The Watcher's Freak Child.

By whogirl12

357 3 0


The Watcher's Freak Child.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

25 1 0
By whogirl12

   I wake up late on Saturday. I sit up in my queen size bed, (Yes!)  Stretch my arms in front of me, and look around my new room. It's pink. I HATE pink. The good thing about the room is the big reading alcove, with a large window. Does it open well? I get up, jump down from my bed, and my feet sink into the deep rug. Mm, comfy. I stride over to the window, and open it. It opens easily, as if the hinges has just been greased. Good. 

    I walk to the closet, and open the doors. Walk-In! Yes! I turn, and look at the full-length mirror. I see a short, slightly stocky girl staring back at me. She wears a black camisole, and navy sweatpants. Her arms have old scars and burns on them, and on the right arm, a black tattoo. To the uneducated, this would look like random squiggles and lines. I know better.

After rooting through my suitcase, I slip into dark jeans and my Queen T-shirt. I love that shirt. After  I wrestled my hair into a messy ponytail, I decided to go get food. And my health shake. Yum. 

When I walk downstairs, the house is silent. " Dad?" I call out. Nada. On the fridge, there's a post-it. It reads, " Adriana, I'm at the school library. Call if you need me. - Dad" 

    Sweet. I'm alone. 

   After an hour of screeching my favorite songs at the top of my lungs, peeing with the door open, and watching soap operas, I get bored. I'm thinking of poking around for things that go bump in the night, but they're asleep. So I head to the School. 

When I walk into the library, the room goes silent. Dad stops mid-sentence. Buffy looks up and glares at me. Xander and Willow simply look surprised. Dad speaks first.

" Adriana! What a lovely surprise! Do you need anything? I'm sure I left the library's phone number.."

I look at him, then boost myself up onto the counter. " Dad, I'm bored, OK? And besides, I wanted to hang out with people my age. oh, and, I've got something for you to see." 

I rummage in my messenger bag, and pull out my Angel Cross. Dad gasps, and lifts it up like a mother holding a newborn.

" Giles, it's just a cross. I have one too." Buffy states.

I roll my eyes, and take my cross back. Nonchalantly, I grip the handle, and focus my energy. I feel my eyes go black, the veins grow dark in my face. The cross's blade slides out, and the white flames flicker to life on the blade. 

They are shocked. All of them, except Dad, who simply sighs, " Oh, you look like your mother." 

I grin at them, as the cross turns back to normal. My face returns to its usual paleness. Dad simply turns to Buffy.

" Slayer, meet The Guardian."


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