Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFi...

By ShoeyDawceffa

5.9M 32K 18.9K

When Joey Graceffa announces that he loves Shane Dawson to his bestfriend Luke, Shane realizes that he might... More

Chapter 1: Joey has a Crush
Chapter 2: The Phone Call That Changed Everything.
Chapter 3: Leading up
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: The Proposal
Chapter 6: Roomies!
Chapter 7: Confessions
Chapter 8: Only 24 Hours
Chapter 9: Thanks Sawyer!
Chapter 10: Joey's New Favourite Restaurant
Chapter 11: Same Bed?
Chapter 12: The Empty Room
Chapter 13: Covered in Paint!
Chapter 14: The Benny Fine Issue
Chapter 15: Naked Joey!
Chapter 16: To The Bedroom
Chapter 17: Flirtatious Joey
Chapter 18: A Whore Called Cat
Chapter 19: A Little Heated
Chapter 20: Punched in The Face
Chapter 21: Emergency Room
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 23: Suspicions
Chapter 24: Fights
Chapter 26: Sweet Dreams.
Chapter 27: Stress
Chapter 28: Meeting The Siblings!
Chapter 29: For You
Chapter 30: Hit Me!
Chapter 31: Teach Me
Chapter 32: Scoping for Drama
Chapter 33: Broke The Promise
Chapter 34: Sick of This Place
Chapter 35: Mom, I left her...
Chapter 36: #AskShoey
Chapter 37: Give Me a Break!
Chapter 38: Party Invite!
Chapter 39: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 40: Who Posted These?!!
Chapter 41: She's in Love With Me?
Chapter 42: Break Ups and a Whole Lot of Tears.
Chapter 43: Joey's Coming Out.
Chapter 44: They Saw It!?
Chapter 45: From The Real Person
Chapter 46: Lisa! Don't Do This!
Chapter 47: Smosh Idiot...
Chapter 48: Shipping Ianthony!
Chapter 49: Prank'd
Chapter 50: I Don't Think I Like It Here Anymore...
Chapter 51: Alliance.
Chapter 52: I Promise.
Chapter 53: I Haven't Seen You Since...
Chapter 54: That's Deep!
Chapter 55: #AskShoey 2.0! You Like This One?
Chapter 56: Mine?
Chapter 57: Shane, Stop!
Chapter 58: Joey Leaned In
Chapter 59: Boston!
Chapter 60: Why Do You Need Permission?
Chapter 61: Can I Ask You Something?
Chapter 62: What The F*ck is Wrong With Her!
Chapter 63: Take Your Pants Off!
Chapter 64: Ring Shopping!
Chapter 65: Today Is The Day!
Chapter 66: Second Home
Chapter 67: Shane and Joey's Guest Room
Chapter 68: "Joey4Shane"
Chapter 69: Engaged Life.
Chapter 70: Luke! Be My Best Man!
Chapter 71: But It's Shane!
Chapter 72: The End?
Chapter 73: Congrats-u-f*cking-lations
Chapter 74: Panic.
Chapter 75: Crash and Burn
Chapter 76: Kiss The Person To Your Right!
Chapter 77: Wild Night at Shoey's!
Chapter 78: On The News?!
Chapter 79: Just Keep Swimming.
Chapter 80: Kiss kiss?
Chapter 81: Nope, Don't Believe It.
Chapter 82: Jealous
Chapter 83: Left a Mark...
Chapter 84: Leave Me Alone!
Chapter 85: What
Chapter 86: The Last Chapter.
Chapter 87: Just Wedding Things...
Chapter 88: Cute Sleepy Boy
Chapter 89: Surprise!
Chapter 90: Revenge
Chapter 91: My Hero
Chapter 92: Wedding Planning
Chapter 93: Already Shirtless
Chapter 94: Of All Places!
Chapter 95: Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 96: Dads
Chapter 97: Heart Skipped A Beat
Chapter 98: Have A Nice Flight!
Chapter 99: Lisa Ships It
Chapter 100: Part One - Excited Little Puppy
Chapter 100: Part Two - Our Little Family
Chapter 101: Used To It
Chapter 102: Next To Me
Chapter 103: Missed Our Flight
Chapter 104: Black Tie
Chapter 105: Bad Memories Come Crashing Back
Chapter 106: It's Over.
Chapter 107: Go After Him
Chapter 108: Lost
Chapter 109: Dark Day
Chapter 110: Make It Special
Chapter 111: Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 112: Boy That You Love
The Last Chapter: The End Of All Things

Chapter 25: Freaking Hospitals

59.5K 325 72
By ShoeyDawceffa

[Shane's POV]

Cat phoned an ambulance for Joey. I didn't care about how injured Sawyer was. My priority was to make sure Joey was okay.   I just sat on the ground holding Joey.

Cat: I'm going to tell the guys about Joey! I'll be right back out!

Shane: Hurry!

Cat then ran into Sawyer's house fast! Luke came running out...crying.

Luke: no! Joey!

Luke ran over to me and Joey.

Luke: What happened!

Shane: I-I don't know! He just fell to the ground!

It killed me to ask Luke how Sawyer was, but I had to.

Shane: H-how's Sawyer?!

Now after every word I said, I was about to cry.

Luke: He's conscious again, everyone else is in cleaning him up! But between me and you Shane, I prefer to be here with Joey!

Shane: He's your bestfriend! Of course you should prefer to be here with him!

The ambulance had just showed up. Luke went and quickly told everybody that me and him were going with Joey to the hospital. By the time he came back out the Paramedics had Joey on a stretcher and were about to put him in the van. They let both Luke and I go with him luckily!

The entire journey, Joey didn't move. I just cried and cried, so did Luke which was unusual to see him cry. The ride had flew in, thanks to being able to go over the speed limit in an ambulance.

They got Joey into the hospital. Luke and I had to wait outside his room for the doctor to finish checking him.

The doctor finally came out of Joey's room. He looked concerned which scared the life out've me and Luke.

Shane: Doc! What's wrong with him!

Doctor: We're not entirely sure...

Luke: You're a doctor!

Doctor: That I am, but he just looks as if he has lost alot of strength and his body just malfunctioned. What happened before he fainted? I noticed he had cuts all over his right hand.

Shane: Uhh, he was fighting...

Doctor: That would explain it all! His nerves and energy were being used to the maximum and just couldn't hack it.

Shane: he awake.

Doctor: No, we have him hooked up to some machines that'll keep his body strong. If we were to attempt to wake him now, it'll stress his body and lead to something...bad.

Luke: Can we go and see him? Please...

Doctor: Yes! Just don't try to disturb him.

Shane: So he's going to be fine?!

Doctor: At this current time...yes...but we can't be sure, he still hasn't waken which is a bad sign but everything else seems to be fine with him, so he should pull through.

That wasn't good enough for me. He "should" pull through! I need he "will" pull through!!!!

Luke: Thank you doctor!

We walked into Joey's room to see him laying on the bed...his body looked drained. His muscles were weak, his skin was an unusual color for Joey as he was a natural tan. He was changed out of his clothes into patient scrubs. It killed me inside to see all these machines and things that beep hooked up to Joey. I never knew how stressed he could get. I pulled a seat from beside the door and put it next to Joey's bed, then plumped myself onto the seat. Luke grabbed the other chair and sat on the other side of Joey. The doctor came in after about 5 minutes.

Doctor: Excuse me, may I ask who you two are? I need it for Joey's record.

Luke: I'm his best friend, Luke Conard.

Shane: I'm his boyfriend, Shane Yaw!

I didn't want to lie about it now, especially now that he's in a hospital bed unconscious!

Doctor: Sorry?

Shane: I'm - his - boyfriend!   

Doctor: Okay, thank you.

The doctor left. I grabbed Joey's hand and lifted it up to my forehead, just leaning it against my head. Luke was texting Ingrid giving her an update on Joey.

Shane: Where's Joey's phone?

Luke: I don't know? Try his cloths over on that table. Wait why do you need it?

Shane: I think his mom and dad deserve to know that he is in hospital, I don't have their number so I need to use his phone.

Luke: Great idea!

I went and inspected Joey's clothes, looking in the pockets of his jeans and then eventually finding it. It had a crack on the screen, probably from when he fell to the ground. I looked through his contacts until the first family member that I saw was his sister's number.

Nicole Graceffa.

Joey's Phone: Nicole! It's Shane Dawson, I'm Joey's friend...Joey has collapsed and is in hospital. The doctor's don't know what happened to him or what is wrong with him. This is probably a horrible way to tell you this but it's better than not knowing where he is at all. I'll give you a call later to update you on how he is! Xx

She didn't text back right away, I wasn't expecting her too. Ingrid had text Luke back saying that Sawyer had been in the emergency room and just got released! That lucky bastard! Joey's here hooked up to all sorts of machinery and he's fine!

*Bzzt Bzzt*

New Message: Nicole Graceffa

Nicole: Oh my god! Please stay with him! I'll tell my parents now! Thank you so much for telling me!

Shane: He's doing fine still, I will stay with him for as long as he needs me with him! Xx


Well this is emotional! It broke my heart even writing something fictional about Joey being in hospital. Picturing it made me want to break down! Vote and Comment please! New update (s) tomorrow.

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