Thrown into the Dark

By Nishiki24601

2.5K 133 25

When Soramaru is abducted by Kabuto and brought into a different dimension by force, he is thrown into darkne... More

In a Hydro Tank
Life Story
Escape Attempt
In the Hidden Leaf
In the Sunshine
In Need of a Plan


143 7 1
By Nishiki24601

Kabuto was beginning to recognize that there was nothing particularly special about Soramaru. Despite his strange looking eyes there was nothing very remarkable about him. He didn't have a healing factor. He couldn't even infuse chakra to cast a jutsu. The unexplained strength from the other day was dismissed as a freak adrenalin incident. After one more day of examination, Orochimaru had planned to just use him as a common test subject.

Kabuto walked into the room with Soramaru's tank in it earlier than usual. Soramaru was asleep, letting all his muscles relax in the water. That's when Kabuto saw it. On Soramaru's stomach was a small patch of black scales. They were like a snake's. Kabuto ran out of the room to tell Orochimaru.

"Soramaru! Hey, Soramaru!"Suigetsu called from his tank. Soramaru opened his eyes with difficulty. He was groggy due to an experiment on Suigetsu the day before which involved the effects of sugar on him. Suigetsu had been high on sugar for hours and barely left Soramaru any time to sleep. "Shut up." Soramaru muttered. Suigetsu was indignant of being brushed off. "Fine," He said, "Let them cut you open, see if I care." Soramaru curled up a little in attempt to sleep again.

Kabuto strided through the door with Orochimaru behind him. He jabbed the buttons to release Soramaru, who fell on the floor in response. He started to protest, but was interrupted by a flurry of big words and excited chatter. He didn't understand what was going on at all. He would have run or have done something, but it always took some time for his body to get used to the change of his surroundings. Before he could really move, Kabuto had flung him over his shoulder and was briskly carrying him to a different room.

He was strapped to a surgical table before he could actually process anything. This room was different from the one he was normally in. Kabuto left him there, and returned soon, wearing a mask, gloves, and wielding a scalpel. Soramaru shrunk back a bit, as much as he could anyway. Orochimaru was there too now. Same attire as Kabuto.

The pain started with a damp rag covering Soramaru face. It smelled like chemicals and made his lungs burn. His eyes watered. It made his body go numb, until the cutting started. He felt a cutting sensation in his stomach area. It was worst than all of the injections and all of the experiments combined. It both cut and burned. He didn't have a gag in his mouth, but the rag over his face served as one and muffled his cries. He could feel hot blood spill over his torso. It felt more like acid, burning into his skin. He bit his lip to keep from screaming, but his teeth dug into his lower lip, drawing more blood. His screams never stopped. They kept ringing out.

The cutting was just the beginning. Something, skin, it felt like was being plucked from his body. There was a pattern to this after a while, a cutting, and then a sharp yanking and a piece of him coming off. He wasn't even aware of the scales, all he felt was small patches of skin being removed, one at a time.

Finally, it was over. Soramaru was breathing hard and everything hurt. He was ignored as Kabuto and Orochimaru conversed. They examined the scales that they had taken from Soramaru, eagerly. The scales were black and had a sharpness along the edges. Where theses came from, the captors had no idea. That was half the fun though, discovering the power contained in each scale. The secret abilities within their captive."What do we do with him now?" Kabuto asked.

"Keep him in an isolated tank, in an isolated room. We may not need him for awhile, but just in case. Just keep him alive." Kabuto followed orders and healed the surgical wound on Soramaru's stomach in a rush. His healing brought on more pain. A burning filled Soramaru's body. The kind of pain that made him sure it was his blood boiling, literally. Soramaru was breathing heavily, his eyes were closed, and he was weak from blood loss. Kabuto tore the rag from his face. Seeing the boy's condition, he knew that he couldn't carry him like he normally did. He pulled a wheelchair from a closet and managed to get Soramaru's pale, lifeless body into it. He did not bother strapping him down, he most likely wouldn't be able to try anything this time.

When he got to the new room, he strapped the breathing mask onto Soramaru's face and let the tank fill with water. Kabuto programmed a small electronic syringe to inject Soramaru with supplements daily. And there he left him.

When Soramaru came to a bit, he cringed at the wound on his stomach. After curiously prodding it once, he learned never to do that again. He was not sure what exactly had happened. Just what I need, more memory problems. He thought unhappily. He then noticed a silence. Where was Suigetsu? He finally noticed some differences that he had overlooked. The room was different, this tank was bigger, and it was completely isolated. He was alone. The voice that he had endured endlessly for however long he had been there was gone. Instantly, his loneliness consumed him. There was no room for relief of being rid of Suigetsu's idle chatter.

He had never been alone before, not really. He had always had Tenka, Shirasu, and Chuutarou. Gokumonjo had been his first encounter with loneliness. Here, he had no one and nothing.

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