The Watcher's Freak Child.

By whogirl12

357 3 0


The Watcher's Freak Child.
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

29 0 0
By whogirl12

After school, Dad puts me to work, filing some new books on angels and demons. Then, when he and Buffy think I can't hear them, they get down to business.

She strikes first. " What is she, Giles? There is no way that she's human."

Dad clears his throat. " Well, she's--um-- an angel."

" Huh?"

" Her mother was an angel. "

" Look, I know love blinds, but that is just--"

" Her mother was Eae, the archangel. The one who thwarts demons. It wasn't until Adriana was 5 that I learnt what happen when Watchers and Angels mix."

" What happens?"

" Well, the offspring are quite like a Slayer, simply immortal. She can't die. She belongs in Heaven. Her instincts tell her to Slay. To protect innocents. To fight evil."

" Well, that's good, isn't it?"

" Not quite. See, a couple of years back, there was an incident. She was infected with Vampire blood. She can't turn completely, being an angel, but it-- changed her. She is now something extremely rare. She is a 'Kaotanud Hea'. That is translated from Estonian to ' Lost Good'. "

" Translate to English, please."

" She's a corrupted Angel. She can't go to Heaven."

" So.... Adriana is part-vamp?"

He takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose. " Yes."

I can't stand it anymore. They're talking behind my back!! If there is one thing I hate, that's it. I slip out  from behind the bookcase, grab my messenger bag, and slip out of the library. Then I take off into the night. I slam the school door behind me. I run, simply sprint. I hear pounding footsteps behind me, and Dad calling my name. But I can't face him now. Now when the tears are falling fast. No, I run until I can't run anymore.

When I finally run out of steam, I collapse onto something cold. I have no idea where I am. It's dark, and cold, but I like the night. I burn like something nasty in the sun. i sit on my pedestal, and root through my bag. Finally, my hand bumps against a familiar tattered box. Yes! I pull out my cigarettes, and look for my lighter. Can't find it. Damn! Oh well. 

I quietly mutter, " Tablas."  My finger lights up, and I light my smoke.

I take a long drag, and take a look around. Hm, Cemetery.  I have good taste. 

" Can I bum a fag?" Says a voice behind me. I whip around, and come face to face with a vampire. A really CUTE vampire. 

" Yeah, sure. Here," I casually say, handing him the box, " What's your deal?"

He gently holds my hand up to his cigarette, so he can light it. In the light, I see that he has a scar cutting across his left eyebrow.  His blue eyes look directly at my green ones.

" I'm Spike. I should be asking you, pet, What's your deal? You don't look... undead, but not quite human." He releases my hand, and cocks his head to one side, curious.

" Well, it's a long story. I'm not up to telling it right now. If you want the whole thing, take it up with Giles. Know any good places for a drink?"

" Yeah, meet me at the Bronze tomorrow. Nine. You can tell me all about yourself then, Pet." 

" Sure. Oh, I'm Adriana. Adriana Giles. See you then, Spike."

Wait, did I just make a date with a vampire? I wonder what is wrong with me as I watch him walk away, his leather jacket giving him that whole " Bad Boy" look. I just stand ther like a total idiot until I hear four worried voices.

All night, I dream of Spike.

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