To Have a Home

By KorrieHoffman

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This was my first try at writing freshman year of High School. There is a lot of dialogue. I have come to le... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

11 0 0
By KorrieHoffman

An hour and half later all the cookies were decorated and ready to eat. They made Santa cookies, snowman cookies, and all kinds of Christmassy things! Toby made a cookie in the shape of a heart and frosted X.M. + T.P. in the middle. Xoe nearly cried when Toby gave it to her. After a day of eating cookies, snuggling under a blanket, and watching holiday movies, they decided it was time to go to bed. Toby kissed Xoe on the cheek.

"Good night baby. " They feel asleep instantly.

Toby woke up Christmas Eve morning alone. He couldn't find Xoe anywhere. Ten minutes later Xoe walked through the door.

"Where were you?"

"I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping. I bought little things for my friends in theatre, I got something for your parents and James, and some small things for you."

"Can I open mine now? " Toby jumped out of his seat and ran towards Xoe.

"You have to wait till Christmas like everyone else. " Xoe patted him on his back. Toby whined all the way back to the bed. "Toby that sad puppy face isn't going to work on me!" They giggled, as Xoe sat on Toby's lap.

"I love you. " Toby mumbled into Xoe's ear. He softly kissed Xoe's neck. Xoe closed her eyes and sighed.

"I love you too."

"Toby? Can I come in?" Steve knocked on the door. Toby sighed heavily with irritation.

"Sure dad. " Toby's dad ruining another intimate moment between him and Xoe. Steve walked into his bedroom holding an envelope. "What's that dad?"

"Your mother and I were talking and we decided we wanted to give you and Xoe your Christmas gift now." Steve handed them the envelope. Inside was an all-expenses paid week long mountain getaway for two, with a private cabin, and hot spring pool.

"We figured you and Xoe could use some alone time, so we saved up for this mini mountain vacation, Merry Christmas you two."

"Oh my god. Steve thank you! "Xoe jumped up and attacked Steve.

"Yeah really dad! You didn't have to do this!"

"Well we wanted to. "He smiled.

"Thank you dad, " Toby hugged his father.

"Your welcome Toby. "Toby walked back and stood next to Xoe.

"Come here Xoe. "Steve said opening his arms so Xoe could hug him. Xoe stood there for a second and herself into Steve's arms. She cried into Steve's shoulder and thanked him over and over again.

"Merry Christmas Xoe. Welcome to the family. "Xoe sobbed. Steve was the Xoe had longed for all her life. One that would love and care for her. One that was a shoulder to cry on, one that would listen to her, and one who accepted her. That was all Xoe could ask for she got much more.

"Xoe can you help me with these bags?"

"Yeah, one second. "Toby and Xoe had arrived at their private mountain oasis. Xoe was checking the place out. She ran over to Toby who was struggling to lift both of the huge suitcases out of the car. "Toby stop. You're going to hurt yourself carrying that much. "Xoe grabbed her bag and they carried them inside. When they got inside they both dropped their bags in awe of what they saw. There was ceiling fan, fully stocked kitchen, beautiful furniture, king size bed, huge fireplace with a fluffy rug, and a massive bathroom that has tub you can swim in and large shower with a marble bench, and to top it off in between the tub and the shower was an electric fireplace.

"Oh my god! This place is... just wow!" Xoe said breaking the stunned silence. " How much do you think they paid for this place?"

"I have no idea but probably a lot. " They jumped when all of a sudden there was a high pitched beep and a bubbling noise. "What was that?" Toby asked.

"I don't know. "Xoe walked around the corner and to the room beeping was coming from and looked inside. "Toby! Come here! "Toby ran to Xoe.

"What is it?! What's wrong?! Xoe! Are you okay?! When he saw Xoe standing by the door he sighed in relief but kept running to her. He threw himself into Xoe's arms nearly knocking her over. He took Xoe's face into his hands and looked her over.

"Toby calm down, I'm okay. "Xoe chuckled.

"What's wrong then?"


"Then why did you call me over here like that?"

"Open this door, you aren't going to believe it." Toby opened the door let led outside to their very own private hot spring pool.

"Oh my god! Our own Hot Spring pool, are you kidding me?!"

"Yup". Toby took Xoe and held her.

"This is amazing.

"So what would you want to do first?" Xoe asked.

"Well what time is it?" Xoe checked her watch.

"It's 6:13."

"Okay. Are you still hungry after that stop at Good Times?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I don't know about you but I want to get into the hot spring."

"That sounds great." They both grabbed their suitcases and ran into the bedroom. Xoe went into the bathroom to change. Five minutes later Xoe walked out of the bathroom with her bikini on. Toby was in his swim trunks sitting on the bed. They both looked at each other. They have never seen on another in this way. Toby looked up and down her tan, slim body.

"You look great. Your body is... wow."

"Thank you. You look good too." Xoe walked towards Toby. Toby sighed deeply. Xoe grabbed Toby by the hand.

"Ready to go to the spring?"

"Yeah?" They walked to the hot spring.

"You go first." Toby said, letting go of Xoe's hand.

"Fine." Xoe sighed and stepped into the hot spring. She stood in the deep water and waited for Toby. "You coming?"


"Come on." Xoe gave Toby a seductive look. Xoe grabbed Toby's hand and led him into the hot spring. "See? Now isn't that better?" Toby pulled Xoe as close to him as possible and settled into one of the seats.


"Yeah Toby."

"Can I say something?"

"Of course." Xoe closed her eyes and relaxed her body. Toby swallowed.

"I want you Xoe," Xoe quickly looked at Toby. "I want you so... so badly. Don't you want me too?"

"Of course I do! But I thought we agreed we would let fate decide when it happens. Didn't we?"

"Yeah we did but, it's just so hard Xoe. Just seeing your face teases me. I want you so bad! What if fate is trying to tell us now is the time?"

"If fate is really trying to tell us now is the time then you have nothing to worry about. Okay?"


"Do you really think that fate is telling us that now is the time?"

"Yes, I really do." They both grew silent.

"Come here." Xoe gestured to herself. Toby swam over and sat next to Xoe and put his arm around her. Xoe grunted and put herself on to his lap and stared into his eyes. "Just kiss me already!" Toby giggled and grabbed Xoe in a tight embrace and kissed her.

"I love you so much." Xoe buried her face into Toby's neck.

"I love you too." She mumbled. Xoe's face was still buried in Toby's neck so he couldn't see her face but it sounded like she was crying. Toby lifted up Xoe's head and sure enough there were tears falling from her eyes.

"Aww don't cry. I hate it when you cry." Toby kissed Xoe's cheek and the tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." Toby wiped the tears off of Xoe's face with his thumb.

"But I am sorry."

"What do you have to be sorry about?"

"Everything... I'm not that good talking about my feelings. I just keep all my emotions bottled up. You may not realize how sorry I am at times. I don't deserve you. You are the most amazing person on this earth and I just feel awful about what I put you through. I'm sorry for not telling you about my dad, not putting out, not being the ideal girlfriend. I'm just sorry."

"Xoe. Calm down. Shhh. Calm down." Toby hugged his girlfriend tight, running his fingers through her beautiful, blonde hair. "Xoe you are perfect in every way. I don't care if you put out tonight or in thirty years from now. I will love you no matter what."

"You will?"

"Of course I will Xoe!"

"I love you so much." Xoe used the back of her hand to gently push Toby's face closer to hers. Toby leaned in until their lips touched. Xoe held the back of Toby's head and forced the kiss harder. They moaned and their bodies melted into each other's. Toby's free hand crept down Xoe's side. Xoe gasped as his hand touched her butt. They moaned. Their bodies were so close that you couldn't even slip a single sheet of paper in between them.

When they finally broke the kiss and opened their eyes they were on the other side of the spring. They both smiled. Toby started leaving kisses all over Xoe's body and it was driving her crazy.

"Do you want to go to the bedroom?" Toby asked.

"Yeah," Xoe said under her breath. Xoe jumped on to Toby and started intensely making out the whole way to the bedroom. Toby pushed the door open with his back. He dropped Xoe on the bed, crawled on top of her, pinned her down, and started making out with her again.

"Are you ready?" Toby asked in between kisses.

"Yes. Are you?" They stopped kissing.

"Of course I am. I have been for a while." They both smiled and kissed each other. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies. Toby started to leave kisses up and won Xoe's body. He began to just kiss down her body until he reached the outline of her bikini. Xoe moaned.

"Don't go further," Xoe gasped.

"Why not?"

"I'm just not ready for that ."

"Okay then," Toby kissed his way back up to Xoe's lips. His hands wondered up and down her back trying to find the back of Xoe's swim suit. Toby untied the bow that was holding Xoe's swimsuit together; it gently fell off her body. It was beautiful. "You are so beautiful," Toby whispered. Xoe smiled and pulled him in and kissed him. Xoe's hand gently slid down Toby's abs and down his pants, He moaned. Toby took off his pants and threw them across the room, now he was completely naked. Xoe looked up and down his body. They began to kiss again. Toby slid his hand Xoe's body softly and took of her bikini bottoms.

"Are you sure you are ready?" Toby asked. Xoe bit her lip and nodded.

"Okay," Toby aggressively kissed Xoe.

"Do you have a condom?" Xoe asked under a deep breath.

"Yeah," Xoe smiled. Toby pulled the condom out of his suitcase. "Do you want to put it on?"

"No thank you. You can do it this time."

"Okay." Toby slid the condom down the shaft. Xoe pulled him in and kissed him, and he kissed her back and moved down to her neck. Toby grabbed his penis and began to push it inside of Xoe. Once she felt his penis touch her, she screamed.

"Stop, stop, stop!" She screamed quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry, I thought I was ready but I'm not." Toby sighed.

"It's fine."

"You don't seem fine."

"Well of course I'm not fine. I'm okay that you're not ready, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but you can't keep leading me on like this."

"I'm not leading you on."

"Yes you are. This right now was leading me on. You told me you were ready."

"I said I was sorry. I can't just have sex with you because you're telling me this now. It would be right." Toby stormed off the bed.

"Why wouldn't it be right? You do love me don't you?"

"Of course-"

"Then how is it not right? We love each other. It's expected, it's what you're supposed to do!"

"Stop rushing me okay!"
"Stop yelling!"

"Why!? I told you to stop pushing this! What if I make the wrong decision?"

"One decision is not going to ruin your life Xoe. You have to stop living in this little fantasy world you've created where everything is perfect! You need into reality! If you haven't noticed the world isn't waiting for you. And im sick of waiting too. Grow up!" Toby gasped when he realized what he had just said. Xoe looked hurt. Really hurt. She turned and walked in her room, slamming the door behind her. Toby heard a few little bangs and Xoe Emerged from her room. Suitcase in toll.

"Wait Xoe! Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere but here!"

"Why? We just got into a fight."

"Because I don't have anywhere else to go."

"What do you mean? Are you leaving the cabin?"

"I'm leaving you." Toby saw Xoe climb into the rental car and drive off.

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