Her Little Brother (Twilight)...

By JayJayCheshire

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Four years. Four years since I was kidnapped. Four years since I've seen my older sister or parents. Four yea... More

Chapter One - Escaping
Chapter Two - Danny?!
Chapter Three - Don't you cry
*Updated* Note (You may be confused if you skip this)
Chapter Four - It's not your fault
Chapter Five - Danny's Terrifying Dream
Chapter Six - We didn't turn him!
Chapter Seven - Paulie!
Chapter Eight - Meeting the pack
Chapter Nine - You imprinted on my brother?!
Chapter Ten - MINE!
Chapter Eleven - Blood lust
Chapter Twelve - What just happened?
Chapter Thirteen - Lost in the forest...help
Chapter Fourteen - Billy!
Chapter Fifteen - Calling Charlie
Chapter Sixteen - Danny, thank god
Chapter Seventeen - Dreams, Showers and Breakfast
Chapter Nineteen - Meeting Dominic and Derek
Chapter Twenty - Soulmate?
Chapter Twenty-One - Paul's thoughts

Chapter Eighteen - Explanations begin

11.3K 333 59
By JayJayCheshire


 I stretched my arms and back as I woke up, sleeping sitting up on a couch it not that comfortable, and looked down at my lap. I froze for a second when I realized Danny was no longer on my lap where he was when I fell asleep, as he refused to let me go in his sleep much to Bella's distaste. I quickly jumped to my feet, my feral side wide awake and alert trying to locate him, almost stepping on one of the guys who were on the ground. "Paul, don't worry...Danny's simply upstairs taking a shower." I heard Esme say right as I was about to start searching for him and turned around to see her standing in the doorway that led out of the living room. 

I calmed down a bit and listened for a few seconds and could in fact here a shower upstairs running. "Right." I said calming down even further and sat back down on the couch as I remembered that he did need one. His hair alone was very dirty and his body I doubt was much cleaner. My feral side had calmed down completely when I realized Danny was just upstairs, thanks to Esme telling me of course, but now he was growing a bit...agitated. And I was finding it a bit difficult to keep my mind off the image of Danny in the shower. 

Fortunately my thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened and for the first time I actually was happy to see Bella. Although that was only because I really didn't want to get excited by those thoughts and have to explain to anyone why. Other than that I was not happy to see Bella, and neither was my feral side. Both of us were still pretty pissed about her trying to take Danny from me when we got back from Billy's. You would think she would be less...b*tchy...seeing as Jake imprinted on her daughter of all people. At least I imprinted on an adult, even if he doesn't really look any older than fourteen or fifteen. But that's probably because of his lack of food and everything that b@st@rd did to him over the past four years. I think one reason Bella hates that I imprinted on him so much is because we never really got along, I mean I did kind of try and attack her like two years ago, but she was the one who started it and she should know I would never harm Danny. I already love him and, like all the guys who have imprinted, will be anything he needs me to be. I just hope that something is a lover and boyfriend. Of course I will be soully his best friend if that's what he needs me to be.

As they walked into the living room, Nessie ran over and jumped onto Jake who was sleeping on the floor while Edward and Bella stood at the entrance to the living room. Edward was calmly looking around the living room at all the guys who were still sleeping while Bella, of course, glared over at me. "Where's Danny?' She asked, clearly not nicely, and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at her. Although that didn't stop my thoughts, which made Edward look at me sternly for thinking about his wife like that, which as you can guess wasn't all that nicely. If he doesn't like my thoughts, don't listen to them. I'm not going to sensor my thoughts purely because Edward can read them. I haven't, much, since I became a werewolf and the whole pack is able to read them while in wolf form, so why would I now? 

"Upstairs taking a shower." I said leaning back against the couch and ignored her glare, which for some reason only got harder. 

"And why did you let him go alone? He's still hurt!" She growled, somewhat loudly, and a few of the guys started waking up. 

"Do you honestly want me with him while he takes a shower?" I asked and she quietened down, finally. "I didn't think so. Anyway he was up there by the time I woke up. Esme told me he was up there." I explained annoyed that no matter what I did, she got pissed at me. I mean what the hell? I'm near him...She's pissed. I'm not near him...She pissed. Make up your mind, woman!

"Bella, calm down. I'm sure Danny can take a shower without assistance." Esme said kindly from my left. It always amazed me how she could always be so nice to people. Hell even when the Volturi came and we had that big almost fight, she was still kind. I wonder if she can get angry, because it sure doesn't seem like it. Bella glared at me again, although she never really stopped glaring at me, before following Edward over to the couch where Jake and Nessie were sitting. Jake was clearly still really tired as he was sitting on the floor in front of it rubbing his eyes as he yawned. Nessie was sitting on the couch behind him messing around with his hair, and I think she was even putting bows in it. 

I turned my attention to the TV, which Edward had turned up a little louder as everyone was slowly waking up, but could still feel Bella glaring at me. Which was only beginning to piss me off. Luckily, for her though, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett came down about two minutes after she and Edward got here and he used his power to calm me down a bit. One of the only times I've ever been happy that he did that. Mainly because I didn't want to scare Danny if he happened to come down from his shower while I was pissed out at his sister. Although I'm wondering if he would be since he wasn't scared yesterday when I sort of tackled him to the floor while in wolf form. Honestly he seemed completely fine with it, if not calmer when he was under me. Now that I think about it, I hope it's because he's my imprint and he subconsciously feels safe around me. 

About ten minutes passed by the time I heard the shower upstairs turn off and by this time everyone was either awake or downstairs in the living room. Although Esme was still in the kitchen cleaning up the pans she used to make breakfast. I had already gotten my breakfast, which consisted of everything she made, hash browns, sausage, bacon, eggs and pancakes, and had fixed up Danny's plate. Much to Bella's distaste, not that I care. I didn't know what he would want so I got a bit of everything. I didn't get him as much as I got myself, but I got him more than Billy or Charlie got since I remembered how much he ate yesterday and was sure he would be pretty hungry. 

Everyone, who was eating, started eating and I set Danny's plate down on the coffee table so I could eat as well, but kept finding myself looking toward the stairs waiting for Danny to come down instead of actually eating. And of course Bella noticed and would glare at me every time I looked back at my plate. Fortunately I, finally, heard his soft footsteps coming down the stairs and whipped my head around to look at him. And I think I may have given myself whip lash by doing that, but I didn't care about the slight pain in my neck when I saw him at the bottom of the stairs. 

His hair was wet, but looked much better and healthier than it did before, and it clung to his face and some of the water was slowly dripping down onto the long sleeved shirt he was wearing. It was dark blue and VERY big on him. The bottom of it ended about two or three inches above his knees and the sleeves went passed his hand so you couldn't even see them. Which made him look even more adorable than before. Although that's an achievement. He was also wearing a pair of black jeans that he had rolled the legs up multiple times, but they still looked too big on him. He was holding a small bundle of clothes, which I guessed were the clothes he was wearing before by the look of them. "There you are, Danny." Bella said smiling brightly at him before glaring at me, again, as he continued to looked down at his, partially covered, feet. 

"Danny." I said after a little bit and he shook his head before looking up at me. "Your food." I said holding up his plate as I had picked it up when he got down to the bottom of the stairs. 

"Right." He said walking toward me, but stopped and looked down at the bundle in his arms. "Um...what do I do with these?" He asked holding up his arms a bit so everyone could see the bundle. Although I'm sure almost everyone had already seen it. 

"Here let me throw those out." Esme said walking over to him and took the bundle from him. But when she did, I watched as a bandage fell to the floor and almost everyone else had as well. 

"Danny, why did you take your bandages off." Bella asked standing up from the couch and rushed over to him. She stopped in front of him and neither me nor my feral side really wanted her that close to him. Even if she was his older sister. 

"Because I don't need them." He said softly as he looked up at her. 

"What do you mean you don't need them?" She asked somewhat harshly and I mentally growled not liking how she talked to him. Instead of answering her, Danny simply lifted up his left arm and pushed the sleeve back. My eyes widened slightly when I saw that his arm was completely smooth and didn't even have a scar. Although it reminded me of his feet yesterday when I got to Billy's house and he was asleep, but I never really looked at them as I was just glad he was safe. "How the hell did you heal so quickly?" She asked, angrily and I before I could jump up from the couch and attack her as she obviously scared Danny with her anger, Edward stepped in. 

"Bella, love, why don't we wait until after Danny has eaten before we ask him anything." Edward said quickly walking over to her and pulled her back to the couch she had been sitting on before. I'm guessing he knew that Bella scared Danny by reading his mind or something. When both of them were seated again, Danny turned and walked over to me and sat down on the couch beside me. I handed him his plate and he started eating it, incredibly slowly and never really looked up from his plate as he ate. 


About fifteen minutes passed before Danny had finished his food, the rest of us had been finished for at least eight minutes by this point and had been waiting for him to finish. When he realized he had finished, he bit his bottom lip and set his fork down on the plate before setting the plate down on the coffee table and sitting back against the couch. He was staring down at his hands and I could practically smell how nervous he was. 

"Danny, how did you heal so quickly?" Edward asked after stopping Bella from doing it, probably thinking she would make him even more nervous. Although he didn't really seem to want to answer and continued staring down at his hands in his lap. "Danny?" He asked again, but he didn't seem responsive at all. 

"Maybe if you give him Paulie, he'll answer." Charlie said pointing over at the silver stuffed wolf that was on the couch to my right. I found it interesting that the wolf had the same name as me, but decided to think about that later and quickly picked it up and handed it to Danny. As soon as he saw it, he grabbed it from me and held it tightly to his chest. Which was extremely adorable. 

He continued snuggling with the wolf for about a minute or so while we all watched him in silence. I was growing just a bit jealous of it as I wish he would snuggle with me and I'm sure both Edward and Jasper knew about what I was feeling. I'm just glad Bella didn't because I really didn't need to give her more reasons to glare at me. Although I doubt I could do anything to make her stop glaring at me so it's a bit pointless either way. 

Anyway after about another minute of him snuggling with his wolf, he seemed to feel everyone staring at him and slowly looked up, blushing slightly. "W-what?" He asked softly as he tried to shrink down into the couch and scooted closer to me, using my much larger body to hide himself from their eyes. 

"Have you heard a thing any of us have said?" Edward asked, seeming sort of amused by this. 

"That depends..." Danny muttered blushing even brighter red. 

"What was the last thing you heard any of us say?"

"Um...You telling Izzy to wait until after I've had breakfast to ask me anything." He said looking up at my face and blushed even more as he shrunk down in place even further. Which I was kind of surprised was possible.

"Um...Danny, that was like twenty minutes ago." Jake said chuckling slightly as Danny stuck his wolf in front of his face blushing EVEN more. 

"Danny, do you mind telling us how you healed so quickly?" Carlisle asked him and he slowly stopped using me to hide him, mostly anyway. 

"Well...um...Do you know what the...b@st@rd...who kidnapped me was?" He asked as he stared down at his wolf and began messing with the fake fur on its head. His voice had become a bit deeper and rougher when he said b@st@rd, but I decided to ignore it for now. His head shot back up when Bella growled quietly and looked over at her. This shocked me, and from what I could see everyone else, as it should've been too quiet for him to hear. 

"A vampire." Bella said as a statement instead of a question, but he nodded anyway. 

"What does that have to do with how you healed so quickly?" Embry asked and Danny turned his attention to him. 

"Because it's because of him why I did..." Danny said. "I'm not completely human anymore."

"What do you mean?" Bella asked confused. Hell I was confused as well. He looked completely human. Although his scent did smell a bit vampiric along with something that smelt a lot like a werewolf, just not exactly the same. 

"I'm one third human, one third vampire and one third wolf shifter." He said and everyone's eyes widened as they stared at him. It seemed to unnerve him and he shrunk down into the couch again and moved so I was once again partially hiding him from view. 


"So what are you going to tell them?" Derek asked looking over at me. I looked back at him and saw that, like me, he and Dominic both were wearing the clothes I changed into after my shower. They tend to wear whatever I am outside of my head as it's just easier than thinking up their own outfits all the time. It looked odd on him with his slightly darker skin color and bright yellow eyes. Dominic wasn't really any better with his lighter skin color and deep red eyes. 

"The truth." I said softly as I played with the end of one of my sleeves. "I just don't think I can tell them all of what happened without having a panic attack." 

"Maybe Der...I could take control after you've explained the gist of it so I can explain it in depth." Dominic offered. 

"Why can't I be the one to take control and explain?" Derek asked slightly enraged. 

"Because all three of us know what you will do...and it won't be explaining." Dominic explained looking over at him and Derek simply shrugged smirking knowing he was right. 

"I guess that'll be alright...but Derek should get a chance to at least meet them himself." I said and almost rethought what I said when I saw the victorious smile on his face. Probably thinking about jumping Paul or something. 

"Do we have to?" Dominic whined slightly. "We both know he'll simply jump Paul as soon as he has control so what's the point?"

"Because if I tell them I have two other minds in my head, aka you two, they'll going to want to meet Derek as well and not just you, Dominic." I explained while Dominic groaned. 

"Fine."  He said sighing in defeat while Derek seemed to be pondering something. Probably what all he can do while in control before Dominic or I take control away from him. 

I looked down at my plate and bit my lower lip when I realized it was empty. I didn't even realize I had been eating while I was talking to Dominic and Derek. I placed my fork down on my plate and set the plate down on the coffee table before sitting back against the couch and staring down at my lap as I thought about how I should explain what I am to them. I didn't really pay attention to anything around me until I saw Paulie to my right as someone seemed to be handing him to me. I quickly pulled him from whoever was handing him to me and practically crushed him to my chest. 

After a few minutes, I think, of snuggling with Paulie I felt a bunch of eyes on me and slowly looked up, blushing when I saw everyone staring at me. "W-what?" I asked softly as I tried to make myself smaller, not a very hard feat for me, and moved over toward Paul so I could use him to hide me. Helped that he was so much bigger than me, and yet I didn't feel scared or even intimidated by him. In fact I felt protected when I was around him. 

"Have you heard a thing any of us have said?" Edward asked and I looked passed Paul and over at him. 

"That depends..." I muttered blushing even more as I don't remember anyone saying anything since before I started eating my breakfast. 

"What was the last thing you heard any of us say?" 

"Um...You telling Izzy to wait until after I've had breakfast to ask me anything." I said looking over at Paul and blushed even more and tried to make myself even smaller when I saw his slightly amused expression as he stared down at me. 

"Um...Danny, that was like twenty minutes ago." Cub said chuckling as I moved Paulie so he was in front of my face so hopefully no one would see me blush even more. Doubt it worked though.

"Danny, do you mind telling us how you healed so quickly?" Izzy's father-in-law, Car-something, asked and I slowly moved so I wasn't using Paul to hide me. As much anyway. 

"Well...um...Do you know what the...b@st@rd...who kidnapped me was?" I asked, Derek taking control of my voice for a second. Obviously being the one who said 'b@st@rd.' My eyes also probably shifted to yellow slightly, but luckily I was looking down at Paulie and was playing with the fur on his head so, hopefully, no one saw that. I heard Izzy growl and my head involuntarily shot up and I looked over at her. I think me doing that shocked everyone as they were all staring at me with slightly wide eyes. 

"A vampire." Izzy stated, but I nodded anyway. 

"What does that have to do with how you healed so quickly?" Bry asked and I turned my attention to him.

"Because it's because of him why I did..." I said pausing for a second as I gained up the nerve to start explaining what I was to them. "I'm not completely human anymore."

"What do you mean?" Izzy asked confused and I looked back over at her. 

"I'm one third human, one third vampire and one third wolf shifter." I said and everyone stared at me with wide eyes. Which kind of freaked me out and I shrunk myself down into the couch some more, using Paul to partially hide me again. 

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