Lonely Hearts Fall The Hardes...

By lonakitty333

107K 2.8K 1.6K

Nora Wilson's life is a lie, not that she would know what the truth is because the first ten years of her lif... More

Chapter One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eight ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Nine ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Ten ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eleven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twelve ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Fourteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Fifteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Sixteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Seventeen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eighteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Nineteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Eight ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Nine ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Eight ❤️❤️❤️

Chapter Thirty-Six ❤️❤️❤️

1.5K 48 33
By lonakitty333

***Adults POV During The Discussion in Last Chapter***

    "What did she do to herself? Where did she even get any this." Elsa asks.
    "She stole it, and decided that black is her new pastel." Emma remarks shaking her head.
    "Why the hell are we just standing here?" Regina asks, looking between everyone before stepping forward but Rumple stops her.
    "We have to let them have their moment, Henry could be our solution." He says nervously, his heart crushing at the sight of his little girl like this.
    "Well this is rather awkward." David says out loud by accident. Then, Henry's lips crashed against Nora's and Regina and Emma tense up, but can't take their eyes away. Mary Margaret and David feel the need to turn around, and Rumple just shuts his eyes. Regina resists the urge to go over there and rip them apart. That was her son over there kissing a terrible influence and she couldn't do a single thing about it because of a curse. When the kiss ends, and nothing happens, all of them stare wide eyed.
    "Why didn't it work?" Elsa asks as Regina gets angry.
    "They aren't in love." Rumple simply replies with a sigh, knowing that he might never get to have his Mabel back or at least Nora.
    "Are you meaning to tell me that my son just kiss that, thing, for no reason!" Regina says, her temper showing. "I could have told you they weren't in love, they are way too young!"
    "Regina, calm down, do you realize how crushed Henry must feel right now. Nora was... really special to him. Kid probably doesn't even know what to do with himself, I know I didn't." Emma says, thinking back on her first heartbreak, and love troubles. Deep down she actually believed that her son was in love, just like she believed him before, but she knew from experience how real love was. All of their thoughts are interrupted when they see Nora, or Ash grab Henry's chin.
    "Did she just, oh hell no I am going in there and cutting her little hand off." Regina threatens, rushing towards them before all of them stop her.
    "Stop, let them have their moment, no Regina." They all say holding her back.
    "Are we going to ignore the fact that she just touched my so- Her FACE IS ON HENRY'S EAR! I'M GOING IN THERE. IF THIS THING THINKS IT CAN HURT MY SON." Regina says using her magic to push everyone out of her way as she storms towards Nora, a fire ball forming in her hand. But before she could throw it, Ash disappears into a cloud of black smoke.
    "Regina what the hell were you thinking?" Emma says walking towards her.
    "I don't know about you, but I actually care about the safety of my son. That thing could have killed him and you seemed just fine with that." Regina yells back, making Emma seem crazy for having no concern.
    "Of course I care about his safety but what's important right now is that his heart is crushed that the kiss didn't work. And I don't think killing the girl he cares about is going to make that any better." Emma says back. Regina shakes her head angrily, but before she can argue back Emma stops her. "Don't argue back, that won't fix anything."
    "Where's Henry?" Elsa asks just noticing his absence. Emma and Regina turn to see he is nowhere to be found.
    "HENRY!" Regina calls out but there is no response.
    "Just, let him be. He is going through a rough time and he probably needs to be alone. We will find him later." Emma says and everyone nods.
    "So what do we do now? How are we going to fix her?" Elsa questions.
    "I told you already." He says, his voice still focused even though he is deeply upset inside. His Mabel, gone. What had he done? This was all his fault. He will never have the little girl he has been longing for for so many years. Rumple's sad thoughts are interrupted by David's scream.
    "MY TRUCK!!" David says running to his beaten up baby to find an unpleasant surprise. He just now took time to acknowledge the fact that his vandalized truck was still there. The words "Fuck You David" spray painted on the side in black. David's mouth drops and he almost wants to cry. "LOOK WHAT SHE DID TO MY CAR!!" He says angrily, wanted to punch something. Mary Margaret rushes over to her husband to see the damage and holds him before he hurts himself.
    "It's just paint David, we can paint over it." She says to calm his nerves, but David still looks pretty pissed.
    "That's just, rude." He says shaking his head.
    "Well you weren't the nicest to her, you know." Mary says with a chuckle, although she wasn't pleased by her language.
    "Are you really worried about a truck right now, David. Your grandson is heartbroken, we have this girl running a muck in our town doing god knows what, probably causing more trouble. And there seems to be no way to get her back without even more damage." Regina scolds, pacing back and forth.
    "I think I have the right to be concerned about my truck, okay. I am obviously more concerned about the situation." David says back and Regina rolls her eyes.
    "Rumple, there has to be something. Some spell, some potion, some random organ at the edge of the forest, dammit." She says, getting angry.
    "I'm afraid not, Regina. Sadly, there is no other way." Rumple replies.


    Nora, well Ash, but also kind Mabel, decides rather than hide out in the woods- why not hide in plain sight. After changing her appearance to resemble that of Henry's, Nora decides to give golden boy a little bit of a bad rep. After all he had broken Nora's, well her heart. It's a complicated thing to explain that of balance of three very different people who are very much the same. Nora, Ash, and Mabel all equally her but very much different, though the easiest way to think about it is Ash is her innate darkness, Mabel is her innate goodness, and Nora is the happy middle ground. 
    Anyhow, now Ash, or shall we refer to her as Henry, saunters down the street with a small smirk. Where to start? She thinks as she bites her lip- well his lip. She had gone back to the loft grabbed some of his clothes that smelled just like him, and no matter what Ash says it did manage to tug at her consciousness, before heading out of this day full of evil opportunities. Burning someone's house down sounds nice, ohhhh maybe she should just go into school and claim that Bexley is his hoe... Nawh she would probably enjoy being called that. Humph being evil is so difficult. Ash thinks as she playfully pouts just to be shaken from her thoughts by Mister bug eyes, sorry Doctor Hopper.
    "Hey, Henry! Where's your mo-"
    "Fuck Off, Bug boy." Leaves what looks like his mouth as he flips him off and doesn't spare another glance. Ash internally giggles at his stunned expression and furrowed angry brow.
    "Now hold on just a moment, young ma-"
    "Whatever, Dr. Hobbler." Henry yells back, poking fun at his slight limp. Oh boy did Ash enjoy that, and this was just the beginning. After stopping at granny's to eat then leave without paying, super obviously shoplifting from the grocery store, literally stealing candy from a baby, and cussing out some more random passerby's Henry, or Ash rather, decides to take his reign of terror to the Library. Where he deshelves every single book, and lights a stack of them on fire. After admiring his work, a fire alarm starts to blare and Belle comes running in out of nowhere to put out the fire before it could cause much damage.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HENRY!?" She yells enraged at the young teen.
"Isn't it obvious, sweetcheeks." He says winking at Belle before walking straight out of the front door. Funny thing about being Henry is no one actually ever stopped him... even when he took a bat to every car on Main Street or tried to change road signs to cause accidents. He appeared to be as evil as one could get without actually killing anyone, but still everyone was to shocked to actually stop his actions. So after just an hour or so Ash grew tired and dropped the glamour she had been holding up.
"Hmmm being bad is such hard work." She drawls as she sits on top of the clocktower, on one of the ledges that peaks out from the roof. Crossing one leather clad thigh over the other she raises the bottle of Tequila to her lips and swishes it around her mouth before swallowing it and letting it burn her throat.
"I hope pretty boy comes home soon, I seem to be getting a little bored all on my lonesome." Ash lets out a throaty chuckle. After awhile of just sitting there and drinking, Ash's lip finally twitches up as she seems a familiar tagged truck, and yellow bug pull onto Main Street.
"Well if it isn't the charmings! Home just in time for evening tea time." Ash chuckles again tipping back her bottle once more. She watches as they hurry into granny's and through the window Ash can immediately see them being swarmed by people. All of them looked pretty heated. I guess boy wonder isn't all he's cracked up to be after all. Ash was so busy watching the charmings get swarmed- she didn't notice Henry walking towards the figure on the clock tower roof. He knew who it was. He felt who it was before he even saw her slight shadow.
"Ash!' He calls up to her. Eyes red and bloodshot, It was obvious that he had been crying. Somewhere deep inside of her that also make her stomach twist.
"Oh look who it is, pretty boy. Brave enough to visit big bad Ash all on your own." Ash groans than giggles in delight, her eyes glinting with a certain something he could only place as evilness and a little of something else. Ash leans forward slightly, bracing herself with her forearms on her thighs. Though being thirteen she didn't have many curves, she had enough, and they were allllll on display in this new attire of hers. She had flashed on a new outfit after changing back to herself, leather booty shorts, a black deep V neck shirt, and black stiletto heels. Ash is quite the sight to be seen, and Henry can not deny the fact she is undoubtedly hot. But so was Nora! So was his dorky, adorable, beautiful, clumsy, rambunctious, smart, hot Nora. He had to remind himself this is still a part of Nora, this is still Nora, no matter what she says.
"You could say that." Henry calls back looking up at her as she grins down at him. Ash hums in mock glee. "Are you going to stay up there forever?" He asks her as she laughs.
"I don't know about you but I'm enjoying the whole Romeo and Juliet balcony scene vibe we have going on." Ash calls back, pressing her red painted lips together in a smirk. "Want to know why I like it so much?" Ash asks Henry with a cold expression.
"Everyone dies." She hisses appearing in front of him with a pop of black magic. Henry doesn't flinch as Ash had expected him to. Disappointed, Ash pouts her full lips, now chest to chest with the boy. Bodies pressed flush together Ash giggles raising her red painted finger nails to his cheeks, caressing it slightly before trailing a pointed nail down his neck, across his collarbone, then down over his T shirt cover chest. She stops right above his bellybutton to giggle. Unable to help it his cheeks had tinged red, his heart had speed up, and his breathing came in less of a rhythmic pattern.
"Relax, Pretty boy, no need to get so excited over a fingernail." Ash says pulling her nail down his abdomen before hooking her finger in his belt loop and pulling him closer with a sharp tug.
"Imagine what a whole hand could do." She says as a seductive coo into his ear. His eyes widen as she dances away, giggling at making him flustered and off his game. That was her whole goal with that. Teenage boys are all the same after all.
"Now what is it that you came here for, Henry?" She asks him, drawing out his name as she leans against the wall. After swallowing the lump in his throat he takes a few steps towards her.
"I know it's still you Nora.... This- this- facade this curse it's just another part of you to love." Ash cocks her head in interest, eyebrows raised as he continues to talk.
"And loving someone means to love every part of them, even the parts that aren't perfect and pristine." By this point Henry was standing right infront of her, Ash's smirk had fallen from her face and her forehead was wrinkled in confusion.
"And I love you, Nora- Mabel- Ash... I don't care what you go by or how you act. I love you and everything about you." He declares confidence suddenly filling him to the brim. "So this whole bad girl thing- not going to put me off. I will stand by you through everything and anything. I lo-" Ash cuts him off by pressing her lips to his- not softly not gently- but rough and hard just like well... Ash. Henry doesn't give into the kiss too stunned to do anything for a moment, giving time for Ash to take control. Flipping them over, she presses Henry to wall plastering herself to him as she tugs harshly at his dark locks of hair, tongue slipping into the kiss. Henry had just registered what had happened as she was pulling away, smirk completely back. His hope that his words had broken through the curse faded as she backs away chuckling.
"Just making sure. For a second I thought I actually had a heart." She teases, through her chest is heaving, her legs wobbly, and lips swollen. She was as affected as he was by the steamy kiss, but was it as emotionally as it was physically? It was just too early to tell. Disappearing into a puff of black magic Ash appears in the middle of the forest by two grave markers. A new hole had been dug as fresh dirt had been turned over recently between the two headstones. Falling to her knees in front of the hole, Ash digs and digs until her long nails scrape against a wooden chest. Unconcerned with her dirt ridden and chipped nails Ash hurriedly opens it to see a beating pitch black heart beating a mile a minute in it's box just as she left it. Though one thing had changed, a small while glow had begun to appear in the center, causing a pain in her empty chest. Henry had no idea, but his words had gotten though- even with her heart no longer in her chest. Even she had no clue what this meant but as of now Ash could only be certain of one thing, she needs to watch herself just as much as she needs to watch him.

** Note ** this is very rough and not in our usual format. We will have to go back and edit and stuff but we would rather have you guys have the story sooner rather than later :)


HEYY!!! SO this the new update and sorry that it isn't very long or formatted but we wanted to get something out to you ASAP! Again, sorry for making you wait so long but here it is :) On another note... SEASON 5 THIS WEEKEND AHHH ❤️ We can't wait! Anyhow, as always vote, COMMENT, and share. We love all the feedback it makes us so happy! We hope you like Ash, so tell us what you think! Read on our flying fans!!! It's been a while since saying that, man it feels good to be back :)

-Claire and Alona ❤️

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