself from leaning against him. Much to Derek's distaste of course. He's just lucky that Dominic didn't beat the crap out of him when he kissed Paul. Mainly because neither of us really minded all that much...but anyway...the only reason I had Dominic threw him off Paul, although he did it harder than he was supposed to, was because Derek's horniness, for Paul mainly, and we really didn't need to give anyone mental images. Plus we don't even know if he feels the same way towards us. Although he didn't seem anger or annoyed by Derek kissing him...

"Why don't you ask him?" Derek asked and both Dominic and I looked over at him with blank expressions. "What?"

"Do you not remember that Danny isn't exact as...forward as you?" Dominic asked and Derek had a look of realization on his face. 

"Oh yeah...wait!" He said, loudly, making both Dominic and I jump. "Didn't he say something about you, or us...whatever, being his imprint? Whatever that is."

"Yeah..." I said trailing off waiting for him to get to the point. 

"Ask him what it is."

"I don't know..."

"Danny, if it has anything to do with that weird look both Paul and Derek got on their faces when you first looked at him, and why Derek's become obsessed with him, I think you should ask him what it is." Dominic reasoned out and I nodded knowing there was no way out of it since they sort of ganged up on me. 

I looked over at Paul, ignoring the fact that Izzy was glaring at him again, and asked him what both Dominic and Derek wanted me to. "What's imprinting?" I watched as his eyes widened and when I looked around a bit, so did everyone else's. "What?"

"Where did you hear that word?" Izzy asked and I saw her glare at Paul for a few seconds before looking back at me. And of course her glaring was starting to annoyed me a bit, but Dominic and Derek a lot more. 

"I heard you say that Paul imprinted on me yesterday when I went into the kitchen to get some food." I said, purposely leaving out any names as I still don't remember most of them. And Dominic and Derek are no help. Izzy glared at Paul again, who looked a bit smug, before looking back at me. Again. 

"Well...it's..." She trailed off, probably trying to think of a lie. Happily enough Paul answered my question. Clearing annoying Izzy when he did. 

"Imprinting it what a werewolf does when they meet a certain person...That person becomes the center of the werewolf's universe and the werewolf will do anything for that person." Paul explained, Derek finding it hot. 

"So kind of like the werewolf's soulmate?" I asked, still a bit confused, and he nodded looking a bit worried for some reason. "So I'm your soulmate?"

"Yes, along with Dominic and Derek. I think it's because you three are technically the same person just different parts of the same person." He said and I nodded biting my lip as I thought about it.

"That would explain why Derek's become a bit obsessed with you since I first looked at you." I said softly, more to myself than him. 

"But you can reject him if you want." Izzy said and I felt Dominic and Derek grew angry at the meer thought of it. I wasn't that far behind. 

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked and saw Paul smile out of the corner of my eye as Izzy scowled. "If he's my soulmate...why would I want to give that up?" 

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